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At what point would you lock down again?


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So after seeing some of the Olympic videos I realize where I live looks very different than other places. I live in California and the video of the Olympic watch party in Florida shocked me.

Where I live we are masked for indoor activities with people outside our bubble/pod and for outdoor youth activities it continues to flip flop whether it needs to be masked or unmasked. So, perhaps here in California we are just under less lockdown now than we were before.

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1 minute ago, Clarita said:

So after seeing some of the Olympic videos I realize where I live looks very different than other places. I live in California and the video of the Olympic watch party in Florida shocked me.

Where I live we are masked for indoor activities with people outside our bubble/pod and for outdoor youth activities it continues to flip flop whether it needs to be masked or unmasked. So, perhaps here in California we are just under less lockdown now than we were before.

Are you in a large city? 

I wore a mask first time yesterday since I was legally able to take it off. We are rural, so avoiding crowds isn’t an issue. Even large stores aren’t busy. And my area is 75% vaccinated. 
I had to make a run to a luthier in a city and the vibe was so very different. I masked as I saw many around me did. 

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@busymama7 I'm so sorry. It's hard. I know I was never the same after having mono in my mid-twenties. Then the autoimmune issues kept coming. When I think about who I was 10, 20 years ago and look at myself now...I don't recognize myself. I accepted it, but this isn't the life I envisioned or am I the mom I want to be.

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5 minutes ago, calbear said:

@busymama7 I'm so sorry. It's hard. I know I was never the same after having mono in my mid-twenties. Then the autoimmune issues kept coming. When I think about who I was 10, 20 years ago and look at myself now...I don't recognize myself. I accepted it, but this isn't the life I envisioned or am I the mom I want to be.

I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this, but I feel the exact same way about my life over the last 25 years…..also had mono in my mid-twenties that seems to have set off a parade of AI stuff afterwards and life has not been how I thought it would be.

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35 minutes ago, calbear said:

@busymama7 I'm so sorry. It's hard. I know I was never the same after having mono in my mid-twenties. Then the autoimmune issues kept coming. When I think about who I was 10, 20 years ago and look at myself now...I don't recognize myself. I accepted it, but this isn't the life I envisioned or am I the mom I want to be.


26 minutes ago, HSmomof2 said:

I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this, but I feel the exact same way about my life over the last 25 years…..also had mono in my mid-twenties that seems to have set off a parade of AI stuff afterwards and life has not been how I thought it would be.

Me too.  Only I was 21. 

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6 hours ago, Clarita said:

So after seeing some of the Olympic videos I realize where I live looks very different than other places. I live in California and the video of the Olympic watch party in Florida shocked me.

Where I live we are masked for indoor activities with people outside our bubble/pod and for outdoor youth activities it continues to flip flop whether it needs to be masked or unmasked. So, perhaps here in California we are just under less lockdown now than we were before.

The watch parties they showed looked odd to me too and we don't currently have a mask mandate.   So many people in a small space, yelling and cheering with no masks.  

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12 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

The watch parties they showed looked odd to me too and we don't currently have a mask mandate.   So many people in a small space, yelling and cheering with no masks.  

The videos of football fans two weeks ago in England were concerning too.  The expected rise hasn't happened (yet).  With luck it's due to the recently-reported 92% with antibodies already.  It may just be too soon.

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So, I'm becoming more uneasy with the level of risk right now.  Our area of the state has infection rates 7x higher than the rest of the state, and mask mandates are trickling across the county.

Youngest ds got to go to camp (every camper tested and locked in), and now gets to hang at the house for the next week so we can make sure he stays safe to go camping with us.

Oldest ds's parting gift was a new 5 pack of black masks he could wear in uniform, and he was grateful for it.  He's going to a state not known for caring about their people in any way, shape, or form.

I don't know how we're going to handle sports in the fall.  I'm leaning toward adhering to the same rules we did last year: not letting ds do it without a mask, coming fully kitted up instead of using the locker room, leaving immediately after and sanitizing all equipment.  No team building activities.  No indoor play dates, classes, or anything else.

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8 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

So, I'm becoming more uneasy with the level of risk right now.  Our area of the state has infection rates 7x higher than the rest of the state, and mask mandates are trickling across the county.

Youngest ds got to go to camp (every camper tested and locked in), and now gets to hang at the house for the next week so we can make sure he stays safe to go camping with us.

Oldest ds's parting gift was a new 5 pack of black masks he could wear in uniform, and he was grateful for it.  He's going to a state not known for caring about their people in any way, shape, or form.

I don't know how we're going to handle sports in the fall.  I'm leaning toward adhering to the same rules we did last year: not letting ds do it without a mask, coming fully kitted up instead of using the locker room, leaving immediately after and sanitizing all equipment.  No team building activities.  No indoor play dates, classes, or anything else.

This is what we’re leaning towards ourselves. Which really sucks, frankly. 

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8 hours ago, Clarita said:

So after seeing some of the Olympic videos I realize where I live looks very different than other places. I live in California and the video of the Olympic watch party in Florida shocked me.

Where I live we are masked for indoor activities with people outside our bubble/pod and for outdoor youth activities it continues to flip flop whether it needs to be masked or unmasked. So, perhaps here in California we are just under less lockdown now than we were before.

I know right?  That doesn't look different from where I live.  There are not a lot of masks on people anywhere now.  The 2 activities my kids do make everyone mask, but at this point that is it.

But when am I going to be able to watch tv or see something that like that and not think um they are going to have a super spreader, or get away from each other, or something like that.  

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10 hours ago, busymama7 said:

I am still surrounded by people downplaying covid.  Like to my face.  I try to be thankful they just don't understand but it is hard. One friend in particular has been a very close friend for 15 years. I'm trying to not let it ruin our friendship but it is so hard.  I can't figure out after knowing me for so long how she can't see what covid did to me.  Granted I *am* overweight. So she probably just justifies that in her head.  But yeah.  I don't think she really knows how I feel now and what being chronically unwell is like. 

Sending you lots of hugs.   That would be so hard to deal with, I don't know what she is saying, but I doubt  that I could stay friends with someone that was doing that to me.  

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11 hours ago, calbear said:

@busymama7 I'm so sorry. It's hard. I know I was never the same after having mono in my mid-twenties. Then the autoimmune issues kept coming. When I think about who I was 10, 20 years ago and look at myself now...I don't recognize myself. I accepted it, but this isn't the life I envisioned or am I the mom I want to be.

Thanks for saying this. I echo these words and my story is similar. I have chronic conditions that impact everything. On top of that I experienced a life-threatening infection with sepsis a few years ago, and nothing has ever been the same.

We walk a tightrope between mourning what was lost and accepting in order to enjoy all that is good now, in this season.

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Emotionally, I’m currently ready to pack it in, hunker down, and 2020 the rest of the year. Practically speaking, I don’t actually feel a need to go that far.

My trust in others, which was never particularly solid to begin with, is just gone. I do not ask every single person I know if they’re vaccinated, but I thought I was being careful about my best guesses. But it turns I know people who were taking serious precautions and I simply assumed that included vaccination. I learned, after a small indoor gathering, that I was wrong.

 I’m not even mad at them for my assumption. I’m super disappointed with myself.

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8 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

Emotionally, I’m currently ready to pack it in, hunker down, and 2020 the rest of the year. Practically speaking, I don’t actually feel a need to go that far.

My trust in others, which was never particularly solid to begin with, is just gone. I do not ask every single person I know if they’re vaccinated, but I thought I was being careful about my best guesses. But it turns I know people who were taking serious precautions and I simply assumed that included vaccination. I learned, after a small indoor gathering, that I was wrong.

 I’m not even mad at them for my assumption. I’m super disappointed with myself.

I definitely have "careful" friends who aren't vaccinated. I've had to actually ask everyone. I have to admit, I have low faith in homeschoolers about vaccination in the first place, so this didn't decrease my faith in humanity nearly as much as people's refusal to mask or social distance... 

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3 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Sending you lots of hugs.   That would be so hard to deal with, I don't know what she is saying, but I doubt  that I could stay friends with someone that was doing that to me.  

It is complicated because our lives are very intertwined.   And she isn't actually denying that I am sick and that it's from covid. She just thinks the mitigation efforts are stupid, including masks and distancing, and that the whole thing is totally overblown.   She has been completely worry free the whole time, didn't care if her family got it, was never careful etc.  Then I, who was being careful and taking it seriously, got it. And have long term effects. Doesn't seem fair but such is life.  

It has changed how I feel about her(as much as I don't want it to) but I can and will continue to be friendly and such.  I just know what not to talk about 🤷‍♀️

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3 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

It is complicated because our lives are very intertwined.   And she isn't actually denying that I am sick and that it's from covid. She just thinks the mitigation efforts are stupid, including masks and distancing, and that the whole thing is totally overblown.   She has been completely worry free the whole time, didn't care if her family got it, was never careful etc.  Then I, who was being careful and taking it seriously, got it. And have long term effects. Doesn't seem fair but such is life.  

It has changed how I feel about her(as much as I don't want it to) but I can and will continue to be friendly and such.  I just know what not to talk about 🤷‍♀️

Those are amazing levels of obliviousness, I have to say. We don't have close friends who have long COVID, but we do know some people, and even just knowing coworkers freaks us out. I can't imagine knowing friends in this predicament and not changing my tune... 

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38 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

Emotionally, I’m currently ready to pack it in, hunker down, and 2020 the rest of the year. Practically speaking, I don’t actually feel a need to go that far.

My trust in others, which was never particularly solid to begin with, is just gone. I do not ask every single person I know if they’re vaccinated, but I thought I was being careful about my best guesses. But it turns I know people who were taking serious precautions and I simply assumed that included vaccination. I learned, after a small indoor gathering, that I was wrong.

 I’m not even mad at them for my assumption. I’m super disappointed with myself.

I’m with you. Disappointed with myself for trusting people right now.

Our outwardly very careful contractor has volunteered that he is not vaccinated.  I appreciate that he told us (we have an 80 yr old and unvaxxed high risk kid) before coming in the house, so we could make a plan for keeping everyone as safe as possible.  I would greatly prefer to have hired someone else, but this was an emergency house issue that couldn’t wait.  Ugh.  We made a plan, and felt we were being as safe as we could.

What I don’t appreciate is hearing today, after he worked here all last week, that he has other customers who have “pneumonia” because it’s “going around.” Even his wife has had it. Ummmmm. What? He’s finishing the job, because it can’t be left undone at this point, but if he’d told me this before, if these are recent clients, we would have scrambled for someone else fast.  I  now feel stupid for letting him in the house, all the masking and separating and precautions notwithstanding.

As it is, DD has had 103.5 fever this weekend. Temp is down after 24 hours on abx, but the incessant coughing has started.  I hope this is bacterial.  Rapid Covid test on Fri was negative.  Will retest today. My hope is that this was a sinus infection related to the work being done in the house, but there are no guarantees. The cough, though, is becoming concerning. 

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5 minutes ago, Spryte said:

I’m with you. Disappointed with myself for trusting people right now.

Our outwardly very careful contractor has volunteered that he is not vaccinated.  I appreciate that he told us (we have an 80 yr old and unvaxxed high risk kid) before coming in the house, so we could make a plan for keeping everyone as safe as possible.  I would greatly prefer to have hired someone else, but this was an emergency house issue that couldn’t wait.  Ugh.  We made a plan, and felt we were being as safe as we could.

What I don’t appreciate is hearing today, after he worked here all last week, that he has other customers who have “pneumonia” because it’s “going around.” Even his wife has had it. Ummmmm. What? He’s finishing the job, because it can’t be left undone at this point, but if he’d told me this before, if these are recent clients, we would have scrambled for someone else fast.  I  now feel stupid for letting him in the house, all the masking and separating and precautions notwithstanding.

As it is, DD has had 103.5 fever this weekend. Temp is down after 24 hours on abx, but the incessant coughing has started.  I hope this is bacterial.  Rapid Covid test on Fri was negative.  Will retest today. My hope is that this was a sinus infection related to the work being done in the house, but there are no guarantees. The cough, though, is becoming concerning. 

Ugh. I really hope the fever is nothing. Keep us updated. 

I've noticed that people aren't all that careful about colds or viruses going around, even if they are otherwise very careful 😕 . People are just too used to blowing those off. 

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53 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

Emotionally, I’m currently ready to pack it in, hunker down, and 2020 the rest of the year. Practically speaking, I don’t actually feel a need to go that far.

My trust in others, which was never particularly solid to begin with, is just gone. I do not ask every single person I know if they’re vaccinated, but I thought I was being careful about my best guesses. But it turns I know people who were taking serious precautions and I simply assumed that included vaccination. I learned, after a small indoor gathering, that I was wrong.

 I’m not even mad at them for my assumption. I’m super disappointed with myself.

Me either.  I haven't really needed think about that question.  As the only people I have been close to I knew that they have been vaccinated.  But they are family.  Then a few dads got close to me  at the park to talk and chat and I was caught off guard, but in my mind I wish I knew their status because I would make me feel better.  Then this weekend I was waiting for my kids and a group of parents surrounded dh and I talk like olden days.  A woman sat next to me on a small bench and I was freak out.  But how are you supposed to ask surface people like that about it.  Luckily we did start talking about covid and vaccines and then she brought up that she was vaccinated.  I just hate this extra layer to deal with and think about.   I don't want to exclude people who are not vaccinated, but man it makes me uncomfortable to be around them right now. 

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4 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Me either.  I haven't really needed think about that question.  As the only people I have been close to I knew that they have been vaccinated.  But they are family.  Then a few dads got close to me  at the park to talk and chat and I was caught off guard, but in my mind I wish I knew their status because I would make me feel better.  Then this weekend I was waiting for my kids and a group of parents surrounded dh and I talk like olden days.  A woman sat next to me on a small bench and I was freak out.  But how are you supposed to ask surface people like that about it.  Luckily we did start talking about covid and vaccines and then she brought up that she was vaccinated.  I just hate this extra layer to deal with and think about.   I don't want to exclude people who are not vaccinated, but man it makes me uncomfortable to be around them right now. 

I don’t ask either, but I often, if Covid comes up naturally, volunteer that we are vaccinated, and find that most people reciprocate.  

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5 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Me either.  I haven't really needed think about that question.  As the only people I have been close to I knew that they have been vaccinated.  But they are family.  Then a few dads got close to me  at the park to talk and chat and I was caught off guard, but in my mind I wish I knew their status because I would make me feel better.  Then this weekend I was waiting for my kids and a group of parents surrounded dh and I talk like olden days.  A woman sat next to me on a small bench and I was freak out.  But how are you supposed to ask surface people like that about it.  Luckily we did start talking about covid and vaccines and then she brought up that she was vaccinated.  I just hate this extra layer to deal with and think about.   I don't want to exclude people who are not vaccinated, but man it makes me uncomfortable to be around them right now. 

I was hanging out with an unvaccinated friend this weekend. And... yeah, that makes me uncomfortable 😕 . I can't exclude them, but I'm definitely going to keep masking. (This weekend involved eating at the birthday party, so I couldn't mask the whole time, alas.) 

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6 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:


Sorry about the quote box -i can't get rid of it.

I spent 4 hours in the ER Friday.  Masks required but even hospital workers being very casual about distancing.  Signs all over about staying six feet apart then someone walks in and sits 2 feet away from me, yelling and singing! on her phone.  I was very uncomfortable.  Very little space to move because my elderly aunt couldn't walk around.

At several points I saw one patient in a wheel chair wheeled to the door and leave, same worker has a different patient sit in the same chair (no disinfecting) and wheel them away. I know Covid is spread through air but I was still amazed.  People were coming in with 2 or 3 people instead of one like guidelines stated.  No enforcement of guidelines.

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1 hour ago, Spryte said:

I’m with you. Disappointed with myself for trusting people right now.

Our outwardly very careful contractor has volunteered that he is not vaccinated.  I appreciate that he told us (we have an 80 yr old and unvaxxed high risk kid) before coming in the house, so we could make a plan for keeping everyone as safe as possible.  I would greatly prefer to have hired someone else, but this was an emergency house issue that couldn’t wait.  Ugh.  We made a plan, and felt we were being as safe as we could.

What I don’t appreciate is hearing today, after he worked here all last week, that he has other customers who have “pneumonia” because it’s “going around.” Even his wife has had it. Ummmmm. What? He’s finishing the job, because it can’t be left undone at this point, but if he’d told me this before, if these are recent clients, we would have scrambled for someone else fast.  I  now feel stupid for letting him in the house, all the masking and separating and precautions notwithstanding.

As it is, DD has had 103.5 fever this weekend. Temp is down after 24 hours on abx, but the incessant coughing has started.  I hope this is bacterial.  Rapid Covid test on Fri was negative.  Will retest today. My hope is that this was a sinus infection related to the work being done in the house, but there are no guarantees. The cough, though, is becoming concerning. 

I am so sorry.  I would be livid. 

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At what point would I lock down again?

We "locked down" again starting this past Saturday 7-24-2021.  By that I mean we do not go out except for essential shopping and mask when we do.  I have compensated end stage liver disease and radiation fibrosis damage  that compromises immune system.

I live in a slave state that sadly is laughingstock of nation.  Predictably we have a low vax rate that is all too common among swath of red states in South.   Our delta variant cases are increasing dramatically high rates while our governor talks out of both sides of his mouth; our mayor is more pro-active but thankfully stops short of being heavy-handed.  However, municipalities are limited in what they can do about the issue.

Last week I learned that two co-workers on our professional staff are not vaccinated. 

One cited wacky conspiracy theorist claims in addition to the usual "it's like the flu" spiel as source of her decision to not vaccinate.  Since she seemed obsessively concerned with getting covid last year in early 2020 and was out over a week because she though she had it, I assumed she would get vaxed as soon as possible. 

The other co-worker stated that she was "waiting" although she did not elaborate upon exactly what conditions she was waiting for, nor did I ask.

To clarify, I did not start the conversation, and hardly contributed to it.

By the way, I advocate bodily autonomy, so I am not a supporter of general mandatory vaccinations.  However, it is unfortunate that those two people in my office are comfortable with a personal decision that potentially endangers their elderly parents and other citizens.  Makes me wonder how many in office are unvaxed, but I would NEVER ask.



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 FWIW, I ask people if they have been vaccinated all.the.time.  If we're going to be sharing air, I want to know.  Most people are happy to reassure me that they have been; a small minority of people get mightily indignant and tell me that it's none of my business. Either way, I've got my answer.


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4 minutes ago, JennyD said:

 FWIW, I ask people if they have been vaccinated all.the.time.  If we're going to be sharing air, I want to know.  Most people are happy to reassure me that they have been; a minority of people get mightily indignant and tell me that it's none of my business. Either way, I've got my answer.

I've definitely asked a few people. Some people just volunteer it. 

Of course, I'm also not sharing indoor air with people, so I'm being less careful. 

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15 minutes ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

Twitter thread from Dr. Bob Wachter about the surge in San Francisco. 



I'm really not following his numbers in this post: 

Where is he getting 1,234 unvaccinated people?? His previous tweet said that 32,550 of their 35,018 people (93%) are vaccinated.

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1 minute ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

I see what you mean. Based on his first tweet, the unvaccinated should be 2,468 not 1,234. Must be an error because 1,234 is half of 2,468. 

Yeah, I'm seeing that the numbers are related, but I have no idea why he'd divide by 2?? Because it looks so divisible? Am I missing some reason you'd divide by 2 here? 

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3 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

So, assuming he simply calculated wrong, the efficacy against infection is 63%?? That stinks. 

But contrary to his comment, coincides with Israel as was pointed out in his comments.  I'd like to see his case breakdown by month of vaccination.  If they are keeping track to that level I'm sure it's there somewhere.

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Just now, melmichigan said:

Trust me, I'm right there with you!  I had IV therapy today and kissed my immune system away so we are back to lockdown as much as possible.

I'm currently trying to figure out whether we should tell our babysitters not to come over 😞 . I'm pretty sure playgrounds with masks are OK.... right?? 

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17 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

I'm currently trying to figure out whether we should tell our babysitters not to come over 😞 . I'm pretty sure playgrounds with masks are OK.... right?? 

I have a different level of risk with no lymphocytes.  I'm guessing you don't have that type of risk.  🙂 We are still outside in non-congregated settings with better masks per my health team, so I can't see how the same wouldn't apply to someone without that risk.  

My sanity saver is taking my Alinker down and walking on the boardwalk along the river with a nice breeze in off the water (without a mask).  I pass everyone on the railing to the water so the wind is in my favor. I live in a small town so I may pass a dozen people at ten feet in a half a mile. We have river races this weekend so it'll be wall to wall people, that is the type of situation we are told to avoid even outside with masks (again with much higher risk I'm assuming).

Sorry to add, but in case it helps your decision I was told if case positivity or hospitalizations climb at all I can still do the walk with a mask 😉 but my family cannot stay with me on their upcoming visit regardless of vaccination.

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4 minutes ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

I was about to ask if you agreed with the logic of how he estimated the efficacy. 

His numbers are based on infection rates for UCSF employees and staff. Is that representative of the general public? 

Do you think it's relevant that only one of the breakthrough infections required hospitalization? 

When these vaccines were first introduced, didn't they say that the vaccines were intended to protect against severe symptoms instead of infection? 


You gotta use SOME data, and this data is at least pre-selected. It's not self-selected. It's not a random sample, but no one has that, as far as I know. 

I do think it's relevant that breakthrough infections didn't require hospitalization, but this rate of breakthrough cases changes my calculation of risks associated to seeing vaccinated people indoors. 

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30 minutes ago, melmichigan said:

I have a different level of risk with no lymphocytes.  I'm guessing you don't have that type of risk.  🙂 We are still outside in non-congregated settings with better masks per my health team, so I can't see how the same wouldn't apply to someone without that risk.  

My sanity saver is taking my Alinker down and walking on the boardwalk along the river with a nice breeze in off the water (without a mask).  I pass everyone on the railing to the water so the wind is in my favor. I live in a small town so I may pass a dozen people at ten feet in a half a mile. We have river races this weekend so it'll be wall to wall people, that is the type of situation we are told to avoid even outside with masks (again with much higher risk I'm assuming).

Sorry to add, but in case it helps your decision I was told if case positivity or hospitalizations climb at all I can still do the walk with a mask 😉 but my family cannot stay with me on their upcoming visit regardless of vaccination.

No, we absolutely do not have that type of risk. That must be very hard -- I'm really sorry. 

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In a way, I feel like we never unlocked. We never stopped wearing masks indoors, even after being vaccinated. We didn’t go back to in person church and won’t until January when my youngest is old enough to be vaccinated. We have been having swim practice and swim meets all along although they were scaled down and didn’t have food or spectators on deck. We have probably one house part per month with maybe 10 fully vaccinated teens and their parents. The kids do all the rest of their socializing outdoors. This is when year round beautiful weather is almost worth paying California housing prices. 

I am letting my kids have as much time with their friends as possible before fall when I feel like we are likely to have more strict mandates again. 

Edited to add that we also haven’t eaten inside a restaurant since before COVID and don’t plan on going back to doing that anytime soon either. 

Edited by Amy Gen
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1 minute ago, Amy Gen said:

In a way, I feel like we never unlocked. We never stopped wearing masks indoors, even after being vaccinated. We didn’t go back to in person church and won’t until January when my youngest is old enough to be vaccinated. We have been having swim practice and swim meets all along although they were scaled down and didn’t have food or spectators on deck. We have probably one house part per month with maybe 10 fully vaccinated teens and their parents. The kids do all the rest of their socializing outdoors. This is when year round beautiful weather is almost worth paying California housing prices. 

I am letting my kids have as much time with their friends as possible before fall when I feel like we are likely to have more strict mandates again. 

Yeah, we're only doing outdoor stuff. But we were going maskless in playgrounds with a LOT of kids around. And we've started having babysitters, which means... sharing air with other adults. 

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Just now, Not_a_Number said:

Yeah, we're only doing outdoor stuff. But we were going maskless in playgrounds with a LOT of kids around. And we've started having babysitters, which means... sharing air with other adults. 

Are your babysitters vaccinated? My oldest got the J&J vaccine and next month she goes back to babysitting her favorite kids after 2 years away from them while she was getting her masters. I sure wish there was a booster shot available for her to get. But otherwise it feels pretty low risk.  

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3 minutes ago, Amy Gen said:

Are your babysitters vaccinated? My oldest got the J&J vaccine and next month she goes back to babysitting her favorite kids after 2 years away from them while she was getting her masters. I sure wish there was a booster shot available for her to get. But otherwise it feels pretty low risk.  

Yes, they are vaccinated. This is where the pathetic 63% protection against infection is bothering me, though. I don't know what transmission is like for people who have breakthrough infections, but a babysitter spends a LOT of time indoors with my kids. 

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41 minutes ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

This is making me increasingly nervous about sending DD back to in person school in 2 weeks. But I don't feel like we have an option. Pulling her out now would devastate her. 

Feels like I don't have any good choices here. 


It was a very hard decision to make for our DD. It is a very difficult time for so many kids.

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54 minutes ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

This is making me increasingly nervous about sending DD back to in person school in 2 weeks. But I don't feel like we have an option. Pulling her out now would devastate her. 

Feels like I don't have any good choices here. 


Will she wear a decent mask?  Can you make that a condition of her returning?  That she masks even if peers don't?

I agree it's hard.  We are also struggling with school decisions here for an 11 year old.  

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3 hours ago, Amy Gen said:

My oldest got the J&J vaccine and next month she goes back to babysitting her favorite kids after 2 years away from them while she was getting her masters. I sure wish there was a booster shot available for her to get. But otherwise it feels pretty low risk.  

I think that soon many states will allow those who got the J&J vaccine to get the Pfizer shot as a booster due to concerns about the Delta variant. So, your daughter can get it at that time if she is interested.





Edited by mathnerd
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7 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Our local counties are “strongly recommending “ masks for everyone indoors including vaccinated people. Stores are putting signs out again. Not that this really affects me since I never stopped masking but I am glad. 

That IS good. 

I think we're about to lock down again. We're not going into any more stores. We're going to have a babysitter one last time on Friday, and then we'll pay our babysitters but not have them come in. (We might ask the Russian-speaking one to Zoom with DD9, though.) 

I am still not sure about playground playdates. I plan to do them this week, but I don't know if we'll take a break in a bit. 

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Just took my kids to the Ortho and there was 0 rule about masking.  I was shocked and so uncomfortable.  I just really have accepted the fact that my kids are going to get covid and I HOPE that is after they get vaccinated.  But unless i don't take them for things they need.  I mean the dentist and doctor you had to have a mask.  

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