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Does your robot vac have a name? How about other appliances, cars etc?


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My robot Shark vac is named Velma from (Scooby Doo) 🐕‍🦺.DD23 named her. My rooms are all names after places in the original series like Ghost Ship, Crystal Cove Caves, The Malt Shop etc. 

My Subaru, is named Sammy. 🙂 

I don't name my other appliances, but they do have personalities. My dishwasher is like a sturdy German Woman who works her fingers to the nubbins. It is 20 years old and works like a charm. I big puffy heart my dishwasher! My oven is a fussy butler in a waistcoat. LOL It looks pretty and does its job, but it requires effort to keep it looking that way. 🤣My sink is like a toddler and it sprays water everywhere!  You definitely have to pay attention to that one to keep it reigned in. 

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Computers in our house are Frank, Penny, Serafina, Phil, and Draggy's lair. We also had Ichapod (back when I had IPods). My Ipad is Arthur Dent (because I referred to it as my Hitchhiker's Guide). DH's Kindle Fire is Devi.  My saxophones are Mikail and Maria. The cars are Fulgar and Vincent. Anthropomorphism runs deep here 🙂 

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Our roomba's name is Goomba.  I think my kids played too much MarioKart when they were little.

Nothing else really has a name except I sometimes call our van The Beast.

At our old house, some of the closets had names: The Closet of Doom, Purgatory (some items returned and some ...didn't), and Moria (the closet under the stairs).

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Names for all.the.things.

Vacuum, cars, beds, blankets, camping equipment (each tent has A Name, each stove has A Name).  Even the dictionary is "The Toe-Slammer". Because she likes to slip out of her dust cover when pulling her off the shelf, dive out of your hand, and slam onto your toes - she has a personality, that one.

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We call our robot vacuum Roomby, which is pretty boring.  Somehow our cars never have names, but we have had several computers with names.  RIP to Brownbox, a faithful home server. My laptop is always named Lappy (think Strongbad / homestarrunner). A tiny laptop we had back when laptops were less powerful was 'Superpalm" because it was barely better than a palm pilot (remember those???). 

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My dh named the fridge Betty. The fridge complains when you hold the door open too long, so he named her after the female-sounding aircraft computer voice that tells you you're going to crash ("b××××ing Betty"). 

My car is Black Beauty, and his is Shadow. He got a couple of camera speeding tickets right after he bought Shadow, and boy, did I have fun about that! 😆

The dishwasher is Greta. She sings a little song when she finishes. 

I was given a roomba recently, but haven't named him. I'm considering Jeffrey. 

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My dd18’s cello is named Cecil. He got a name because he had to ride in the front seat of the car while she rode in the back and our hibiscus tree is named Lance for the same reason. The standing fan is named Fanny, because she is always in the way and being moved around the kitchen.

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We name lots of things.

Roomba is named Zoomy (kids named him).

Minivan is named Vincent Van Go.

Plants sometimes even get named. I named a plant after my brother's bunny he had 2 decades ago... because he (brother) made the ceramic pot for the plant and the plant is a rabbit's foot fern.

Most names are based on a pun. I really love puns.

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