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OMGosh, The View. Anyone watching?

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The whole point of The View is for the hosts to say mildly controversial things. I wouldn't get too worked up about it.


Of course, you can always email them. :)


I thought about writing to them, but was afraid they might ask me to bring my non-demented kids on the show. Unfortunately mine are demented, but not because of homeschooling! :lol:

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I think most people have an odd view of homeschooling because only the extreme examples are spotlighted by the media (the hippie un-schoolers or the very conservative/religious families of 17, like the Duggers). The funny thing is there are tons of homeschoolers in show-biz. But then they are doing it because of their kids careers, so it is seen as a necessity of the job.

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:rant: Did you see/hear Joy's comment that homeschoolers are "Demented"? And of course the ever present "Sheltered" comment as well. But demented? I'm a little ticked off right now! Ugh!:rant:


Well now, aren't you? I mean really, who in their right mind would consent to wearing a denim jumper and having their children with them 24/7?:lol:

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Every few months, I try to watch that show, usually when some SuperHottie guest is on plugging his latest movie or whatever. But it takes about two minutes to remember "oh right, now i remember, i hate this show!!!" And Joy cannot be less appropriately named.


I tend to be at the gym during the day when the other moms are there. It's like a shrine to these ladies. Every monitor on every machine is tuned to them.


I'm the weirdo watching CNBC or something trashy on VH1 or E! Channel.

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I tend to be at the gym during the day when the other moms are there. It's like a shrine to these ladies. Every monitor on every machine is tuned to them.

At my Y we just got TVs in the locker rooms. The staff quickly discovered that they couldn't leave the remotes in the locker rooms because people take them (who knows why?). So, the staff turns on the tv and leaves the locker room. A week ago the men's locker room was tuned to The View. The male patrons were complaining and wanted to know if the women's room had ESPN on.

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So true. It merely exposes the ignorance that many have about homeschooling. The View hostesses seem to claim, for the most part, that they have a platform to express "tolerance" and their wisdom, but like Abbey said, they have to say explosive things. This keeps up their publicity and ratings, since they are an entertainment medium.

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:rant: Did you see/hear Joy's comment that homeschoolers are "Demented"? And of course the ever present "Sheltered" comment as well. But demented? I'm a little ticked off right now! Ugh!:rant:


Oh good grief! The few times I've watched, I always wonder why they're not doing something worthwhile with their lives. Not worth commenting on.



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I don't like to let my kids see me angry...so, No View here. I have seen it a few times and the View seems very narrow and "Joy" does seem misnamed, but my own means "Grace" and I am a Klutz. We took a poll and all the kids are proud to be demented and quite happy to be sheltered :) Okay, one kid says that he is not demented, but prefers the term "unbalanced"

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The people that make comments like this have not personally met one homeschooling family, let alone a group of homeschoolers. They have no personal experience to back up any of their comments. They are ignorant of what they are talking about.




I guess that is why it really gets my goat. (What does that mean anyway?) Isn't that what is known as an ad hominin(sp?) attact. Sorry, haven't started formal logic yet. :D

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I just watched the video...Elizabeth said that Joy was being stereotypical and with the exception of Elizabeth the rest of the ladies were against homeschooling. Barbara said that living in the White House was more than enough isolation for the Obama girls'. Joy's brilliant idea (which is what brought hsling into the mix) was to hold a private school AT the White House.


I've watched the View briefly at other times, I don't watch tv during the day but it seems to be very off balanced in views.

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It was on in the waiting room at the car repair shop.


It was so tacky, so profane, so disgusting and pedestrian. I am not anti-television. I watch it it here and there and I watch the occasional R movie and I am not a prude.


But The View was beyond anything I imagined would be allowed on television. Just don't watch it, okay? Of course they say crazy stuff. They are nut cases trying to get their ratings up among morons. That's what they do!

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I stopped watching the view years ago. Joy Behar and Whoopi say the most hateful things on that show. I had WHoopi's book on manners which I thought was cute. BUt, I gave it to Goodwill after I heard a few commenst from her. Manners is not her strong point.


I don't know why any woman, any liberated woman, actually watches that show, like those wealthy New York women would have a clue about the real world.

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I've seen the show a few times, just to see what all the hoopla was about during the election. I've never been keen on Barbara Walters, and that little blonde bimbo, Elizabeth, is missing many brain cells. Joy didn't seem to leave a negative impression on me, tho. I enjoy Whoopi, too. I guess, tho, that it's the "demented" homeschoolers that tend to make national news, so that's all they have to make jokes about. Like Jenny said, you hear about the extremes, but not all the "average" ones just living their lives.


Elizabeth is a complete bimbo. It cracks me up that anyone would take anything she says seriously. Her IQ must be in the 50s.


But I've never been too impressed by any of the women on that show, even the more liberal ones. That particular show seems to drag everyone down mentally.



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Ding, ding, ding


Ahhhh, the memories I have of that movie.....:)


Yup! It was dh & my favorite movie in college. I took a small group communications class and our final was to write a 25 page paper on the different aspects of small group communication in The Breakfast Club. I have seen that movie a few times!!

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Yup! It was dh & my favorite movie in college. I took a small group communications class and our final was to write a 25 page paper on the different aspects of small group communication in The Breakfast Club. I have seen that movie a few times!!


"It is so absurb that I have be here on a Saturday." Claire


I quoted this for years when I had to work on Saturdays. Thanks for the :auto: road trip down memory lane. :D

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My two older boys, who by the way were homeschooled for 9 of their 12 years, say that all homeschoolers are WEIRD! :lol: "They dress funny, come from insanely large families, and all have food allergies."


Of course, they themselves are the exception. :001_huh: I'd say mine are more delusional than demented. :D



And the truth shall set you free.:rolleyes:








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And yet that seems just like something I would expect to be said on The View.




:cheers2: Totally.

I don't watch the show. I've never even seen more than maybe five minutes of it, but I don't understand why one of the hosts needs to be characterized as a "bimbo." What does that have to do with Joy Behar's ignorant comment?

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I can't stand that show. I think Joy is demented and needs to be sheltered.


I can't stand her. I watched this show when it first came out. I could only stand 3 shows with her then I knew what she would become. I just wish she would just shut up!!!




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:cheers2: Totally.

I don't watch the show. I've never even seen more than maybe five minutes of it, but I don't understand why one of the hosts needs to be characterized as a "bimbo." What does that have to do with Joy Behar's ignorant comment?



I took it to mean that, in poster's opinion, Elizabeth is the stupidest hostess on "The View." I believe the context had strayed from the homeschooling comment to generally bashing "The View" as a silly, stupid program.

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I took it to mean that, in poster's opinion, Elizabeth is the stupidest hostess on "The View." I believe the context had strayed from the homeschooling comment to generally bashing "The View" as a silly, stupid program.



I guess I'm just really, really tired of people insulting other people. And I'm not saying that the people who posted the comments are always going around doing that. I've been talking to my kids about kindness a lot lately and I've become more sensitive to things like that. So it bothers me.

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I guess I'm just really, really tired of people insulting other people. And I'm not saying that the people who posted the comments are always going around doing that. I've been talking to my kids about kindness a lot lately and I've become more sensitive to things like that. So it bothers me.


I understand. If you look back in thread, you will see that other hostesses (at least I assume they're hostesses) were bashed prior to negative comment about this particular hostess. So I suppose it is equal opportunity bashing of all hostesses and program itself.


I've been thinking lately too about how easily and handily we feel free to denigrate public figures, but I'm not making any changes in my actions or outlook because of it. Being subjected to that sort of ridicule just kinda goes along with seeking a career in the public eye.


P.S. I have seen maybe 10 minutes of "The View." I watched you tubes clips where Rosie O'Donell imitated Donald Trump and another where Kathy Griffin, a comedienne who insults certain celebrities, was interviewed.

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I understand. If you look back in thread, you will see that other hostesses (at least I assume they're hostesses) were bashed prior to negative comment about this particular hostess. So I suppose it is equal opportunity bashing of all hostesses and program itself.

Well yes, I guess that's true. I think that maybe people felt justified because of Joy Behar's remarks, but it's true that bashing is bashing.


I've been thinking lately too about how easily and handily we feel free to denigrate public figures, but I'm not making any changes in my actions or outlook because of it. Being subjected to that sort of ridicule just kinda goes along with seeking a career in the public eye.


Also true. But sometimes I remind myself that they're still human and they have human feelings. And I wonder how I would feel if I were just reading a message board and suddenly my famous sister's name came up. And people were saying things about her that were unfair or just mean. There's a fine line between criticizing a person's work and tearing them to shreds on a personal level.

Oh well.

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Barbara said that living in the White House was more than enough isolation for the Obama girls'. Joy's brilliant idea (which is what brought hsling into the mix) was to hold a private school AT the White House.



I just read (in the supermarket checkout line) that one presidents children did just that - held school at the Whitehouse for about 10 children. I can't remember which President that was.


I can't bring myself to watch The View anymore. Every last one of them, including Barbara, are so irritating and loud and obnoxious (Barbara being obnoxious in a passive aggressive way). Ick, ugh, blah, yuk, ack. :ack2:

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I think it's kind of funny that some people are horrified by the use of "bimbo" as an adjective to describe someone but "demented" is ok to describe another. Sure!


I also had no idea how many people here had that kind of time to watch the View. We don't have cable or rabbit ears so we use our TV for DVDs only. Reading the thread has made me so grateful that I don't have time to waste watching capid women complain about the world. We're too busy living in it!



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