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2009-2010 school year...What are you using?

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I finally have an idea of the materials we are going to be using for next year, with the exception of supplemental/literature books for history and science. I will have a first grader and a third grader. If you'd like to see what we are going to be doing, you can check it out on my blog...link in signature.


I would love to see what you are using. Care to list it here or connect me to a blog post you may have written about it? Thanks! :001_smile:

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There are a couple of things up in the air, but this is what I know for sure:


English: Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings with additional reading (Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream, Norse myths), excerpts from The Book of Great Books, Painless Grammar

Spanish: The Learnables Level 2

Greek/Latin: Hey Andrew Level 3, LatinĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Not So Tough Level 3

History: Houghton MifflinĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Across the Centuries as a spine, plus readings from the Parragon Atlas of World History, HistoryĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Greatest Hits and a few issues of Learning Through History. HeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll also read most or all of Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel and The Age of Shakespeare (Laroque) and some historical fiction. WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll top off with some Netflix documentaries and a few field trips.

Art History: Annotated Mona Lisa (appropriate chapters) plus selections from GowingĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s History of Art. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve got a few museum field trips planned, and need to look for artist bios and such on Netflix.


All of that is already in the house, ready to go.


The two subjects that are not for sure are math and science. I had planned on using Florida Virtual School for both, but we're a little concerned about counting on them. Given the public school budget crisis in this state and general educational cutbacks, I want to be sure we have a back-up plan.


So, it'll be either:


Math: FLVS Geometry

Science: FLVS Earth-Space Science with three Thames & Kosmos kits to supplement




Math: Math-U-See Geometry supplemented with Life of Fred

Science: University of California College Prep open access Biology with Thames & Kosmos DNA kit and whatever other labs I can imagine

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I think we're pretty well set, maybe a few minor tweaks (like whether to use Singapore's IP/CWP to supplement math):


Math: Right Start - finish level B, move on to level C

LA: All About Spelling 1&2, WWE 1, ABeCeDarian Reading B-2, maybe FLL

Science: Sonlight 1

History: Homemade Native Americans unit, Story of The World Ancient Times starting in January

Art: Atelier 1

Music: The Violin Book 1 & 2

Foreign Language: Song School Latin or La Clase Divertida 2



BTW, this is first grade and we school year round.

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I have 6th & 5th grade, and we're using:


History - TOG Year 2

Math - CLE & LOF

English - Galore Park & CLE

Vocab - Vocab from Classical Roots

Literature - Lightning Lit & Progeny Press

Logic - Critical Thinking Book 1 (6th grader)

Latin - Latin Prep 2 (6th grader), Lively Latin (5th grader)

Greek - Elementary Greek 1 (6th grader)

Science - Astronomy, using a variety of resources

Writing - IEW Middle Ages-based writing lessons

Bible - Kay Arthur book

Music - violin & symphony (6th grader), trombone lessons (5th grader)

Sports - rugby, sailing, tennis


We started our school year 4 weeks ago, so these are all things bought and already in play, except Lightning Lit, which is in the mail as I type. I tried Novel-Ties lit guides, but we don't care for them, which is why I'm switching. The kids and I are happy with our curriculum - they really love almost everything we're using. I do, too!

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I dig your blog, King Alfred! You all are one good-looking family :001_smile:


What we'll be using for next year (excluding the long list of living books for supplemental Natural Science, readers and History supplemental readings). It will be ds' First Year (he'll be six the whole year).


Penmanship: Getty Dubay's Italic Handwriting Book B

Mathematics: MCP Math Level A, Miquon Math Orange Book and Calculadder 1

Phonics: Spectrum Phonics Gr. 2

History: Story of the World: The Ancients (SOTW 1) hardcover book, AG and audio CD, Usborne Encyclopedia of World History

Natural Science: Study of Birds, Trees, Weather and Climate and The Human Body. Handbook of Nature Study, North American Wildlife, Nature Crafts for Kids, The Burgess Bird Book for Children, Kingfisher's Young Discoverers Series: Flowers Trees and Fruits, Weather and Climate and The Human Body; Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding K-2 (BFSU; 12 weeks)

Spelling: Charlotte Mason method -- from Copywork and Dictation (starting with one word)

Theology and Virtues: The Children's Bible in 365 Stories and The Children's Book of Virtues

Geography: Tanglewood's Geography Lessons

Poetry: Poetry for Young People Series' Emily Dickinson and Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses

Picture Study: El Greco and Botticelli (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists by Mark Venezia)

Composer Study: Bach and Mozart (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers by Mike Venezia)

Spanish: KidSpeak 6 in 1 Computer Language Program and readings from Un Tesoro de Cinco Anos and other books in Spanish as needed

Health and Safety: Tanglewood's Health & Safety curriculum

Art: Dh's own -- whatever resources he wants to pull together. He doesn't plan this far ahead :D (he's an artist)

Copywork: What we're using and Living Memory

Literature: Just So Stories, Little House in the Big Woods, Follow My Leader, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, Pinocchio, Five Children and It


That's it :)

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This is for two 5th graders and a 7th grader.


Math- Saxon 7/6 & Algebra 1, LOF fractions & beginning algebra




Writing-IEW SWI


Spelling/Vocab-ABeka spelling 5, Vocabulary From Classical Roots A


Science- God's Design for Life, Apologia General Science


Logic-Mind Benders, Introductory Logic


History/Lit./Art-TOG Y2


Foreign Language-Rosetta Stone Spanish 1


Music-Music Ace Deluxe, band through local PS


Physical Education-basketball, soccer, baseball, Wii Fit & running


I am still trying to decide what to do for Bible study this year. All three do Bible Quizzing six months out of the year, so they do a lot of memorization. I would like to add in something more that is for studying the Bible.

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My oldest is graduating next month -- it's the first time in 14 years that she hasn't been on my curriculum list! :crying:


For my other three, here's what we're planning:


2nd Grader (w/ special needs)


First Language Lessons 1-2

Sing Spell Read and Write

Handwriting Without Tears My Printing Book

Sonlight Core 2 (History & Read Alouds)

Singapore Start Up Science

Singapore Math 1

Homeschool Art Co-op

Swimming & Little League Baseball


5th Grader


Sonlight Core 5 Readers

Handwriting Without Tears Can Do Cursive

Fix It Grammar

Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B

IEW Student Writing Intensive Level B

English from the Roots Up Volume 1

Biology w/ Heath's Life Science

Teaching Textbooks Math 6

Van Loon's The Story of Mankind

DK History: The Definitive Visual Guide

Red Herrings Mysteries

Homeschool Art Co-op

Tae Kwon Do


10th Grader (w/ special needs)


Sonlight Core Alt 7 Readers

DK History: The Definitive Visual Guide

Van Loon's The Story of Mankind

Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B

IEW Student Writing Intensive Level B

English from the Roots Up Volume 1

Biology w/ Milliken Kingdom of Life Guides

Jacob's Elementary Algebra w/ Ask Dr. Callahan vids

Red Herrings Mysteries

Homeschool Art Co-op

Little League Baseball & Special Olympics Basketball

Edited by hsmamainva
forgot PE!
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I have a 2nd, 7th, & 8th grader next year. Here's what they are using (depending on the boy):


Art: R&S Artpac-all

Grammar: R&S-all

Greek: NT Greek for Beginners by Machen-7th & 8th

History: Streams of Civilization-7th & 8th; SOTW-2nd

Latin: Wheelock's-8th (looking at Great Latin Adventures for the 7th grader)

Logic: Art of Argument-7th (looking at the Argument Builder for the 8th grader)

Math: R&S-2nd & 7th; Mod Alg Bk 1 by Dolciani-8th

Literature: Omnibus-7th & 8th

Reading: R&S-2nd

Science: RS4K Chem Level II-8th; Zoology III-7th; LLB Chem-2nd

Spelling: R&S-all

Writing: Classical Writing Diogenes-8th (looking at Stack the Deck for the 7th grader)


I have a few loose ends to finalize, but their schedules have been made, and most of the lessons have been created.


I was going to look at some of the new programs I'm considering at the Arlington Book Fair, but I don't think I'll be going due to the swine flu outbreak. There are just too many unknowns for me to feel comfortable in such a crowded environment with people from all over Texas and the surrounding states. I don't want to take the risk right now.

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We will be doing 2nd grade and Kindy.


Math: Singapore 2A

Grammar: FLL level 2

Spelling: Spelling Workout B (finish up) & C

Handwriting: A Reason For...B

Reading: Orally she is working through SL 2 readers so we will just keep moving on with them. To herself, anything related to her History lessons and whatever interests her.

History: finish up SOTW 1, SOTW 2

Science: Apologia's Astronomy

Art: Drawing With Children, Harmony Fine Arts At Home

Music: Harmony Fine Arts At Home, violin lessons


For K, we will be using SL PK4/5 plus she sits in on History, Science, Music and Art.

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4th Grade:

HOD - Bigger Hearts for His Glory (American History/Geography/ Spelling/ some LA)

Science - Apologia Flying Creatures of the 5th day

Math - A Beka 3rd grade and then we'll transition to 4th half way through the year

Reading - Drawn Into the Heart of Reading

English - Rod and Staff

Art - Artistic Pursuits Book 1 for the middle grades


1st Grade:

HOD - Beyond Little Hands for His Glory (American History/Language Arts/Geography/ Spelling)

Science - Apologia Flying Creatures of the 5th day

Math - A Beka 1st grade

Art - Artistic Pursuits Book 1

HWT? (still can't decide if this is necessary)

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This is what we have so far, at this moment. It is subject to tweaking though....


7th grade:

LoF Beginning Algebra

HFA Art/Music Appreciation

Some logic, not sure what yet....Right now she's finishing up the Dandy Lion Series of books

Rainbow Science

Queen's Language Lessons for the Elementary Child 2

Made a change for History, since we had these from the boys before: Teaching Company Early American History (because she wants to), and other readings on the Late Ren./Early Modern era


Piano Lessons

Vocabulary From Classical Roots A

Religion--still deciding, Bible memorization

Write Shop

Geography--Map Your World/Trail Guide to World Geography


10th Grade:

Religion--"Preparing for Spiritual Leadership, Bible memorization

LoF Geometry

BJU English

Notgrass "Exploring World History"

Still deciding Science

BJU Spanish 1

Write Shop

Lit--still deciding--or is the Notgrass enough lit for an "un-lit" young man?

HFA Music Appreciation for 10th Grade

Geography--Map Your World, possibly

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4yo in pre-K



- Click N Kids


6/7yo in 1st grade



- Writing With Ease 1


Classical Language

- Rosetta Stone Latin



- RightStart B


9yo in 4th grade



- Writing With Ease 3


Classical Language

- Lively Latin Vol. II

- Elementary Greek Year 1



- Life of Fred Fractions


12yo in 7th grade



- Classical Composition Fable & Narrative


Classical Language

- Latin Prep 1


- Life of Fred Beginning Algebra



This doesn't include the content areas, obviously. In May & June we'll be testing out some products we haven't used before. I'm not sure that we'll stick with them come July when our new school year officially starts.

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I will teaching a 4th, 2nd and K'er next fall. We will continue with LA and Maths through the summer then begin our other studies in the fall.


I am trying to organize/think through/plan our year using Ambleside Online booklist in a LCC inspired framework. I already have the Ambleside books and I *love* the straightforwardness of LCC.


4th grader:



Writing Tales

Latin for Children A

Copywork/Recitation using Living Memory

Spelling Wisdom

Ambleside Yr. 3


2nd grader:



Latin for Children A


Ambleside Yr. 1




MUS Primer

MFW Kindergarten reading plan (or Phonics Pathways...)


Ambleside Yr. 0

Song School Latin

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One first-grader, though I'll probably be doing some afterschooling with my PK girl


Math: Probably MUS Alpha, though we'll see how quickly he flies through it and if he gets bored... if that happens, I'm thinking Singapore or Miquon for something completely different

Grammar: FLL level 1 and just basic repetition with usage

Spelling: Spelling Workout A... unless he gets bored... in which case I'm going to see if I can get my hands on Words Their Way

Handwriting: HWT - remediating and redoing the kindergarten book. Handwriting is his downfall.

Reading: Anything he wants to read to me, though I'll probably make sure he gets a good grounding in some classics appropriate for age

History: SOTW 1

Science: REAL science odyssey life science

Art, Music, his choice of foreign language, and PE will happen when they happen... *IF* they happen lol

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CLE math 7



IEW Fix-It

LFBC physical science w/ other resources

SOTW 3 w/ Hakim 2-5; BF Am & World Hx

SOS Secondary Spanish 1


1-3 times/wk:

CLE reading 6

Vocabulary for the High School Student

Idiot's Guide to Geography (over 2 yrs)

A Child's History of Art Architecture

Bulfinch's Mythology

God and the History of Art


Rotating Literature (not in order):

Poor Richard, Daughtery

Of Courage Undaunted

Johnny Tremain

Carry On Mr. Bowditch


A Christmas Carol

Around the World in 80 Days


The Children of the New Forest





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6th grade boy:


Saxon 7/6

R&S English 6

R&S Spelling 6

LfC primer A

Kym Wright's Botany Adventure, followed by Signs and Seasons


10th grade girl:

Wheelock's Latin for Latin 2

Saxon Algebra 2


SL Core 530 British Lit

Apologia Chemistry

R&S English 10 and maybe Classical Writing Aesop & Homer for Older Students


they both also play soccer and swim and do Scouts

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Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading

Saxon Advanced Math

Apologia Advanced Biology/ Biology at the CC in the spring

Notgrass Government/ Spring-economics

Windows to the World/TtC/assorted books

IEW SWI CC/ writing at the CC in the spring

Henle III

SOS Spanish II

Civil Air Patrol & Volunteer at the hospital



Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading

Chalkdust Alg I

Apologia Physical Science

TOG year II D but adding in some R level books along with TtC

IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Lessons



SOS Spanish I

Traditional Logic I

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History

Atelier Art

Civil Air Patrol & Theater



Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading

Chalkdust Alg I

Apologia Physical Science

TOG year II

IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Lessons


AAS Level 4-5


Traditional Logic I

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History

Atelier Art

Civil Air Patrol



Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading

Chalkdust Basic Math

Apologia General Science

TOG year II

IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Lessons

VFTCR Grade 6

AAS Level 4-5


The Fallacy Detective

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History

Atelier Art



Bible Study Guide for All Ages

MUS Beta

Apologia Elementary Science/ The Human Body Book

TOG year II

Barton's Reading & Spelling


Winston Basic

Brainware Safari

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History( just sitting in with the older kids)

Atelier Art



Bible Study Guide for All Ages

CLE Math 1

Apologia Elementary Science/ The Human Body Book

TOG year II

Reading Made Easy


AAS Level I

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History( just sitting in with the older kids)



R&S preschool books


Kumon Books

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My daughter: All American History

History Odyssey Level 2 Ancients

Famous Men series


Latina Christiana 1

The Book of Roots

Ludere Latine 1

Lingua Latina

Live Mocha for German and various other supplemental books for German

Saxon 6/5


Lapbooks of various subjects

RS4K Chemistry, Elements

PH Earth Science studies

D'Aulaires Greek Myths

Wordly Wise

4-H dogs, cats and veterinary science plus she goes to work with me every other Sat. to observe.

various reading of all subjects and whatever else we feel like getting into


My son: Sits in all almost everything with us but my daughter is teaching him Latin from Prima Latina

German by songs and speaking with us

HOP for reading and whatever else he gets his hands on

Flashcards for math

The music box which has recorders,drums ,whistles of various types

SOTW 1 audio and activity guide

4-H on gerbils


they also play, explore our property mainly for different stones but find all sorts of things and karate plus a weekly gym class and sign language in the spring.

I think that covers most of it.

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Grade 9

Bible - undecided

Math - A.C.E. Algebra 1

Science - Rod and Staff 9

English/Writing - A.C.E. English

Literature - A.C.E. Basic Lit

Spelling/Vocab - A.C.E. Etymology

History/Geography - Rod and Staff 9

Music - A.C.E. Music & Private Piano lessons

Foreign Language - A.C.E. French


Grade 8

Bible - undecided

Math - A.C.E. PreAlgebra

Science - Rod and Staff 8

English/Writing - Rod and Staff 6

Literature - A.C.E. selections

Spelling - Rod and Staff 8

History/Geography - Rod and Staff 8

Music - Private Sax Lessons


Grade 5

Bible - Rod and Staff 3

Math - Rod and Staff 4

Science - Rod and Staff 4

English/Writing - Rod and Staff 4

Literature - Rod and Staff Chapter Books

Spelling - Rod and Staff 4

History/Geography - Rod and Staff 4

Music - Private Piano lessons


Grade 3

Bible - Rod and Staff 1, Units 2-5

Math - Rod and Staff 3

Science - Rod and Staff 2

English - Rod and Staff 2

Literature - Rod and Staff Chapter Books

Spelling - Rod and Staff 2

Social Studies - Rod and Staff 2


Grade K

Rod and Staff Preschool

Rod and Staff Math and Phonics, Unit 1

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I really enjoyed reading your blog entry. We're going to be doing American history with my (then) 7yo and 5yo (2nd & K) using many of the same resources you plan on using. My list is as follows:


Child's Story of America

American Pioneers and Patriots

The Pledge of Allegiance

The American Flag

Discovery of the Americas

North American Indians

The Hopi

The Navajo

The Apache

If You Lived with the Sioux

True Story of Pocahontas

America in the Time of Pocahontas

If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620

The Pilgrim Primer

The Pilgirms of Plimoth

The Story of the Pilgrims

Pilgrims of Plymouth

The First Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving Story

Eating the Plates

If You Lived in Colonial Times

Skippack School *

If You Grew Up With George Washington

Colonial America

George Washington

George Washington's Mother

America in the Time of George Washington

What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin

Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May?

Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams?

Paul Revere's Ride

The 4th of July Story

If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution

Will You Sign Here, John Hancock?

If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution

A More Perfect Union

The US Constitution and YOu

Diary of and Early American Boy

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie


Old Yeller *

If You Travelled in a Covered Wagon

The Pioneers

Caddie Woodlawn *

The Pioneers Go West

Lucretia Ann on the Oregon Trail *

Mr. Blue Jeans

Abraham Lincoln

Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln

If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War

Walking the Road to Freedom

Freedom Train

Frederick Douglas Fights for Freedom

Behind Rebel Lines

The Story of the Monitor and the Merrimac

The Terrible Wave *

The Story of Thomas Alva Edison

The Wright Brothers

We'll Race You, Henry Ford

Shoes for Everyone

Man's Slave Becomes God's Scientist

The Story of the Golden Spike

If You Lived 100 Years Ago

All of a Kind Family *

If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island

If You Lived at the Time of the San Francisco Earthquake

Little House on the Prairie *

In Grandma's Attic *

Indian Captive *

Toliver's Secret Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims

Little House in the Big Woods *

Farmer Boy *

Colonial Kids

A Pioneer Sampler

American Grub

Interactive 3D Maps: American History

Easy Make and Learn: Pilgrims, Colonial America, Northeast Indians


I'm sure we won't get to all the books. But I thought I'd share the list with you in case you want to grab any ideas. The first two are spines, the literature books have an *, and the rest are supplements.

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All three do Bible Quizzing six months out of the year, so they do a lot of memorization. I would like to add in something more that is for studying the Bible.


I did quizzing too! I never got passed the local tourneys, but always had a great time!


My oldest is graduating next month -- it's the first time in 14 years that she hasn't been on my curriculum list! :crying:



:grouphug:...and CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!!! :D


I dig your blog, King Alfred! You all are one good-looking family :001_smile:



Art: Dh's own -- whatever resources he wants to pull together. He doesn't plan this far ahead :D (he's an artist)






And...HA! Love the "he's an artist" so that is why he doesn't plan ahead! :lol:



Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading

Saxon Advanced Math

Apologia Advanced Biology/ Biology at the CC in the spring

Notgrass Government/ Spring-economics

Windows to the World/TtC/assorted books

IEW SWI CC/ writing at the CC in the spring

Henle III

SOS Spanish II

Civil Air Patrol & Volunteer at the hospital



Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading

Chalkdust Alg I

Apologia Physical Science

TOG year II D but adding in some R level books along with TtC

IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Lessons



SOS Spanish I

Traditional Logic I

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History

Atelier Art

Civil Air Patrol & Theater



Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading

Chalkdust Alg I

Apologia Physical Science

TOG year II

IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Lessons


AAS Level 4-5


Traditional Logic I

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History

Atelier Art

Civil Air Patrol



Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading

Chalkdust Basic Math

Apologia General Science

TOG year II

IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Lessons

VFTCR Grade 6

AAS Level 4-5


The Fallacy Detective

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History

Atelier Art



Bible Study Guide for All Ages

MUS Beta

Apologia Elementary Science/ The Human Body Book

TOG year II

Barton's Reading & Spelling


Winston Basic

Brainware Safari

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History( just sitting in with the older kids)

Atelier Art



Bible Study Guide for All Ages

CLE Math 1

Apologia Elementary Science/ The Human Body Book

TOG year II

Reading Made Easy


AAS Level I

Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History( just sitting in with the older kids)



R&S preschool books


Kumon Books


So...you're not real busy or anything. That's good. Maybe you can pick up a hobby or something! (:lol:)


I really enjoyed reading your blog entry.


I'm sure we won't get to all the books. But I thought I'd share the list with you in case you want to grab any ideas. The first two are spines, the literature books have an *, and the rest are supplements.


Thanks for sharing *your* resources! We may have to keep in touch as we are planning our year!

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I think I have it figured out, all except spelling anyway!


3rd grade:


WWE finish 2 and start 3

Latina Christiana I

Singapore Math--finish 3A then on to 3B, 4A when we get to it

Cursive Copywork I come up with on my own

Piano lessons


1st grade:

Finish OPGTR



Singapore Math 1A/B


Kindermusik class


4/5yo Preschool

Kumon workbooks

Explode the Code primers

Possibly FIAR, but if it's like this year, we'll never get to it on a regular basis

Kindermusik class



Scripture study and memorization

Elemental Science Chemistry

Finish Artistic Pursuits 2

Hopefully we'll get to Drawing with Children

Music/composer studies informally using Classics for Kids

Shakespeare stories

Outdoor Hour Challenges

SOTW 3 with added American history through Time Travelers, Rainbow book of American history, Genevieve Foster books: George Washington's World, Birthdays of Freedom, 1620 the year of the Pilgrims


plus tons of library books!


and memory work--I'm determined to do more memory work this year!

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This is the earliest I've ever had all my curriculum chosen. This is for 7th grade:


CW Homer and Poetry

Lightning Literature

Latin Roots

Art of Argument

MUS Zeta

First Start French

Getting Started with Latin

Greek Alphbetarian


Famous Men of Modern Times

Daily Geography Practice

Basic Science Mysteries Kit

Time Traveler Art

Artistic Pursuits

Music and Moments with the Masters

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I have two for the first time - at his insistence, not mine! :001_smile:



HWT PreK stuff, transitioning to their K book at some point (he's already writing pretty well, so this is just to get him used to lines and such!)


RightStart A, at his pace

Lots of read-alouds - we'll do classic picture books plus some about science topics, math (from the library), and some classic stories from American history


Fourth Grade

Literature - from a list I've pulled together, plus a book club discussion we're doing with friends

Latin - probably Lively Latin, but I have to get a laser printer before I'll commit

Grammar - JAG

Spelling - All About Spelling, finishing Level 4, then continuing forward

Writing - Writing Tales 2

Penmanship - ?? I really need to start her on cursive

Math - a combination of Life of Fred and Key to..., along with Hands-On Equations. She'll do LoF Decimals & Percents first, and then when we think she's ready, she'll move forward with LoF Beg. Algebra

History - SOTW 4, plus a list of supplemental narrative histories & biographies

Science - she'll study physics; I'm putting together a syllabus using various experiment kits and living books

The Arts - she goes to Master's Academy once a week, plus she's expressed interest in the homeschool band!

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What We'll Be Doing for Sure:


2nd grader - Heart of Dakota's Bigger Hearts for His Glory with Emerging Readers set, Rod & Staff English 2, Singapore 2A & 2B, Explode the Code, a cursive workbook (considering Queen's Homeschool Supply), WinterPromise's The World Around Me - one afternoon a week, Song School Greek when it's ready for purchase, homeschool p.e.


5th grader - Heart of Dakota's Bigger Hearts for His Glory with Extension Package (minus A Child's Story of America), The Story of the World - Vols. 3 & 4, Classical Astronomy's Signs and Seasons, Drawn Into the Heart of Reading, Rod & Staff 4, English from the Roots Up, LA schedule/dictation/creative writing from Heart of Dakota's Preparing Hearts for His Glory guide, MathUSee Delta, Singapore's Challenging Word Problems, either Greek for Children or Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek, homeschool p.e.

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Here's the plan right now:


3rd grade--


R&S Math 3

R&S Grammar 3


CW Aesop

Latina Christiana I

VP Greece and Rome

LCC/Ambleside history and literature selections

Simply Spelling

Living Memory selections

Christian Studies I from MP

Ambleside art/composer/nature ideas



OPGTR/Horizons Phonics

Rod and Staff Math 1

MP Copybook 1 at some point

Memory work

AO/VP/LCC literature


Suzuki violin for some or all, PE class, Art class...still deciding on our extras

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Beginning in August we will be using:





  • HOD's Bigger Hearts for His Glory






  • HOD's Bigger Hearts for His Glory - Learning Through History with extensions for Bible, character, and history




  • & Hearts for Him Through Time: Creation to Christ - Learning the Basics for Language Arts and Science



After 11 years of home schooling, I am sooooo thrilled to have everything planned out. It has all the elements of traditional and CM components I desire. The only exception will be that we'll continue to use Math U See in place of the suggested Singapore. I'm over tweaking, rearranging, modifying, substituting, etc etc.... :blink: [Me doing lesson planning.]


Carrie is truly gifted and I look forward to using something as it is designed.

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My oldest will be in K in the fall:


Main: FIAR with habit training focus

Math: MOTL with Activities for the AL Abacus

LA: AAS (she'll probably be starting level 2 by then), copywork, and maybe some grammar a la Montessori

Science: BFSU and Nature Study

Religion: Bible narrations and activities to go along with the litergical year (and maybe some Montessori activities)

Spanish: informal games, activities and reading books

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1st grade: MFW 1st and Singapore Math


5th: MFW Ex-1850, Singapore Math, 1st Form Latin, R&S English and Spelling, typing


7th: MFW Ex-1850, Thinkwell Algebra (I thing I will add a book to this but I am not sure which one yet), Latin Alive, R&S English, 2 Progeny Press Guides, Botany and Microscope Adventures added to the MFW science. (He had his heart set on Botany next year so we won't be doing General Science.), and typing_

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FLVS Math, Science, Social Studies

Spell to Write and Read, MegaWords

Seton Reading and Religion

FLL 4, WWE, and Writing Skills 1



8yo and 6yo

MUS Alpha

All About Spelling

Seton Reading





WTM Grammar Life Science

Faith & Life 1



Singapore Math 1

Spell to Write and Read

The rest the same as above

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I *think* I have everything planned out, though of course this is subject to change.



CLE Math 4



AAS 1&2

Piano (almost 100% sure)

Softball, Soccer, and Basketball

R&S Health



Singapore 2a/2b with CWP and maybe IP




T-ball, Soccer, and Wrestling

R&S Health





PE at co-op



I haven't decided if I want to do a formal reading comprehension program yet. If I do, it will be either CLE reading or Progeny Press study guides for both. I also haven't decided if I want to do extra Bible on top of the MFW Bible. AND, I really want to add some type of thinking skills, such as Building Thinking Skills or Mindbenders. So, the basics are done, but I'm still hammering out the details on the extras.

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Group Unit Studies

Geography (based on Trail Guide to World Geography)

Earth Science (Made by me)


DS10 (5th):

Singapore Math 5A and 5B

The Writer's Jungle

Universal Publishing Cursive

All About Spelling (starting at level 1, hopefully moving quickly)

Daily Language Reviews (4th)/Copywork

Winston Grammar

Math Minutes/Mad Mintues

Reading from a chapter Book list (what books? I don't know yet)


DS8 (3rd):

Singapore Math 3A and 3B

The Writers Jungle

Universal Publishing Cursive

All About Spelling (level 1)

Daily Language Review (2nd)/Copywork

Winston Grammar

Math Minutes/Mad Minutes

Reading from extensive readers on my bookshelf


DS6 (1st):

Handwriting without Tears

Singapore Math 1A and 1B

Math Minutes

All About Spelling (level 1)

Explode The Code Books 2-4

Happy Phonics Games


Reading from readers/bob books/phonics readers

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I am excited to have this already planned also:


5th DD: Chalk Dust: finish Basic Math/ start Pre Algebra

MFW: Explor to 1850's

Analytical Grammar

Astronomy (Apologia) fall \ Swimming Creatures (Apologia) spring

Spelling Power

Rosetta Stone Spanish

Literature from the time period studying in History

Write Shop 1

vocab/latin/greek - English from the Roots Up


7th DD:Chalk Dust: finish Pre Algebra/ start Algebra I

MFW: Explor to 1850's

Analytical Grammar

Apologia Physical Science

Spelling Power

Rosetta Stone Spanish

Literature from Time period studying in History

Write Shop 1

vocab/latin/greek - English from the Roots Up

computer keyboarding course


Then I will supplement some days with word roots and reading comprehension computer programs.:)

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Here are my choices. Once I listed it all out, it seems like too much, IMO. We don't, however, do all of this concurrently.


8th grade:

Discovering Mathematics; Life of Fred Beginning Algebra

Latin Prep 2

Learnables French 3; Barron's French the Easy Way

Interactive Science w/ Nat'l Geographic kit

Writing Strands 4; finish work in WWE main book

Hake Grammar 7

Megawords 4, 5, 6

Lightning Lit 7 (or 8?)

Art of Argument

Band (F. Horn)


7th grade:

Singapore Math 4B, 5A; LoF Fractions, maybe Decimals/Percents

Learnables French 2; Barron's French the Easy Way

Interactive Science w/ Nat'l Geographic kit

Writing Strands 4; WWE, working from main book only

Growing With Grammar 6

Megawords 4, 5, 6

Lightning Lit 7

Mindbenders, Logic Liftoff, Orbiting with Logic

Artistic Pursuits Jr. High OR Harmony fine arts

Band (clarinet)


4th grade:

Singapore Math 3B, 4A

Latin for Children Primer A

French (If he does this it will be either Ecoutez! Parlez! 2 or Learnables 1)

My World Science


Growing with Grammar 4

Explode the Code 7, 8

reading list I have yet to compile


1st/2nd grade: Singapore math 1B, 2A

Song School Latin

Ecoutez! Parlez! 2 (if she chooses to do French)

Trail Guide to World Geography

My World Science


FLL 1/2

Explode the code 3, 4

Phonics Pathways, Bob books, then Pathway readers



We will all do Trail Guide to World Geography, IEW's poetry memorization, tennis, and scouts.


Feel free to chime in and say if you think this is too much or just right!

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I have most of it all sitting next to my desk, ready to organize.

For my dd8 (3rd grade) - FLL3, WWE3, Spelling Power, Horizons Math 3 and MFW Adventures, with extra reading assigned using the Sonlight catalog from Core 3

For my dd5, almost 6 - FLL1, Horizons Math K/1 (she will finish K around December and start 1 in January-ish), Handwriting, Explode the Code (books 3-6?) and MFW Adventures with reading through OPG

For my ds4 - MFW K curriculum at his pace


Also all three will be taking music at our local coop with the girls both old enough also for art classes. HTH

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My sixth grader:

Hearts for Him Through Time - CTC

Language Arts: R&S 5, Write with the Best Vol1, (HOD Manual includes Dictation for Spelling, Vocabulary, Poetry and a schedule for using R&S and WWTB)

Math: MUS Zeta

Science: Land Animals of the 6th Day, Plant Life, Birds of the Air, & Adventures in Human Anatomy (scheduled in HOD)

History: Story of the Ancient World, Streams of History: Greece, Streams of History: Rome (scheduled in HOD)

Reading: DITHOR

Bible: Genesis: Discovering our Roots & Philippians CD (scheduled in HOD)

Music: Meet the Great Composers (with some supplemental books) & Piano for Life

Art: Discovering Great Artists, & Art Auction Mystery

Possibly Greek Alphabetarian & Greek Hupogrammon


For my fourth Grader:

Bigger Hearts for His Glory TM

Language Arts: R&S 2, (HOD Manual includes Dictation for Spelling, Vocabulary, Poetry (in Beyond), writing, and a schedule for using R&S)

Math: Either MUS Delta/finish Gamma or Singapore Math 3A/3B or combination of both

Science:Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Exploring Planet earth

History: Read Aloud Child's Story of America, she will read supplemental books scheduled in the extension package of Bigger

Reading: DITHOR

Bible: Scheduled in Beyond

Music: Meet the Great Composers (with some supplemental books) & Piano for Life

Art: scheduled in Bigger Manual


First/Second Grade Boys:

Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory TM

Language Arts: Included in Beyond

Math: Singapore Math

Science: CLP God's Wondrous Works (scheduled in Beyond)

History: Pioneers & Patriots, First Flight, Story of the Pilgrims (all scheduled in Beyond)

Reading: Emergent Readers for 2nd grader, HOP for 1st Grader

Bible: Scheduled in Beyond

Music: Hide Em in your Heart Vol 2 Scheduled in Beyond; Wee Sing America

Art: Scheduled in Beyond



2 YO

Coloring Books


Blocks & Duplo

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DD the Elder:


: GDI copywork, introducing joins, ending up in cursive


: History Odyssey (finishing up Medieval, then move on)


Two applied units:




Then two Chemistry Units:


: Lively Latin 2 and Cambridge Latin


: Finish Learnables 3, start 4; SYRWTLS; move to simple middle readers


: in the air


: in the air


Language Arts


Michael Clay Thompson




: Atelier, Mark Kistler


: up in the air, we've only done informal work so far

DD the Younger:


: Finish EB math, maybe do Right Start A


: lots and lots of read-alouds, continue informal CM inspired approach


: tag-a-long with big sis


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Most of my decisions are made:


9th grade:

Omnibus III

CW Herodotus

Wheelock Latin via Lukeion online class

Life of Fred Geometry

Spectrum Chemistry

Art with God and the History of Art (1/2 credit)


5th grade:

Finish TT Pre-algebra/LOF Beginning Algebra

First Form Latin

CW Homer

VP History Explorers - 1815

VP Literature

Colors Science

Living Memory


1st grade:

Shiller Math

Phonics Museum 1st grade



First Favorites

Sing Song Latin

Living Memory

Ancient History Portfolio Jr.



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I finally made up my mind, and I have everything purchased for the Fall. For my 5th grader:


MFW CTG-History/Literature/Science/Vocabulary/Bible/Art/Music

Math-Strayer Upton Practical Math-Gr 5/LoF Fractions

LA-Queens Language Lessons for the Secondary Child Book 1

Writing-Writing Strands

Nature Studies :Handbook of Nature Studies

Lively Latin Book 1

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