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Who else is wrapping presents tonight?


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I kicked everyone out of my house on Saturday afternoon and wrapped nonstop for 2.5 hours.  Then they got home to a massive pile of presents and said, "Hey, there are no bows!"  Ingrates.   :glare:   I love the considering, the deciding and the shopping, but not so much the wrapping.

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I think I’m going to at least get started tonight. Mostly so I can see if I need to pick up more wrapping paper. I usually do a li on Christmas Eve but with it falling on a Sunday this year I’ll be scrambling to get everything done. Presents will need to be wrapped by Friday night so I can cook on Saturday.


I did that once.  never. again.

I was up until after 2am wrapping and putting gifts under the tree.  I told dh - NO ONE was allowed in the living room before 8am so I could sleep.


now my kids are older - I can leave stuff out, and put gifts out as they're wrapped. 

when I was still doing santa - I only put santa on some of their gifts.  and I let older kids be "elves" and help put things out.  when dudeling started begging to help put stuff under the tree . . . .well, no more finding odd places to put wrapped presents.

Edited by gardenmom5
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All of ours are wrapped and under the tree and stockings are stuffed.


I had it easier this year as we cut way back on presents and I have 2 girls that love to wrap so they did most of it.


Wait, your stockings are stuffed?


How did that happen?  Do you wrap every item in every stocking?  Do your kids not raid for the candy?



So confused as I never wrap anything in the stockings, because Santa brings it and Santa doesn't wrap his presents, and you kids can play with the presents he bought as long as you are QUIET and DON'T WAKE UP MOM.

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DS didn’t fall asleep until almost 11 so nothing was wrapped tonight. His first experience with the man cold. He laid in bed for about 2 hours moaning about his nose feeling funny. 🙄 He’d get up every few minutes to make sure I knew how miserable he was so I couldn’t pull any presents out.


Awww...his first man cold.  I guess that means he's a man now, kind of like the Christian version of a Bar Mitzvah. 

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Fortunately, my Type B self failed "present wrapping" quite early in our marriage.  My Type A engineering perfectionist hubby took over the job that "I can't do correctly."  What a shame!  ;)


He was wrapping some things last night.  We don't have many to wrap since we're mainly a "one gift per person" family.

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Awww...his first man cold. I guess that means he's a man now, kind of like the Christian version of a Bar Mitzvah.

LOL Usually he’s my easiest when sick. Even with stomach bug stuff he’ll be sick at night, take care of it himself, and I won’t hear about it til morning. He’s been that way since he was 4 years old. I think this time he was just overly tired. We’ve had long days and late nights and he’d been a little whiny in general. He woke up this morning back to his usual happy, energetic self. Still has a cold but it’s not bothering him.


I’m going to do some wrapping this afternoon. The kids will be home alone for a couple hours tonight and I’m anticipating snooping.

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I'm done!


Seriously, I'm doing a happy dance. I've never finished early--it's always a late night Christmas Eve panic for some reason. Wrapping is my very least favorite, absolutely most dreaded part of Christmas, which is kinda dumb since all I mostly do is put things in gift bags or boxes. But man, it raises my blood pressure like nothing else....and now it's DONE!! Woot!!

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I’m almost done! I’m waiting for one thing to come in the mail and have to pick up another tonight but everything else for the kids is wrapped. A couple of things were wrapped twice because I mixed up the paper (I do a different paper for each kid). Then I just have to wrap DH’s gift and supervise the kids wrapping for their cousins. This will be the earliest I’ve been done.

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Probably.   They are on the floor of my closet just sitting out in the middle.  DD hasn't gone looking.  BUT, their were some friends over and they were playing hide and seek and I could tell someone had looked inside the boxes.   it is almost cute that whoever it is didn't think to close the box.   But, it is a sign that I need to wrap.   Santa's present will wait until Christmas might and until then will ride around in my trunk,.  

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I just finished wrapping everything that has arrived so far. :/ There wasn't a lot this year, because there are only four of us who will be here. And one son is getting a bicycle, which he helped pick out and is sitting in the garage waiting to be rolled in under the tree on Christmas morning. :D No wrapping there, but we might stick a bow on the seat! The other gifts were delivered to my daughter, who will wrap all but hers (which I ordered giftwrapped). That has cut down considerably on the wrapping that I have to do. I do a terrible job of it; thankfully, I had some of the Amazon gift bags from last year--those are great! I'm notorious for waiting until Christmas Eve, but the task didn't seem as daunting this year.

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