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Our beautiful 14 yr old doggie has just died.

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It's a very sad evening in our household. Our beautiful golden retriever mutt we adopted the same month we adopted our son . . .he was four, she was five. . . has just died of old age. We knew it was coming but we are none the less very very sad tonight. And my 12 yr ds is beside himself in grief. Which of course is adding to my sadness tonight.


She was such a good dog. Loyal, friendly yet protective. Always healthy until the very end. We will miss her a lot. She never caused us a moments trouble . . really.


If you're inclined, please pray for my son who will take this loss very hard. This dog followed him everywhere and did everything with him. Everything. She tagged along as his right hand dog.


We'll miss you Watson.

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I am very sorry for your loss. Prayers for him to find comfort in the wonderful life that your family gave to her and the memories she gave to you.:grouphug:


When this happened to us last year, we spent time and made scrapbook type pages with pictures and comments from some of our favorite and not so favorite times and that really helped my chidlren. They will randomly go pick up the book to look through it now.

Edited by vettechmomof2
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How sad for you and your ds. :sad:


Some months ago, we adopted a sweet dog who fits perfectly into our family, and she was attacked by coyotes a few weeks ago. Miraculously, she escaped, but my heart was wrenched in two merely thinking of not having her any more. We'll say a prayer for your ds tonight.



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We lost a family pet in a tragic situation and was forced to give her away and then eventually have her put down...I thought my boys and I were never going to get over the experience as dogs are family to us. I know everyone is different but I recommend getting another puppy when you are ready to talk about it or if it is something you as parents want to do. I wasn't ready to love again but our new Lab healed all of our hearts and has brought us joy and eased the pain beyond belief.

Prayers for your son and hope you can find a time when thinking about Watson only bring smiles and thoughts of good times. God bless.

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We lost our 17 year old dog on my husband's birthday 3 years ago. Butch was always predominately my dh's dog and had been in his life for many things - the most important being after the death of dh's dad. I know all too well how this kind of loss feels and I know all too well the sting that it leaves for years to come. My prayers for your family tonight.

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I'm so sorry...we lost our 12 yr old golden two years ago this month. She will always be a treasure to us..... I'll be praying for your son. My biggest heartbreak the day she died was that our oldest son was racing home to say goodbye to her- flying in from Nashville. She died a few hours before he landed. She was really his baby and can I still cry about it when I pass her grave out in our woods.... time does help and it will get better. Blessings on your boy.

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Hi Rose ~ My elderly girl, Maddie, died a week ago tonight. She was a rescue and was 13 or 14 yrs. old.


I'm so sorry. I know what a sad feeling it is.


My vet said, "they fill a hole in our heart and they live a hole in our heart."


I have particular guilt because Maddie was with us long before we had the kids and then we had them and she took a back seat. I made sure she still got good runs, good food, hugs etc. But it wasn't the same.


And that thought is really haunting me.


Just some thoughts for someone who's been sad for the last week ~ go easy on yourself, see people if that helps but don't expect a lot out of yourself. I found myself feeling both sad and cranky.


And of course I was trying to keep it together for my kids.


A week later I'm starting to feel less "tightly wound".


Take care,



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Hi Rose ~ My elderly girl, Maddie, died a week ago tonight. She was a rescue and was 13 or 14 yrs. old.


I'm so sorry. I know what a sad feeling it is.


My vet said, "they fill a hole in our heart and they live a hole in our heart."


I have particular guilt because Maddie was with us long before we had the kids and then we had them and she took a back seat. I made sure she still got good runs, good food, hugs etc. But it wasn't the same.


And that thought is really haunting me.


Just some thoughts for someone who's been sad for the last week ~ go easy on yourself, see people if that helps but don't expect a lot out of yourself. I found myself feeling both sad and cranky.


And of course I was trying to keep it together for my kids.


A week later I'm starting to feel less "tightly wound".


Take care,




Sorry about your loss too. Unfortunately I've been down this road before. It's the sad part of being a pet owner but the trade off makes it so worth it. I am so sad for my son. While he was around when our other dogs died, he was young and this time he was at her death. Honestly I don't know if that will make it easier or harder for him. Tonight he has settled down a bit and I'll just keep talking with him.


I know the guilt you are feeling because we had two basset hounds (that filled the void of infertility) when we adopted our first child. It's inevitable that the relationship changes but don't feel guilty. It sounds like you took good care of her and loved her.


I am exhausted. Grief is exhausting. Thanks for commiserating with me.

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The death of a pet is, unfortunately, not a new experience for me so I know the pain and I know that it eases in time. My ds, however, isn't quite so confident and she will leave a big hole in his heart and life. When we adopted her my family thought we were nuts . . . we had just brought home a new son and he was 4 yrs old (okay they thought we were nuts doing that too lol!). But I had seen a notice on a bulletin board that a family, who's 4 yr ds had just been diagnosed with leukemia, needed to find a home for their mutt. Well my dad had just died of leukemia so I had to go check out this dog. Well, she just jumped into our van, not waiting for our decision lol! She was a bit dirty and had been primarily an outside dog. We took her home. Cleaned her up and made her an inside dog (with plenty of outside activities). She lapped it up like a queen. And she bonded with our new son (and even made friends with our basset hounds) and I am convinced made his transition into our home one hundred percent easier. Tonight I cry tears remembering those early years. I cry tears because she was so loyal to our boy and family. I cry tears because my son is sad. But I know this is part of life.


Thanks for thinking about us.

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The death of a pet is, unfortunately, not a new experience for me so I know the pain and I know that it eases in time. My ds, however, isn't quite so confident and she will leave a big hole in his heart and life. When we adopted her my family thought we were nuts . . . we had just brought home a new son and he was 4 yrs old (okay they thought we were nuts doing that too lol!). But I had seen a notice on a bulletin board that a family, who's 4 yr ds had just been diagnosed with leukemia, needed to find a home for their mutt. Well my dad had just died of leukemia so I had to go check out this dog. Well, she just jumped into our van, not waiting for our decision lol! She was a bit dirty and had been primarily an outside dog. We took her home. Cleaned her up and made her an inside dog (with plenty of outside activities). She lapped it up like a queen. And she bonded with our new son (and even made friends with our basset hounds) and I am convinced made his transition into our home one hundred percent easier. Tonight I cry tears remembering those early years. I cry tears because she was so loyal to our boy and family. I cry tears because my son is sad. But I know this is part of life.


Thanks for thinking about us.


Oh what a blessing she was! I love the way God uses animals in our lives. How much better is life because of the presence of our pets?! Many prayers for your son tonight.

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I'm so sorry, Rose. My heart breaks for you. We own goldens now and have lost goldens to old age and cancer before. They are such wonderful companions I can just say we are lucky for every day we have with them. It is my prayer that they will be in heaven waiting for us.


Wonderful souls, our dogs.





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