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My kid was outed to another kid. It's only a matter of time before it spreads with who was told. Best friend knows but not their parents. They only partly accept their own gay kid (don't know how else to explain that). As it is we've been half way on the outs for a few years because we're not conservative enough. My kid is rightly worried they are losing their friend of 6 years and who knows what else will happen. I will protect them as best I can but I can't control others. I'm afraid it's about to get very ugly and I'm going to lose it if people hurt my kid. 

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I'm so sorry! I hope it turns out better than you hope!

We have some family who don't officially know about our dd, and I wonder how it will be when they find out. We don't have to be around them much, so that will help. If they suspect it, they haven't asked us. 

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I’m sorry. I naively thought this wasn’t an issue amongst kids anymore in the US, only among a segment of very conservative adults. I hope it turns out to not be received negatively by anyone and you can all breathe a sigh of relief and move on. 

Edited by KSera
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1 hour ago, KSera said:

I’m sorry. I naively thought this wasn’t an issue amongst kids anymore, only among a segment of very conservative adults. I hope it turns out to not be received negatively by anyone and you can all breathe a sigh of relief and move on. 

Friend has known and been supportive BUT that only goes so far if the parent controls every aspect of their life and doesn't allow contact (which I expect to happen) and friend was fretting to my kid if her crush finds out she has a gay friend she won't be able to see him again.

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Sending hugs. Many hugs.

My heart hurts for you.

This happened to us when Kid was 14. It was a bumpy ride but we came out of it stronger and happier.

Hoping that you are pleasantly surprised, and sending support and hugs either way.

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