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What do you have planned for summer?


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Both of the teens have summer jobs lined up. 

San Diego for 10 days for a tournament/vacation combo. 

Church family camp in the woods (pretty much the highlight of every summer)

I am NOT taking a summer class, thankyouverymuch.

That’s all I can think of.   

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I'm running summer camps at the science center but don't know if I'll actually have students every (or any!) week.   Other than that we plan to go camping 4th of July week (if dh ever gets something booked before they are all gone), join the lake and swim and kayak.  We also continue with at least math and reading all summer. 

If I'm not running camps I need to do something about my house.  It's a disaster.

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Ds will have swim team, Scout camp, church camp, and lots of youth group fun. He will get to help lead at VBS, go to an amusement park for the first time, and sleep on an aircraft carrier with Scouts. Summer is his favorite time of the year! 

Dd will teach at VBS, go to AHG camp, church camp, and possibly piano camp, if she gets in. She will likely spend lots of time hanging out with friends. 

Both of them will enjoy sleeping lots, reading stacks of novels, and watching movies. They will both be doing some cooking and yardwork, as well  as looking for opportunities to earn money. 

I will be prepping for the coming school year, taking them to the pool, camp, and youth group events. 

No vacation for us this yr with car replacement looming in the vaguely near future. 


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I don't have any significant travel planned this summer, so far.  I would like to do a road trip, but I'm not sure how realistic that is.  I have left a week or two open in July in case we do that.

Otherwise, I have work and the kids have summer camps.  I have a big deadline that takes up the entirety of June every year, plus I am likely to have a second big project due around the same time.  Then a bunch of reporting and then an annual seminar that we put on, right around the time school starts again.

The kids' camps have been scheduled and paid for.  Chess, science, heritage, music, cooking, and academic review.  I am also planning to have them take music lessons, and they will continue their sports - horse riding, gymnastics, and TKD, maybe cross-country, with swimming and other stuff mixed in for fun.  We might do some scout stuff - still undecided on that.  The kids are hoping to get their second-degree black belts and do some horse shows.  We have a regional weekend get-together with our adoption community.

Academic review / enrichment at home - I hope we can do a good amount this year.  I say that every year.  😛

I have some house projects that I would like to get done.  I recently re-discovered quite a lot of junk in our basement that we were saving for who-knows-what which can go.  The kids' storage, the kitchen cupboards, and my closet could all use an overhaul.  We should rip out our overgrown shrubbery and get that area re-landscaped.  Of course there is no good reason to wait until summer for those projects.  😛


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Ds11 has a 4 night cam in June.

Dd16 has 2 back to back camps in July.

While dd16 is gone, ds11 and dd3 have VBS at church.

We will go to Dh’s parents’ for a few days while his far away brother’s family is there.

I’d like to go see my brother and his family (there’s a new niece I want to hug on), but they are 9+ hours away.  Trying to convince DH to make it into a vacation plus see family trip.

I hope to spend some time with my nearby friends that I just don’t get to see when we are so busy during the school year.

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Dh and I are taking a vacation May 24th- July 3 to Europe, the kids are visiting grandparents (they are VERY excited)

Ds has 2 Scout camps in June and July

We will have a long weekend to the city as a family when dh is off, probably in July???

Dd1 is doing babysitting training.

I hope for all the kids to do a session of swim lessons.

At least a few trips to the nearby beach on the local lake.

Summer cleaning, organizing, and gardening.

LOTS of planning for the coming school year so the school year runs as smoothly as possible.

We will start back with homeschool July 1st with the girls so we are done by early spring.

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I don't have any real plans for myself.

DD is trying to find a full time summer job to save money for college expenses.

Middle kid it going to try to get his Eagle project and last couple of merit badges finished.  He also has scout camp for a week.

Youngest has a week of scout camp.

My parents are having their 50th wedding anniversary this summer so my siblings and I are working on planning something for them.

I would love to do some sort of family vacation before DD moves away to school, but I don't think that will happen.

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DS17 will play travel baseball.  I'd like him to get a job.  We just moved from FL to SC so while he will play on his high school coach's summer team I'm not sure how intensive it is.

DS14 will be busy talking me ears off because he hasn't met anyone yet.  LOL.  I'd like for him to get a job but I'm not sure if his age will be a problem.

As a family we are going on an Alaskan cruise out of Seattle (so spending some time in Seattle before the cruise) and maybe will head down to FL to see my parents.  I'm sure we will go to PA to see my inlaws.

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not have a paid job for one - it's a luxury for this summer 


work on my master's thesis

brush up my Latin with my favorite Latin instructor

work on remodeling our house - cosmetic stuff mostly

ds and I are going to go on a vacation somewhere - it has to be cheap, but we both need a real vacation

drink too many margaritas 

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So out the 10-11 weeks of public school summer, DS10 and DS12 are doing:

2 weeks of 1/2-3/4 day Sailing camp on a public lake, DS10 is in optis and DS12 is moving up to 420s

1 week each at Grandmas with same age cousins.

2 weeks Scout camp with a 3 day backpacking trip together.

DS12 is doing a week day camp at the more serious tactical LARP camp.

DS10 is doing week of day camp with our Loppet folks doing canoeing, orienteering, and trail running.

ETA: and a week of family vacation in late August

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DD will be home for the summer.  She's seen a few jobs she's applying for.  

Theparent inlaws are visiting for a month and we may go to the beach one week while they are here.

I think we will be doing some final renovations on our 100+ year house, but of course nothing is ever finished on a house.  I do dread getting the floors done because every thing has to be taken out and that includes the bookshelves coming down.

I would like to plan something relaxing after the inlaws and renovations.  I do not want to start the next school year burned out and it will be ds1 Senior year!

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16 hours ago, sassenach said:

Both of the teens have summer jobs lined up. 

San Diego for 10 days for a tournament/vacation combo. 

Church family camp in the woods (pretty much the highlight of every summer)

I am NOT taking a summer class, thankyouverymuch.

That’s all I can think of.   


If you need a tour guide, feel free to hit me up. We are on the boat all summer at the Hyatt in Mission Bay.

Kids will be in camp all summer, starting the week after Memorial Day. They are doing a ton camps: YMCA camps, AoPS, CTY, Junior Lifeguards, Mission Bay Sports Club, and Martial Arts. The last two weeks of summer we will take a vacation. Still in the planning phase on that -- we may go on a cruise, we may go to see my parents in Seattle, or we may take the RV up to Yosemite (we were supposed to go last year, but got smoked out with the fires).

Meanwhile, I will be working out and lounging by the pool with nursing school books all summer. I have labs in May and August and my first clinical rotations (12-hour shifts in Med/Surg) start in September, right after Labor Day.   

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Summer is a hectic time for our businesses, so dh and I will be working lots of hours. It looks like it is going to be a good year, so our goal is to put away as much money for retirement as we possibly can this year. 

I'll be spending lots of time working with my horses.

We will wrap up our remodeling project - just a little more work and it will finally be done.

My two boys will be home from college and will be working and taking a class or two.

Ds18 is planning to buy his first car this summer.

Ds20 (car nut/future mechanic) will be working on two project cars that he is rebuilding. One is just a fun project for himself and the other one he is planning to sell.

Dd16 will also be working and taking classes and has plans to open an Etsy store. 

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1 hour ago, SeaConquest said:


If you need a tour guide, feel free to hit me up. We are on the boat all summer at the Hyatt in Mission Bay.

Kids will be in camp all summer, starting the week after Memorial Day. They are doing a ton camps: YMCA camps, AoPS, CTY, Junior Lifeguards, Mission Bay Sports Club, and Martial Arts. The last two weeks of summer we will take a vacation. Still in the planning phase on that -- we may go on a cruise, we may go to see my parents in Seattle, or we may take the RV up to Yosemite (we were supposed to go last year, but got smoked out with the fires).

Meanwhile, I will be working out and lounging by the pool with nursing school books all summer. I have labs in May and August and my first clinical rotations (12-hour shifts in Med/Surg) start in September, right after Labor Day.   


I will definitely pm you as we get closer if only for some recommendations. We're staying in Ocean Beach. Ds will have games, but we don't know yet if they will be everyday or what. Our big limiting factor will be my son with CP. We have to keep his days pretty short. Three to four hour outings, max.

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Just now, sassenach said:

I will definitely pm you as we get closer if only for some recommendations. We're staying in Ocean Beach. Ds will have games, but we don't know yet if they will be everyday or what. Our big limiting factor will be my son with CP. We have to keep his days pretty short. Three to four hour outings, max.


Understood. I live in Pacific Beach ("PB") part of the year and Mission Beach the other part, which are just next to Ocean Beach ("OB"), so happy to help. 🙂

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