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Do you have a temperature gap between you and dh?

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DH is hot natured. Not warm, hot. I am cold natured. My cold are sometimes cold even in the middle of summer. I am the only one in the house not in short sleeves right now.


But the crux of the issue is the bed clothes. Everyone else in the house took their blankets off the bed weeks ago. Mine (and dh's) bed still has a comforter and a blanket. He hasn't complained. But he also knows not to. I sit and am cold in the house when he's home because I can put more clothes on. he can only take so much off. Well, putting a blanket on the bed is how I put more clothes on to sleep! But I also think he'd be happy without a blanket at all.


So has anyone made their bed with a blanket just on one side? It's a king size bed so it would be easy to put a blanket on just one side. He sleeps way over to his side and I sleep in the middle. (I sleep in the middle no matter what size bed it is. When it's a double he has very little room! :tongue_smilie:)


Or should I just make dh suffer through it since I'm often cold, he can just live with being hot?

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Oh, my, goodness.


This is us.




The man is a FURNACE!


If I don't wash the sheets weekly, he says he's hot and itchy and can't sleep. He's been known to turn on the a/c in the middle of the winter to chill the house so he can sleep. BUT - he won't sleep with a fan, b/c he says it dries his eyes out.




I'm actually, seriously, wondering if they sell blankets for heat stroke victims. You know, the kind that lower your body temperature? I think maybe if he slept with one, it would help.


I'm ready for ANY and ALL solutions! Anyone??? I need whatever the opposite of an electric blanket is. . . . . .

Edited by HeatherH
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Yes. But with us it's weird. When we go to sleep I am always freezing and burrow down under the covers. He's hot and kicks them all off. Then sometime in the middle of the night I get really hot and he gets really cold. Obviously, he's just crazy. :)


When we went to Paris a few years ago the hotel had twin comforters on a queen size bed. No top sheet, just a big fluffy comforter for each person. It was heavenly as we could each have the blanket we wanted without pulling it away from the other person. I have thought about doing that many times, but just haven't wanted to spend the money. I still think it's a great idea.

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The warm one in my house is me. I blame Menopause. :tongue_smilie:

We generally sleep with the same blanket and quilt year round and remove the quilt at night if we need to in the summer time. Yes, we do put an extra blanket on his side of the bed for the winter. We also use a fan in the summer time.

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My dh and I are the same way. We have a king-size bed. We use a light blanket and I put a twin-size blanket on my side of the bed. I also sleep with socks on. :) That helps a lot! I wouldn't make dh suffer through. If my dh gets too hot when he sleeps, he has bad dreams. It's miserable trying to sleep when you are too hot.

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I use it just on my side (queen-size bed) over the sheet and under the light quilt that normally covers the bed. When it's really cold I turn it on the lowest setting. I can't go to sleep if I'm cold, so what's nice is to turn it on a medium setting for about a half hour before I go to bed, and then turn it off right before I get in. My dh continues warming the bed until morning, lol.


The other benefit of a twin-size electric blanket is that I can use it during the day when we do school. :) I'm really cold natured too. Wish I wasn't so efficient with my calories! I'd rather spend them as easily as my husband does!

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Same here with the hot and cold issues. I have a down comforter on the bed, folded neatly during the day and tucked under my chin at night; he fold the extra half onto me too. In the evening, I have an electric throw (an electric blanket) that I keep near me when we watch tv or read downstairs. What is funny is that 2 of our kids have his temperature and the other has mine.

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When I'm cold I put an extra afghan or comforter over my side of the bed, on top of the other quilts. I also have a heating pad under the fitted sheet at the foot of the bed, and one on my pillow--I take that one off before I go to sleep. And my husband is a very good space heater!


You can also buy electric mattress pads that only heat one side.

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We're exactly opposite (I've always been warm, he's often cold), but it's still the same problem, so we've always put more blankets on his side of the bed. It seems totally normal to me, since my parents did the same thing (apparently, warm-blooded women run in my family). We also keep the window open so I'm more comfortable. He has lots of blankets.

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We're both usually quite warm people. DH does get very warm at night though, and likes to stick his feet out from under the covers. I need to have everything tucked in securely to sleep well, so this can be an issue.


When I'm pregnant, my metabolism goes into overdrive and I am always hot. Last baby we were living in the Yukon and although there was no heat in the bedroom, the window was open and it was -40 outside, I was completely roasting. I was lying on top of the covers, wondering if it was possible to get frostbite and roast to death at the same time. Poor DH suffered along silently. He knew better than to argue with a pregnant woman about heat!:)

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OK, but what if dh LIKES to sleep with covers on? He just can't get the house cold enough for him to sleep - seriously. When he turns the a/c down to, say, 60, the kids are literally shivering in their beds. Literally. My two girls who have a basement bedroom have to sleep in flannel nightgowns during the summer.


I need HELP! I just looked at medical supply companies for cooling systems - but they all connect with water.


I need ideas here, people!!!!!

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I guess I don't understand why you cannot just sleep with a very thick throw blanket or even a sleeping bag on top of you.


I am always hotter than my husband, and it is much easier to put more on than to take more off. I get very cranky when I'm hot and I cannot concentrate. When he's lying around watching a movie and complains he's cold, I bring him a blanket. When I'm riding my bike sweating like a pig, he's going to have to deal with being cold. I also get very hot if I'm working in the kitchen around a stove or oven, so he knows I'm going to keep the house cool then. He can always wear a sweatshirt.

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Yes. But with us it's weird. When we go to sleep I am always freezing and burrow down under the covers. He's hot and kicks them all off. Then sometime in the middle of the night I get really hot and he gets really cold. Obviously, he's just crazy. :)


That's me, too. I'm normally cold, but after an hour or so under the covers, I make heat. My husband says I'm a nuclear heater with covers. We each have our own blanket to fix the heat problems.


The rest of the time, he's warmer than me, and usually warmer than the kids, too. When he's driving on a long trip, he sets the temperature he wants and the rest of us have jackets and/or blankets.


One of Andrew Padewa's talks (the one about boys and forts) mentioned that fact that boys learned better at a colder temperature than girls. I think it was 68 vs. 70 degrees, I can't remember the exact numbers for sure.

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Wow, I didn't know there were so many of us icicles out there!


By mutual agreement, we keep the heat at 66 during the winter months. If I lived alone, I would probably have it at 80, lol! I have always felt cold, but it's really gotten bad over the last few years. I have Raynaud's and I'm on beta blockers, so if the temperature outside goes below 75, I'm in layers. In the winter I wear thermals under all my clothes, all the time. When I'm sitting on the couch at night, I need the thermals, plus my clothes, plus at least one plush blanket wrapped around me. I have been known to wear a thermacheck hat to bed. Pathetic!


Dh is the polar opposite. The heat he throws off at night could probably heat the house the next day. Needless to say, the last thing he wants is tons of blankets on the bed, so we've separated our queen-sized bed into two zones. We each start with the sheet set and build from there. My side looks like a section of Bed, Bath and Beyond - I have at least three twin-sized blankets/throws on at all times. His usually just has one blanket, but there have been times he puts an extra blanket on his feet.


In the summer we keep the temp in mid-seventies in the house, so it's not as much of an issue, although I always have at least one extra blanket hanging around my side, just in case!

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Big time! I am the furnace as is DS1. To solve the problem we each sleep with our own blankets. DH hates to have his feet covered and I need to be completely cocooned. The own blanket thing has solved the problem for us.

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You may be onto something - mine is about 90/60. At times it's gone to 80/50.


Yes, mine has been that low as well. When I was waiting for my cardiac ablation, they gave me a beta blocker (for my SVT), and it sent my blood pressure so slow that I was going loopy.

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We have a queen-sized bed and sleep in separate covers. DH sleeeps in sweats (year-round) rolled up in a blanket, usually with a heating pad on his shoulder or head. I, on the other hand, sleep most of the year with just a twin-sized sheet. In the middle of winter, I'll add a light blanket.


Remember the scene in Father of the Bride 2 when the ladies are yelling for them to turn up the air and everyone else has on winter coats...that's us!

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We are the same. DH is hot and I am cold. I have lowish blood pressure too. Could be something in that huh!

We have a heated mattress pad (I think that's what you call them) with seperate controls for each side of the bed. I also use an extra blanket just on my side.


I did suggest seperate comforters like the Europeans use but DH was not keen on that idea. I still think it's a great idea!

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I'm hot all the time. I sleep with just a sheet and have to have the ceiling fan on. Even so, I still wake up drenched in sweat sometimes.


My dh is cold all the time. He sleeps with three blankets on top of the sheet on his side of the bed.


He has learned to deal with my being hot. When you're cold, you can put on more clothes or blankets. When you're hot, there's only so much you can do.


I'm in shorts and a t-shirt even when the temperature is 50 and sometimes I still get hot. My dh is in pants and long-sleeves all the way up to 80 degrees and even then he still gets cold.


Our temperature drifting started about 10 years ago. I started being hot all the time and my dh started being cold all the time. Before that, we were comfortable at the same temperature.

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We keep the temperature at 72 for the winter and the air conditioner at 78 for the summer. Dh is usually okay with that. He is a bit warmer than me vut mainly it means that at times, he throws the comforter over on me. Now my son is very hot. He complains and I ignore. I have problems with my autonomic temperature regulation because of my underlying disease and I can get sick if the temperatures aren't right.

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Yes, dh is much hotter. But we prefer to sleep in different beds so it's not an issue for sleeping. But for the temperature of the house, yes, its an issue. In summer, if the forecast is remotely warm, he will put the air conditioner on as soon as he gets up in the morning. I prefer fresh air until its really hot, then the aircon. So we banter about it and I thank him if he leaves it off till later :) because I know he does it just for me.

I feel like I have barely experienced this summer because inside it's always cool. Sometimes the kids and I wear sweaters in the house in the middle of summer because of the aircon.

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Yep, that's us! And, yes, I have a blanket just on my half of the bed. I usually just keep it folded at the bottom of the bed when I make it up. If it were up to him, he'd sleep with the window open in winter with the fan on high....brrrrrr! I have to be piled with blankets and WARM to sleep.


Oh, and I DO have low blood pressure! 90/70 is normal for me.

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I prefer fresh air until its really hot, then the aircon.


I do too, but I honestly get very cranky when it's humid and even more so when you add hot to it. We keep our air conditioner on 72/73 in the summer, our heat on 71 in the winter. It's a very small house, so when we leave the house, we can turn the heat off, and it will warm up in five minutes. It is very hard to cool in the summer, though, and the humidity around here makes it worse. I usually wear a sweatshirt in the summer inside, but if we turn the air one degree higher, it doesn't come on, it gets really humid, and then it's hot. It's kind of annoying. Humidity makes all the difference.


Even on some cooler days when it's raining, I turn the air cond. on b/c the house is too humid. I've had papers get soft the humidity is so bad when the windows are open.

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I do too, but I honestly get very cranky when it's humid and even more so when you add hot to it. We keep our air conditioner on 72/73 in the summer, our heat on 71 in the winter. It's a very small house, so when we leave the house, we can turn the heat off, and it will warm up in five minutes. It is very hard to cool in the summer, though, and the humidity around here makes it worse. I usually wear a sweatshirt in the summer inside, but if we turn the air one degree higher, it doesn't come on, it gets really humid, and then it's hot. It's kind of annoying. Humidity makes all the difference.


Even on some cooler days when it's raining, I turn the air cond. on b/c the house is too humid. I've had papers get soft the humidity is so bad when the windows are open.


I am so glad you posted about Virginia. Our oldest is moving in June or July for his first real job. Is Sterling humid? Our son is just like his dad-a lean, hot, metabolism machine!

My husband is always hot/I'm always cold- he never has a weight problem...I would have one if I acknowledged it, instead of wearing sweatpants. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm not really sure as I think Sterling is in Northern VA. I have lived in Blacksburg, and they do not have the same humidity. Va Beach, being near the ocean, has so much humidity.


My husband and eldest are the lean, metabolism machines, but I'm the hot one. My son says because he has Italian in him, he prefers hotter weather.


I am English/Dutch/Irish, and I swear I am supposed to be living up north somewhere. LOL

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When we went to Paris a few years ago the hotel had twin comforters on a queen size bed. No top sheet, just a big fluffy comforter for each person. It was heavenly as we could each have the blanket we wanted without pulling it away from the other person. I have thought about doing that many times, but just haven't wanted to spend the money. I still think it's a great idea.


Indeed, I found this to be the solution to this problem. We have been having 2 twin comforters on a King size bed for 23 years.

Works great!

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Yep, but I am the one who wants the house colder!


Dh is Persian and I call him friend of the desert. Good grief, if the house is over 75F, I just don't sleep well!


During the winter I'll turn it up to 68F during the day, but at night. Why? You're under the covers!



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