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Sawyer's game: I've never . . .

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...mowed a lawn. ...done my taxes (Mama did them for me until I got married...)


I've never mowed a lawn either!

Also never skydived or hang-glided (though I want to)....... read any of the Harry Potter books.......driven a motorcycle (always on the back).......... had an ultrasound.


**Edited to ask, "Who's Sawyer?"

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"I've never kissed a chipmunk and I'm not too good at ping pong and I've never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball.....and I've never been to Boston in the fall!"


Sorry. Couldn't help it. I read the post and The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything jumped into my brain and took over.


I have seriously got to go to bed.



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I've never....

- broken a bone

- shaved my head

- gotten a tattoo



I say we should say which of the other I nevers we have done. That's usually how the game works where I'm from :)


I have

- made videos

- gotten braces

- run for public office

- travelled to asia/overseas

- read harry potter

- discharged a firearm

- taken a class in biology and geometry

- read animal farm

- had a mike's

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...delivered a baby in a hospital

...been to New England or seen the Atlantic Ocean

...been on a plane that went outside of Tx.

...eaten sour cream


I've never delivered a baby in a hospital either! I *HATE* hospitals (said with a shiver):svengo:

I haven't been to New England either, but that one sounds more fun than a hospital birth.:tongue_smilie:

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I['ve] never:


~been to Kentucky (but I know some nice folks who live there!)


~been asked, "will you marry me?"


~imagined that I would be a parent, much less a homeschooling one!


I never wanted to have children. Not once did the desire or thought ever enter my mind, and it actually sounded kinda awful to me. From the "outside," parenting seemed noisy, chaotic, stressful. Smelly. But once my son found me, I knew that he would be my best friend. All together now, "Aaaaw."



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I've never....

- broken a bone

- shaved my head

- gotten a tattoo



I say we should say which of the other I nevers we have done. That's usually how the game works where I'm from :)


I have

- made videos

- gotten braces

- run for public office

- travelled to asia/overseas

- read harry potter

- discharged a firearm

- taken a class in biology and geometry

- read animal farm

- had a mike's


Does it count if I had a broken bone, but someone else broke it for me?:confused: If not, then I haven't done any of your haven't dones either.:D

I already told you about Harry Potter. I also haven't made videos, gotten braces, or run for public office, either.


Boy, this is a productive way to handle insomnia, don'tcha think? :001_huh:Just don't sleep well when the Dude is away.:tongue_smilie:

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worn a wedding dress

made any videos

been arrested.


How 'bout you?


Ok, I have also never:


gotten braces

run for public office

mowed a lawn

sky dived or hang glided

kissed a chipmonk

painted daisies on a big red rubber ball

Taken a geometry class

broken a bone

shaved my head

gotten a tatoo

imagined that I would be a parent, much less a homeschooling one!



I have:


traveled to Asia

done my own taxes

read all the harry potter books

driven a motorcycle (the first time, right up a tree and then through a privacy fence and into a glass patio window)

Had an ultrasound

Been to Boston in the fall

taken college biology

gone skinny-dippin

had a few Mike's

delivered a baby in a hospital

been to New England

seen the Atlantic ocean

been on a plane outside of Texas

eaten sour cream

discharged a firearm

Been to Kentucky

been asked, "will you marry me?"







Sawyer is the hunky southern hero from LOST. He initiates this game with Kate on the island. And yes, it is a grand way to deal with insomnia. :tongue_smilie:

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I have never been a member of any church I have attended, driven slower than the speed limit, or posted my mind on a single political thread on this board. ;) And if you knew me in real life you would know what a significant statement this is. :svengo:

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...pumped gas at a gas station, flown in any aircraft, or been bitten by a snake.


I have:

worn a wedding dress, had braces, broke bones, had babies in a hospital, discharged a fire arm, swam in the ocean, skinny dipped, ate sour cream, been to California, driven a motorcycle, and been asked "will you marry me?"

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given birth to a baby although I have 3 children



Same - dh came with kids. :) ...I honestly don't know if I'd want to deliver one of my own -- it sounds awfully painful! :lol: (won't happen anyway, he's fixed)




Hmmm, not positive that I get this game - it seems to have changing rules LOL ..but I'll try some nevers...


...I've never:


* learned how to use makeup properly

* been up in a helicopter

* had my tonsils out

* gone scuba diving

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Changed a tire

shot an animal--everyone in my family hunts

had a sister

did drugs

had a new car

watched "Pirates of the Carribean"

been to college--plan to go one day though!

had an ear infection

had braces

had a broken bone

had a decent picture taken of myself!

have found the perfect hair style

learned how to put make-up on correctly

never lived outside of Georgia

scuba diving

seen the show Lost



I have:

eaten turtle, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, deer, and goat

ridden in a helicopter

done my own taxes

been to Mexico, NC, SC, Tenn, and Florida

ridden a pig and a cow

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1. I have never been to Asia even tho my 2 children were born there


2. Never had braces and have the crooked teeth to prove it


3. Never owned a bird or a fish, have had more cats and dogs than I can count


4. Never been parasailing even tho I really wanted to on my honeymoon but dh said NO, so instead he went on a submarine with me, even tho he was terrified

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I've never:

shot a mammal, but I did shoot one snake once.

did drugs

had a new car

had an ear infection

had braces

had a broken bone

learned how to put make-up on correctly

scuba diving

seen the show Lost

eaten turtle, snake, opossum, elk, raccoon, or goat

ridden in a helicopter

been further west than Kansas or Louisiana, or to the Gulf of Mexico, or off the continent of North America

ridden a pig or a cow

gotten a tattoo

cut my hair or shaved my head (unless you count the 1 inch at the bottom of a pigtail when cutting a balloon string at age 12)

owned a bird (but have had fish, dogs, cats, and a hamster)

ridden in a helicopter or a jet or a hot air balloon, or been parasailing or skydiving

given birth to a baby at home

..had a daughter...

...been drunk....

...bounced a check.


I have:

eaten squirrel, rabbit, deer and lamb

done my own taxes

been to Canada and most states east of the Mississippi, plus Kansas, Missouri and Louisiana

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I have never:


been drunk

read a Harry Potter book (and not because I have any issues with them, they've just never appealed)

been to Europe

changed a tire

been thrown a party

taken a cruise

played poker


I'm like your evil twin, SolaMichella: I've done all of the above--some of them many times. :lol:


Not that I'm proud of them all.... :001_huh:

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"I've never kissed a chipmunk and I'm not too good at ping pong and I've never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball.....and I've never been to Boston in the fall!"


Sorry. Couldn't help it. I read the post and The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything jumped into my brain and took over.


I have seriously got to go to bed.




I used to have one of the lines from The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything in my signature line!


(Can you tell we love the song?)


I've never gotten head lice, though. Really. (Just like it says in the song!)

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Ok, I have also never:


traveled to Asia

run for public office

mowed a lawn

sky dived or hang glided

kissed a chipmunk

read all the harry potter books

painted daisies on a big red rubber ball

broken a bone

gotten a tatoo

Been to Boston in the fall

had a few Mike's

been to New England

seen the Atlantic ocean

Been to Kentucky


I have:



gotten braces

done my own taxes

Taken a geometry class

shaved my head

eaten sour cream

driven a motorcycle

Had an ultrasound

taken college biology

gone skinny-dippin (does it count if it is a private jacuzzi with my dh):0

delivered a baby in a hospital

been on a plane outside of Texas

discharged a firearm

been asked, "will you marry me?"

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My three new ones: I have never...

Been to Florida

succeeded at a diet

been able to keep a poker face.


I have also never:

been to North Dakota, nor Alaska

smoked a cigarette

had premarital $3x

run for public office

sky dived or hang glided

kissed a chipmunk

painted daisies on a big red rubber ball

Been to Boston in the fall

had a few Mike's

shaved my head

gotten a tattoo

Been to Kentucky

driven a motorcycle

taken college biology

gone skinny-dippin (does it count if it is a private jacuzzi with my dh):0

discharged a firearm



I have:

read all the harry potter books

broken a bone

lived in Africa

traveled to Asia

mowed lawns

been to New England

seen the Atlantic Ocean

gotten braces

done my own taxes

Taken a geometry class

eaten sour cream (I think this is my favorite one Aubrey!!)

Had an ultrasound

delivered a baby in a hospital

been on a plane outside of Texas

been asked, "will you marry me?"

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