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No Christmas tree this year


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Because of our new kitty, we decided to not get a tree this year. When I asked DH and DS if they would mind, both assured me they couldn't care less (apparently neither of them is fond of having one anyway). So.... no tree it is. 

So now where do we put presents? Can't put them by the stove because we use it so it's hot,  and presents would be weirdly in the middle of our living room floor. It feels weird to just stack them in a corner, or fill a basket. One thing we've always liked to do is slowly tuck a present here and there under the tree when no one is watching. It's silly and fun but now...?

Any ideas?

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36 minutes ago, mominco said:

How about by the fireplace/Mantel ?I have seen a lot of ideas on Pinterest.

We have a pellet stove that we use for heating the house. Not a safe place to stack gifts all over the floor. 

I do decorate the mantle, but the problem is not having a natural place for presents without a tree (and of course it must be kitty proof, otherwise we'd have a tree). 

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13 minutes ago, maize said:

Kitty proof?

Kitty proof is not a thing.

Wrapping paper is so much fun to rip with sharp kitty teeth...

Point taken. :)

I guess what I meant is that the ideas I've seen involves making a tree substitute/sticking washi tape all over the wall in a tree shape/ hanging ornaments from branches on a wall/ getting a smaller tree...all fine ideas but just as tempting for kitty. And now to add insult to injury my family apparently doesn't even care. 

I don't decorate much for the holidays and even a tree is super no fuss for me. But I'd never considered just not having *anything* in that corner so I'm at a loss. First world problem for sure. 

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1. Do you have a staircase that's nice?  Could you line one side of the staircase with presents?

2.  Get various sized empty boxes--some of them should be very big--almost the size of a small end table.  Wrap them in Christmas paper.  Stack up those big boxes wherever you'd normally put the tree.  The big ones will be a focal point.  Sure, a lot of the boxes are fake presents, but it'll still be a place to put the real presents. Unless you're getting some big items, the real presents will probably look skimpy if you put them wherever the tree used to go.  

3.  Is there a piece of furniture that isn't used much?  A sideboard?  A table somewhere?  Can you stack the presents on that piece of furniture?  How about a chair in a corner somewhere?  Can you stack presents on and around a chair?  Put a Christmas blanket on the chair.

Edited by Garga
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IME they are less interested in fake trees.  Get a small cheap one from Walmart or something (not high quality, keep forever kind), or even one of those tiny trees people put in kids rooms these days.  Put it on a small table like a potted plant.  Put presents beneath table.

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1 hour ago, Katy said:

IME they are less interested in fake trees.  Get a small cheap one from Walmart or something (not high quality, keep forever kind), or even one of those tiny trees people put in kids rooms these days.  Put it on a small table like a potted plant.  Put presents beneath table.

Yeah, that was going to be my suggestion. They have such amazing, cheap artificial trees now. I got a white one from Walmart last year to give color to dd's room when she came home from college, and it was super fun. Here's one at 4' for only $25. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Holiday-Time-4ft-Pre-Lit-Indiana-Spruce-Artificial-Christmas-Tree-with-105-Multicolored-Lights-White/457474848 I wouldn't even screw around with ornaments. Just put up the tree and maybe a skirt and enjoy.

Edited by PeterPan
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8 hours ago, Katy said:

IME they are less interested in fake trees.  Get a small cheap one from Walmart or something (not high quality, keep forever kind), or even one of those tiny trees people put in kids rooms these days.  Put it on a small table like a potted plant.  Put presents beneath table.

I'd definitely use a small fake tree if kitties don't care about them. Maybe I'll try that; I do have the perfect side table for one. I just figured it would be as interesting as a real one (we've done both and I have no preference). 

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I would do your tree as usual.  I’ve had 3 kittens since I was an adult.  I prefer fake trees and made sure I had ornaments on the bottom of the tree that were safe for kitty or that I didn’t care about.  All of mine ended up playing with a few ornaments on the bottom of the tree or laying underneath the tree on the tree skirt.  They much preferred the sticky bows on the presents to anything on the tree.  

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2 hours ago, MEmama said:

I'd definitely use a small fake tree if kitties don't care about them. Maybe I'll try that; I do have the perfect side table for one. I just figured it would be as interesting as a real one (we've done both and I have no preference). 

My mother always uses a fake tree and has a cat with no problem. I think they don't put the most breakable ornaments toward the bottom, but it's more just the swishing of the tale thing. Their tree is also pretty dense, one of those skinny/narrow trees, so the cat can't just jump inside. Someone else I know had a more open fake tree and the cat did like to perch in it. 

I think if you go with a short tree on a table or a dense tree and do no ornaments, you'll probably be safe. A lot of the trees now are pre-lit and pretty with nothing else added. And then, depending on how that goes, you could do something more the next year.

Edited by PeterPan
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My cat liked the fake tree just fine. We actually got a cat tree a couple years ago and decorated it with kitty proof ornaments/ toys.  

Wrapped gifts were actually more tempting for our kitty than a tree.  We weren’t able to put them out ahead of time because kitty would open them.  But, cats vary on that.  We kept them in a closet and brought them out Christmas Eve.  

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A couple of years ago when we had a puppy who I knew would be tempted to play with the ornaments on the tree, we got a smaller tree and moved the coffee table to the where the tree goes and put the tree on the coffee table.  It worked well!  In fact, I thought it was easier to water and there was plenty of space for presents under the table.

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Qualifier: we always have an artificial tree. For our first kitten year, I purchased a bucket of generic plastic ornaments at Target and used those instead of our regular ornaments. I think I used them for two years, then went back to using our regular ornaments.

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2 hours ago, TechWife said:

Qualifier: we always have an artificial tree. For our first kitten year, I purchased a bucket of generic plastic ornaments at Target and used those instead of our regular ornaments. I think I used them for two years, then went back to using our regular ornaments.

Yeah, I should clarify....I've had a cat pretty much my entire life.  Occasionally one would bat at an especially tempting, low hanging ornament, but we never had a cat go into the tree or mess with ornaments until we got Obama, and he almost killed himself climbing the tree and getting himself all tangled up in the lights.  He was screaming and I don't know how he got so tangled so fast, but it was a MESS.  My husband and I were covered in scratches from trying to rescue him, and if we hadn't been home when it happened, he really could have been strangled.  That's when we dumped the fake tree and went with the festive cat tree instead.  But my point is not every cat is tempted by the tree.  To be fair, when my first cat was young, we lived in a small apartment and didn't have one, and by the time we got Christmas trees, she was middle aged.  But we also had a young cat at that time who had no interest.  It just depends on the cat.  

However, EVERY cat has been tempted by wrapped presents.  Cardboard, paper, ribbons....  (We had one cat who loved eating ribbon, which is very dangerous.  We would think she had no access to ribbon and then she'd cough up a hairball with ribbon in it.  It was crazy.)  Displaying gifts, in my experience, has been far more difficult than trees (although when they ARE tempted by the tree, it's not like you can redirect them).  

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I'd still do the tree, but only with lights on it.  I have a couple of strings of bubble lights that I use sometimes, and I'd probably add them to the mix to substitute for the missing ornaments.  I'd skip the preservative fluid in the water in case the kitten drank it, and I'd put a length of green or red velvet around the stand for her to cuddle up on.  Then I'd enjoy the cat enjoying Christmas with us.  No presents until I was ready to open them, or possibly I'd pile them up on a table or tea cart.

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47 minutes ago, Kareni said:

Those really are great, Angie.  Of course, were I to build the book one, I'd immediately NEED to read that book on the second tier from the bottom ....



Oh, who are we kidding, Kareni? Neither of us would ever finish assembling the book tree because we'd have to stop and read or re-read passages out of all of them! 

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5 hours ago, Carol in Cal. said:

I'd still do the tree, but only with lights on it.  I have a couple of strings of bubble lights that I use sometimes, and I'd probably add them to the mix to substitute for the missing ornaments.  I'd skip the preservative fluid in the water in case the kitten drank it, and I'd put a length of green or red velvet around the stand for her to cuddle up on.  Then I'd enjoy the cat enjoying Christmas with us.  No presents until I was ready to open them, or possibly I'd pile them up on a table or tea cart.

Ditto!  I've always just adapted our tree to our kittens, cats, and kids.  My first cat holds the family record for knocking the tree over (in under 3 minutes) so for a few years I used twine to steady it to a wooden base. Usually the lights go up and then I leave some time for them to get used to it, then mostly unbreakable ornaments. 

One year I did have to remove lights because a toddler was taking them out and popping them into his mouth!

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1 hour ago, Angie in VA said:

Oh, who are we kidding, Kareni? Neither of us would ever finish assembling the book tree because we'd have to stop and read or re-read passages out of all of them! 

Shh, Angie.  You're giving away our secrets ....  I suspect you are quite right.


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13 hours ago, Pippen said:

Ditto!  I've always just adapted our tree to our kittens, cats, and kids.  My first cat holds the family record for knocking the tree over (in under 3 minutes) so for a few years I used twine to steady it to a wooden base. Usually the lights go up and then I leave some time for them to get used to it, then mostly unbreakable ornaments. 

One year I did have to remove lights because a toddler was taking them out and popping them into his mouth!


At one point I'd given up and was just using a little tree about 3' tall on a round table.  The round antique table that I'd borrowed from my mother.   I was so clever.   I solidly attached the tree to the table with twine wrapped around the table's center post, then the stem of the tree, (repeat).   The darn cat knocked the whole table over and broke a table leg.  Mom's pretty antique table.  

ETA: There are some pretty darn cute 'ornaments' on this thread.  

Edited by shawthorne44
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