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X - post Landry Academy Financial Problems?

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If you have children in classes, or just need copies of your ledgers and transcripts I suggest you print them as a precaution.  The site is supposed to be going down for maintenance at 2pm EST.  Teachers are suggesting that you print everything you need, or at least download it to pdf for your future reference.

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What would be important things to print for our records from the site besides the syllabus and grades?

Before 2pm ET

: Ledgers (your credits transferred info)

Teacher contact info (some of them have their phone numbers)




Student Info


Credit Card info

Account info


I saved everything I could find, basically before 2pm hits.

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Whether it is money or rules to follow or whatever, if Landry says these are the rules (e.g., use this curriculum, platform, whatever), and the teacher agrees to them, why is it the business of the govt? I understand there are *laws* about this; I am simply saying that there shouldn't be. People should be allowed to freely enter into their own voluntary business agreements.


It's not a totally free transaction if one partner is holding the money, and the other partner is trying to feed their kids. People will do any number of things of money, that doesn't mean it's right to take advantage of that.


It's also not really voluntary if when you apply to the job your're not told that you won't get a W-2 until after you've gone through the whole interview process, and accepted the job. 


If Landry were the only game in town, if they had some sort of monopoly on on-line homeschooling, I would disagree but they don't.  There are many times many options for ways to take on-line classes.  In Landry's case, I think they grew too big too quickly and were not conversant with how to handle the growth and how their business would need to change to adjust to that growth.  Whatever happened, I am sorry it did.   A great many people benefited from Landry Academy and could continue to do so. I agree that if all parties are freely entering into agreements, and there are many options for students/teachers (no monopoly) then I don't see why allowing them to work out their own arrangements is a bad idea.  I think at the very least the IRS should offer positive ways for Landry and other businesses like it to adjust their business model without crippling them and forcing them to shut down (which is what appears to me to be happening.)


Was Landry and the other online providers hiring at the same time? Did workers for one company feel free to leave and work for another company for better terms? I'm just asking. But unless a company really goes head to head with another company, whether they're a monopoly or not doesn't really matter. They can set their own terms because they can.


And we don't know that the IRS didn't give Landry a chance to make a payment plan, or to put the fine against future tax holdings. We also don't know if Landry's response to this was helpful (seeing a tax specialist, an employment specialist, working through the case with the IRS case manager) or unhelpful (not doing any of those things).


But the IRS is not the Chamber of Commerce. It doesn't care why you broke the law, or what the impact will be if your company ends up "in jail" because of it. But if you break the law that's that. You can regret it all you want in retrospect and curse the people who gave you bad advice, but you still have to deal with the consequences.


I'm sorry that there's this mess, don't get me wrong. I'm just so sick of people thinking that since they're doing "the higher good" they can just do whatever they want. Can you tell I'm sick of it? Lol. I'm just SO sick of it. I'm also sick of people telling me that if I work for God I should be able to magically gain my daily calorie requirements from the air. I'm totally sick of that, too.

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My daughter's French teacher emailed earlier to say Landry email was down and that we should print off grades in case the site "went down".  When I logged on, a banner message posted saying "On Thursday, December29 between 2:00 pm and 11:00 pm Eastern Standard Time we will perform major server upgrades on PowerSchool Learning. Up to several hours of downtime is expected over the course of the day. We'll keep our status site updated during all downtime."  So, if you need to print something from your student's classrooms, I would suggest doing it ASAP.


Nancy in NH


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It's not a totally free transaction if one partner is holding the money, and the other partner is trying to feed their kids. People will do any number of things of money, that doesn't mean it's right to take advantage of that.


It's also not really voluntary if when you apply to the job your're not told that you won't get a W-2 until after you've gone through the whole interview process, and accepted the job. 



Was Landry and the other online providers hiring at the same time? Did workers for one company feel free to leave and work for another company for better terms? I'm just asking. But unless a company really goes head to head with another company, whether they're a monopoly or not doesn't really matter. They can set their own terms because they can.


And we don't know that the IRS didn't give Landry a chance to make a payment plan, or to put the fine against future tax holdings. We also don't know if Landry's response to this was helpful (seeing a tax specialist, an employment specialist, working through the case with the IRS case manager) or unhelpful (not doing any of those things).


But the IRS is not the Chamber of Commerce. It doesn't care why you broke the law, or what the impact will be if your company ends up "in jail" because of it. But if you break the law that's that. You can regret it all you want in retrospect and curse the people who gave you bad advice, but you still have to deal with the consequences.


I'm sorry that there's this mess, don't get me wrong. I'm just so sick of people thinking that since they're doing "the higher good" they can just do whatever they want. Can you tell I'm sick of it? Lol. I'm just SO sick of it. I'm also sick of people telling me that if I work for God I should be able to magically gain my daily calorie requirements from the air. I'm totally sick of that, too.


It also raises the issues of part-time, short-term "women's work" often not being treated the same as full-time employment in terms of social security and so on.  The fact that the teachers were doing valuable work does not negate their need to be treated fairly where their labor is concerned.  There is a difference between a contract situation where a family or group of families hires a tutor, vs. a business who hires teachers and then sells their collective services to others at a profit. 


There's a reason we have implemented unemployment insurance and social security.  Moving more people into a contractor-based gig economy has some serious repercussions.


I am hoping that the transition to employees (vs. contractors) happened in time for these teachers to be eligible for unemployment benefits, especially if they end up working at another provider for less money to accommodate their students for the rest of the year.

Edited by justasque
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Where on that page are you seeing that?


I was trying to figure out a way to open just that post, hope this works https://www.facebook.com/groups/LandryAcademy/permalink/1275192155852768/. It's within the comments. The same teacher who posted the original post commented about that option (it was an email received). One of my friends that teaches Spanish with me on VHG and also taught at Landry has mentioned something similar in a response to me a few minutes ago.

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If you have children in classes, or just need copies of your ledgers and transcripts I suggest you print them as a precaution.  The site is supposed to be going down for maintenance at 2pm EST.  Teachers are suggesting that you print everything you need, or at least download it to pdf for your future reference.


I can't print her grades.  The pages keeps redirecting to log in. :(


Never mind.  Figured it out.

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What is especially troublesome is that up till just a few days ago, you could still purchase generic credits on their site and sign up for other things. Yet I KNOW that they have known for months that this was coming (since that's the way these sort of things happen).

I'm trying very hard to think the best of the founders, but it's difficult.

ETA: Their website still says you can register for spring classes. I haven't actually TRIED to register, so I don't know if it works though.

Edited by razorbackmama
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I was trying to figure out a way to open just that post, hope this works https://www.facebook.com/groups/LandryAcademy/permalink/1275192155852768/. It's within the comments. The same teacher who posted the original post commented about that option (it was an email received). One of my friends that teaches Spanish with me on VHG and also taught at Landry has mentioned something similar in a response to me a few minutes ago.


Found it as I scrolled down.


Here is a copy/paste:


Chris Leingang In an effort to make sure families know all their options, I am pasting here information from an email received, sent by Greg Landry, which contains an invitation from Marlin Detweiler at Veritas Press. I'm guessing (hoping) families will receive a similar email today.


As you may know, Veritas Press is a curriculum provider and, like Landry Academy, offers online course to Christian schools and homeschool families. You can learn more about us at www.VeritasPress.com.


In an effort to help families, we have come up with a plan to offer our classes to students who are currently enrolled in classes at Landry Academy. It is an effort to help these families as best we can. The opportunity includes reduced rates on second semester classes for this school year and using already purchased generic credits from Landry toward the 2017 Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 2018 school year classes at Veritas.


There is more in the letter regarding teachers, so I have truncated that portion.

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I don't like posting emails, but in this case I am. This just came.
Dear Landry Academy Family,
(I'm sorry if you receive this more than once)
As I mentioned in my last email message earlier
this week, we have been struggling to keep Landry
Academy alive. After exploring many options that would
potentially allow us to keep our doors open, we have
reached the point of no longer being able to operate.
This is not how we envisioned our dream of Landry
Academy ending. It is with much sadness that we close
the doors of Landry Academy. We know this places you
in a difficult position - we're very sorry.

I have been working hard on a solution that I hope you
will carefully consider. I have arranged for Veritas Press
to work with you directly on special arrangements and
pricing for both the spring semester and for the 2017-2018
school year. They have been very understanding of this
situation and are willing to give you some credit for our
online classes and generic semesters for which you
are registered.
If you are registered for full year 2016-17 online
classes, one semester spring 2017 online classes,
or generic online class semesters, we'll send you
a separate email message today with details of the
arrangement we've made with Veritas Press online

It will take some time for us to go through student
and family accounts for intensives, trips, classes,
etc. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
We are not able to issue refunds right now. It will also
take time for us to be able to process transcript
requests, etc.

We are very grateful for you - families who have
loved, supported, and encouraged us for years. We
know so many of you personally and many of you
are like family to us. Thank you for your continued
support, patience, and prayers as we work through
the details of closing Landry Academy.

Greg Landry
Founder and Director, Landry Academy
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We just got an email from the Chem teacher confirming that Landry is closed & won't be continuing for the second semester.

DD is sad because she actually liked this class. Hoping everyone comes up with a backup option (or three)!


It is with much sadness that I'm writing this e-mail and I don't know when you will receive official information from Greg but teachers were notified today that Landry Academy is closing it's "doors" due to financial issues.

I do not have any information and this e-mail is to discuss continuing Chemistry with your students (who I have come to adore).

I have been working on a back-up plan as I saw this as a possible outcome but not everything is finalized.  I will be working the next few days to get things in place before sending out another group e-mail but I promise to be in touch.  :)

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This is very sad news for the homeschool community. Our family has homeschooled since 2001 and my kids have taken Landry classes, mostly for English, for years. We are all in scramble mode with this new official announcement.  I realize this forum is not for self-promotion, but in this case I would like to offer families an option for their math needs.


In 2013, I started High School Math Live. All of our teachers have degrees in mathematics and education certification. We offer Pre-Algebra through AP Calculus in live and interactive online classes that meet twice a week. We do not use Saxon curriculum, but I do not anticipate any problems with moving students into our curriculum. (We use Glencoe in the early levels, Addison Wesley in upper levels, Stewart for Calculus.)


Because I recognize the financial hardship this has brought to all of us, HSML is offering a one semester class of your choosing for 1/2 price tuition and no registration fee. Costs are: Pre-Algebra is $125, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II are $150, Finite Math, Trigonometry, and Calculus I and AP Calculus AB are $175. This discount is only for Landry families who find themselves without courses in 2 weeks.


I hope we can be a help to some of you who are looking for a place to land. 

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I didn't anticipate how sad I would feel now Landry is officially closing!  I've cycled through shock, anger and now a deep sadness. Sadness for all the teachers who were counting on work, for students expecting to begin the spring semester soon, and for us parents who have invested in our children's education.  Still praying for all!  Next week, I'll be deep in planning classes.

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Wouldn't it be awesome if Veritas could acquire/absorb Landry and the teachers could keep teaching with better employment conditions and the students could keep their classes and teachers? What great goodwill and witness Veritas could show by stepping it up here. Not merely acquiring a bunch of new students, but helping to absorb a loss that they didn't cause.

That would be true sacrifice.


Veritas has been at it for a long time. It's unlikely to have the type of problems that Landry did.

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I didn't anticipate how sad I would feel now Landry is officially closing!  I've cycled through shock, anger and now a deep sadness. Sadness for all the teachers who were counting on work, for students expecting to begin the spring semester soon, and for us parents who have invested in our children's education.  Still praying for all!  Next week, I'll be deep in planning classes.


For some reason you are one of those mysterious posters without a like button, but I agree completely with what you have written.  I've already got substitutes for 2 of the 4 classes we had next semester, one I can swing on my own and the 4th is up in the air.  But I know it will work out, this is not the end of the world, it's just a setback. Yes financially it's hard, things were already so tight that we could only afford to get our kids candy for Christmas but we will make a way.  I hold no anger or bitterness towards Landry, our time there was wonderful and the education my kids was superb, far above what I could have done on my own.  To be angry about that or bitter about how things went down only serves to hurt me, it does nothing to anyone else.  Some families will recover easier than others but all shall continue on in some manner and eventually this will just be an unpleasant memory in the past.

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For some reason you are one of those mysterious posters without a like button, but I agree completely with what you have written.


I'm one of the moderators; no likes for me!


I hope Landry Academy was incorporated.  Otherwise, Greg Landry could be in serious debt for a long time.  I didn't mention how sad I am for Greg Landry.  He may have made some bad mistakes or not!  Regardless LA was clearly so important to him.

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I'm one of the moderators; no likes for me!


I hope Landry Academy was incorporated.  Otherwise, Greg Landry could be in serious debt for a long time.  I didn't mention how sad I am for Greg Landry.  He may have made some bad mistakes or not!  Regardless LA was clearly so important to him.


Yes. I am kind of scared that they weren't, since it is evident they did not receive sound business advice regarding the employee vs. independent contractor issue. :-( OR how to handle it once they knew that they would owe the IRS. I feel so bad for them!

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I'm one of the moderators; no likes for me!


I hope Landry Academy was incorporated.  Otherwise, Greg Landry could be in serious debt for a long time.  I didn't mention how sad I am for Greg Landry.  He may have made some bad mistakes or not!  Regardless LA was clearly so important to him.


I never knew you couldn't like moderator's posts.  Learned something new.



On the facebook page someone mentioned that Greg and Nancy were getting jobs to repay things.  Whether that is directed towards teachers, parents or just for goodwill, I don't know but the thought of them having to spend years repaying debt for trying to good makes me very sad indeed.

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We just got an email from the Chem teacher confirming that Landry is closed & won't be continuing for the second semester.

DD is sad because she actually liked this class. Hoping everyone comes up with a backup option (or three)!

And we just got an email from the Spanish teacher with about the same thing. I think the French teacher will send one out soon since she informed everyone she can't get emails from the class site.

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Are the teachers able to get their lists? I haven't gotten any emails, though I've "talked" to Chris L on FB.


Should I text them my contact info?


I wonder if that depends on how they used their email. I've gotten some emails from 3 of our 4 teachers that came from their personal emails. I do know that the one teacher told me she couldn't access the gradebook any longer. Sigh.

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Any suggestions for good, free, online Art Classes (besides Youtube)? My dd was going to take Intermediate Art. I'm hoping to hear from the teacher, which may give me some direction.




You might want to start a separate thread with your specific needs.


I started a separate spin off thread for sharing stuff like this if you want to post there, too.

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I wonder if that depends on how they used their email. I've gotten some emails from 3 of our 4 teachers that came from their personal emails. I do know that the one teacher told me she couldn't access the gradebook any longer. Sigh.

Thanks. I'll look at my son's Latin teacher's emails. She at least has our emails already.


The spring classes hadn't kicked in yet. I can contact 2 of the three of them via FB. 




I started a separate spin off thread for sharing stuff like this if you want to post there, too.





Wow! This has totally occupied my day... :thumbdown:

Edited by historymatters
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Are the teachers able to get their lists? I haven't gotten any emails, though I've "talked" to Chris L on FB.


Should I text them my contact info?

My friend who taught Spanish said she got all the information about her students, including grade book stuff, yesterday. She can't access anything now.

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Whether it is money or rules to follow or whatever, if Landry says these are the rules (e.g., use this curriculum, platform, whatever), and the teacher agrees to them, why is it the business of the govt? I understand there are *laws* about this; I am simply saying that there shouldn't be. People should be allowed to freely enter into their own voluntary business agreements.


There are government laws about how employers must treat employees. These are protections for the employees. The (reasonable, IMHO) concept is that employers are the ones with more power, and so employees should get some protections. These are protections like overtime pay, health insurance rules, workers receiving breaks, non discrimination, worker safety, etc, etc.


Also, employers are required to pay $$$ towards various government safety nets for their employees. Employers pay about 7% of salary towards SS & Medicare taxes and also pay for worker's comp insurance, unemployment insurance, etc. These safety net programs protect employees in case of on the job injury or not-at-fault unemployment, among other things. 


If you allow a business/employer to turn their "employees" into "independent contractors", you are allowing that employer to save a lot of $$ and paperwork headaches, while the employee loses out on $$ and also important (sometimes critical) workplace protections/safety net.


If you want to advocate for changes to worker protections, feel free. But, it's not reasonable to say, sure, protect some employees, but let an employer classify folks as protected (employee) vs not protected (IC) at their own discretion . . . That leaves all the power in the hands of the employer and makes no sense, IMHO. 


I own a business. We have a dozen or so employees. We occasionally use an independent contractor for "relief" veterinary services -- the fill in vet who works a few days when dh is on vacation . . . There is a major $$ savings in keeping a vet as an IC vs an employee, so this topic comes up a LOT in management circles, so I've read about it a lot. It is 100% to business owner's responsibility to understand and follow tax law. I guarantee you that any business the size of an online school with many teachers has a CPA to do taxes and provide advice. This is "on them" and I'd have little sympathy for them . . . I'd never expect a teacher to understand the ins and outs of IC vs employee status, considering the majority of employers and long-term IC contractors barely understand it! 


Also, FWIW, any business offering big discounts for long term packages paid in advance is sketchy IMHO. Especially in homeschooling, it's sketchy to encourage folks to commit to years of classes when we all know family and individual needs can change rapidly. A moderate discount to reward loyal customers is one thing, but deals encouraging folks to prepay for years of classes is crazy. Essentially, it's a pyramid scheme where they were pulling in advance tuition and spending it on current needs  . . . So, IMHO, see that as a big fat warning sign to not get lured in to schemes like this!!

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I received this in an email a little while ago:


Families of Landry Academy,

We became aware of the difficulties that Landry Academy was
having recently and contacted Greg Landry to see how we might
help in these very difficult times. We have now had several
conversations and emails with Greg Landry as we have discussed
how to make the best of this for everyone.

There is one thing that is clear from our conversations: he is
heartbroken to see this happen and has done everything he knows
to do to avoid it. He is now doing everything he can to help you
in an orderly transition and to minimize the interruption of the
education of your children and to minimize its financial toll on you.

Before going further I should tell you about Veritas. Veritas is nearly
20 years old. We are a curriculum and online course provider for
classical education. Of nearly 100 teachers around 2/3 have
advanced degrees. All of them love teaching.

Learnmore about us at www.VeritasPress.com

When we became aware of this difficulty we sought, with Greg, to
create an outcome that would help you, the teachers and, ultimately
GodĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Kingdom. There are two direct benefits weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve agreed to offer

1. Extraordinary pricing on second semester courses (spring 2017).
2. A way to use generic credits you have already purchased for
the 2017-18 school year.

For your convenience we have scheduled two identical meetings in
our large online meeting room to share the details. Hopefully, one of
them will fit your schedule. The meetings will take place at:

8:00pm EST on 12/29/16; and

8:00pm EST on 1/2/17

To attend click on this link:


Then log in as a guest. Enter your first and last name. If you arrive
before the host, a screen will indicate that the host has yet to arrive,
and when the host does arrive, you will be automatically let into the

Please pray for Greg and his wife, this has been a very trying time
for them. Please pray for the teachers, their circumstances vary, no
doubt, but many are dependent on their teaching to pay their bills.
Please pray for all the families and students as plans and changes
are made. Finally, please pray for us at Veritas, that we might do all
we can do to serve you well as we seek to fulfill our mission of
Restoring culture to Christ one young heart and mind at a time.

We look forward to working with you.

Marlin Detweiler
Veritas Press, Inc.
1805 Olde Homestead Lane, Lancaster PA 17601
(800) 922-5082
(717) 519-1974

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Please consider posting any helpful suggestions or schools/organizations that might be a good alternative or that are offering help to Landry participants in particular on the thread linked below.  They may be missed in this one and it will be much faster to look through one specifically for that purpose anyway.:



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Posting this as several parents are reporting that their predated checks were recently cashed and some had credit card payments go through. 



If anyone on here has sent them predated checks- I would be calling my bank and putting a stop payment on them NOW.  If you have used a credit card recently for LA, I would put a dispute on it.  

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Posting this as several parents are reporting that their predated checks were recently cashed and some had credit card payments go through. 



If anyone on here has sent them predated checks- I would be calling my bank and putting a stop payment on them NOW.  If you have used a credit card recently for LA, I would put a dispute on it.  

NOW THAT makes me very unhappy!!!!  


This doesn't affect me since we were using pre-purchased generics from last year and the year before to cover classes, but for those that sent in post dated checks or had credit card payments that are now processing I find it incredibly wrong to go ahead and process those payments when the classes will not be happening.  What the heck?

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NOW THAT makes me very unhappy!!!!  


This doesn't affect me since we were using pre-purchased generics from last year and the year before to cover classes, but for those that sent in post dated checks or had credit card payments that are now processing I find it incredibly wrong to go ahead and process those payments when the classes will not be happening.  What the heck?


Yep.  And one of the parents was saying her payment was just processed this week.  


I figured I would post it just incase anyone on here had done either of these options and didn't think about it still being processed.  

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Also, FWIW, any business offering big discounts for long term packages paid in advance is sketchy IMHO. Especially in homeschooling, it's sketchy to encourage folks to commit to years of classes when we all know family and individual needs can change rapidly. A moderate discount to reward loyal customers is one thing, but deals encouraging folks to prepay for years of classes is crazy. Essentially, it's a pyramid scheme where they were pulling in advance tuition and spending it on current needs  . . . So, IMHO, see that as a big fat warning sign to not get lured in to schemes like this!!


This, exactly. It's a bad business model. We only did a couple of classes with Landry several years ago, but when they changed and started selling courses in advance at such deep discounts, it showed us that they were having cash flow issues and were trying to bring money into their company. We made other choices at that point, in part because we didn't know how long the company would remain solvent. I'm surprised that it has lasted as long as it did. 


Contractor issues aside, a company of that size should have a CPA, hopefully he has some help with this. I'm reasonably certain that the only debt to the IRS that can be discharged in bankruptcy is income tax. They can put a lien on his personal property if he's not incorporated. I wish him well, it sounds like he's in for a long road. 

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Wouldn't it be awesome if Veritas could acquire/absorb Landry and the teachers could keep teaching with better employment conditions and the students could keep their classes and teachers? What great goodwill and witness Veritas could show by stepping it up here. Not merely acquiring a bunch of new students, but helping to absorb a loss that they didn't cause.

That would be true sacrifice.


Veritas has been at it for a long time. It's unlikely to have the type of problems that Landry did.

Right now at least, the offer from Veritas Press doesn't include the teachers.  

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If you have children in classes, or just need copies of your ledgers and transcripts I suggest you print them as a precaution.  The site is supposed to be going down for maintenance at 2pm EST.  Teachers are suggesting that you print everything you need, or at least download it to pdf for your future reference.


My husband had surgery recently and I'm exhausted and haven't been able to keep up, and now I can't print my kids' transcripts,  on top of my daughter not getting to complete her Novel in a Year course and being out $312 for a recent group buy.


My kids' teachers were excellent and I'm disappointed for them that they're not being paid what they are owed.


Landry had no business taking customer's money or hiring teachers they couldn't pay.

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My husband had surgery recently and I'm exhausted and haven't been able to keep up, and now I can't print my kids' transcripts,  on top of my daughter not getting to complete her Novel in a Year course and being out $312 for a recent group buy.


My kids' teachers were excellent and I'm disappointed for them that they're not being paid what they are owed.


Landry had no business taking customer's money or hiring teachers they couldn't pay.

I would try again tomorrow after the maintenance is completed, just in case they are available then.  Some people have been getting in, it just takes multiple tries to find a window when it will let you in around the maintenance.


Edited by melmichigan
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I would try again tomorrow after the maintenance is completed, just in case they are available then.  Some people have been getting in, it just takes multiple tries to find a window when it will let you in around the maintenance.



Thanks! My brain is not functioning on so little sleep right now, so I appreciate any help.

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Just got an email from one of dd's teachers.  He is still planning on teaching her spring semester.  He said many teachers are planning to start on time.  He did not mention payment.  I do expect for it to follow the other schools though with half of the semester fee.


I actually feel a lot better.  I do feel like the homeschool community is coming together to get this year finished.  It will cost money I don't really have, but it could be a lot worse, I guess.

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Thanks! My brain is not functioning on so little sleep right now, so I appreciate any help.

One of DD's teachers said they were told the maintenance is through a different company, the one that runs the website, and it was already scheduled.  She says she was promised that access would return and all data would still be there when the scheduled maintenance is finished.  I hoping that is true since word just went out today that classes will not resume.  I am sure a lot of people haven't seen it yet.

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This, exactly. It's a bad business model. We only did a couple of classes with Landry several years ago, but when they changed and started selling courses in advance at such deep discounts, it showed us that they were having cash flow issues and were trying to bring money into their company. We made other choices at that point, in part because we didn't know how long the company would remain solvent. I'm surprised that it has lasted as long as it did.

I knew that they were possibly precarious, but they did stick it out for so long that I was starting to think they would be around forever. I am glad that I took a flier on a few generics three years ago because Trinqueta has done some unique classes that aren't available anywhere else. I'm sad to see them go more because there were some classes I wanted her to take than the money I'm out. I'm sure I would feel more betrayed if I had lost my entire budget for next year rather than access to nautical literature and patisserie classes.


I hope that Veritas offers an attractive deal for those who are sitting on a pile of generics. It also looks like quite a few teachers will be able to find an alternative site and will offer the second semester at very generous prices. So hopefully things will work out to better than a total loss.

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My husband had surgery recently and I'm exhausted and haven't been able to keep up, and now I can't print my kids' transcripts, on top of my daughter not getting to complete her Novel in a Year course and being out $312 for a recent group buy.


My kids' teachers were excellent and I'm disappointed for them that they're not being paid what they are owed.


Landry had no business taking customer's money or hiring teachers they couldn't pay.

I hope your husband's surgery went well and he's on the road to recovery. Hang in there. :grouphug:

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