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update on me...weight, health, exercise, mood, etc


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Part of me is like...why on earth do you think people on a homeschool board need an update on you? But, lets be honest, y'all are my people 🙂

So, I've gained weight since my bariatric surgery. Some gradually, over the past two years, and more the last three months or so. I have gained 10lbs in about 3 months, to be exact - yikes!

My lowest weight after bariatric surgery was about 154..might have hit 152 at some point, but averaging around 154-155. That put me at a BMI of 29, down from a high of 220lbs and a BMI of 41. (I'm a little over 5 ft tall). I was somewhat toned, active, and although not "thin" i was fairly normal for a middle aged woman, lol. 

11 days ago, I was 175.9. That was..a wake up call. Hence the check in with the bariatric doctor, who I haven't seen in 3 yrs. Oops.  Another wake up call was my elevated blood pressure at my last doctor's appointment. I've never had high blood pressure other than when pregnant. I thought it was a fluke, that she had the cuff on wrong (I could hear the velcro trying to undo itself). But today I saw my bariatric doctor and it was even higher! 141/90! Now, I'd jogged/fast walked from the parking garage as I was late, and was nervous, but STILL! 

And I've got back pain, some knee twinges, and look totally out of shape. 

So on the 6th I started really working on it. I'm happy to say I've lost exactly 3 pounds in the 10 days since thn. Exercising daily other than the day we cleaned out the garage for 5 hours straight.....trust me, that was a workout! I've created a routine I think, that is working for me. I try to workout at around 11:30 or so in the morning, before we have lunch. Or I do the kids lunch and read to them and then workout before my own lunch, so either way, right around lunch time. Years ago I went to the gym on my lunchbreak, when I worked full time, so that just seems right. 

I'm doing DDP Yoga, and upgraded to the full app to have more variety, and that's going well. Today I was able to tell I've gained strength already! I've tried some other stuff for cardio, but even the "low impact" ones hurt my knee. It's the twisting/rotating/sideways movements that do it. So last night I did Leslie Sansone - the walking video lady - turns out she has workouts on youtube for free now! And that was perfect - got my steps in, got some sweat going, but not enough to exhaust me 

I've realized that when I workout TOO much, it uses up too much of my limited mental energy, and leaves me burnt out. But 20-30 minutes of steady movement improves my mood and energizes me. And it's not SO intense that I dread it. Just intense enough - my heart rate is definitely getting up, and I'm getting stronger, so it seems to be enough. 

I rotate harder yoga days with light yoga and some cardio. So if I do a hard workout in yoga, as long as I'm getting at least 8K steps, that's enough. If it was an easy workout, or I am low on steps, I'll mow the lawn or do the walking workout or whatever. this seems doable. 

Medically, the bariatric surgeon wants to do an upper GI series and endoscopy to be sure everything is still good with my sleeve surgery, and to look for a hiatal hernia (I have reflux, always have, and he did find and correct one during my bariatic surgery, but another could have formed during my last pregnancy/birth). Oh, and full labs. If all that looks good, we will get me on track with nutritionist, possibly medication, "whatever it takes". If the reflux is not better under control, and he sees no hernia or other issue, there is the option of a conversion to bypass, which would totally fix the reflux, and probably give me more weight loss, but he says insurance likely wouldn't cover it, and I'm not looking for more surgery unless it is clearly in my best interest. Neither he nor I think that's on the table right now. And with my recent weight loss again, it seems it shouldn't be needed. 

Mood wise...I don't know. I mean, how does one judge mood during a pandemic and political upheaval? I'm worried because what started as SAD is now more long term I think...and now we are going into fall again - I'm worried it will get worse. My husband is monitoring me, and I'm using my light as of today, and we will see. Mixing medications with what I'm on and an antidepressant might be tricky, i don't know, but it's on the table. I do miss being happy. But I also want to see what my labs show before considering that option. For now, I'm self medicating with hot baths, and lots of reading (suspense novels and romance). 

Homeschooling is getting done, at least the basics, and often more. Housework is mostly getting done. Writing is...sometimes happening, a little. Lawn is getting the basics done, but last year I was so into it and this year..meh. The only thing I'm really actually enjoying is the yoga, and the youtube videos I've been making. I'm not miserable, I'm just not enjoying things like I did. And I can be a bit snippy, lol. So, we will see. I'm also going to try to really focus on getting more/better sleep, as that is a huge factor in all of it I think. 

So..that's me, lol. 


Edited by ktgrok
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(( Katie ))

It's very hard to stay equilibriated these days. I'm glad you're taking active steps to take care of yourself. Your plan sounds very grounded and positive.

Keep the faith, these literal and metaphoric plagues will pass, the looming clouds will clear and the sun will return.  We just have to wait it all out.

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

Part of me is like...why on earth do you think people on a homeschool board need an update on you? But, lets be honest, y'all are my people 🙂

So, I've gained weight since my bariatric surgery. Some gradually, over the past two years, and more the last three months or so. I have gained 10lbs in about 3 months, to be exact - yikes!

My lowest weight after bariatric surgery was about 154..might have hit 152 at some point, but averaging around 154-155. That put me at a BMI of 29, down from a high of 220lbs and a BMI of 41. (I'm a little over 5 ft tall). I was somewhat toned, active, and although not "thin" i was fairly normal for a middle aged woman, lol. 

11 days ago, I was 175.9. That was..a wake up call. Hence the check in with the bariatric doctor, who I haven't seen in 3 yrs. Oops.  Another wake up call was my elevated blood pressure at my last doctor's appointment. I've never had high blood pressure other than when pregnant. I thought it was a fluke, that she had the cuff on wrong (I could hear the velcro trying to undo itself). But today I saw my bariatric doctor and it was even higher! 141/90! Now, I'd jogged/fast walked from the parking garage as I was late, and was nervous, but STILL! 

And I've got back pain, some knee twinges, and look totally out of shape. 

So on the 6th I started really working on it. I'm happy to say I've lost exactly 3 pounds in the 10 days since thn. Exercising daily other than the day we cleaned out the garage for 5 hours straight.....trust me, that was a workout! I've created a routine I think, that is working for me. I try to workout at around 11:30 or so in the morning, before we have lunch. Or I do the kids lunch and read to them and then workout before my own lunch, so either way, right around lunch time. Years ago I went to the gym on my lunchbreak, when I worked full time, so that just seems right. 

I'm doing DDP Yoga, and upgraded to the full app to have more variety, and that's going well. Today I was able to tell I've gained strength already! I've tried some other stuff for cardio, but even the "low impact" ones hurt my knee. It's the twisting/rotating/sideways movements that do it. So last night I did Leslie Sansone - the walking video lady - turns out she has workouts on youtube for free now! And that was perfect - got my steps in, got some sweat going, but not enough to exhaust me 

I've realized that when I workout TOO much, it uses up too much of my limited mental energy, and leaves me burnt out. But 20-30 minutes of steady movement improves my mood and energizes me. And it's not SO intense that I dread it. Just intense enough - my heart rate is definitely getting up, and I'm getting stronger, so it seems to be enough. 

I rotate harder yoga days with light yoga and some cardio. So if I do a hard workout in yoga, as long as I'm getting at least 8K steps, that's enough. If it was an easy workout, or I am low on steps, I'll mow the lawn or do the walking workout or whatever. this seems doable. 

Medically, the bariatric surgeon wants to do an upper GI series and endoscopy to be sure everything is still good with my sleeve surgery, and to look for a hiatal hernia (I have reflux, always have, and he did find and correct one during my bariatic surgery, but another could have formed during my last pregnancy/birth). Oh, and full labs. If all that looks good, we will get me on track with nutritionist, possibly medication, "whatever it takes". If the reflux is not better under control, and he sees no hernia or other issue, there is the option of a conversion to bypass, which would totally fix the reflux, and probably give me more weight loss, but he says insurance likely wouldn't cover it, and I'm not looking for more surgery unless it is clearly in my best interest. Neither he nor I think that's on the table right now. And with my recent weight loss again, it seems it shouldn't be needed. 

Mood wise...I don't know. I mean, how does one judge mood during a pandemic and political upheaval? I'm worried because what started as SAD is now more long term I think...and now we are going into fall again - I'm worried it will get worse. My husband is monitoring me, and I'm using my light as of today, and we will see. Mixing medications with what I'm on and an antidepressant might be tricky, i don't know, but it's on the table. I do miss being happy. But I also want to see what my labs show before considering that option. For now, I'm self medicating with hot baths, and lots of reading (suspense novels and romance). 

Homeschooling is getting done, at least the basics, and often more. Housework is mostly getting done. Writing is...sometimes happening, a little. Lawn is getting the basics done, but last year I was so into it and this year..meh. The only thing I'm really actually enjoying is the yoga, and the youtube videos I've been making. I'm not miserable, I'm just not enjoying things like I did. And I can be a bit snippy, lol. So, we will see. I'm also going to try to really focus on getting more/better sleep, as that is a huge factor in all of it I think. 

So..that's me, lol. 


Seriously I am the exact same way. Those fitness videos that are longer than a half hour I just dread (or I procrastinate and never get around to them) and then I’m too tired to get my step count where it needs to be. I guess slow and steady is better for some of us? 
how old are you, may I ask? I’ve had some hormonal shifts in the last few years that have changed my mood and energy levels.

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1 hour ago, fairfarmhand said:

Seriously I am the exact same way. Those fitness videos that are longer than a half hour I just dread (or I procrastinate and never get around to them) and then I’m too tired to get my step count where it needs to be. I guess slow and steady is better for some of us? 
how old are you, may I ask? I’ve had some hormonal shifts in the last few years that have changed my mood and energy levels.

My younger brother (32) said to me yesterday, "Man, I need to do a 90 minute yoga workout." Dude, what planet are you from?!?

Katie, this time has been rough. Good for you for following through on things that could help, like the yoga and the appointment with the doctor. I've followed your journey. Thanks for the update.


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It is funny you posted this because I have been thinking about my health all day.  I haven't gained weight during the pandemic, but I decided today that since winter is coming on I really need to focus on losing a few pounds.  I am the heaviest I have ever been.

Well not counting pregnancy.  


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Great job taking care of yourself.   I was reading and was going to suggest yoga.  😉  I am glad you are finding ways to take care of yourself during this.  Just sending lots of hugs.   I am struggling this year. I am doing things to take care of myself, but still this year is the hardest thing I have done.

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@ktgrok Definitely try to get enough sleep!  That can fix a host of problems, especially sadness and snippiness. The less sleep I get, the sadder I get.  The sadder I get, the later I stay up at night, ruminating on the things that make me sad.  The later I stay up at night, the less sleep I get, and around we go. 

When I force myself to get a full 8 hours of sleep, I start to feel my mood improving in a few days. Maybe that will work for you, too?  

My dh has ADHD/anxiety and when he doesn’t get enough sleep, he’s just like me, but instead of just sad, he falls into downright depressed (I think the adhd/anxiety makes it easier for him to slide into depression). Instead of snippy, he gets pouty, which isn’t any more fun than snippy. I’m the snippy one.

With your surgery, you probably are supposed to be eating certain foods and in small amounts. Don’t worry about the past, just start up the good habits again.


For myself, I have been very bad about exercising. I just posted in another thread about how I went for a walk last weekend in a park, and was surprised at how sore I was the next day.  I’m very out of shape right now, though my weight is doing well. I’m a good weight, but it must all be fat and not muscle.  Today DH got one of those virtual headsets where you put it on your head and play games and it’s like you’re right there inside of some other world.  I’m going to find a game that I can play that gets you moving.  It came with a little dancing game, and I’ll probably check that out this weekend and do the little dance.  🙂 I’m so out of shape that I need something gentle to start with, but it needs to be fun or I won’t do it.  I have a treadmill.  I might pick a really good show on Netflix and only watch that show when I’m on the treadmill, as a motivation to get on the stupid thing. 


Mentally, I’m doing well.  I’m considering cutting off FB, but can’t quite do it yet.  I’m thinking that maybe after the election (or after all the mail-in ballots are counted and we know who won), I might change how I do FB.  I might end up unfollowing or blocking almost everyone and create a little echo chamber for myself there.  FB is a source of fun and connection with my friends, but is also a source of frustration for many reasons. I have a love-hate relationship with it.

Edited by Garga
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2 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

Seriously I am the exact same way. Those fitness videos that are longer than a half hour I just dread (or I procrastinate and never get around to them) and then I’m too tired to get my step count where it needs to be. I guess slow and steady is better for some of us? 
how old are you, may I ask? I’ve had some hormonal shifts in the last few years that have changed my mood and energy levels.

I'm 44. So it is very possible that hormones are at play..hmm....maybe I should make an appointment at the ObGyn...I'm due for a pap at this point, and maybe can get some hormones checked. 

But definitely, the shorter videos. I think when you are already stressed, heavy/long exercise is literally more stress on the body, and it just is too much. 

Also, if I do shorter bursts, I can always do more than one. So today I did a 20 minutes yoga workout (well, a few minutes longer with the cooldown. Got my heart rate pumping and me dripping sweat. But not TOO hard .Just right. And not too long. Then this evening before dinner I did a 15 minute 1 mile walk Leslie Sansone video, plus the cool down video, so a few more minutes. (they are separate videos so you can mix and match). That felt great too. But if I had tried to do nearly an hour all at once? No way. 

1 hour ago, katilac said:

If anybody hasn't gained weight in the pandemic . . . don't tell me! 😄

If it helps, I didn't bring up the pandemic at my appointment, but the bariatric surgeon did - he said it is causing everyone to struggle. 

34 minutes ago, Garga said:

@ktgrok Definitely try to get enough sleep!  That can fix a host of problems, especially sadness and snippiness. The less sleep I get, the sadder I get.  The sadder I get, the later I stay up at night, ruminating on the things that make me sad.  The later I stay up at night, the less sleep I get, and around we go. 

When I force myself to head to get a full 8 hours of sleep, I start to feel my mood improving in a few days. Maybe that will work for you, too?  


um..so you were spying on me? Seriously, yeah, that's a good description. Except I don't ruminate, I self medicate with novels and stay up too late reading. 

The few times I've gotten over 7 hours of sleep my mindset and energy are much higher. 

When I was struggling during my pregnancy I told my midwife I had low energy, and brain fog, and nothing - not exercise, vitamins, sunlight, seemed to help. She stared and me and said, "did you try sleeping more?" Um...no....that actually isn't something I tried, lol. So good reminder that low energy and tired are often normal if one isn't sleeping!

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I also want to say, just to be clear, I'm still VERY glad I had my surgery. No way would I have lost 3 pounds in 10 days before surgery. The tool works, but slider foods are able to bypass it, and I was eating slider foods. (dry cereal, chips, cookies...anything that can be crunched down really small so that it slides through the small stomach rather than filling it) Now, I know there were reasons I was drawn to and overeating them, but at least with not eating them, my stomach does seem to still restrict me. And the upper GI series will confirm if there are any issues there, just to be sure.

The endoscopy is due to my reflux, to see what, if any, damage has been done. I had one done years ago, but it's been a LONG time. 

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I have been doing the DDPY since April and lost almost 35 pounds in 6 weeks with that and weight watchers....ish.

I agree though that rarely do I have the time or energy to do anything more than 30 minutes....20-25 is better.   The DDPY though is easy to modify.  Often o pick a workout a level below or above my fitness level and just modify it harder or easier as needed.   Gives me a lot more variety.

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3 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

Seriously I am the exact same way. Those fitness videos that are longer than a half hour I just dread (or I procrastinate and never get around to them) and then I’m too tired to get my step count where it needs to be. I guess slow and steady is better for some of us? 
how old are you, may I ask? I’ve had some hormonal shifts in the last few years that have changed my mood and energy levels.

I can (almost always DO) easily spend more time debating whether to exercise than actually doing it.  Ugh.

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23 minutes ago, Carol in Cal. said:

I can (almost always DO) easily spend more time debating whether to exercise than actually doing it.  Ugh.

Sort of like researching curriculum versus using it, lol. 

Seriously,with exercise it really is about not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, at least for me. I can't tell you how many times I'd talk myself out of say, starting a jogging routine when it was nice outside because "you know, soon it will be too hot, and then running outside won't work, so why start something I can't continue?"  Now, if I catch myself in those kinds of thoughts I say to myself that I'll figure that out then. 

Right now, today, what works? Do that. (convincing myself, not you, lol)

And I really did enjoy the walk video today - I did one by a different instructor, and she was so over the top nice/motivating that I'm sure some would find it annoying, but I like that sort of thing. It's only 15 minutes, you need zero equipment, hard to talk yourself out of it when it is that easy. I did it while waiting for the oven to preheat. 


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1 hour ago, Carol in Cal. said:

I can (almost always DO) easily spend more time debating whether to exercise than actually doing it.  Ugh.


1 hour ago, EmilyGF said:

Yup, me too. 

YES! and then you get into the preparing to exercise loop. Is the right sports bra clean? Oh well that's not my favorite one. My favorite one is in the dryer, maybe I should wait for it instead of wearing this other one. Oh, these pants. I don't feel like navy today. Where are my black ones... This shirt always rides up, I should change it...

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Just now, fairfarmhand said:


YES! and then you get into the preparing to exercise loop. Is the right sports bra clean? Oh well that's not my favorite one. My favorite one is in the dryer, maybe I should wait for it instead of wearing this other one. Oh, these pants. I don't feel like navy today. Where are my black ones... This shirt always rides up, I should change it...


One reason I like yoga is I at least don't have to hunt down shoes, lol. 

Heck, I even found myself dithering over the competing messages of "you should get dressed in you rworkout clothes in the morning, so you are more likely to exercise" vs "You shouldn't to around in exercise clothes all day, you will look frumpy. To be productive you should put on nice clothes in the morning."

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1 minute ago, ktgrok said:


One reason I like yoga is I at least don't have to hunt down shoes, lol. 

Heck, I even found myself dithering over the competing messages of "you should get dressed in you rworkout clothes in the morning, so you are more likely to exercise" vs "You shouldn't to around in exercise clothes all day, you will look frumpy. To be productive you should put on nice clothes in the morning."

I remember being young and wondering what the older moms' problems were. Why didn't they just exercise more and eat right? Didn't they care about how they looked. 


It's come back to bite me in full now.  Getting old isn't for sissies that's for sure. 

I do try to get in my 20 minute workout before school. I am definitely a morning person, so I try to get it in around 8-8:30 while my son is doing his chores and starting on his independent work. I also try to get 15K steps in per day, which I've done 5 days this week. Around the farm it's not too hard, but with winter coming, I'm definitely going to have to be more intentional about moving. It gets dark so stinking early these days.

I do ok if I sleep well. But sleep can be iffy these days. I go to sleep and wake for 1.5-2 hours several nights a week. There's a huge correlation for me with my ability to regulate my food and exercise and how rested I feel each day.

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Got my Upper GI series done today. The sleeve looked good, no esophogeal dilation which I was worried about, but definitely reflux. As soon as I laid down I heard the radiologist say, "wow, that's a lot of reflux!", lol. 

It refluxes to the distal cervical esophogus, which I think means almost all the way up?

I also have a small, sliding hiatal hernia...again. I had one before I had sleeve surgery that he repaired, but since I had another pregnancy and labor since then he was wondering if I had formed another. I have. Not sure if that is the issue causing the reflux though. 

I am still waiting to hear on the endoscopy scheduling, and my follow up appointment to go over everything and discuss a plan is December 29th - got his last appointment for the year! 

Depending on how my esophagus looks, if there are any lesions/precancerous changes, etc will depend how aggressive we are on the reflux i'd think. Maybe higher dose of meds, or fixing hiatal hernia, or there is the option to convert to a bypass - he wasn't sure my insurance would cover it but at first glance it looks like they would - it says they cover revision from sleeve to bypass for reflux not controlled by medication. So, if endoscopy reveals serious inflammation/precancerous stuff, I'd consider the bypass. Otherwise, just more meds I think?

Weight is the same, at 173.8, but I feel stronger. I'm exercising daily still - usually 20-30 minutes DDP Yoga and 15-30 minutes of Walk at Home videos on Youtube (walking with knee lifts, kicks, arm motions, etc so gets heart rate into target range). 

And I did get an Apple Watch so having fun with that. 

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Just wanted to send you fellow bariatric pal support and big BTDT hugs. The pandemic has been a real struggle for so many. I know that my mental health has been in the crapper and my eating and exercise habits have followed suit. I was continuing to lose weight (albeit slowly) almost 2 years post-RNY until I started taking birth control pills, but those fake preggo hormones put an abrupt halt to my weight loss. My periods (at age 45) had become unmanageable -- I couldn't handle 12 hour clinical shifts in the ICU bleeding like a stuck pig -- so I begged my PCP to put me back on the pill to get things under control. I was down to 135 last fall, but with the pandemic + the pill, I am up to 142.  Breaking 140 scared the crap out of me, so I started ordering keto meals delivered to the house, but I am still drinking too much (thanks, Trump) and not exercising (no excuse). I really want to get back to 135 by my 3-year surgiversary in mid-January for my own sanity. Sending big hugs!

Edited by SeaConquest
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Thank you for the support!

Also, I forgot to mention that reflux is linked to overeating/grazing either in  that the body knows that some food will dilute the acid, or because low level reflux can mimic hunger. So controlling it might help night time eating as well, I'm hoping. 

Meanwhile, my poor husband got the "you are probably going to need statins if you can't control your cholesterol" speech today from his doctor, plus found out he needs a CPAP, plus is on blood pressure meds, and is feeling pretty terrible about himself...I hate that he's feeling that way. I know a lot of it is him working two jobs (at a desk) plus finishing up his final paper for his Masters degree (at a desk) so he literally barely moves. He had only 2K steps yesterday for the whole day 😞 But I can't give him crap, he's working, not lazing around. I've started asking him to let the dog out, or bring me something from the other room at night ust to get him moving a bit, lol. He's waiting on a paycheck for a side gig, and going to buy a desk treadmill though, which may help. 

Health is hard! 

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7 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Thank you for the support!

Also, I forgot to mention that reflux is linked to overeating/grazing either in  that the body knows that some food will dilute the acid, or because low level reflux can mimic hunger. So controlling it might help night time eating as well, I'm hoping. 

Meanwhile, my poor husband got the "you are probably going to need statins if you can't control your cholesterol" speech today from his doctor, plus found out he needs a CPAP, plus is on blood pressure meds, and is feeling pretty terrible about himself...I hate that he's feeling that way. I know a lot of it is him working two jobs (at a desk) plus finishing up his final paper for his Masters degree (at a desk) so he literally barely moves. He had only 2K steps yesterday for the whole day 😞 But I can't give him crap, he's working, not lazing around. I've started asking him to let the dog out, or bring me something from the other room at night ust to get him moving a bit, lol. He's waiting on a paycheck for a side gig, and going to buy a desk treadmill though, which may help. 

Health is hard! 

Buy him a balance board to use while working: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=balance+board

Standing on it requires balancing and it keeps a lot of muscles engaged which is same as low level exercise. Every one in my home uses one now at least for 2 hours while they work at a desk which is better than zero exercise during the day.

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3 hours ago, ktgrok said:

Thank you for the support!

Also, I forgot to mention that reflux is linked to overeating/grazing either in  that the body knows that some food will dilute the acid, or because low level reflux can mimic hunger. So controlling it might help night time eating as well, I'm hoping. 

Meanwhile, my poor husband got the "you are probably going to need statins if you can't control your cholesterol" speech today from his doctor, plus found out he needs a CPAP, plus is on blood pressure meds, and is feeling pretty terrible about himself...I hate that he's feeling that way. I know a lot of it is him working two jobs (at a desk) plus finishing up his final paper for his Masters degree (at a desk) so he literally barely moves. He had only 2K steps yesterday for the whole day 😞 But I can't give him crap, he's working, not lazing around. I've started asking him to let the dog out, or bring me something from the other room at night ust to get him moving a bit, lol. He's waiting on a paycheck for a side gig, and going to buy a desk treadmill though, which may help. 

Health is hard! 

I knew you’ve had the ongoing reflux but just wanted to say doing too many downward dog through to cobra type flows really sets it off for me.  I have to be super mindful of the way I do them.  Haven’t been to check what causes it but I suspect somethings getting pushed out of place.

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6 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I knew you’ve had the ongoing reflux but just wanted to say doing too many downward dog through to cobra type flows really sets it off for me.  I have to be super mindful of the way I do them.  Haven’t been to check what causes it but I suspect somethings getting pushed out of place.

Hmm...I haven't noticed anything during yoga, but I'll try to be mindful and pay attention. Thanks for the heads up!

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So, would this be lame?

DH is doing a virtual 5K Turkey Trot - he's doing cough to 5K to prepare. He missed a lot last week due to school stuff, but went out tonight and ran. I am NOT looking to start running right now, but I do the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos, and they do have a 5K one....was thinking maybe I'd build up and do that one on Thanksgiving in solidarity. It seems most virtual 5K Turkey Trots are walk/run, and say indoors is fine...but is that weird? And would it look like I was stealing his thunder? Wanted opinions before broaching it with him. 

I THINK he'd think it was cool, that we both had our "thing"...but....I don't know. Him running a full 5K is obviously way more of a big thing than me walking it in my living room, lol. I don't want him to think I'm minimizing what he's doing. (we've run other 5Ks back in the day)

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12 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

So, would this be lame?

DH is doing a virtual 5K Turkey Trot - he's doing cough to 5K to prepare. He missed a lot last week due to school stuff, but went out tonight and ran. I am NOT looking to start running right now, but I do the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos, and they do have a 5K one....was thinking maybe I'd build up and do that one on Thanksgiving in solidarity. It seems most virtual 5K Turkey Trots are walk/run, and say indoors is fine...but is that weird? And would it look like I was stealing his thunder? Wanted opinions before broaching it with him. 

I THINK he'd think it was cool, that we both had our "thing"...but....I don't know. Him running a full 5K is obviously way more of a big thing than me walking it in my living room, lol. I don't want him to think I'm minimizing what he's doing. (we've run other 5Ks back in the day)

Just had to say this wins autocorrect of the day... definitely would sum up any running attempts on my part 

Edited by Ausmumof3
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40 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

So, would this be lame?

DH is doing a virtual 5K Turkey Trot - he's doing cough to 5K to prepare. He missed a lot last week due to school stuff, but went out tonight and ran. I am NOT looking to start running right now, but I do the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos, and they do have a 5K one....was thinking maybe I'd build up and do that one on Thanksgiving in solidarity. It seems most virtual 5K Turkey Trots are walk/run, and say indoors is fine...but is that weird? And would it look like I was stealing his thunder? Wanted opinions before broaching it with him. 

I THINK he'd think it was cool, that we both had our "thing"...but....I don't know. Him running a full 5K is obviously way more of a big thing than me walking it in my living room, lol. I don't want him to think I'm minimizing what he's doing. (we've run other 5Ks back in the day)

In our family it would not be lame.  We often do things like 5ks to support each other.  Some walk and some run.  I would think that his reaction to it would be more of an individual thing that we couldn't predict. 

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12 hours ago, ktgrok said:

So, would this be lame?

DH is doing a virtual 5K Turkey Trot - he's doing cough to 5K to prepare. He missed a lot last week due to school stuff, but went out tonight and ran. I am NOT looking to start running right now, but I do the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos, and they do have a 5K one....was thinking maybe I'd build up and do that one on Thanksgiving in solidarity. It seems most virtual 5K Turkey Trots are walk/run, and say indoors is fine...but is that weird? And would it look like I was stealing his thunder? Wanted opinions before broaching it with him. 

I THINK he'd think it was cool, that we both had our "thing"...but....I don't know. Him running a full 5K is obviously way more of a big thing than me walking it in my living room, lol. I don't want him to think I'm minimizing what he's doing. (we've run other 5Ks back in the day)

Ask.  “Hey, would it feel supportive if I tried a walk-at-home 5K in solidarity or should I stick to other exercises and cheer your accomplishment?”

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So I am 44 too and I have been using something that makes me feel rather silly, but totally works for me.  We have a Nintendo Switch and I use Ring-fit, the latest fitness game.  It has been the only thing I have stuck with.  It's like a combination of pilates, yoga, and cross fit.  It totally gamifies exercise -- you kill monsters by doing plank or squats or tree pose, you run fast in short bursts, high knees, etc.   I feel so much stronger than I did before and I actually look forward to exercise.  Plus there's no set time limit, but it asks if you want to take a break and come back tomorrow usually around the 15 minute mark -- which I often do. So an average day would be 15 min of Ring-fit, yoga, and a 2 mile walk a day.  On days I do longer hikes then I maybe skip ring fit.

I have never liked exercise videos because they just feel more like work.  Ring-fit never feels like work.

Now I did get Ring-fit for my son and he grew to hate it.  But it might be because he thought it would be more fun and he doesn't care as much about the exercise aspect, so it became something he was "assigned" to do.  But I got it for him but secretly for me so it all works out. 

I am sorry about the sadness and irritability.  I know I have been worse with the winter coming and the pandemic and loneliness, but its still being kept at bay well enough for now.  I'm not sure all of the meds you are on, but my daughter is on Vyvanse, Strattera, and Lexapro and hasn't had any interactions. I was worried at first but she's done ok and the Lexapro has helped.  She's going back on birth control too as the hormone fluctuations have affected her pretty severely recently. 

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5 minutes ago, SanDiegoMom said:

So I am 44 too and I have been using something that makes me feel rather silly, but totally works for me.  We have a Nintendo Switch and I use Ring-fit, the latest fitness game.  It has been the only thing I have stuck with.  It's like a combination of pilates, yoga, and cross fit.  It totally gamifies exercise -- you kill monsters by doing plank or squats or tree pose, you run fast in short bursts, high knees, etc.   I feel so much stronger than I did before and I actually look forward to exercise.  Plus there's no set time limit, but it asks if you want to take a break and come back tomorrow usually around the 15 minute mark -- which I often do. So an average day would be 15 min of Ring-fit, yoga, and a 2 mile walk a day.  On days I do longer hikes then I maybe skip ring fit.

I have never liked exercise videos because they just feel more like work.  Ring-fit never feels like work.


Not silly at all!  That's really the key to exercising consistently - finding something you enjoy!  Glad you found something that you like and you're getting great results!  


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3 hours ago, SanDiegoMom said:

am sorry about the sadness and irritability.  I know I have been worse with the winter coming and the pandemic and loneliness, but its still being kept at bay well enough for now.  I'm not sure all of the meds you are on, but my daughter is on Vyvanse, Strattera, and Lexapro and hasn't had any interactions. I was worried at first but she's done ok and the Lexapro has helped.  She's going back on birth control too as the hormone fluctuations have affected her pretty severely recently. 

I'm on vyvanse in the morning and sometimes an adderall in the afternoon, depending. I will say that since I started exercising I'm needing that afternoon dose less!

I also started birth control, this is the start of the third month, and I think that is helping as well. 

I'm finding moments of feeling GOOD. Not as often as before my prenatal depression, then SAD, then pandemic, but more than during all that - which is a start!

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Ugh, my electronics are not playing well with each other. My apple watch has the DDP Yoga app and is supposed to sync my workouts to apple health kit, but yesterday it didn't. So I was 3 minutes shy of my exercise goal instead of 30 some minutes over it. Which shouldn't matter, but it's annoying! 

I may not use that apple watch app for the yoga, and just use the built in workout app. The DDP Yoga app on my phone will still track my workouts, and I can sync my chest heartrate monitor to it to see my heart rate on the screen, and then let my watch do it's thing separately. Still trying to figure it all out. 

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So, I checked my logs and...I've exercised every day for 13 days in a row. I've done DDP Yoga every day for a week. And I've exercised 17 of the last 19 days...and one of those two days I skipped we cleaned the garage for 5 hours straight, and I did yard work on the other day. Feeling so much stronger and better!

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Meant to add (I know I'll take heat for this one):

When I was losing my 55 pounds, I took long walks with dh and the dogs -- and eventually -- the babies, but for me at least giving up "fun" and/or "soothing" food was hard enough without also being starving and lightheaded b/c I'd did tough workouts.

Once I lost the 55, then I started working out more seriously for my body's overall health.

Unless you're Michael Phelps or a Navy SEAL you likely won't exercise hard enough to actually lose pounds. It's a food thing.

Don't yell at me everybody!!


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36 minutes ago, Alicia64 said:

Meant to add (I know I'll take heat for this one):

When I was losing my 55 pounds, I took long walks with dh and the dogs -- and eventually -- the babies, but for me at least giving up "fun" and/or "soothing" food was hard enough without also being starving and lightheaded b/c I'd did tough workouts.

Once I lost the 55, then I started working out more seriously for my body's overall health.

Unless you're Michael Phelps or a Navy SEAL you likely won't exercise hard enough to actually lose pounds. It's a food thing.

Don't yell at me everybody!!


This jives with what I have found - that I have a limited amount of mental energy and willpower. I have had the most success when I've done enjoyable, shorter workouts that are not so strenous or boring or whatever that I hate them and don't want to do them. And if it is too long, I nd up burnt out mentally and physically. 

I've found that the exercise is mostly for my mood, and feeling better, which seems to help with eating better. And I know that it reduces cortisol, helps with insulin sensitivity, etc. So it's not the calories burned as much as th biochemical changes to metabolism and mood. 

For me, yoga in about 20-30 minute sessions has always worked well. When I got divorced a zillion years ago I did VHS tapes I think, lol. Now it's DDP Yoga. Seeing myself get stronger is amazing! Very uplifting. And walking works well - I can say that the times I switched to running I saw little to no benefit regarding weight loss, and it increased my appetite! I'd be on the treadmill CRAVING a big juicy burger, lol. Yoga doesn't do that to me, thankfully! And I'm really enjoying the Leslie Sansone videos. I think part of that is that I can look and decide in that moment if I want to do just 15 minutes, or a longer one. I may choose the longer one, but it's a choice, versus say, an hour long class where it's all 60 minutes or nothing. 

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My back pain is getting so much better!!!! I drove in the car yesterday (short distances) without pain! It had gotten to the point where my back was on fire before I got out of my neighborhood, so this is huge progress! I have a physical therapy script, but haven't decided if I'm going to schedule it, given how well I'm doing. I may call and see if they can give me the exact woman who I worked with last time, she was the only one that really helped. If not, forget it. 

I'd earlier decided, with the pain so bad, that if it wasn't better at my next 3 month med check with primary care, I'd ask for imaging. (imaging is free with no copay with my insurance) as I've never had any done and with it being 3 years of pain, it might be worth seeing what I was dealing with with the idea that knowing specifics might help with PT. But at this rate, I think I wont' need it!

Also, DH has now done two yoga workouts with me! He's back to running, with Couch to 5K, and on his off days I've invited him to do the yoga workout with me. Means shifting my workout schedule a bit, but not much. He did the first one and then the next day, or maybe second day after, said his shoulders felt better - like his posture was better. I know it helped his back before (bad car accident years ago - his head hit and broke the rear windshield in his little pick up truck). 

I'm eating well, for the most part. Definitely better, for sure. Still not food logging/tracking with any apps as it is such a PIA. Like, I prepped peppers and onions the other day, a bit container of them. Today I sauteed those with some halved cherry tomatoes and a bit of leftover diced baked potato. I don't know how much of each of those, especially since I had some and DH had some. So while the eggs, or meat or whatver are easy, most of my meals have a mix of veggies with them, and entering each individually is mind numbing. But I'm being mindful.

And I'm almost embarrassed to say how exciting it is to see my points rack up on DDP yoga app. I get a free shirt at 100K points, lol. 


Screen Shot 2020-10-27 at 7.58.25 AM.png

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On 10/23/2020 at 2:57 PM, ktgrok said:

Meanwhile, my poor husband got the "you are probably going to need statins if you can't control your cholesterol" speech today from his doctor, plus found out he needs a CPAP, plus is on blood pressure meds, and is feeling pretty terrible about himself...I hate that he's feeling that way. I know a lot of it is him working two jobs (at a desk) plus finishing up his final paper for his Masters degree (at a desk) so he literally barely moves. He had only 2K steps yesterday for the whole day 😞 But I can't give him crap, he's working, not lazing around. I've started asking him to let the dog out, or bring me something from the other room at night ust to get him moving a bit, lol. He's waiting on a paycheck for a side gig, and going to buy a desk treadmill though, which may help. 

Health is hard! 

Did he get his CPAP yet? You guys may find it makes a huge difference in everything for him. My husband started on one 10-ish years ago. He wasn’t even  overweight—just has an airway that is genetically prone to snoring/apnea (his dad is the same). He’d snored our entire marriage, but it had been getting worse and causing some health issues. He haaated that he had to use a machine to sleep at first, but it made such a huge difference that now he’s almost panicked if he can’t use it.  I literally set 2-3 reminders on my phone when we go on trips so that we don’t accidentally leave it behind.  And I thought I’d just been sleeping through his snoring all that time before, but I felt a lot better rested after he started using it too. 

On 10/24/2020 at 7:26 AM, SanDiegoMom said:

So I am 44 too and I have been using something that makes me feel rather silly, but totally works for me.  We have a Nintendo Switch and I use Ring-fit, the latest fitness game.  It has been the only thing I have stuck with.  It's like a combination of pilates, yoga, and cross fit.  It totally gamifies exercise -- you kill monsters by doing plank or squats or tree pose, you run fast in short bursts, high knees, etc.   I feel so much stronger than I did before and I actually look forward to exercise.  Plus there's no set time limit, but it asks if you want to take a break and come back tomorrow usually around the 15 minute mark -- which I often do. So an average day would be 15 min of Ring-fit, yoga, and a 2 mile walk a day.  On days I do longer hikes then I maybe skip ring fit.

I have never liked exercise videos because they just feel more like work.  Ring-fit never feels like work.


I’m glad to hear a review of this. We have a Wii Fit that my kids still use for indoor PE occasionally, but it’s getting old and nearly obsolete. 

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2 hours ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

Did he get his CPAP yet? You guys may find it makes a huge difference in everything for him. My husband started on one 10-ish years ago. He wasn’t even  overweight—just has an airway that is genetically prone to snoring/apnea (his dad is the same). He’d snored our entire marriage, but it had been getting worse and causing some health issues. He haaated that he had to use a machine to sleep at first, but it made such a huge difference that now he’s almost panicked if he can’t use it.  I literally set 2-3 reminders on my phone when we go on trips so that we don’t accidentally leave it behind.  And I thought I’d just been sleeping through his snoring all that time before, but I felt a lot better rested after he started using it too. 

I’m glad to hear a review of this. We have a Wii Fit that my kids still use for indoor PE occasionally, but it’s getting old and nearly obsolete. 

He hasn't gotten it yet. He is currently scheduled for an appointment to try on masks, etc. And ANGRY about the cost, lol. Thankfully, it turns out there are refurbished ones that purchasing outright cost less than the monthly "lease to own" fee for a new one. 

I've been sleeping on a trundle bed I pull out from DD3's bed, because of the snoring. I'm very much hoping it helps him. 

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10 hours ago, ktgrok said:

He hasn't gotten it yet. He is currently scheduled for an appointment to try on masks, etc. And ANGRY about the cost, lol. Thankfully, it turns out there are refurbished ones that purchasing outright cost less than the monthly "lease to own" fee for a new one. 

I've been sleeping on a trundle bed I pull out from DD3's bed, because of the snoring. I'm very much hoping it helps him. 

Your insurance doesn’t cover the costs?  I don’t think that I have had to pay at all over the years for machine or supplies. 

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11 hours ago, ktgrok said:

He hasn't gotten it yet. He is currently scheduled for an appointment to try on masks, etc. And ANGRY about the cost, lol. Thankfully, it turns out there are refurbished ones that purchasing outright cost less than the monthly "lease to own" fee for a new one. 

I've been sleeping on a trundle bed I pull out from DD3's bed, because of the snoring. I'm very much hoping it helps him. 

Here is a highly respected/ethical source of quality used CPAP machines for you to compare pricing. This place has a great reputation:


If he is not a mouth-breather the very minimalistic ResMed P10 "nasal pillow" mask has a cult following among CPAP users, for good reasons. Very light and has advanced exhaust (so it is quiet and doesn't spay air all over the place). The P10 is the most advanced mask choice on the market.

If he has standard (non-exotic) obstructive sleep apnea, the ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet machine is better choice than the competing Philips DreamStation for most users. Worth the slightly higher cost IMO.

Also make sure they don't slip him a model with limited features (like no data capture). Some DMEs are unethical and will stick patients with "bricks." Make sure it is the top-of-the-line model. And make sure the unit has an SD card installed to capture the full sleep data.

The snoring will end. You will be happy.



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Besides secondwindcpap.com

Check cpap.com for sales on masks and other supplies.  Sometimes they have fantastic sales.  We got DH’s full face mask for 1/3 of the normal price.  Our insurance pays very little so we buy our supplies and machines outright.  Much cheaper and no having to to glue to the doctor once a month to prove he is using it so they will pay pennies on it .

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10 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Your insurance doesn’t cover the costs?  I don’t think that I have had to pay at all over the years for machine or supplies. 

Well, sort of, but he hasn't met his deductible. So he has 500 he has to pay toward his deductible before they pay anything. And that will start AGAIN in January - so 1K in 3 months. But they sell outright (versus their weird rent to own program) refurbished ones for around $250. Plus then the mask, etc. 

9 hours ago, Spy Car said:

Here is a highly respected/ethical source of quality used CPAP machines for you to compare pricing. This place has a great reputation:


If he is not a mouth-breather the very minimalistic ResMed P10 "nasal pillow" mask has a cult following among CPAP users, for good reasons. Very light and has advanced exhaust (so it is quiet and doesn't spay air all over the place). The P10 is the most advanced mask choice on the market.

If he has standard (non-exotic) obstructive sleep apnea, the ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet machine is better choice than the competing Philips DreamStation for most users. Worth the slightly higher cost IMO.

Also make sure they don't slip him a model with limited features (like no data capture). Some DMEs are unethical and will stick patients with "bricks." Make sure it is the top-of-the-line model. And make sure the unit has an SD card installed to capture the full sleep data.

The snoring will end. You will be happy.



Thank you, I'll forward this info on to him. Very helpful. And no, not a mouth breather. That's actually part of the weird thing he does - he tries to breathe out via his mouth while it is closed - apparently that's not part of the apnea though? Just weird, lol. 


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9 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Well, sort of, but he hasn't met his deductible. So he has 500 he has to pay toward his deductible before they pay anything. And that will start AGAIN in January - so 1K in 3 months. But they sell outright (versus their weird rent to own program) refurbished ones for around $250. Plus then the mask, etc. 

Thank you, I'll forward this info on to him. Very helpful. And no, not a mouth breather. That's actually part of the weird thing he does - he tries to breathe out via his mouth while it is closed - apparently that's not part of the apnea though? Just weird, lol. 


The rent-to-own situation is not that weird in that business. In my (slight) experience, DMEs will generally do that with more exotic (expensive) CPAP devices (like bi-levels and ASVs) so people can pay on 13 month installments rather than getting hit with one big bill.

I have never used the mask place recommended my @itsheresomewhere above, but I am aware that they are a popular place for people with coverage that has high co-pays (or no insurance at all) to get masks. IMS they have a good return policy. So should the DME.

Despite my recommendation of the P10 as the current state-of-the-art cult favorite, tastes in masks is highly personal. Places usually have a window for making exchanges. Masks are really expensive. Finding the optimal one can be a process. 

Also, your husband should ask to see how many hours are on the "blower" before he purchases a used device. That info is in the clinical settings and is easy for a DME or a clued in user to access. It's like checking an odometer on a car. You can see how much use the device has had.

Many users (like 50% IMS) give up on CPAP machines very quickly--unfortunately. So there are many gently used devices around. Don't get stuck with a high-mileage unit. Try to get the ResMed 10 AutoSet.







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