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I've let myself go (medically) for too long!


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Do other moms do this?  I've been putting off seeing specialists for nagging problems for YEARS!  Basically, when I actually work up the energy to call, if I get a busy signal, that's the end of it.  LOL.  So this year, I've decided to get to all those nagging appointments:


- ENT to consider deviated septum repair

- Gyn for my "annual" exam

- Dermatologist for acne that just won't go away

- Surgeon for my umbilical hernia to consider a repair

- ... I think that's all for now?  !!!!




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I'm trying to remember the last time I went to an MD, LOL.  OK I did go about 1.5 years ago when I thought I might bleed to death.  :p  The last well check I had at an MD was probably 8 years ago.  And I believe that was my only MD "well check" since my baby shots.  (ETA - no, I had one about 12 years ago too.)


I do go to the chiropractor a few times a year, which I started a few years ago.  Much bigger bang for the buck and for the time investment.  Of course they don't do pap smears etc.

Edited by SKL
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I'm in the club.  I had 5 doctor visits in about 20 - 25 years (if one doesn't count pregnancy).  All of those were for relatively minor things (like a work physical or an updated tetanus shot).


I kind of liked it that way TBH.


Then I hit a snag (sigh).


Now I'm at a crossroads figuring out what I want to do (another sigh).  I want to sign up for the body fixing itself option, but I think I need new repairmen inside.


Regardless, best wishes to you as you proceed!

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I see my gyn fairly regularly and get my mammograms.  Lots of breast cancer in my family, including before 40, so that scares me enough that I make the effort.


I used to only see my GP when I needed allergy meds.  Now I just take Benedryl because most of the scripts don't work or make me crazy.  I don't like my GP, but it's too much energy to find a new doctor.  I feel like he's too quick to prescribe anti-depressants for every little thing and not look into other things (like thyroid).  Although he did find my Vitamin D deficiency.  I only see him when I have an injury (hurt my ankle last year) or pain (thought I was having appendicitis or something last year - ended up being ovarian cysts, could have just stuck with my gyn).  


I probably should ask around and find a new doctor who will look into thyroid, etc. since I am constantly tired, losing hair, nails are showing signs of something not right, blah blah blah.


I also should go to a dermatologist for a skin cancer screening since I'm high risk there.


I did finally get off my butt and make eye doctor appointments for the entire family.  Dd "failed" her eye exam at her pediatrician so we need to get her checked.  My damn dog ate my good pair of glasses so I'm using a cheap pair of readers from Target and they are seriously annoying.  I can clearly feel the difference from my good pair that was made for me, and since I now need them to read ANYTHING, this is very very important.   We go next week.

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That would be annoying to have to see all those different specialists. Do you need to get referrals for each of those? I would here (Canada), and it would take months of waiting for each appointment. 


Are you looking for a friendly boot in the butt to get going? If so, consider yourself booted. Get going on these, especially the serious health ones. Self-care is important. Stay on top of your health now so that issues don't snowball in the upcoming decades.

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That would be annoying to have to see all those different specialists. Do you need to get referrals for each of those? I would here (Canada), and it would take months of waiting for each appointment. 


Are you looking for a friendly boot in the butt to get going? If so, consider yourself booted. Get going on these, especially the serious health ones. Self-care is important. Stay on top of your health now so that issues don't snowball in the upcoming decades.



Haha, thanks!


Luckily we have possibly the best medical system in the world (Switzerland).  :-D  I don't need referrals, and I made appointments today for both gyn and derm and will be seen in early Feb, basically MY first available week because we are going on vacation for a month.  They would have seen me a couple weeks earlier if I were going to be in town.  I'm hoping the gyn will be able to assess my hernias for me and then I'll make an appointment at the hospital to see that specialist.  That might take a bit longer.  Right now the hernia is bothering me more than the sinuses, but I kind of wish I could go in, they could knock me out, and they could then do a complete tune-up with only one recovery period.  LOL.  


Oh, DH just reminded me I didn't go to the dentist last year, so I've got to add that to my list!!!  ha.  

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I do pretty well with seeing most of my specialists:


OB/Gyn -- every year.  My grandmother died of some female cancer when she was in her early 30s.


Cardiologist -- I'm high risk for a heart condition, so I go -- because heart.



However, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I haven't seen a rheumy in 7 years. (? on the 7.  It's been so long I can't remember.)  He made me really, really mad when he told me I should go on meds, even though I would not be able to have more children.  He told me I should be happy with the children I have.

:glare:  :thumbdown:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:


I have been really tempted to take my fiery dd6 to let him have an earful because he didn't want her to exist.   :001_tt2:


Just this week I made an appointment (with a different rheumy) because I have been in a really bad flare since October.  :(

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I do pretty well with seeing most of my specialists:


OB/Gyn -- every year.  My grandmother died of some female cancer when she was in her early 30s.


Cardiologist -- I'm high risk for a heart condition, so I go -- because heart.



However, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I haven't seen a rheumy in 7 years. (? on the 7.  It's been so long I can't remember.)  He made me really, really mad when he told me I should go on meds, even though I would not be able to have more children.  He told me I should be happy with the children I have.

:glare:  :thumbdown:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:


I have been really tempted to take my fiery dd6 to let him have an earful because he didn't want her to exist.   :001_tt2:


Just this week I made an appointment (with a different rheumy) because I have been in a really bad flare since October.   :(



Sorry to hear about your flare up.  


I used to be really good about the gyn, until my last pregnancy.  We had an elevated risk of down syndrome, and she kept going on and on and on about the "A word" even after I told her it wasn't an option I would consider.  She was adamant it was the only "choice", even so far as to tell me I wasn't considering my other children.  Anyway, I left her office that day and never went back.  Baby was fine, by the way...  Anyway, the experience completely turned me off doctors for quite a while.  Anyway, like with you, one nasty doctor can really create an aversion to going in.  

Edited by Monica_in_Switzerland
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I'm pretty good about going in for medical check-ups and ailments because a lot of people depended/still depend on me.  Also, my mother caught her breast cancer early and in time to do something, twice, at a young age simply because she was on top of things herself.  It taught me a lesson.

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I see some doctors regularly and go to my coumadin clinic even more regularly.  But I had heard somewhere that you no longer need Pap Smears every year but every three years.  Since I see so many other doctors, I decided to skip the gynecologist for a few years.  I went to see him this last November.  He said that I should go see him and get a Pap every year and not because I am high risk since I am actually low risk- I know by being checked twice already that I do not have the preconditions for it.  He explained that he and the other gynecologists see patients who either have cancer or have the precancerous changes fairly regularly.  If they catch it the first year, you can be treated outpatient in his office and no big deal.  Second year requires surgery and a much bigger deal,  Third year is when it is a full blown cancer and you need all the regular cancer care.  Apparently if you wait till third year, your cancer will still be in a highly treatable state so the regulators said you don't need the Pap smear every year.  Well, for me, I prefer a Pap smear every year and if something is found, minor treatment than waiting to get the level of cancer where you need chemotherapy or radiation.  

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This is the point that I am at right now, and am living with much guilt and many regrets.  I had not seen a primary care doctor for 8 years, even though I knew I was at risk for a serious disease.  I knew the warning signs and did occassionally self monitor myself, but I should have been having routine blood work at least every couple of years. But I felt good, my dh was having medical issues and I went a few years without monitoring myself.  When my dh passed away suddenly early September, I felt an enormous responsibility  to get as healthy as possible.  I went very low carb and did start monitoring myself.  My numbers were pretty good.  There was the concern though on what were they when I was not taking care of myself.  I started having other weird symptoms, scary ones.  I spent way too much time on Dr. Google.  Enough to really worry what was going on.  I had an appointment with my OB/GYN so I had him run basic blood work and the numbers came back pretty good.  More symptoms started so I decided I needed to find a primary care doctor.  Every doctor I researched and thought would be a good fit were not taking new patients.  It was unbelievable.  Finally, I called a local hospital physician referral line and they set me up with an appointment with a fresh out of residency doctor.  Took all my blood work, my self-monitoring numbers, and laid everything on the line to him.  He looked at everything and said I was perfectly healthy, healthier than most that came in the doors, and that it was all stressed related.  Looked at my numbers, told me they were fine, I did not have a problem, and told me he would not even have me monitor myself anymore.  Did offer to prescribe something for stress, which I refused.  All I needed was peace of mind, and he gave that to me.  Well, symptoms continued plus more got worse at times.  I knew that just from my history alone, he should have ran blood work, even though my numbers were good.  So after I couple of weeks worrying I called and had him run the blood work.  He left a message that my number was slightly elevated, but no follow up was needed. But my concern is still what were the numbers the past few years, when my diet was not good. In the meantime, I started going to a chiropractor and some of my symptoms got better.  Others did not.  I have spent the last month trying to find a new doctor to see me and again no one was taking new patients.  Finally, through a friend who personally knew a doctor, I have an appointment in two weeks to address some issues.  Could some of the symptoms be due to stress. Absolutely.  I truly hope they are, because the alternatives can be quite serious.  Living with the guilt I have that I did not do everything to keep myself healthy and the fact that I am the only parent know for my kids still at home is overwhelming.  I feel like I have let them down, and even that I have left my dh down also.  I am sorry this has gotten so long.  My hope is that no one makes the mistake that I did.  I have seen the value of regular checkups, even when you are feeling good.

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BTDT. I still haven't taken care of getting to the dentist. I went in last year once and they wouldn't do a regular cleaning, they wanted to do all this expensive stuff...so I asked for an estimate and they said they would talk to my insurance and get back to me.


They never got back to me. Oh, well.

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I get my checkups, but the hardest part is making the initial call to set up the appointment.  That's like pulling my own teeth.


The only way I can do it is to put it on a to-do list and not let myself wiggle out of it.  I set a day of when I'll make the call, (sometimes way off in the future, but I still put it on the calendar to "make dentist apt") and I'll even set what time of day to make the call, "Tuesday, while the boys are in karate."  I prop up a book and prepare to wait for my turn for them to answer the call (there are 6 calls ahead of you...) and get the appointment on the calendar. 


Once things are on the calendar, I just automatically do them.  I read on another thread just this past week that someone else has trouble with making the appointment, so she will ask her DH to do it for her.  I think that's genius.  I might just start doing that...ask him to make the appointment for me.  Then it's a done deal.

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This is the point that I am at right now, and am living with much guilt and many regrets.  I had not seen a primary care doctor for 8 years, even though I knew I was at risk for a serious disease.  I knew the warning signs and did occassionally self monitor myself, but I should have been having routine blood work at least every couple of years. But I felt good, my dh was having medical issues and I went a few years without monitoring myself.  When my dh passed away suddenly early September, I felt an enormous responsibility  to get as healthy as possible.  I went very low carb and did start monitoring myself.  My numbers were pretty good.  There was the concern though on what were they when I was not taking care of myself.  I started having other weird symptoms, scary ones.  I spent way too much time on Dr. Google.  Enough to really worry what was going on.  I had an appointment with my OB/GYN so I had him run basic blood work and the numbers came back pretty good.  More symptoms started so I decided I needed to find a primary care doctor.  Every doctor I researched and thought would be a good fit were not taking new patients.  It was unbelievable.  Finally, I called a local hospital physician referral line and they set me up with an appointment with a fresh out of residency doctor.  Took all my blood work, my self-monitoring numbers, and laid everything on the line to him.  He looked at everything and said I was perfectly healthy, healthier than most that came in the doors, and that it was all stressed related.  Looked at my numbers, told me they were fine, I did not have a problem, and told me he would not even have me monitor myself anymore.  Did offer to prescribe something for stress, which I refused.  All I needed was peace of mind, and he gave that to me.  Well, symptoms continued plus more got worse at times.  I knew that just from my history alone, he should have ran blood work, even though my numbers were good.  So after I couple of weeks worrying I called and had him run the blood work.  He left a message that my number was slightly elevated, but no follow up was needed. But my concern is still what were the numbers the past few years, when my diet was not good. In the meantime, I started going to a chiropractor and some of my symptoms got better.  Others did not.  I have spent the last month trying to find a new doctor to see me and again no one was taking new patients.  Finally, through a friend who personally knew a doctor, I have an appointment in two weeks to address some issues.  Could some of the symptoms be due to stress. Absolutely.  I truly hope they are, because the alternatives can be quite serious.  Living with the guilt I have that I did not do everything to keep myself healthy and the fact that I am the only parent know for my kids still at home is overwhelming.  I feel like I have let them down, and even that I have left my dh down also.  I am sorry this has gotten so long.  My hope is that no one makes the mistake that I did.  I have seen the value of regular checkups, even when you are feeling good.


I didn't want to like your post, but I do want to acknowledge it with a few  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


It sounds like you have had a really rough few years and I'm glad you are moving self-care up to a priority.  

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Anyway, like with you, one nasty doctor can really create an aversion to going in.  


Not the same experience and not even anyone nasty, but finding out there isn't really any "team" effort to getting something figured out is what has colored my opinion.  Doctors have all the control and if what they want is not what you want, tough luck for you.  Your only option is to back out.  In my situation, I wanted them to keep looking for a cause of symptoms (and suggested other possibilities from reputable sources).  They felt that wasn't necessary (knowing the cause) and wanted me on symptom suppression meds instead - meds that come with other side effects, of course - and do nothing to actually fix a cause if one were found.


Money wasn't an issue.  We just have a different philosophy.  Tough luck for me.


With my new stuff now - what is probably basic stuff that should be no big deal - I can really see how much that experience has put a bit of anger and reluctance in my mind for any doctor experience.  I wish there were a way we could DIY (or I wish the ideal world of medicine where doctors and minions can actually work together when needed matched the real world).


Your "stuff" should be routine.  I don't want to influence you (or anyone else) against getting things done or looked at - just sharing "behind the scenes" experiences.


When I was unexpectedly pregnant with my third (after having told my OB that we only wanted two), I mentioned that no matter what we didn't want an A.  She was awesome enough to never suggest it - even on my down early days.  She remained cheerful telling me how great third kids are and how they fit right in.  She was right.  I don't know if she's always that way, but I loved the fact that she adapted to my philosophy at the very least.

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In the club.  However, now it is just a bad habit; the kid is grown up and I'm not so busy...but I still haven't made the calls.  


Need to do ALL of the above.  Ugh.


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I guess I have been able to find good doctors.  I can only remember one doctor in my adult life who I intensely disliked and thought was useless.  I quickly found another.  Maybe it has to do with the places I've lived but there seem to be lots of good practices.  My favorite was the "faculty practice" at a teaching hospital near our home in Oregon.  I saw a resident, and a teaching doctor.  I loved having young new doctors with the backup of the seasoned veteran.


My general anxiety has kept me on top of things because I have worried about dying and leaving my kids semi-orphaned. That's not good.  But, while I don't overdo going to the doctor, I keep up the recommended pap smears, mammograms, etc.  Last fall I had my first A1C hemoglobin test that showed me as prediabetic.  I cleaned up my eating and amped up the exercise so am anticipating a good or at least better followup test - scheduled for tomorrow.   If I had not bothered to see a doctor for something else, I wouldn't have known how high my blood sugar was and wouldn't have changed my habits.   


Don't be martyrs, Mamas!  Take care of  your health. To me, that doesn't mean going to the doctor every year or running in every time you feel a little off, but don't neglect the necessary visits and tests either.  

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I eat with the assumption I'm likely to get diabetes.  So that one is taken care of.  LOL

In terms of pap smears, you don't need them every year at our ages unless you have multiple partners.  In fact now they do more extensive testing (for HPV) automatically (so said the GYN) so you can go 5 years in between (so long, again, as you don't have multiple partners).


I have yet to do a mammo, but the doc did say I could wait on that one due to not having any family history.


Part of it for me is I grew up with a mother who lived at doctors offices.  She was constantly taking me to the doctor.  I was constantly being tested, poked, and prodded for what turned out to be nothing at all.  I got tired of it.  I was also abused by a pediatrician.  That did not help either. 



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As you age, going at least to annual physical becomes very important.


We changed doctors over the summer, and I was shocked at all the previous doctor had missed. She always rushed through my physicals and said that issues I was concerned about didn't need to be pursued. The new doctor ordered an A1c because I hadn't had one in five years. They did an A1c for awhile after my two pregnancies with gestational diabetes, but the previous doctor said we could stop. Big shock -- I'm edging closer towards diabetes despite eating low carb and exercising faithfully. And he ordered a bone density exam because my mother had osteoporosis. Big shock again -- I'm borderline. So he put me on a stricter diet, increased my D3 supplement, wrote a prescription to get exercises for the bone issues, and now wants to see me every 4 months. I actually saw him today to chat and get bloodwork.


Yes, I'm a member of AARP, and here we go. But thankfully I know what I need to watch now.

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This isn't to say I think people should not go.  That wasn't my intention.  Just saying with certain stuff it's not always dire or necessary. However, if you feel better about doing it then of course do it.


G5082.  I'm curious about the diet and dietary changes.  I just had my blood sugar tested and it was fine, but I'm always trying my best to avoid this problem.  My mother and sister both have/had diabetes and it was pretty terrible for them.  They never watched their diet though.



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I used to be in the club. 

But, I started thinking that I wanted my girls to take care of their health. Not just ignore it because they were busy and didn't have time and .... All the excuses I had.


So, I made regular well-woman checkups to coincide with my birthday (because you need something to hang them on to remember to do them!). And a regular checkup with my regular Dr at the end of the year.


I'm glad I did too. The town we moved to five years ago - it took 2-4 months to get a new patient appointment with a doctor. If you were sick, no doctor would take you until you had that new patient appointment. You had to go to the ER. Ah, nope, that is super expensive, and I'm not that sick. 


So, I decided to starting taking care of my health to set a good example for my girls so hopefully they will take care of their health too. 

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With both kids having issues for so many years, I feel like I am at one doctor or another all the time.

Currently my primary is insisting I come in for an "annual".  I think the last time I went to an ob/gyn was 15 years ago so she is going to do that for me too but so far I have rescheduled it 3 times.  I do get blood-work annually for my hashimotos.

She has seen me for a few issues over the year including Lyme, tennis elbow, bronchitis and whatnot so it isn't like I never go.

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I prefer to have regular checkups and to have any issues checked out. I can then continue to live happily with (minor-medium) symptoms if they have ruled out a serious cause and if there is nothing I should be doing about it to prevent it from worsening.


I do this because I know that I would beat myself up if I got severely ill because *I* dropped the ball - I could consider it "my fault".

If I get sick despite doing everything I can, that is fate, and I could live with that.

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