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30 minutes ago, BusyMom5 said:

Its important to look at local numbers.  My county is 22% over 65.  We are rural and our hospitals are not equipped to deal with serious issues.  Anything serious gets to transported. 

Same here on the hospitals. Our county is 28% 65+.

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SCU has closed too https://m.facebook.com/notes/santa-clara-university/presidents-update-on-covid-19/10151205247159986/

“Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 10th, we will suspend face-to-face meetings of classes and move to a virtual format until Monday, April 13th. During this time, our campuses will remain open, classes will meet in an online format, and any final exams and papers for the Winter Quarter will be offered in an online format. Provost Lisa Kloppenberg will send an email to faculty and staff today with more details and information.

Students are encouraged to go home as soon as practical. The residence halls and dining services will stay open for those who are unable to return home. Jeanne Rosenberger, Vice Provost for Student Life, will send an email to students and parents with more information.”

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1 minute ago, Fifiruth said:


That’s great news. The doctors there will be a great source of knowledge for all of the other doctors around the world. From interviews I’ve watched, it seems like all of the doctors around the world are sharing what they’ve observed, and what treatments were effective. I really appreciate all of their hard work.

Yes I agree.  Whatever we think about the Chinese government huge respect to the medical people that have been handling it.

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Grand Princess 🇨🇦 passengers https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2020/03/09/coronavirus-stricken-grand-princess-golden-gate-bridge-sick-passengers-oakland/

“The Canadian passengers were also among the first to be off-loaded. A medical team flew in from Canada, they were evaluating passengers and then those passengers will be taken to Oakland International Airport for a special flight back home at 9 p.m.”

ETA: https://www.canada.ca/en/global-affairs/news/2020/03/government-of-canada-evacuating-canadians-on-board-grand-princess-cruise-ship.html

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3 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

Grand Princess 🇨🇦 passengers https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2020/03/09/coronavirus-stricken-grand-princess-golden-gate-bridge-sick-passengers-oakland/

“The Canadian passengers were also among the first to be off-loaded. A medical team flew in from Canada, they were evaluating passengers and then those passengers will be taken to Oakland International Airport for a special flight back home at 9 p.m.”

There’s supposed to be a few Australians on the flight.  I wonder what’s happening with them.  Probably not enough for a mass evacuation this time.

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6 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

There’s supposed to be a few Australians on the flight.  I wonder what’s happening with them.  Probably not enough for a mass evacuation this time.

Four Australians are on board. Bill Pearce and his wife Karen lives in San Francisco https://7news.com.au/sunrise/on-the-show/coronavirus-update-cruise-ship-grand-princess-passengers-speaks-out-c-735524


No idea about the other two Australians 🇦🇺 

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Grand Princess British 🇬🇧 passengers 

“A Foreign Office spokesperson said:

We continue to work closely with the US authorities to repatriate British nationals on board the Grand Princess.

The US are currently planning for a flight to leave tomorrow evening, returning to the UK on Wednesday afternoon. We remain in contact with all British nationals on board and will continue to offer support.” https://www.gov.uk/government/news/foreign-office-statement-on-the-grand-princess-cruise-ship



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SJSU cancelled classes http://blogs.sjsu.edu/newsroom/2020/updates-on-novel-coronavirus-outbreak/

“After consulting with California State University System Chancellor Tim White and a variety of other leaders representing our unions, the Academic Senate, and the student body, I have made decisions regarding in-person classes. The campus, however, remains open for normal business. This decision is meant to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community, reduce the potential of people being infected, and protect those who are most vulnerable to severe illness.

For these reasons, please note the following: 

  • All in-person classes are suspended from March 10-13. This time is to be used for faculty and staff to prepare for the transition from in-person instruction to “distributed” or “fully online” instruction. See below.
  • Current online classes will continue to be held. 
  • In-person classes will move to either distributed or fully online instruction from March 16-27 when a determination will be made and communicated regarding in-person classes. 

From March 10-13, Academic Affairs will provide support and training to assist faculty and teaching associates, as applicable, with moving their in-person classes to distributed or fully online modalities. Whereas fully onlinemeans that all course material is delivered through an online format, a distributed class may include aspects, such as synchronous live lectures delivered from one’s office or distributed materials that are returned to the instructor via a variety of modalities. This provides maximum flexibility to each instructor within the confines of this very challenging public health care environment. 

To reiterate, these classes will resume as distributed or fully online instruction from March 16-27. Faculty must obtain permission to continue teaching in an in-person format (e.g., in smaller lab courses, field schools, art studios, etc.). In each case of approval, the dean may ask for clarification about how the course design can be modified to reduce transmission risk (e.g., lab classes broken up into different rooms, or art studio design time spread out). We know that this work is not easy and appreciate everyone’s best effort to meet the needs of our students while also keeping our community safe. 

In the coming weeks, we will make a decision about whether to resume in-person classes after spring break. We will notify the campus community when the decision has been made.”

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Coronavirus and Arthritis: What You Need to Know


Please check back regularly. We will stay in touch with the top experts and give you updates on this quick moving story, with a focus on what people with suppressed immune systems need to know.



UPDATE: March 7, 2020 - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated its recommendations for people who are at higher risk for complications from COVID-19 -- including people over 60 and those with severe chronic medical conditions -- to "stay at home as much as possible" and "avoid crowds."

According to the CDC website, "Older adults and people who have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease seem to be at higher risk for more serious COVID-19 illness. Early data suggest older people are twice as likely to have serious COVID-19 illness."

The CDC website goes on to say: "If you are at increased risk for COVID-19 complications due to age or because you have a severe underlying medical condition, it is especially important for you to take actions to reduce your risk of exposure." It recommends, if COVID-19 is spreading in your community, taking extra measures to put distance between yourself and other people, including staying home as much as possible and avoiding crowds, especially in poorly ventilated spaces.

We asked Michael George, MD, a rheumatologist and epidemiologist who studies infections in patients with autoimmune disease, who should follow this new guidance. He says. “The more at risk you are, the more you should consider this recommendation.”
He says this new guidance particularly applies to those with more severe disease or who have been hospitalized in the past with a respiratory infection or have interstitial lung disease, COPD or asthma, for example. Those with more mild disease may want to ask their doctor for guidance. (See below for more details on risk factors.)
People with osteoarthritis, or non-autoimmune types of arthritis, who have risk factors, such as age (over 60 years) or severe underlying medical condition should follow the CDC guidance on crowd avoidance, too.
And, Dr. George adds, “everyone should follow the general precautions,” such as handwashing, not touching your face, eyes, nose or mouth.

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6 hours ago, Terabith said:

She doesn't want to be blackballed by school systems.  It's a no win situation.  

Can you call the press on her behalf and say she didn't want to make waves but you want the students protected? That is a crazy, sad clash of bureaucratic cultures of both systems conspiring against common sense.

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@gardenmom5 @Lawyer&Mom @Pen

“SEATTLE: The Seattle-area nursing home at the epicentre of the US coronavirus outbreak said on Monday (Mar 9) it had no kits to test 65 employees showing symptoms of the virus that has killed at least 13 patients at the long-term care centre.

The staffers, representing more than a third of the Life Care Center's 180 employees, are out sick with symptoms resembling the coronavirus and a federal strike team of nurses and doctors is helping care for 53 patients remaining in the center.

With the Kirkland, Washington, home accounting for more than half of all coronavirus deaths in the United States, and all its patients tested, it was unclear why it had not been given kits for staff even as the University of Washington offered to process tests.

“We would like more kits to test employees,” Life Care Center spokesman Tim Killian told reporters, adding he did not know why they had not been forthcoming. “We’ve been asking the various government agencies that have been supplying us with test kits.”

Twenty-six of the nursing home's 120 patients have died since Feb 19, with 13 of 15 autopsies carried out so far showing that the coronavirus was the cause. Of the 53 residents still in the facility, results for 31 out of 35 have so far come back positive for the coronavirus.”

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Because of the above recommendation, even though I do not live in a currently identified hot zone (but probably only because no one has any tests in my state), my family has decided that I need to basically stay at home except for things like my medical appointments and picking up my car and getting my glasses type thing.  I can also do walks, go to the Botanical Garden, go to the nearly empty shows at movie theaters, but I am trying to figure out how not to be lonely.  Because no church for me, no Bible study, no Learning Quest classes, no women's group luncheon I go to once a month, etc.  I am usually so lonely because of my disease that I look forward to going to the grocery store and their pharmacy where I know the workers.   

And unlike the self quarantined people who do that because of exposure, I have to do this for the duration.  And my dh gets upset with me because I am crying on and off instead of being happy that I am alive and hopefully will not get the disease because of isolation.  But I know that loneliness is a huge killer- more than obesity.   I will get used to it but this afternoon and tonight is just hard.

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5 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Because of the above recommendation, even though I do not live in a currently identified hot zone (but probably only because no one has any tests in my state), my family has decided that I need to basically stay at home except for things like my medical appointments and picking up my car and getting my glasses type thing.  I can also do walks, go to the Botanical Garden, go to the nearly empty shows at movie theaters, but I am trying to figure out how not to be lonely.  Because no church for me, no Bible study, no Learning Quest classes, no women's group luncheon I go to once a month, etc.  I am usually so lonely because of my disease that I look forward to going to the grocery store and their pharmacy where I know the workers.   

And unlike the self quarantined people who do that because of exposure, I have to do this for the duration.  And my dh gets upset with me because I am crying on and off instead of being happy that I am alive and hopefully will not get the disease because of isolation.  But I know that loneliness is a huge killer- more than obesity.   I will get used to it but this afternoon and tonight is just hard.

Chris, as someone in the same boat, I call/text friends and family for social interaction. It’s not the same as seeing people but it’s something. 

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The community college my kid attends. @mathnerd @Carol in CA

“Starting March 10. COVID-19, testing will be available through Foothill College Health Center via Quest Diagnostics.  

Anyone can be tested who is concerned about their exposure to the Coronavirus and has fevers/chills and a bad cough with shortness of breath. To contain the virus, we DO NOT want any students/staff members coming into the clinic for this testing.

Please use our Telemedicine services, and the Health Center staff will assess your situation. If you are considered to be a possible carrier, you will be advised to go to the nearest Quest Diagnostics lab to be tested. Again, we will not have any swabs for testing on site as we do not want to increase exposure of the virus to other students/staff, so please use our Telemedicine services.” https://www.foothill.edu/healthservices/corona-virus.html

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14 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Because of the above recommendation, even though I do not live in a currently identified hot zone (but probably only because no one has any tests in my state), my family has decided that I need to basically stay at home except for things like my medical appointments and picking up my car and getting my glasses type thing.  I can also do walks, go to the Botanical Garden, go to the nearly empty shows at movie theaters, but I am trying to figure out how not to be lonely.  Because no church for me, no Bible study, no Learning Quest classes, no women's group luncheon I go to once a month, etc.  I am usually so lonely because of my disease that I look forward to going to the grocery store and their pharmacy where I know the workers.   

And unlike the self quarantined people who do that because of exposure, I have to do this for the duration.  And my dh gets upset with me because I am crying on and off instead of being happy that I am alive and hopefully will not get the disease because of isolation.  But I know that loneliness is a huge killer- more than obesity.   I will get used to it but this afternoon and tonight is just hard.


I’m sorry you are feeling down and lonely 😞.

 I have had to do a lot of that for a long time due to chronic health issues which include getting sick from fragrance and other chemical products which has made most social groups (church, even almost empty movie theaters) impossible for me. 

Phone calls and other methods of contact with friends can help.  

Walks and nature are good.  And maybe you could do that *with* someone if at a big enough social distancing length—walk 1 to 2 meters apart and talk, rather than a close distance.   If masks available maybe you could use a mask for such an activity. 

Books and reading.

individual hobbies  (including possible individual hobbies with an online group for it)... 



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3 hours ago, Thatboyofmine said:

😱  Someone from dh’s work left for a cruise this morning. 


I have never understood the appeal of cruises and co19 just solidifies my opinion of cruises.

But I'm on several travel boards and FB groups and there's many traveling without much concern for co19 is not a USA thing as far as I can tell.  There's lots of people chatting about it and using caution but I have not seen a single post of someone canceling or rescheduling their trips yet.  Not once.  And many people are taking the supposed downturn in travel as a chance to book cheaper trips this week or next few weeks!

I'm hoping things won't be so awful and I'll still get to go on my trip with dh in May.  I'm willing to wait until closer to decide what to do because I bought "cancel for any reason" insurance for the flights and the hotel tickets, that I'm presuming will be honored. 🤞

But I would not go on a trip right now.  I know bad things can happen anytime, but I wouldn't knowingly raise the risk of us dying away from them or me not being there for any of them in the hospital.

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Some of the radiology students at DD's CC doing clinicals were apparently involved in initial care for a patient who tested positive. They're shutting the buildings where the students took classes until the 14 day incubation period is up for deep cleaning. It overlaps Spring Break, and DD doesn't overlap, but it's a little unnerving. 

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My daughter’s college is going to all online at least through the end of March.   They are encouraging the kids not to return to campus after spring break but will house those who do return.   

i am hoping my son’s school cancels spring break and forces the kids to remain on campus so they can complete the semester 

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12 minutes ago, Terabith said:


The latest 5.8 earthquake off Eureka didn’t trigger a tsunami.  That’s probably why Costco was wiped out of toilet paper and bottled water. People were probably doing coronavirus prep with earthquake prep.  

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2 minutes ago, Arcadia said:


The latest 5.8 earthquake off Eureka didn’t trigger a tsunami.  That’s probably why Costco was wiped out of toilet paper and bottled water. People were probably doing coronavirus prep with earthquake prep.  

That wouldn't explain why we're out of those things here in Virginia, though.  

People are weird.  

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1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

@gardenmom5 @Lawyer&Mom @Pen

“SEATTLE: The Seattle-area nursing home at the epicentre of the US coronavirus outbreak said on Monday (Mar 9) it had no kits to test 65 employees showing symptoms of the virus that has killed at least 13 patients at the long-term care centre.

The staffers, representing more than a third of the Life Care Center's 180 employees, are out sick with symptoms resembling the coronavirus and a federal strike team of nurses and doctors is helping care for 53 patients remaining in the center.

With the Kirkland, Washington, home accounting for more than half of all coronavirus deaths in the United States, and all its patients tested, it was unclear why it had not been given kits for staff even as the University of Washington offered to process tests.

“We would like more kits to test employees,” Life Care Center spokesman Tim Killian told reporters, adding he did not know why they had not been forthcoming. “We’ve been asking the various government agencies that have been supplying us with test kits.”

Twenty-six of the nursing home's 120 patients have died since Feb 19, with 13 of 15 autopsies carried out so far showing that the coronavirus was the cause. Of the 53 residents still in the facility, results for 31 out of 35 have so far come back positive for the coronavirus.”

I'm not going to go look for it, but several days ago the health dept put out a statement saying that because coronavirus is endemic, they're not going to be testing.  made it sound like the only way someone would be tested was if they were sick enough to require hospitalization.

six deaths have occurred at the facility where the patients were never transported to a hospital - but were symptomatic.  

my take away at the time was "great way to hide numbers of ill and dying."  I hope there's a credible reason for it (misunderstanding) - but I'm not holding my breath either.

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16 minutes ago, Terabith said:


IME, small earthquakes tend to be a good thing to reduce stress on a fault with less damage from a human pov than larger ones.

And small and medium earth quakes are common along the west coast states.  I would not read too much into that. 


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Mongolia https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-mongolia/mongolia-confirms-first-coronavirus-case-a-french-national-idUSKBN20X03F

“(Reuters) - Mongolia said on Tuesday that a French national working in the country has been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus that has spread throughout the globe, marking the country's first case. 

The National Emergency Commission said in a statement the patient, a 57-year-old man, traveled to Mongolia from France and transited through Moscow. The government has identified 42 people the patient has met with and another 120 individuals who had close contact with the patient, who works for Badrakh Energy in southern Dornogovi province and is in stable condition.

Mongolia has suspended all local travel in Dornogovi province, the commission said.”


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1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

The community college my kid attends. @mathnerd @Carol in CA

“Starting March 10. COVID-19, testing will be available through Foothill College Health Center via Quest Diagnostics.  

Anyone can be tested who is concerned about their exposure to the Coronavirus and has fevers/chills and a bad cough with shortness of breath. To contain the virus, we DO NOT want any students/staff members coming into the clinic for this testing.

Please use our Telemedicine services, and the Health Center staff will assess your situation. If you are considered to be a possible carrier, you will be advised to go to the nearest Quest Diagnostics lab to be tested. Again, we will not have any swabs for testing on site as we do not want to increase exposure of the virus to other students/staff, so please use our Telemedicine services.” https://www.foothill.edu/healthservices/corona-virus.html


Really real? Or another theoretically possible , but if someone calls and hasn’t been to China or similar they won’t qualify, I wonder.

I hope it is real. 

I hope it starts to be s more widely available option. 

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1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

@gardenmom5 @Lawyer&Mom @Pen

“SEATTLE: The Seattle-area nursing home at the epicentre of the US coronavirus outbreak said on Monday (Mar 9) it had no kits to test 65 employees showing symptoms of the virus that has killed at least 13 patients at the long-term care centre.


 31 patients are positive, 1 negative, 3 inconclusive.  pending on 20

I don't know why they're not testing employees. they should be.

eta: the Snohomish school district is closed, as well as several schools in the Tacoma school district.

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2 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

 31 patients are positive, 1 negative, 3 inconclusive.  pending on 20

I don't know why they're not testing employees. they should be.

eta: the Snohomish school district is closed, as well as several schools in the Tacoma school district.

According to the thing I read this morning because they don’t have test kits.

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9 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Schools and community colleges are still in session though. A few districts have variations of the same notice on their websites.

SCCPHD and SCCOE are not advising school closures and ***** schools remain open at this time. If a school closure were to occur due to a health emergency, this would be done under the guidance of the SCCPHD.”

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1 minute ago, Ausmumof3 said:

According to the thing I read this morning because they don’t have test kits.


Iirc, University of Washington department of virology basically located in Seattle, which is right near Kirkland where the nursing home is,  has developed its own test kits and has said it can run 1000 tests per day. 

But needs them to be ordered run by physicians.   It can’t be patient self referral. 

So the test kits *should* get ordered by a physician with authority to do that, and *should* get over to somewhere that the employees can be tested. Or there should be a drive through, or people in hazmat suits should go to the residences of the workers...

but something seems to have gone awry? Or more dropping the ball?  Or maybe it is just smoke and mirrors and there is a real goal of not doing testing???   

It gets suspicious-er and suspicious-er. 

Maybe we are an experiment out here on West coast of USA to see what happens if close to almost no testing (to extent that can be gotten away with),  thus almost no effective contact tracing, nor effective quarantining, gets done? If it’s just sort of allowed to blow through the population for the most part, other than self care and self help, maybe that’s on purpose, rather than bungling.


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13 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:



UW is expanding their drive though testing, and will include first responders and employees at long term care facilities.  that should be available to them by the end of the week.  right now, it's students and employees only.


Just now, Pen said:


Iirc, University of Washington department of virology basically located in Seattle, which is right near Kirkland where the nursing home is,  has developed its own test kits and has said it can run 1000 tests per day. 

But needs them to be ordered run by physicians.   It can’t be patient self referral. 

So the test kits *should* get ordered by a physician with authority to do that, and *should* get over to somewhere that the employees can be tested. Or there should be a drive through, or people in hazmat suits should go to the residences of the workers...

but something seems to have gone awry? Or more dropping the ball?  Or maybe it is just smoke and mirrors and there is a real goal of not doing testing???   

It gets suspicious-er and suspicious-er. 

Maybe we are an experiment out here on West coast of USA to see what happens if close to almost no testing (to extent that can be gotten away with),  thus almost no effective contact tracing, nor effective quarantining, gets done? If it’s just sort of allowed to blow through the population for the most part, other than self care and self help, maybe that’s on purpose, rather than bungling.



I didn’t see your post till after Id posted.  

I hope that will help soon!

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