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Nosey Checkout Workers: Friendly or annoying?

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So, when you get a checkout worker at the grocery store that comments on your purchases do you react positively or negatively.


Today at Meijers I received comments on all kinds of things in my shopping cart from the young man (probably early college age).


Two Bags of Frozen Chicken Breasts that were on sale: "Boy, that's a lot of chicken". I reply, "Yes, we use a lot of it".


Four gallons of milk: "Wow, I hope you can use all this milk before Nov. 22. That expiration date is coming right up". I reply, "Yes, that won't be problem, I have seven children so we go through it pretty fast". He answers, "Holy cr**! That's a lot of kids". :) I didn't really respond to that.


A bag of Huggies: "You must have a little one". Mind you, said 1 yods is sitting in the grocery cart. I just smiled and pointed.


I was glad I wasn't purchasing anything, ahem, more personal, today!:D

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So, when you get a checkout worker at the grocery store that comments on your purchases do you react positively or negatively.


Today at Meijers I received comments on all kinds of things in my shopping cart from the young man (probably early college age).


Two Bags of Frozen Chicken Breasts that were on sale: "Boy, that's a lot of chicken". I reply, "Yes, we use a lot of it".


Four gallons of milk: "Wow, I hope you can use all this milk before Nov. 22. That expiration date is coming right up". I reply, "Yes, that won't be problem, I have seven children so we go through it pretty fast". He answers, "Holy cr**! That's a lot of kids". :) I didn't really respond to that.


A bag of Huggies: "You must have a little one". Mind you, said 1 yods is sitting in the grocery cart. I just smiled and pointed.


I was glad I wasn't purchasing anything, ahem, more personal, today!:D


LOL! I don't think I've ever had an experience like that! About the most anyone's ever said to me is, "You must like to cook a lot!" because I don't buy a lot of stuff in boxes -- it's fresh veggies and the like.


I think the situation you're describing *would* feel a little creepy. But I'm sure he was just trying to be nice and make conversation. :001_smile:

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Definitely friendly.


You know, it's just sad that we as a society don't hardly speak to each other. I sat two feet from a woman in the dentist office with my children this am and my youngest wanted to know what was wrong with her that she couldn't speak.


Now, I'm with ya on the criticism of the purchases - that's another animal.


I personally feel that's a confident young man to strike up a conversation with a stranger. As a former "checker-outer" it's a mundane, thankless job. You meet all sorts and the guy was probably just being nice.

My two cents :)

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As a current checker, we are strongly encouraged to be friendly, and to make comments on things people could buy to supplement what they are already buying (supplemental selling). I try to be friendly without suggesting they need to buy more. I will occasionally ask what they are planning on cooking if they're buying a lot of great or unusual ingredients.

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Around here I would get asked if S was engaged yet and how does she like Boulder and did B get her exchange to the AFA and does H have to have her ankle surgery redone? And did I hear, M got a new job, so she's not at Starbucks any more and how does my mil like the new help at the assisted living place and how did dh's wisdom teeth surgery go? :D It can take FOREVER to get out of the grocery store...




same deal in my town ;)

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I'll take a chatty, friendly cashier over the annoying teenagers who think I have nothing better to do with my time than listen to them flirt with the bag boy and watch my ice cream melt. Ugh. I've had to listen to that more than I care. Can I at least get a "hello" and "How are you?":glare:


So, no, it doesn't bother me too much to have my stuff commented on. It does not happen all that often to me. Most times the cashiers (who are paying attention and aren't flirting) are torn between smiling at my kids and wanting to throttle them for being beasties!:lol:

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LOL! :lol: Friendly AND annoying, but I think the annoying part depends on the type of comment made and how many are dished out. I don't mind friendly talk, but I don't like feeling like I'm being interviewed, especially when other customers are standing in the line.


Customer service really isn't one of my island's strong points. Checkers usually don't even say HI. :001_huh:

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I usually get comments on the fact that I buy lots of flour; they want to know what I do with it. When I say "we bake a lot of our own bread" they look at me like I have 3 heads. My favorite was when I was looking to buy alphabet noodles for soup they said "you know you can buy soup in the can with alphabet noodles in it". When I explained that we wanted to make our own soup, she was genuinely surprised that one could actually do that. Sad, but true.

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We like to treat ourselves to a certain steak that is on the pricer side and the lady at the check out was shocked at the price and made a comment about whatever under her breath. Now that was annoying. We like what we like and and can afford to buy it on occasion so I don't know what her problem was.

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I once went to Costco. I bought only 3 items: menstrual pads, over the counter medication for a feminine problem, and over the counter medication for another bodily function problem. The man who checks items in cart before customer exits remarked, "Looks like you're having an unpleasant day," as he checked off the items.



THAT was a BRAVE soul!!!!!! violent027.gif

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DS was 9 months old and with me when I bought the test. The checker looked at the test, looked at DS, and said, "Oh, no. Not again!" I said, "Could be." What I wanted to say was, "Mind your own business!"


BTW, the positive from that test is DD listed in my signature. :)


What an awful thing to say!


I also got a comment once from a friendly cashier at the store where I am known as a regular. He said "Maybe?" I was struggling with the two kids I had already that day and not in the mood to be friendly. Then he says, "I hope it is because you are such a good Mom!" He made me smile :001_smile:

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I once went to Costco. I bought only 3 items: menstrual pads, over the counter medication for a feminine problem, and over the counter medication for another bodily function problem. The man who checks items in cart before customer exits remarked, "Looks like you're having an unpleasant day," as he checked off the items.


:lol: Oh, my! Thanks I needed that laugh!


....and sorry you had such "an unpleasant day"

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I usually hear the same type of comment, no matter where I shop. It is some version of, "Wow, you must shop once a month to need all this stuff!"...to which I reply, "No, I will probably be back next week." :glare: Heck, when you cook from scratch, you need a lot of stuff!


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I usually get "WOW, that's a lot of coupons!" Um-hum...


By the time I get to the check out I am so over grocery shopping so I'm in no mood for chit-chat that will elongate my "shopping experience."


Especially since I know that when they're done I'll spend another 15 minutes pouring over my receipt and shopping list with the coupons I used listed to make sure they didn't screw something up.


Last shopping trip I found a $31 error.

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When we first arrived in Mississippi, I went grocery shopping for some snacks for the kids while we were in a hotel and looking for a house. The cashier chatted with me so long and intimately, I was *sure* he was a little...well, slow. Or something.


But as the days went on, I realized *everyone* did that! I would have long conversations with people in lines, at the store, perfect strangers. And as time went on, I grew to love it. The phrase "never met a stranger" must have started in MS, I swear.


Now I do it, but I'm up north, and undoubtedly people must think *I'm* a little "slow", to be so chatty to perfect strangers!!!!:lol:


I find it pleasant,not annoying.

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LOL!!! This is my dad's big pet peeve. He hates it when clerks make comments. "So, got a little sweet tooth today, eh?" ;)



ooolala -- totally OT, like the new avatar picture.


This is my hometown. You go shopping and catch up with anybody and everybody, even when you don't particularly want to. It's fine by me if clerks want to chat, I figure it makes their job a little bit friendlier, and we must look friendly enough that we'll chat back. Better than being on our cell phones (I've seen both clerks and shoppers on their phones).

Edited by lovemyboys
to actually make a pertinent comment
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I once went to Costco. I bought only 3 items: menstrual pads, over the counter medication for a feminine problem, and over the counter medication for another bodily function problem. The man who checks items in cart before customer exits remarked, "Looks like you're having an unpleasant day," as he checked off the items.


That is REALLY funny. My dh once had to run into the store quick. His items were Miralax, fiber wafers and prune juice. We had a backed up kid. He realized once he got up to the checkout what they were going to think, so he called me and started talking about ds's constipation. He wanted to make sure everyone around him knew it wasn't for him. I'm on the other end of the phone asking, "Why are you calling me? I already told you why we need that stuff!"

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Now I do it, but I'm up north, and undoubtedly people must think *I'm* a little "slow", to be so chatty to perfect strangers!!!!:lol:



Ha! I do it sometimes. Around here, in general, black women do it and react well to it, and white women look at you like you've lost your mind! Where I'm from, LOTS of people do it, black or white.


Weird how different different places are...

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DS was 9 months old and with me when I bought the test. The checker looked at the test, looked at DS, and said, "Oh, no. Not again!" I said, "Could be." What I wanted to say was, "Mind your own business!"


BTW, the positive from that test is DD listed in my signature. :)


Better than what DH got. Mind you, this was at the age of 26 or 27, but lots of people can't tell the age of people of another race very well. Checker said, snarkily, "Knocked her up, did you?"--obviously thinking he was a teen.


Classy, eh? We already had a son at the time, too!

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I do not mind at all - they are just being friendly at their repetitive job and sometimes the checkout person is the only adult conversation I have all day!!! If I did want the human contact I'd be in the self-check line.


This is WHY I am usually in the self-checkout line. Unfortunately the local starbucks does not have a self-checkout option at the drive-thru and the the cashiers there are required to be insanely cheerful and chatty. There are two guys there who insist on calling me girlfriend and asking about my day, the weather, politics, etc. I have learned to allot a little extra time there and then relax and try to enjoy the conversation. I also tell myself that I would probably be insanely cheerful and chatty if I had an unlimited supply of coffee as well. :tongue_smilie:

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I once went to Costco. I bought only 3 items: menstrual pads, over the counter medication for a feminine problem, and over the counter medication for another bodily function problem. The man who checks items in cart before customer exits remarked, "Looks like you're having an unpleasant day," as he checked off the items.


THAT was a BRAVE soul!!!!!! violent027.gif


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: No kidding!!!

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What an awful thing to say!


I also got a comment once from a friendly cashier at the store where I am known as a regular. He said "Maybe?" I was struggling with the two kids I had already that day and not in the mood to be friendly. Then he says, "I hope it is because you are such a good Mom!" He made me smile :001_smile:


THAT kind of comment I could have taken. :)

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Better than what DH got. Mind you, this was at the age of 26 or 27, but lots of people can't tell the age of people of another race very well. Checker said, snarkily, "Knocked her up, did you?"--obviously thinking he was a teen.


Classy, eh? We already had a son at the time, too!


What a jerk! I think I would have had to start a conversation about what happens when you assume.

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I got the same thing, and I bet it wasn't the same Meijer. ;) I was hugely pregnant (the day beofore I delivered) and I had a cartfull, but it was really just sale items. I think the total bill was only 130 or something-- about a weeks' worth here-- not even. So, the people in front of me in line as well as the checker was like-- whoa, that's a lot of groceries. YOu must have a big family. I replied that there was soon to be nine of us. They were all aghast. The checker then went on to say that he never let his pregnant wife grocery shop. Like I shouldn't have been . O. . . K. . .well, um. . .we needed groceries and I was out, so I got them. :glare:

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DS was 9 months old and with me when I bought the test. The checker looked at the test, looked at DS, and said, "Oh, no. Not again!" I said, "Could be." What I wanted to say was, "Mind your own business!"


BTW, the positive from that test is DD listed in my signature. :)


This happened to me once, too. I don't remember how many of my children were with me when I bought it, but that cashier asked, "This is not for you, is it?" :glare: I was speechless.

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But as the days went on, I realized *everyone* did that! I would have long conversations with people in lines, at the store, perfect strangers. And as time went on, I grew to love it. The phrase "never met a stranger" must have started in MS, I swear.


When I took my kids to visit our family in Kentucky, they kept marveling over how I knew "everyone" because I talked to lots of people wherever we went. It took a few days for it to sink in that the people I was conversing with were total strangers. At that point, the kids begged me to move to Kentucky. And when they went to Atlanta, same thing -- begging to move. Friendliness and politeness as societal norms can't be beat, IMO.



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Most comments don't bother me but a few I've read here definitely cross all lines!

I had gone to the store one night to buy something for constipation. Unfortunately I also needed toilet paper....I was so embarrassed that when I got in line, I wanted to "cover up" my purchases so I bought a tv guide. That purchase could have had a few off remarks, too. :p

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Most comments don't bother me but a few I've read here definitely cross all lines!

I had gone to the store one night to buy something for constipation. Unfortunately I also needed toilet paper....I was so embarrassed that when I got in line, I wanted to "cover up" my purchases so I bought a tv guide. That purchase could have had a few off remarks, too. :p


:lol::lol: Air freshener would have rounded out those selections. :lol::lol:

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Dd nearly always gets, 'You are going to be busy' at the library because she takes out so many books.


We always got comments on our milk consumption when our son was little, like one, 'Are you going to the moon or what?'


I got refused at the checkout buying alcohol last year. I am thirty-six!:001_smile:Luckily it was actually for my husband who was with me (I don't even drink!). She believed dh was over eighteen.:lol:

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I got refused at the checkout buying alcohol last year. I am thirty-six!:001_smile:Luckily it was actually for my husband who was with me (I don't even drink!). She believed dh was over eighteen.:lol:


I'm 41 and the cashiers are supposed to card anyone who looks forty or under. The legal age for alcohol is 21. I've recently started buying wine coolers once a week and I haven't been carded yet. I don't know if they are lazy or I'm looking older than I think. :001_huh:

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I'm 41 and the cashiers are supposed to card anyone who looks forty or under. The legal age for alcohol is 21. I've recently started buying wine coolers once a week and I haven't been carded yet. I don't know if they are lazy or I'm looking older than I think. :001_huh:


Sheer laziness, what risk-takers they are :001_smile:


The cashiers are supposed to see if you look over twenty-one here (eighteen is the legal drinking age).

I think the cashier in my case was trying to be mean and grumpy, she looked disgusted when I positively glowed and chuckled with joy! :D

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