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How have you changed over time?


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How have you changed as a person over time?


Your likes and dislikes? 


Have you gone from not sporty to love working out? 


Have your food tastes changed? 


Did you grow up thinking you would do something and you ended up doing something else?


Did you used to be shy and now are not? 


What else do you feel like has changed about you? 






This was awhile ago, but I was super shy as a kid.  Now I have no fear talking to anyone. 




I grew up playing sports and that was just the thing. Playing, watching, and following teams. Now I find myself moving away from competitive sports and more towards the arts (music and dance).  I think the only sports I have watched in last 10 years are the Olympics.   My kids just are not into sports, which is so funny because dh and I were raised like that.  They are into the arts.  

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I've become more intense or profound or calm as a person, but my interests and hobbies are still largely the same. Things rotate in and out, but the things I enjoyed in high school I'm now doing again. Like I used to do weight machines at the gym when I was in high school, and now, all these years later, I'm back at it, lifting now with barbells even. Woo-woo.  :thumbup:


My one funny story was that in junior high I said I would one day be rich and own an ice rink and ice skate a lot. Well I got married and moved near an ice rink. I took my dd daily for years. Go figure. :D I don't go much now (ds isn't any safer on the ice than I am, lol), but still I thought it was funny how the things you think when you're young do sometimes happen. :)


Edited by OhElizabeth
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I am now:

-way more patient than I used to be

-far less likely to sweat the small stuff

-more libertarian about lifestyle choices that I personally consider immoral but that don't pose a threat to others

-far less optimistic financially as a result of the Great Recession :(

-far more cognizant of how factors outside of the individual's control play such a large role in how well somebody does. A decade ago I would have said that success was 95% making good life decisions. Now I'd say it's more like 50/50. Somebody can do everything right and still wind up suffering economically through no fault of their own.


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I've been thinking about this lately.  I am also finding that I gravitate towards the same things when I have time.  I've been pregnant or nursing someone for 13 years, and so busy with just being a mom and everything.  My youngest is now 3, and I have sort of been finding myself again.  I've thought I changed, but I haven't.  Instead of changing, I'm realizing who I am.  Not realizing as in figuring out, but as in fulfilling or completing.   It's been nice, sort of like finding an old friend.

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I really haven't changed much at all. My interests have been the same since I can remember, with new interests added along the way. I've always been a mix of an introvert and extrovert depending on circumstances. I still hate the same foods I hated as a kid even though I make it a point to try them at least once a year.


I may be a little less patient than I used to be but it also just may be the season of my life I'm in and my patience is tested much more often.

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I am no longer as optimistic as I used to be.  I used to always believe that tomorrow would be better, brighter and a step forward in life  Even if the kids were sick and it was raining for weeks on end, I could find the rainbow and focus on that.


To many years, of moving backwards has me jaded and tomorrow is just another day. I find bright spots to focus on, but I know by the end of the week, I will be a step farther away from where I would like to be, not closer. 


I am not a depressed person. It is just the reality of my life. I am nothing, at all, like who I used to be.

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How have you changed as a person over time?


I've become far less selfish and more considerate of others.  Young me really expected the world to be all about me and my wants.  I've also become far less strict in what I expect from others - esp kids, but even adults.  I recognize they're a work in progress (for kids) and adults probably don't have the same background I do if they're doing things differently (or wrong).



Your likes and dislikes? 


Used to love reading books.  Now I rarely take the time to do so.  Eyesight might be part of it.


Have you gone from not sporty to love working out? 


Riding was the only sport I loved. I breathed it and lived it.  As I've grown older I've gotten out of it and settled for just raising ponies instead.  Now I'm even considering selling my last five and moving on to something else - probably more travel.  I never was into other sports and still don't care for them, esp typical sports like football and baseball.  Otherwise, I enjoy hiking and beach walking - always have - always will.


Have your food tastes changed? 


No, but I've learned I love exploring new foods - esp at restaurants or in other regions of the country/world.


Did you grow up thinking you would do something and you ended up doing something else?


I expected to go into the AF and Rocket Science.  It's what my degree is in.  I knew I didn't want to be a teacher - most of my family is and ugh!  Enter the days when the AF was cutting back and the supposed fact that I have asthma and my AF career ended shortly after it began (all of one assignment).  Then add marriage, kids, a hubby who wanted to start his own business, and a need for some extra income and I ambled off to our local high school to become a sub.  I discovered I love teaching (and kids love me), so... here I am 18 years later still subbing and enjoying working with high schoolers.  No regrets.


Did you used to be shy and now are not?


No, I used to be self centered - doing what I wanted to do and not giving a hoot about anyone else.  Now I don't let others affect me, but I'll give the shirt off my back to practically anyone who needs it. 


What else do you feel like has changed about you?


Mainly I used to be pretty dogmatic.  There was right and wrong and I knew the difference.  I also believed that a person's choices made them who they are.  Now I've learned so much about how genetics and/or our mind works that I'm far more empathetic and tolerant. I do not consider this a bad change.  Instead, I work to teach the next generation all I didn't know about humans and how we work - hoping to make the world a better place.  There are things that still make me bristle - racism, sexism, nationalism, and prejudice of any sort comes to mind.  I don't plan to start tolerating those.

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I used to be self-centered, tactless and downright cruel.  Also friendless, which kind of went hand-in-hand with the former... I'd like to think I'm not any of those things anymore.


I used to be super shy and unsure.  I am now pretty confident and uncaring about what people think.  A lot of that change had to do with coming to grips/dealing with certain events in my life.


I wanted to be an astrophysicist.  Then I was happy being a damn good secretary.  I then joined the Marines.  I went back to office work after that.  Then I became a mom (something I never ever wanted to be).  Now I'm studying to be a video game designer.


I've definitely become less interested in trying new foods.  My likes and dislikes haven't changed all that much, although I can't watch horror movies anymore and I used to love those.  Politically and religiously, I'm opposite of what I started out as.


If you had shown me, at 20, what my life is like now and what kind of person I am, I would have laughed in your face and said you had the wrong person.  

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I wasn't going to have children, ever. 


I am more even-keeled, emotionally.  I'm less angry; less resentful.  I'm also less giddy and less silly.  I don't cry or laugh quite as readily. I'm satisfied, but not overly excited.  The corners and edges have been worn away.  


I'm not as loud. 


I actually second guess myself more as a parent.  I used to have the confidence one finds grounded in naivete.



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I have changed a whole lot.   I am now introverted, afraid, anxious,untrusting.  Due to my previous outgoing, social nature, I (and my family) got horribly mistreated by someone at our old church.  It caused a chain of horrifying events that led to my PTSD.  The damage it did is permanent (to me alone....thank heavens the rest of family escaped unscathed).   It has been 10 years since those events.  There are still sometimes that I look in the mirror and have no idea who I am anymore. 


My oldest daughter is diagnosed sociopath.  Right after the above events took place her mental illness started taking root.  She tortured us for years (from 14 years old.....).  It was truly living in hell.  She left our home for good when she was 19 and a freshmen in college.  However, for the next 3 years she still found ways to hurt us.  We lost all of our friends due to the actions of this daughter.  Despite them watching us raise her, knowing we are good parents, and knowing for fact that she is a liar and trouble maker, they chose to abandon us when we need them the most.  They chose to believe her. We took the high road and would never bad mouth our daughter. These were all people from that same church.  We were treated so badly by so many that knew better.  I still don't understand.  When we needed our friends and support most, they abandoned us.  We left that church. 


My husband and I (and to an extent our other children as well) have suffered at the hands of this child more than I can ever say.  But you can not win when the mentally ill person refuses therapy and lies/bullies the therapists.  I tried and I did my best to get her treatment. 



I sometimes still wonder how I have lived through all of this.  I also wonder how my life turned out this way when all I ever did was open my heart and be the best mom and best person I could be.  Now, I am a shell of who I was.....


That is awful.  The betrayal must be more than you can bear some days. :grouphug:

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I've changed a ton since I was younger (48 years old now).


Used to be very outdoorsy and athletic.  As I got older, worked on my butt full time, put on weight with pregnancies, and it was harder to be active I lost the athleticism.  I'm still fairly outdoorsy but allergies make it harder to spend a lot of time outside.


I was extremely, painfully shy until after college.  Physically incapable of speaking in front of groups.  I'm still definitely an introvert, but I have no problem talking in front of even large groups.  I guess I'm still a little bit shy in new situations.


I'm less likely to let other people tell me what to do than I used to be.  More likely to stand up for what I need/want.


Foods I thought I hated, I like when they are cooked better.  Spinach is definitely the biggest.


I've always loved to read. 


I wanted to be a veterinarian until after my first couple years of college.  Now I'm leaning more towards various types of teaching, something that I came to after being a docent.


If anything I'm more liberal than I used to be.   Less religious than I grew up.

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I am much more relaxed about many things and less rigid in my beliefs and expectations- especially my expectations of other people. Everyone doesn't have to do things my way. In fact, I don't even need to do things my way :)


I am, however much more skittish about other things. I don't like riding rides at all and I can hardly bear to watch my kids ride anything that could be dangerous. I let them- but I see all the things that could go wrong. I have a hard time watching football because I just cringe and scream at the big hits. So, I have become skittish and fearful about things that I enjoyed in the past.


With my oldest kids we had a packed schedule and they were in a whole bunch of activities I would drive long distances to co-op, sports, etc. my youngest is 9 now (10 years younger than the oldest sibling). I love being home and not running around. Our activities now are all within about 12 minutes from home and I am resistant to even consider any activities that would have us driving a town over. I am tired and burned out of that sort of thing but I also do not see as much value in those activities as I thought they had for my oldest kids.

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How have you changed as a person over time?


I haven't really changed much as an adult. My likes and dislikes and underlying beliefs (except for one listed below) are basically the same. 


Your likes and dislikes? 


See above.


Have you gone from not sporty to love working out? 


I always worked out but never like playing sports and still don't. I used to like watching them and now I don't really care. I loved watching football but with all the information about head injuries that's come out in recent years I can't really enjoy it like I used to because I think about what the players' futures might be like.


Have your food tastes changed? 


Nope. I still don't like liver or beets or slimy shellfish like clams and oysters and mussels. I have changed the way I cook but that's not because my tastes changed. It's just updated cooking styles combined with health information that's been learned over the years.


Did you grow up thinking you would do something and you ended up doing something else?


Again, no. I always, for as long as I can remember, wanted to be a teacher. I taught public school for 15 years. I also always wanted to be a sahm and when ds was born I quit teaching to stay home with him. Then when we decided to homeschool I got to combine my two desires and be a sahm while teaching. :)


Did you used to be shy and now are not? 


Big change! I was painfully shy, so much so I had just 3 friends in high school and I was only friends with them because they coaxed me into it. (We're all still in touch btw). I didn't date until college because I couldn't talk to boys. At one of my high school reunions (15 year I think) I was talking to someone who was in the popular crowd. She said everyone thought I was stuck up because I wouldn't talk to anyone. I was floored. I told her I wouldn't talk to anyone because I was so very very painfully shy. 


I'm not shy anymore. I'll talk to anyone. I'm a private person and will only confide in a few close friends, but I'm not shy anymore. 


What else do you feel like has changed about you? 


My other big change besides losing my shyness was going from a believer in a god (Christian) to a very strong atheist. It's one of the best things that's happened to me.





This was awhile ago, but I was super shy as a kid.  Now I have no fear talking to anyone. 

Yep. This was me.




I grew up playing sports and that was just the thing. Playing, watching, and following teams. Now I find myself moving away from competitive sports and more towards the arts (music and dance).  I think the only sports I have watched in last 10 years are the Olympics.   My kids just are not into sports, which is so funny because dh and I were raised like that.  They are into the arts.


I didn't grow up playing them but I did grow up watching all kinds of college and pro sports and cheering on favorite teams. I don't know when I lost interest but it's gone. I don't even watch much of the Olympics anymore. I used to watch it all in both winter and summer but now I only watch a few select things. Dss and ds have zero interest in either playing or watching sports. Dss was on the wrestling team in high school and ds took martial arts for a while, but neither cares about sports anymore - not individual or team sports.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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I am very different than I once was. People from high school I haven't seen in years are always surprised.


I grew up in an atheistic family and one that was a bit wild. Nothing was off limits for me and they "peeranted" me. I ended up pregnant at 17 by a gang member and even though I tested gifted and had been placed in gifted classes my whole life I scoffed at it and found "better things to do". I was a wild child.


Once my son was born I decided I needed to offer him more than what I had growing up and put myself through college. Went into science and detested anything that wasn't science. I had a real problem with anyone who wasn't logical. I was probably hard to deal with. I used to make fun of people of faith. Not outwardly, but I just thought they were insane and hadn't been educated enough to "get it". I met my now husband a couple years after entering college and he was alot like me. We loved sarcasm and being in love with our own wit. I was all about girl power and didn't believe in marriage but eloped anyway on a whim 3 months after meeting my husband (now of 20 years).


Then...a few years post graduate work in science I became Christian followed by my husband. I was 100% different. Unrecognizable to everyone who knew me. I lost friends and family, gained friends it was a really interesting time in my life. I eventually went back to school to become a mental health therapist because I wanted to work with at risk youth; kids like I was. I think about who I once was and even I cannot relate to that person anymore. I am so different. My family was disappointed but have now grudgingly accepted this is who I am. I began appreciating and taking part in things I once thought were crazy. My life fell into place and here I am now :) We had 3 more children (I never believed in big families) and sometimes I look around at my blessings and marvel. I am so happy and have to pinch myself that my life turned out like this. Especially looking at my family and extended family torn apart by addictions, divorce, and various other life issues.


Those who have only known me as who I am now cannot believe when I tell them about my past and vice versa. Sometimes I feel like I have lived two lives.


So yeah...COMPLETELY changed person.

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I have changed some and stayed the same some.


I do eat a lot wider variety of foods now. Not because I didn't like them but because we never had them growing up in a poor family with a mom that was a limited cook. We never went without but we didn't have a huge variety.


I was never into sports at all. Now I follow college football (my friend's son plays which is the only reason).


Biggest change is that I am way more active. 12 year ago I bought a horse despite not knowing how to ride and now have a small horse farm. We are down to 2 horses but have had up to 4. I also started walking and hiking and kayaking.


I weigh a lot more now than I did 25 years ago but I am way more active and outdoorsy. Before I would stay in the house and read my book. I still love to read but now often listen to audio books.


I wanted to be a mom and while I never had bio kids we adopted 3 and fostered over 100 others (from days to years).


I am still very conservative but hopefully less judgemental and legalistic.

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In some ways the same: hate sports, love reading, love being outdoors. I was always left-leaning (the only person I've met who thought 'socialism' was a dirty word was a millionaire - funny that). 


In some ways different: No longer religious; I don't play or listen to much music anymore and it used to be a big part of my life; I like some foods I hated as a child (ie more bitter tastes), and I'm more confident than as a teen (but I'm sure that's the case for most people). 


Spending a lot of time in poor countries in my younger years was highly influential, and I recommend it (although it'd be different nowadays since internet/phones). I realised what actual suffering meant for people. I realised no one has any real choice in life; they get what they get. I also realised that 'creating memories' is kind of pointless because memories fade fast! You have to live and enjoy the moment (plan for the future, sure, but don't count on it). 


I think the biggest change over the last few years has been understanding abortion. I always thought it should be legal, free, accessible, because of bodily autonomy. But I never understood why people would do it. Now I'm getting older, I get it. It's one of the many situations in life where there's no winner. The older I get, the more of those situations I see.

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Basic personality traits are probably the same.

Food preferences are still the same but I added more things I like :)

I am more compassionate, understanding of some things

I am more assertive than I was as a young woman


Then there is the physical aspect of change...do you really want me to go into this as well...?

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How have you changed as a person over time? At my core I feel the same. However, life has taught me a few lessons


Your likes and dislikes? I definitely like more cuisines then when I was younger


Have you gone from not sporty to love working out? No. Hated sports and working out then and still hate it. I do it because I like to eat.


Have your food tastes changed? I eat more variety. Still hate bluefish,eggplant and anything in the melon family.


Did you grow up thinking you would do something and you ended up doing something else? Sort of. I didn't do what I thought I would be doing but I was in the field I studied.


Did you used to be shy and now are not? Still painfully shy but I am able to put it aside when I have to.


What else do you feel like has changed about you?

I am still the pragmatic person I have always been. I play the hand I was dealt.

My husband's chronic illness and the two recessions I have been through have left me uncertain about my future. When dh and I started on this road together we had a plan. Savings. A retirement fund. Now we have nothing except the house we are living in. Our kids certainly did not get the childhoods I thought they would. No vacations, no just because purchases. Just a childhood of "sorry, not in the budget".

Some days I feel quite beaten down by life. However, I have learned that not everyone is in their situation because of choices they have made. Things do happen out of your control that change your path. All you can do is hold on and try to get through it with minimal damage. And I have learned that the old adage is true. The happiest people don't have the most of everything. They make the most of what they have.

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I am quieter than I used to be. My brain still shouts all the same stupid things but through hard work, I have learned to keep my mouth shut and I am a better person for it.



I used to think everyone needed my opinion. I still have some remainders of this, but I get most of it out on the Internet. In real life, most people don't know my opinions on everything. And because of that, I have a lot more diverse group of friends and acquaintances, which I like.

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How have you changed as a person over time? In some ways I am very different and in other ways, I can recognize myself and my thoughts as a 3-5 year old as myself today.


Your likes and dislikes? 

I like tomatoes now, does that count? Most of my likes and dislikes have remained fairly constant. I've expanded what I like through trying new things, but most things I disliked as a child I still dislike. Some things, like roller coasters, that I pretended to like when I was younger or tried to go along with I now no longer bother. I don't like roller coasters- I'm not going to ride them, and I don't feel bad about it! I've quit trying to like or dislike things that people want me to or society says I should. I own my preferences without feeling bad about it. 


Have you gone from not sporty to love working out? 

No. I was not sporty but liked to do things like ride bikes, hike, play outside. I still like to do things, but I don't like sports. 


Have your food tastes changed? Not that much. As I said above, I like more things because I've tried more things, but I still dislike most foods I hated as a kid. I'm glad that I no longer have to suffer through drinking milk or eating brussel sprouts!


Did you grow up thinking you would do something and you ended up doing something else? Yes, I was very ambitious as a kid, but I made choices that forced me to put my ambitions aside. I have kids with special needs and I could not care for them well while pursuing my own goals. I could have chosen not to have kids when I did, but I had no idea they'd have special needs and didn't realize how risky having kids could be. I thought I could have it all. I don't regret putting them first.


Did you used to be shy and now are not? 

Not exactly. I was always very shy and introverted and I still feel the same inside, but I've become more socially skilled. I can fake it. I can push myself out of my comfort zone to be polite or to reach out to someone who looks more uncomfortable than myself and it's no longer painful. I've learned that pushing myself can be rewarding, but it still requires conscious effort. 


What else do you feel like has changed about you? 

I'm more socially and politically liberal. I used to be very sure of what everyone needed and what the right way to do things was. Now, I'm more tolerant, I understand that what's right for me may be wrong for others, that life and situations are complicated and messy, and I am unlikely to judge someone because of their circumstances, behavior, or appearances.


I am much less vain. I used to be very concerned about my hair, face, clothes, etc. Now, I can't be bothered to care too much. I still make an effort to look my personal best, but I don't care if my best is not up to some standard.


I am less emotionally sensitive. I think I've cried all my frivolous tears and used up all my emotional energy. I used to be very sensitive and would cry easily. I'd cry if I accidentally smashed a bug when I rolled up my car window because I would think of the poor bug daddy who wouldn't be going home to his bug children. I'd cry if people around me were too loud and noisy and it was overwhelming. I'd cry reading sad books or watching movies. I'd cry if someone was mad at me, if I got a bad grade, if I thought I'd hurt someone's feelings, or if there was an SPCA commercial! Now, I rarely cry and honestly rarely feel as deeply about anything. I'm more even tempered and patient with myself, others, and situations. I need to be more patient with my DDs' tears because I used to be like them, but it's hard to even relate to that anymore. 


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Oh, I thought of another way.


When I was a teenager and young woman, I didn't wear much makeup or care much about clothes. I was also a smart, good girl, type, and those things didn't go together in my mind. I was always secretly jealous of the girls that had it all together, and I just felt like I couldn't do that, because I wasn't "that type of person."


But in my late 30s, I decided that was ridiculous. I have had a lot of fun in the last 5 years experimenting with makeup, different hairstyles, and fashion. Turns out I like all that "pretty" type stuff, and I have enjoyed learning about this part of me.

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I used to be a very positive person, probably too positive. One of my friends commented on it in my high school year book, even. Now I've gone so far in the other direction, lol. Wish I could get back to the way I used to be. I think I'd rather be positive, even if I were seeing things through rose-colored glasses.

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How have you changed as a person over time?  In some ways, yes. I am more calm and a whole lot less likely to get into an argument.  I am still a conservative but a pragmatic one as always and not dogmatic.  I was a Catholic and changed to Protestant and have matured in my Christian beliefs in a positive way in relation to how I treat others.  My basic personality is the same though.


Your likes and dislikes? 

These have changed many times. Mostly in expanding my likes, not changing my dislikes.  Loved going to movies as a kid, love it still.  Loved reading as a kid, love it still. Loved going to gardens and having a garden, love it still. Loved birding,love it still.  On and on and on.  I can't really think of anything I used to love but now dislike except some tv shows.

Have you gone from not sporty to love working out? 

 I was active as a kid and in college (playing tennis, soccer, pickup football (non tackle), basketball, broomball, etc).  I did not love working out then and don't love it now.  I can't do any of the team sports or even tennis for now wuite a few years but can still swim, kayak or canoe, walk, and bike.  I used to be interested in football in high school, lost interest in college and later for the most part because it took so long, and have become interested in college football in the last 7 years.  LIke Olympics and still do.  LIked playing soccer and now wathc World Cup games and some other games occasionally.  LIke to attend hockey now (didn't have opportunity as child).  Like to watch Tour de France, and other bike races but a lot of that is because I like seeing the countryside.

Have your food tastes changed? Expanded but most of what I didn't like, I still don't like- mayonnaise in particular.


Did you grow up thinking you would do something and you ended up doing something else? Sort of.  Dreamed of being law enforcement and became an Immigration Inspector for a short time.  In College, I thought initially I would be a International Finance person and have no children;  then adopt children. then had children and wanted private or homeschool for them.  Then I thought when I retire from homeschooling, I can do lots of volunteering.  I do some but so much less than I thought I could do because of my health.  I am praying that I get put on a biologic that actually puts me in remission.


Did you used to be shy and now are not? Shyer than I am now but not extremely shy ever.  I have reached a point where I don't care that much so I do talk to people much more now.  It has turned out to be pleasant- maybe they do think I am horrible but they act friendly so I go with that.  I make it a point to try to be friendly to people who are alone and sort of lost at a gathering.    I think my many, many moves has greatly improved my social skills.


What else do you feel like has changed about you?   The main change in me is my health and it affects pretty much everything about me.  But my chronic health problems have ended up making me a much happier person because I really appreciate what I do have.







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How have you changed as a person over time?


Your likes and dislikes? 


Have you gone from not sporty to love working out? 


Have your food tastes changed? 


Did you grow up thinking you would do something and you ended up doing something else?


Did you used to be shy and now are not? 


What else do you feel like has changed about you? 






This was awhile ago, but I was super shy as a kid.  Now I have no fear talking to anyone. 




I grew up playing sports and that was just the thing. Playing, watching, and following teams. Now I find myself moving away from competitive sports and more towards the arts (music and dance).  I think the only sports I have watched in last 10 years are the Olympics.   My kids just are not into sports, which is so funny because dh and I were raised like that.  They are into the arts.  

I used to read fiction constantly, like 2-3 books a day sometimes.  Now it takes me weeks or even months to get around to starting a new book (I read more non-fiction now).  I eat veggies, lots of veggies that I never used to.  I used to lie and tell people I was allergic to tomatoes so they wouldn't offer/force them on me but now I love grape tomatoes and romas.  I grew up, the oldest, taking care of my younger siblings like I was a second parent.  I swore I'd never have children, I have four now. I was never shy, I talked to everyone, wanted to know everything, I care a lot less about those things now and just want to get my sh*t done and go home. 

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I sometimes still wonder how I have lived through all of this. I also wonder how my life turned out this way when all I ever did was open my heart and be the best mom and best person I could be. Now, I am a shell of who I was.....

I didn't want to "like" your post, but wanted to acknowledge it. I'm so sorry.




I'm very different. Like some other posters, I thought I knew everything and I was sure that people got into trouble/had hard times because they made stupid decisions, full stop. I was Ms. Judgy-pants toward everyone. I was pretty sure that if you didn't do things my way, then you were wrong. If I met myself from back then now, I'd find myself insufferable. Thankfully, I outgrew that. I know now that people can have troubles in their lives through no stupid decision of their own. I'm very comfortable with people doing things differently from me.


I used to hog the conversations all the time, but I'm getting much better at not doing that anymore. I used to listen just long enough until it was my turn to interject my opinion, but now I enjoy listening to someone else and never even sharing my opinion: just letting them have the floor and explore their own thoughts.


I used to be a big Pollyanna. The world was just wonderful and beautiful and wasn't it great to be alive! When little old people were close to death and would say, "I'm ready to go," I thought they were nuts. But now at 44, I am not ready to go, but I can absolutely understand being ready. This world has worn me down and I'm really tired of it. I used to hear cynical people muse, "I wonder if it'd be a bad thing if the human race died out," and think that was about as horrible a thought as you could think, but today, I see all the horrors that people inflict on each other and I understand where people are coming from when they say that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if our time here was over.


I used to wake up and think throughout the day, "I'm so HAPPY to be alive!" And now I'm sad much of the time. A number of primary relationships in my life are not what I thought they'd be and there's nothing I can do about it, and it makes me feel sad.


I still have a strong faith in God, but it's not as radical and black and white as it used to be.


I have a lot of food aversions and wish I could enjoy new foods, but I can't. I try them and they make me heave. But I'm starting to embrace the fact that I won't ever be able to explore foods and just go ahead and happily eat the same things over and over without worrying that I'm missing out.


Sports: haven't changed there. Didn't like them in the past, don't like them now, unless it's ice skating/dancing. I used to think they were completely pointless, but now I understand the draw they have to some people. I don't feel the draw and don't enjoy them for myself, but I'm ok with you feeling the draw. However, overpaid sports players annoy me a lot.

Edited by Garga
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I didn't want to "like" your post, but wanted to acknowledge it. I'm so sorry.




I'm very different. Like some other posters, I thought I knew everything and I was sure that people got into trouble/had hard times because they made stupid decisions, full stop. I was Ms. Judgy-pants toward everyone. I was pretty sure that if you didn't do things my way, then you were wrong. If I met myself from back then now, I'd find myself insufferable. Thankfully, I outgrew that. I know now that people can have troubles in their lives through no stupid decision of their own. I'm very comfortable with people doing things differently from me.


I used to hog the conversations all the time, but I'm getting much better at not doing that anymore. I used to listen just long enough until it was my turn to interject my opinion, but now I enjoy listening to someone else and never even sharing my opinion: just letting them have the floor and explore their own thoughts.


I used to be a big Pollyanna. The world was just wonderful and beautiful and wasn't it great to be alive! When little old people were close to death and would say, "I'm ready to go," I thought they were nuts. But now at 44, I am not ready to go, but I can absolutely understand being ready. This world has worn me down and I'm really tired of it. I used to hear cynical people muse, "I wonder if it'd be a bad thing if the human race died out," and think that was about as horrible a thought as you could think, but today, I see all the horrors that people inflict on each other and I understand where people are coming from when they say that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if our time here was over.


I used to wake up and think throughout the day, "I'm so HAPPY to be alive!" And now I'm sad much of the time. A number of primary relationships in my life are not what I thought they'd be and there's nothing I can do about it, and it makes me feel sad.


I still have a strong faith in God, but it's not as radical and black and white as it used to be.


I have a lot of food aversions and wish I could enjoy new foods, but I can't. I try them and they make me heave. But I'm starting to embrace the fact that I won't ever be able to explore foods and just go ahead and happily eat the same things over and over without worrying that I'm missing out.


Sports: haven't changed there. Didn't like them in the past, don't like them now, unless it's ice skating/dancing. I used to think they were completely pointless, but now I understand the draw they have to some people. I don't feel the draw and don't enjoy them for myself, but I'm ok with you feeling the draw. However, overpaid sports players annoy me a lot.


Just sending a hug.  I am in this club too and it really stinks.

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I'm 47.  Up until my late 30s, I used to love going out.  Anywhere.  Dinner, movies, book group, coffee with a friend, drinks.  I hated to be home.


Now I look at every single thing on my social calendar (and my regular day to day calendar) that requires me to leave the house as a major chore.  I just don't want to be bothered with anything or anyone anymore.

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I am no longer as optimistic as I used to be.  I used to always believe that tomorrow would be better, brighter and a step forward in life  Even if the kids were sick and it was raining for weeks on end, I could find the rainbow and focus on that.


To many years, of moving backwards has me jaded and tomorrow is just another day. I find bright spots to focus on, but I know by the end of the week, I will be a step farther away from where I would like to be, not closer. 


I am not a depressed person. It is just the reality of my life. I am nothing, at all, like who I used to be.


:grouphug: :grouphug:



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