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What nicknames do you call your dc?

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I am just curious. I never really had a nickname for my oldest son. He was always "buddy" or something like that. However, my little one has had a myriad of names that make absolutely no sense. For instance, when he was about 9 mos old, my dh and I called him "booger." It totally upset my MIL. LOL Then, later, my dh decided to call him "Squiggly Woggy" and now I tend to call him "Scritchy Scratchy."


At first, he would put up a fight..."THAT IS NOT MY NAME" but now, he just ignores our stupidity and goes on.


The thing is, when I look at him...I think, "wow...he really is scritchy scratchy." :001_tt2:

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Ds9 has a nickname that I don't call him in public (firstname-doodle-pumpkin-pants). Why? I don't know. Sometimes we call him Schroeder (he looks and acts and plays the piano like the kid from Peanuts).


Ds8 is Scooby.


Ds6 is Bug or Squishy or Squish-bug.


Ds4 is Peanut or Monkey.


Ds3 is Chimp.

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We do that a lot. Our 5 yo dd in particular. Usually nicknames are shorter but we tend to add numerous syllables to her name and make it much longer. It makes her laugh. I guess we are weird too! I think Scritchy Scratchy is great. :lol:

Edited by Cricket
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My oldest is 'Kelk'

My middle dd is 'Little One' (she was a preemie) even though she is now bigger than me ---other than the first few weeks of her life, she has been anything BUT little!

Youngest was and will always be my 'Critter Bug'--from the moment we found out we were pg with her... I'm the only one who gets to use it--and I do daily... Her name (Emily) is very popular so calling for 'Critter' to come to me when she is in a group/crowd works great. Most of the family calls her Emi. She chose the spelling when she was 3... " E M I no X or Y" She went by Emi until her Pre-K teacher insisted that all students go by their 'given' names... UGG--I should have rebelled! We ( family) RARELY call her Emily...

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When I speak to both my boys together, I call them Gentlemen. This offends some people, and I'm not sure why.


My youngest didn't have a name for two weeks, and we called him The Stinkus or the Stink. Then he became stink-a-wink. His brother called him "Trouble-with-a-cap-did-al-T." My oldest has been buddy or bud.

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My kids will answer to pretty much anything LOL! I have soooo many nicknames for them. The most common ones are QTip and Cottonball. Snickers and Skittles. Peanut butter. Chicken. Turtle. None of them have any relation to anything....just things I think up on the spur of the moment.


I call them anything I can think of.....bunny rabbit, tweedle-dee, toodles, candy corn, etc. One day I told my husband that they would answer to anything. He didnt believe me so I told him to give me anything he could think of. He said "hotdog." I said "Okay, watch this." I yelled out "Hotdog!" My oldest DD (then 3 at the time) said "Hold on Mommy!" DH just laughed!


I dont know why I call them so many things. I do use their real names about half the time. Has anyone watched Everybody Loves Raymond and he used to call his wife a new, off the wall name every time he walked in from work. He would greet her with a new name and a kiss.

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my brother was insisting that they be named Roscoe and Cosmo (single guy - creative...) He still calls them this. They mostly get called by their names, but they used to be Boo-Boo by my husband, now Boo.


My daughter, OTOH, has a whole bunch of P names (and no, her name doesn't start with a P or have any Ps in it). She is mostly Pookie these days (which is short for her long nickname Poocatella Rosenblatt - dh made this up) but used to be Peanut, Pickle, Pinkie. She is 13 and still answers to it - no idea how long that will last

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Dd16 we don't tend to use nicknames with. Just shorten it to C sometimes.


Dd14a gets a shortened version of her name, Angel, and Snowflake. She even signs things Snowflake sometimes.


Dd14b is a shortened version, first letter alone, Ace, and Bubbles.


Ds is Jay and occasionally bubber.

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My daughter (Mikaela) goes my Mika (pronounced Meekah). My husband used to call her pumpkin and brussel sprout.


My son (Samuel) is usually called Sammy or Sam. Now that he is the ripe old age of 7, he's insisting that we call him Samuel, though.


If we want both of the above children, we call them MikaSam...as a single word.


My youngest (Joshua) is just Josh.

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My oldest (9.5y/o) is named Everett but he's always been called Ev (short e sound) which he loves. For some reason though he because Monkey butt at some time and he thinks that's funny.


My dd (7y/o) is named Annika Clare (ah-ni-ka all short vowels)and we sometimes call her Anna (ah na) but most times she's Bean or Beaner, when I was pregnant dh didn't want to know the sex and we'd used Peanut for our oldest so that was out. She became "the bean" and when born she was "the little beaner" Of course she went through a princess phase in which she was "Princess Beanerella" Now she doesn't like when anyone but her family calls her Anna, because most try to call her Ann, Anni or Anna (An-na) which she really hates. Mostly due to a preschool teacher that refused to call her anything but Annie, when confronted about that not being my dd's name her response was "Well her name is not common so she'll have to get used to people calling her something more common" I was just shocked. Needless to say we didn't send her back there.


My youngest (3.5 y/o) is named Lucas, but prefers to be called Luka, which usually ends up being Luka Paducah. Don't know why, but whatever you do, don't call him Luke LOL. When people do he stares them down and then says "I'm a Wukas, not a Wuke" in the cutest little 3 year old voice :lol:

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Boysie (ds 19), Winkie or Pip (dd 19), Mr. Bunny (ds 16), Matter (ds 14), Po (ds 13) and B or B-Bomb (ds 11).


Mr. Bunny is called Mr. Bunny at least half the time here at home....bless his sweet heart, he puts up with it. Winkie is almost always Winkie or Wink, just as Matter and Po are often called those names, too. Boysie (he was the first boy...I never imagined I'd have 4 more!) is often called his nickname. Only the youngest is called his given name most of the time.





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We don't use anything too consistently for our daughter. Occasionally, she is "Fuzzy One" or "Kiddo." Most frequently, I refer to her as "Miss [First Name]."


For my son, though, there are more. I think it has something to do with the fact that his actual first name has few good options for nicknames. So, we had to invent some.


When he was teeny (and I was tired), I once conflated the words "baby" and "boy" into something roughly like "Bubby." And it stuck, sometimes shortened to "Bub." We've also always called him "Dude," which at some point led to me calling him "Doodle-bug" and occasionally just "Bug." And, to create symmetry with "Miss" What's Her Name, we sometimes call him "Mister Man."


That poor kid. I do work hard not to call him the most embarassing ones in public.

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:lol: fruit of his loins- that's great!


Ours are:


Rach (shortened first name)

KB, Queen KB

Dirk, Buddy

Meister Man, E

Spritling, Flower, Miss. Muffet

The girls are generally "Babe" and the boys "Dude." My 9 yo (10.2 lbs and 24 inches at birth was "Baby Dude" for the first couple of years.Everybody answers to "honey" and I frequently resort to "male child" or "daughter!"

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ds10 is monkey-butt, he was a preemie and looked like a malnourished monkey, he still answers to this as long as I don't call him it in public

dd9 is blinkie, she has a blinking tic, but got the nickname before we knew it was a ticand it just sort of stuck, though lately her name has been "aw,kay,hun, whoever you are" (that's what happens when you have more than 2 kids, you start mixing up names

ds5 is BooBear, he has been Boobear since inutero

dd16months is princess poopoo or just princess

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Let's see:


Dd 10 has been - cheeseburger girl, sweetie pie and favorite {insert age} year old girl.

Ds 6 1/2 - Gigantor, the monster (he was a big baby) then 11( as in on a scale of 1-10), voracious apetite boy, chili-cheese dog, lean mean eating machine.

Dd 5 1/2 - Kate, little peanut girl.

Dd 2 1/2 - ney-ney


I guess our son stole all our thunder. However, each of our children have a personalized made up sone just for them.

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15yo Noah = Ba, since that's what our youngest was able to say when trying to pronounce his name as a toddler.


13yo Jeff = Peep. Used to be Baby Peep, Mr. Peep or other variations. He will probably have Peep on his wedding invitations, since just about everyone calls him that and has since prior to his birth. He used to tell people Peep was his name and Jeff was his nickname, LOL!


Tiggy (died when he was almost 5yo) -- his real name was Matthew but only my mother called him that, and it sounded so foreign because to all the rest of us, he was Tig, Tigger, or Tiggy. His brothers named him before he was born, and coming up with a "normal" name for the birth certificate was very difficult!


Ellie = Beldie for most people, but DH calls her Biscuit, Caboodle, Noodle, or many other special Papa-only nicknames. She actually came up with her own nickname when she was learning to talk, saying, "I Beldie," when someone would ask her name. She's the one who gave Noah his nickname.


Kids just have to have nicknames!

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They each have a few shortened and elongated versions of their real names. We will also often just call them "Sweetie" or "Pumpkin." In addition, they each have odd, individual nicknames:


Primo: Scout (from To Kill A Mockingbird), Spunky Monkey (after our third was born and called "Monkey Boy," there was a sudden need to create monkey-themed nicknames for everyone)


Secondo: Pixie, Spelunky Monkey, Egghead Junior (the little chicken with glasses from the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons)


Terzo: Monkey Boy, Natty Bumppo (from The Last of the Mohicans)


Quarto: Chunky Monkey (he had a good appetite when he was a baby; this one is falling out of favor); Corn Dog Nugget (*no idea* where this came from); Calvin


Of course, dh and I had to have monkey-themed nicknames, too:


dh - Hunky Monkey


me - Monkey Mamma

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Ariel (not her real name) started out as Squeaker (she squeaked in her sleep, sort of like a hiccup), then Baby, moved on to Peanut until we found out she's allergic to them, also Honey, Sweetie, Kiddo, Darlin', and Kiki. My grandmother calls her Sugarfoot. :confused1: No one knows why.

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My kids will answer to pretty much anything LOL! I have soooo many nicknames for them. The most common ones are QTip and Cottonball. Snickers and Skittles. Peanut butter. Chicken. Turtle. None of them have any relation to anything....just things I think up on the spur of the moment.


I call them anything I can think of.....bunny rabbit, tweedle-dee, toodles, candy corn, etc. One day I told my husband that they would answer to anything. He didnt believe me so I told him to give me anything he could think of. He said "hotdog." I said "Okay, watch this." I yelled out "Hotdog!" My oldest DD (then 3 at the time) said "Hold on Mommy!" DH just laughed!




This is sooo our family. I can call out nerd, turbo & catfish dinner is ready & somehow they know to whom I am referring! My son, a jr has at 13, asked us to stop calling him jr & call him by his given name & my 10 yr old asked dad to stop yelling GO BUG at the baseball field. hummm... don't like it when they get old. :glare:

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Well, next to all the cute names listed on here, mine sound downright mean!


Dd8- Stinky, Stink-bug, first name-bell, Nerd, Punk


Ds5- Fat Boy (He was a fat baby), Fatty, *am-a-lam-a-ding-dong, Snotty, Boogerlicious, Snot Face


Dd1- Sugar-Britches, Jillie-bug, Jillie-bean, Jillie Poo Poo, Poopster


Collectively they are referred to as The Offspring. It makes me feel like I have my own rock band.

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The oldest was "Little Face" when she was a baby. When she was swaddled that's all I could see--her little face.


The middle was "Little One."


The youngest was "Little Guy."


Now, we have "The Girls" (the two oldest), "The Littles" (the two youngest), "Thing One and Thing Two" (the two youngest).


I also do variations randomly...the oldest gets called (first three letters)-y or (first three letters)-anna. Or (first three letters)-y-Moo.


The middle gets called "Ray-Ray" or "Roo."


The youngest gets called "Young Man" or "Mister."


Our two puppies are "Ding-Ding" and "Ding-Dong." :tongue_smilie:

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Well, let's see. Emma is the Bean, Beana, Emma Beana, Princess Emma Bean, Emma of the Bean... you get the picture. She used to be my Wee Tiny Punkin, or Wee Emma, or Emma the Wee, but she's not very wee anymore.


Abbie is Pants (she was a crabby baby, so we called her Crabby Pants, then Abbie Pants, and it got shortened to Pants - what a terrible nickname, but she still answers to it!), Squink or Squinky, Abbie Gail, Abbie of the Gail, Abbie Ruth.


Isaac is Schmooey (from when I was pregnant), Snort (we called him Snort Pea and it got shortened), Punky, Zacky, Zacky Doodle, Zacky Taters (when he's being slung over dh's shoulder), Bitty Boy, Tiny Tiny (a bit of a misnomer, as he was a 34.5 lb 15 month old), Stinky McPew for certain situations.


I love nicknames. I never really had one and always thought I must not be all that lovable or something - nicknames seem like a sweet endearment to me. I make sure everyone has lots of them. :-) They all get called sweetie, sweet girl/boy, honey, darlin', etc.

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My kids would pop an eye ball if I used thier actual name.


Jessica - Jazz, Jazzie, Jazzimacreesh, Puester,


Joshua - Born when Jes was 15 months old - she couldn't say Joshua so she said Duadua. That became Duad and then just Wad. I have called my son Wad or Waddie since he was 2 weeks old. That turned into WadWoot, Wad Pad Asad, Waddie Wooders, Wad Woot Pad Poot, or just Engine Engine Number 9! :blink:


Katelynn - Katie O'Grady is a happy lady, Katie O'leary is a happy deary. :001_smile: Kate Mary Magilacuddy, Katrina Katalina, Katelynn Marina.


ClaireAnna - Annie, Anna, Crinkie, Clairink, Rainie, Rinkie,


Universal - Stinker Butt, Kidlet, Nutburger

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My daughter's name is Genevieve and we used to call her Genna-bubble a lot when she was a baby, and we still do at times. However her younger brother was a late talker, and he couldnt say Genevieve for a long time- he called her Didi for several years, so we did and do too at times. I found out later that Didi is an affecitonate Hindu word for big sister. Maybe he was Indian past life, who knows? It took until she was about 10 or 11 before we shortened her name to Gen- once her friends were doing it we started. So now she is Gen.


My son- no nick name I can think of.

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