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Little things that lighten your heart


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We have a very useful venting thread already, but I thought it'd be neat if we also had a thread where we could share little things that brighten our day or lighten our heart/mind.  These things don't really need a thread of their own (as the venting thread), but we just want to share them a little bit.


For me, today, that was hearing from an old friend (family) we used to know :hurray: and being able to get back in touch with them after having drifted apart (mainly due to our moving a couple of decades ago).  I guess we "getting older" folks enjoy touching base with our past - the enjoyable parts anyway!   :cheers2:

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I love looking out my back door and seeing the vast expanse of the national park. I live 20 miles from Mexico, but on clear nights I can clearly see the sunset-illuminated cliffsides of the Sierra del Carmens in Mexico. It's magical.

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I live outside of Portland Oregon, and we are getting some freezing/snowy weather right now.


I saw 3 people reach out to help people who are outdoors today.  A warm Starbucks handed to a bell ringer, a meal in-doors for a guy riding his bicycle in the snow (homeless man I think), and while I am not sure what the 3rd one was, it was obvious they reached out to help the person who lives in a tent by the freeway.  


Each person, honestly went out of their way to extend a bit of warmth to those who could really use it right now. Makes me happy I live where I do.  :thumbup:





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Almost thirteen-month-old's hugs with his arms around my neck, and patting my shoulder with his little hand. Ds10 telling me I'm beautiful and thanking me for being his mom. Dd8 saying it was her best gift ever when we gave her a Samantha doll for her birthday. Catching DH's eye over the heads of these little people we made and get to watch grow up.


The way the dog goes bounding through the snow in our yard. And the way the cat always manages to find the perfect patch of sunshine to sleep in.

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Aww, AnnE-girl's made me laugh because I was just going to post that my *10-year old* son was just telling me something in secret today with his arms around my neck and sort of rubbing my shoulder and back as he hugged me.  He is only occasionally affectionate, but I love it!  


Gosh, hearing my kids laughing together just about does me in every time.  It's the best. There is enough bickering and clashing of personalities that when ALL my girls or any combo of kids are really enjoying one another, life is just grand.  :)

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Almost thirteen-month-old's hugs with his arms around my neck, and patting my shoulder with his little hand. Ds10 telling me I'm beautiful and thanking me for being his mom. Dd8 saying it was her best gift ever when we gave her a Samantha doll for her birthday. Catching DH's eye over the heads of these little people we made and get to watch grow up.


The way the dog goes bounding through the snow in our yard. And the way the cat always manages to find the perfect patch of sunshine to sleep in.

LOL That is why my name is Tap. I was originally Tap, Tap, Tap when I came to this forum 10 years ago.


It is one of my favorite parts of childhood, when babies pat your shoulder as you cuddle them. (dd10 used her fingertips, hence the tap vs pat). 


That combined with the tap, tap, tap of the keyboard as I was typing,  and that  "Tap" is also reminiscent of my childhood nickname.  It all came together past, present, future.  LOL  I shortened it to Tap in the new forum for ease. 

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Our four youngest children, one tween and three teens, bantering together. They get along so well.


Ds 18 comes home from college this afternoon, and Dd 24 comes home next Wednesday. We will all be together for Christmas.


Youngest comes home from college today - middle in one week.  We'll miss having oldest (and his wife) for Christmas, but I'm looking forward to having the other two here and being with my mom.


Both youngest and middle call us often to keep in touch too - totally different than oldest.  Both hubby and I really appreciate that they want to remain close to us even after they've left the nest for a few years.

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watching from across the room as my kids help my dad make dinner.  I have very fond memories of helping my dad make dinner, I still help him make homemade raviolis every Christmas eve and Easter. I'm thankful he still loves cooking for his family and including the little kids in the prep work

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Seeing the yellow-tailed black cockatoos in our front yard, ripping at the bark on our Acacia trees. They visit every summer and we never get blase about having them here.

So beautiful! I can hear their distinctive call right now.


Feeling a chicken's wattle flap against your palm while you're hand-feeding them. Makes me smile every single time.



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Going to Violin Teacher's dd's piano recital the other day. She's just 5.


Four kids in this class, most had two parents there and a grandparent or two. Then there was VT's dd: mom, dad, paternal grandmother, maternal grandmother and grandfather, and two fans: Angie in VA and her teen ds. If you saw how small this studio was and how we were packed in there, you'd appreciate this even more. 


All 4 students played Jingle Bells and one other selection. It was the 4th concert/recital we'd attended this week, and Jingle Bells was played/sung at all of them. 


We just love that little girl. DD would have gone too, but she's still at college. DD babysat this girl her last 2 years of high school. 

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Seeing bluebirds at my birdbath- or anywhere really.


Seeing cardinals especially in the winter


Having my son home from college


Family who is appreciative of my cooking


Buying gifts for my great niece and nephew- this year I got a Curious George book and a stuffed Curious George for my nephew. For my niece, I decided to go with Corduroy, the book and stuffed bear.

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Watching a turtle wave its flipper.  Of course, it is waving at *me*, right?  LOL.  There's this little turtle out there today that has been uber flipper-waving...


And catching a hard-to-get photo.  

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Oh, I love to see turtles. And I love when they do turtle yoga and bask.


Birds. We 3 types of woodpeckers now, and they are gorgeous. The cardinals, the blue jays, and the dozens of others - they make me happy.


Gingerbread houses. The kids did a great job this year.


Wine and cheese, and olives.


My heart has been heavy this week, so thank you for this thread.

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Seeing a cardinal for the first time personally. It was bright against the dark green of a conifer in the neighbors yard.


Despite my time in the Midwest previously, I've never seen one before. My grandfather used to carve little wooden ones. He died when I was 11. The reminder of his strength of character reminded me of my own inner strength today.

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There are two kinds of cardinals where we are, but despite the fact that they used to be as common as fleas, I have not seen very many this time.  However, I was introduced to the Java Sparrow and that was a treat.  Google it for a smile.


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