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Half time show was good!


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It was a nice show. I thought she might have a guest artist like the last 2 but she did it all with minimal costume change. We were warned before not to allow the kids to see it as it may be "indecent" but I'm glad they saw it as they all like it.

What?!? Who warned you??

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I was more worried about some political message than about indecency, but I was so, so happy that it was sheer entertainment and only entertainment. (I'm politically weary these days.) I've always known she's eccentric, but she certainly has some genuine talent. She gave quite a show!

Edited by Kinsa
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I had some friends comment on the lack of pants and I thought it was one of the more conservative entertainment shows I had seen in a long time, including her costumes. That probably says way more about everyone else's shows but it was nice to have a performance without shock value.

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OP:    I am *not*  a Lady Gaga fan (and I doubt that she is one of my wife's favorite performers) but my wife came in and watched the Halftime with me. Your thread title says it "was good". We think it was spectacular. Perfect.  Wow...  I wonder how many times they rehearsed that, to get everything to work out so well. Lady Gaga did a wonderful job.


I was rooting for Atlanta and was worried when the Halftime began. I think when I was a boy, there was something about "the game ain't over until it's over" and that was proven by New England last night. They were the comeback kids and that game is historical.

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I know people were boycotting it because she is very friendly to gay folks. Haters missed out. She was incredible. And it was weird! There were like Klingon-style weapons as baton at one point.





Who are your friends?


Even my friends who are conservative think she did a good job.

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Who are your friends?


Even my friends who are conservative think she did a good job.


She did do a good job! There were rumors she was going to do something that made it better to avoid.  

I have no idea how many people who said on Facebook that they wouldn't watch, actually didn't watch. 

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I was just worried it was going to turn into a political statement, as everything seems to these days. But from the national anthem, to the coin toss (what a warm appreciation for G & B Bush), to a great halftime performance (loved the opening especially), to the game itself, it was a a class act. Oh, and there were some good commercials, too. Not all of them, mind you (T Mobile comes to mind!), but overall they were fun.

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 Oh, and there were some good commercials, too. Not all of them, mind you (T Mobile comes to mind!), but overall they were fun.

We saw a Go Daddy commercial and it was perfectly acceptable...and we commented that Go Daddy used to have pretty racy ads and how nice it was to not have that. And then the T Mobile ads started.  Ugh.  They were probably funny to 50 Shades fans but we're not, so...

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I saw a lot of Facebook posts from conservative websites warning parents not to let their children watched because it was sure to be "very obscene". Major eye roll! She did great, but she's always impressive at what she does. She's not everyone's cup of tea but you can't deny she is extremely talented. And little to no lip synching!

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