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Millennial song. Anyone heard it


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Just watched it on YouTube.  Honestly, I'm sick of Millennial bashing.  As a mother to three, aunt to more, and bonus mom to even more, I see kids that are fed up with being chucked in a box that doesn't even fit them.  They are intelligent, hard working young adults that are facing adulthood in a very uncertain world.  

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I assume it's a shortcut when referring to an age range of people?


But yeah I really do not know. And who chooses the name I wonder.

I think the media names them. We're what- GenX? And then was there a Y between us and the millennials? Or does it just go X-Millennial?

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Just watched it on YouTube. Honestly, I'm sick of Millennial bashing. As a mother to three, aunt to more, and bonus mom to even more, I see kids that are fed up with being chucked in a box that doesn't even fit them. They are intelligent, hard working young adults that are facing adulthood in a very uncertain world.

This. I have not heard the song but I don't care to. I have millenial children, nieces and nephews and they are not coddled crybabies who think they deserve a trophy for breathing. I am SICK TO DEATH of this characterization of young people in this age group. My daughter has a bright future; way brighter than I had at the same age. She is going about her life with competency and discipline.

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I have heard an insulting song about an entire generation of people. I absolutely detest it. I haaaate this kind of stuff. I hated it as a teen when I was told over and over what losers my generation (X) was.


I think I wrote about this on another post. I had lunch with my dad one day and listened to him rant about how he was sick of hearing how the generation before him was soooo great and how bad his generation was. He was referring to The Greatest Generation vs The Baby Boomers.


And the Baby Boomers used to pick on Gen X.


And now Gen X is picking on the Millenials.


I think it's an obnoxious habit and I wish people didn't do it. I'm not sure I have strong enough words to convey my disgust at songs aimed at deriding millions of people.


ETA: if this thread is NOT about the insulting millenial song, then ignore my rant.

Edited by Garga
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I find it curious how much attention the Millennials receive. I don't remember us GenXers receiving so much attention. But then again, that's supposedly one of the hallmarks of the GenXers, the fact that we are/were an ignored and overlooked generation. (LOL)

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I'd really love to know the parameters for each generation and what they are called. I have no idea where I fit. And I do get tired of the generalizations that come with each generation. And there has been a ton of millennial bashing on social media. It's obnoxious. However, my hubby is a professor and some of the stories he can tell about his students and how entitled they feel they are and how totally unprepared for reality they are....I can see why people get frustrated with them.

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I have heard an insulting song about an entire generation of people. I absolutely detest it. I haaaate this kind of stuff. I hated it as a teen when I was told over and over what losers my generation (X) was.


I think I wrote about this on another post. I had lunch with my dad one day and listened to him rant about how he was sick of hearing how the generation before him was soooo great and how bad his generation was. He was referring to The Greatest Generation vs The Baby Boomers.


And the Baby Boomers used to pick on Gen X.


And now Gen X is picking on the Millenials.


I think it's an obnoxious habit and I wish people didn't do it. I'm not sure I have strong enough words to convey my disgust at songs aimed at deriding millions of people.


ETA: if this thread is NOT about the insulting millenial song, then ignore my rant.

It's just satire, lampooning the stereotype.  That's all.  It isn't meant to be viciously insulting. 

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I find it curious how much attention the Millennials receive. I don't remember us GenXers receiving so much attention. But then again, that's supposedly one of the hallmarks of the GenXers, the fact that we are/were an ignored and overlooked generation. (LOL)


LOL.  You were.

But you are getting attention now.  There is a Survivor on right now that is GenX v. Millennials.    (Though their Millennial category seems pretty broad)


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To me it is just another unwarranted knock.  Yes, there are entitled, self-absorbed Millennials. And Gen-Xers, and Boomers, etc.  But so much is being blamed on Millennials right now, while most of them are looking around going WTH did you people leave us with?!  They've grown up in a totally different world than the generations before them.  They've never known a world without cellphones and internet.  They've lived in a global world their entire lives, and have never lived life without the threat of terrorism.  What's worse, is the people that are harping on this generation are the ones that raised them.  Maybe a mirror is warranted rather than yet another bash.  


To the OP:  Sorry if this thread derailed from what you intended.  I've just read too many internet comments lately that can't seem to place blame where blame is due.   

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Just watched it on YouTube.  Honestly, I'm sick of Millennial bashing.  As a mother to three, aunt to more, and bonus mom to even more, I see kids that are fed up with being chucked in a box that doesn't even fit them.  They are intelligent, hard working young adults that are facing adulthood in a very uncertain world.


This. My sons, my nieces and nephews, and their friends/classmates/co-workers are not entitled, whining losers. They work hard, are kind, thoughtful and responsible, and are far more optimistic about their future than I would dare to be in today's political climate. They give me such hope, and they are my friends.

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I always find the generation bashing odd.


Especially when all the protests after the election were happening and that meme was flying around Facebook about how the millennials are so used to getting participation trophies that they can't handle loss, such as the political election.


1) My generation (and the generation of 90% of the people sharing that meme) are the parents who decided to give out participation trophies to our kids and not keep score in games. You can't blame the millennials for that. They were just kids, so if you truly believe that trophies and no score games are the problem, then it's your fault.


2) Protesting via demonstrations, rallies, marches, etc. are in the very fabric of our country's beginnings from the Boston Tea Party to the Vietnam War protests. It's not something that millennials suddenly invented in 2016.


My oldest is barely in the edge of the millennial generation. I get tons of compliments on her behavior and work ethic from the adults who run the extracurricular activities that she participates in. I think the amount of millennials who fit what that song is talking about is small and existed in every generation.

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To me it is just another unwarranted knock.  Yes, there are entitled, self-absorbed Millennials. And Gen-Xers, and Boomers, etc.  But so much is being blamed on Millennials right now, while most of them are looking around going WTH did you people leave us with?!  They've grown up in a totally different world than the generations before them.  They've never known a world without cellphones and internet.  They've lived in a global world their entire lives, and have never lived life without the threat of terrorism.  What's worse, is the people that are harping on this generation are the ones that raised them.  Maybe a mirror is warranted rather than yet another bash.  


To the OP:  Sorry if this thread derailed from what you intended.  I've just read too many internet comments lately that can't seem to place blame where blame is due.   


Sure, look in the mirror.  If you don't like what you see in your child, you are at least somewhat responsible.  Not completely, but partially.   There is always something we could have done better.  But we aren't solely responsible for their decisions once raised.  And some kids just go way against the grain.  Thinking of all those straight-laced WW II vets who raised long-haired hippie kids who dropped out, tuned in, and turned on.


Now those kids are the parents and grandparents.  All hope isn't lost.  Everyone will screw up something.


I think we all do that, "Where did I fail" thing, once in awhile, about some topic, at least.   Can you imagine what WW II parents were thinking when Elvis and the Beatles and rock and roll came along?



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My kids claim they are Gen Z.  There must have been a Y. 


I don't know. 



I tried googling it. Every website had a different date range. Not helpful at all. Everyone's pretty consistent through Gen X with that spanning 65-78ish (depending on citation), but then it's a crapshoot afterwards. Some say Gen Y and Millennials are one in the same. Some say they're different. Some say Millennial generation ended with kids born in 1995. Others with kids born through 2005, which makes more sense to me, but I don't make the rules. I give up. I think they craft it to suit the purpose of the particular article they're writing that moment. 


It's enough for me to know that my generation has been soundly overshadowed by both our parents and our children. :) At least we had cooler music than our kids do. 

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Has anyone seen the Baby Boomer/Millennial war on Twitter?  Baby Boomers (or so they say, I'm not sure how they know) set up a #howtoconfuseamillennial tag and millennials fought back.  




I'm another one tired of the generation bashing but I thought some of the responses were pretty funny.

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I heard one definition of Millennials that said if you are old enough to remember 9/11, but not old enough to remember the Challenger explosion, then you're a Millennial.  Any definition is going to be at least somewhat arbitrary, but I kind of liked that one.




I'm Gen X, and it is so weird to me how much time Gen X-ers devote to whining about supposedly whiny Millennials.   :rolleyes:   The Millennials that I am privileged to know are profoundly empathetic and compassionate compared to my generation.  Gives me hope for the future.

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I think millenials are generally misrepresented. Specifically, the idea frequently interpreted as "entitlement" isn't what people say it is.


Most millenials believe that *everyone* deserves treatment that is good and kind, fair and respectful, and even understanding, sympathetic and accommodating. To them this is a self-evident truth (that humans deserve to be treated well) so it surprises them when people of other generations are unkind, dismissive, harsh, inflexible or otherwise not very accommodating. They are surprised when it happens to 'themself' but they are equally surprised when it happens to anyone, and will give a heartfelt apology if they realize they have done it.


It's just a shift to more sensitivity in public conduct. They expect it, but they also give it, and operate just fine within the system that is created by 'the etiquette of sensitivity'.


They also value clarity of expectations. They expect to be told their job, and they think they are successful when they have done the job they were given. They are surprised by unspoken expectations, dislike unreasonable expectations, and have difficulty with the idea of kind of randomly 'working harder to get ahead'.


With the idea of clarity of expectations, they also don't think it should "cost" them anything to be someone who can ask questions and request changes. They view these as 'asking for information' (about whether in to the things they want are possible) not 'asking for favours' or demanding things go their way.


When millenials ask me, "Can I hand this in late?" -- all they want is a yes or no. Of course they are happy to hear a yes, but the asking doesn't mean they are expecting it. They just have a sense that it never hurts to ask. They take no for an answer really easily.


So, I do see how this can be misinterpreted as "entitlement" -- but all they really feel entitled to is kindness and clarity. I find it hard to fault people for that!

Edited by bolt.
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I am usually the beginning of the millenials but I can find some that put me in generation X too. I feel more a part of the generation X descriptions. I had older siblings and parents though and have a good memory for early childhood events. I do remember the challenger explosion but I was very young. Participation trophies came after me but while I am not fond of them I hardly think it is something that can define an entire generation of people or that it made them entitled. It was the generations complaining about them that gave them out. People are so different and grow up in very different circumstances. No generation has all good or bad people.

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I too hate the generation bashing.


Imo, it's Boomers, not Gen X, who are bashing Millennials.

That's what I've seen, too. After all, the Millennials are the GenXers' own children!

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I was born in 1983 so I am usually counted as a millennial (I think). But, when people talk about millennials they seem to be referring to people younger than me. Do most people realize that lots of millennials are parents now? I don't know...haven't twenty somethings always been perceived as a mess by older generations?


As far as participation trophies-in both my childhood and my kids', young children get participation trophies and older kids do not. I hardly see how giving 5yr olds a participation trophy has any bearing on their adult lives. By the time I was 8ish (and same for my kids) there were no more participation trophies. Perhaps the participation trophies for tweens phase was after my childhood and before my parenthood.

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Has anyone seen the Baby Boomer/Millennial war on Twitter?  Baby Boomers (or so they say, I'm not sure how they know) set up a #howtoconfuseamillennial tag and millennials fought back.  




I'm another one tired of the generation bashing but I thought some of the responses were pretty funny.


Ha ha.  That was pretty funny.

Like this one (suitable for reprinting): 


"millennials are idiots" - the generation that made a millionaire out of the creator of the pet rock.



The 70's were freaking weird. The clothes, the disco, the vibe, the decorating. 

But this one is just wrong.  Boomers did NOT put linoleum over everything.  It was our parents. 


"The next time somebody complains about millennials, maybe remind them which generation linoleumed over all those beautiful hardwood floors."

Edited by TranquilMind
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I too hate the generation bashing.


Imo, it's Boomers, not Gen X, who are bashing Millennials.



That's what I've seen, too. After all, the Millennials are the GenXers' own children!




It's probably just by virtue of the fact that I have a lot more GenX FaceBook friends than I do Boomer FB friends, but it seems to me to come primarily from Gen X.  And yes, it is very weird, that it's their own children's generation that they think so little of!!!

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Dh is a Boomer and I'm on the older side of Gen X.  


Most of who I see bashing the millennials are the Boomers (most common), whose kids are already grown, and those Gen X who either have already grown and fully launched kids or much younger kids (in other words, they don't have any millennials themselves).  


I'm a Gen X'er who has a new college graduate millennial (plus quite a few cousins who are millennials), as well as two younger children (which seems to be Gen Y or Post-Millennials).  The parents of kids my oldest's age seem to be sympathetic and see all the things the millennials are doing right.  The parents of kids the age of my younger two, seem to be more likely to bash millennials, unless they are one themselves.

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Baby Boomers have such a long time span -- My dh and I are baby boomers and all three of our children are millenials and we didn't have them late in life.  We are the young baby boomers because there really is a very big difference in life experiences for someone born in 1945 and someone born in 1965 ( i was born a few years earlier).  All of our Presidents since Bill Clinton have been baby boomers.  That includes President Obama since he is older than me.  None of us young baby boomers were hippies or counter revolutionaries in the sixties and early 70's.  We were kids then.  


I just never really thought the distinctions between the so called generations were any more true than the variation within the so called generation.  I notice that the college experiences of the older baby boomers was a lot different than us younger baby boomers had.  THings like co-ed dorms were totally normal by our time.  Colleges had pretty much stopped parenting the students.  And I really can't think that the older millenials (who I guess are in their mid to late 30's) really have that much in common with the youngest co-hort (like my youngest daughter in college).  The oldest of the millenials probably didn't grow up with computer usage from an early age.  My youngest did and probably most of her peers did too.  I used to feed my youngest in the early morning feedings in front of a computer screen since it was something I could do while feeding her that wouldn't wake up anybody else in the family.


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What comes after millenials, is there a name yet?


Just curious.



I've heard iGen.  My daughter HATES that term!  She's right on the cusp between Millennial and whatever comes next, and she said if that's the term then she's going to be a Millennial.  :lol:

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My dad (born in the early 40s) had the nerve to criticize middle son (millennial) yesterday.


Why?  My guy had 3 papers due over Thanksgiving break (4 days) due to needing to catch up after two weekends in a row (early Nov) with med school interviews, then his schedule is packed with classes, tests, RA work, lab work, tutoring, and his extra curriculars, so he had saved the papers for break.  He got sick for one of those days (fever, nausea) and slept, so he only finished two of them.


My dad said this generation is soft.  He should have toughed it out and finished the third one anyway.   :cursing:   In "his" generation, no excuses would have been allowed.


Fortunately, his prof was more understanding.  Not all progress is bad when you think about it.


Middle son has accomplished far more in college than my dad ever did (higher GPA and more activities), but that's beside the point I suppose.  He's "soft" because he had the nerve to get sick and give in to sleep.  Or maybe he's soft because he actually celebrated Thanksgiving with the family instead of doing a paper all day (not anticipating that he would get sick?).


I have not listened to the song.  It sounds like one I wouldn't care for.  I see examples of all sorts of kids/young adults all around me.  I know there are great, horrid, and everything in between - eerily akin to my generation.

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That's what I've seen, too. After all, the Millennials are the GenXers' own children!


Er, nope. My parents ('54 and '56) are nowhere near Gen X, which iirc starts in '65. I'm married to a Gen X ('76), I'm Gen Y/Millennial ('84, and yes, they're the same thing), and we have two Gen Z kids ('07 and '10).


ETA: to be clear, I do get that some Millennials have Gen X parents. But plenty of us have Boomer parents and plenty of Gen Xers have Gen Z kids.

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I am either the last of X or the first of millennial(gen Y is the same, the term lost out to millenials) and my father is too old to be a baby boomer (he was a war baby) and my mother was a boomer.


I am so damn tired of the belittling and bashing of young people. Things were way easier for me than for younger millenials in terms of college costs, employment, pay level.

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My parents are baby boomers, I am Gen X and my kids are Gen Z.



Gen X has also been called  "Generation 1099" :lol:


"Generation X: AmericaĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s neglected Ă¢â‚¬Ëœmiddle childĂ¢â‚¬â„¢"




Meet Mr. and Mrs. Gen X: A New Parent Generation






They said Gen Xers were lazy and unfocused as well, they took it back when they proved themselves. Millennials will do the same.

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Has anyone seen the Baby Boomer/Millennial war on Twitter?  Baby Boomers (or so they say, I'm not sure how they know) set up a #howtoconfuseamillennial tag and millennials fought back.  




I'm another one tired of the generation bashing but I thought some of the responses were pretty funny.



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After googling I've learned that I'm a millennial. My hubby is barely a millennial as well. And my parents are baby boomers.


Hmmm. I suddenly feel like I'm having a weird identity crisis.


I have no idea how old you are, but if you were born before 1983, you could happily continue calling yourself a Gen Xer if you prefer, since some people have 1983 as the cut-off (which is the latest cut-off I've seen... I've seen as early as 1978, but most are in the 1980-1983 range, which makes sense, as 1978 would make Gen X a *very* short generation).

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I find it curious how much attention the Millennials receive. I don't remember us GenXers receiving so much attention. But then again, that's supposedly one of the hallmarks of the GenXers, the fact that we are/were an ignored and overlooked generation. (LOL)


I think I straddle the GenX/Millennial generations based on birth year but yes, GenX are 'known' ironically for being apathetic and ignored, haha! My high school graduating class was proud of the fact that we were THE most apathetic class to ever go through. Many of our honors kids didn't bother graduating because it just didn't mean much. I never picked up my own high school diploma because I hated my school and didn't care to have any dubious recognition they might give me since I know for a fact I graduated with people who were illiterate and we all got the same diploma. So yeah, apathy, lol!  

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I really think Gen X is going to be a forgotten generation. We're sandwiched between two much, much larger generations - Boomers and Millennials. Generations that have gotten much, much more coverage in the media and been assigned many more attributes and have more stereotypes and so forth.


My own freaking mother did not know that Gen X was a generation. She said, "You're a millennial." I was like, what? No. What? What planet are you on? She tried to defend her position by saying she didn't think all Millennials were bad. OMG, Mom.

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I go to graduate school with a whole bunch of Millenials. I think they are awesome. They are quite simply some of the hardest working, intelligent, and creatively out-of-the-box thinking individuals I've had the privilege of knowing. It's kind of awesome to get to learn with them. I sometimes feel old and awkward, but it's usually because of my own Gen X baggage I'm carrying around, LOL.

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When reading about the generations on Wikipedia, I found out that my portion of the baby boomers is called Generation Jones.  That;s because while everyone thinks the baby boomers got everything, the tail end of us did not.  We had a harder time getting a job, we had a harder time buying houses, etc, etc.  Because there were so many older baby boomers in front of us.

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And, that would be a totally Gen X thing to happen. Always with the short end of the stick!


I like millenials, but there's no way I am one. I wear my X with - well, not pride exactly, lol. I just wear it.


X'ers don't wear anything with pride. We're too sarcastic for that.

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