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Thanksgiving dinner: China or Chinette?


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We're hosting Thanksgiving, and I still haven't decided which plates to use. I have enough China for the eleven adults and can use my white everyday dishes for the 12 kids, but my China doesn't really go with thanksgiving decorations. It has pale blue and pink flowers, so it looks weird with fall table linens. I also don't put it in the dishwasher, although it's supposed to be dishwasher safe.


Do I save the work of washing and match the colors of the season better and just get nice paper plates, or use the China because it's a special day, and that's why we have good dishes?

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I vote Chinette. If I want to be fancy with Thanksgiving,  I buy the disposable plastic plates that look real. I have enough to deal with on Thanksgiving to worry about a mountain of dishes afterwards. I would like to enjoy some of the day too you know?  We also lost some of our silverware previously by people throwing it away mistakenly. So I have designated holiday flatware that isn't expensive and wont' make me cry if it disappears. I also will admit I have germaphobe issues and the thought of touching a mound of other peoples' dirty dishes makes me want to wretch. So I'm possibly in the minority, but I don't hesitate to pull out the disposables for Thanksgiving. It's my holiday too! 

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If you really don't think you can use the china, use the white everyday dishes for the adults and get paper for the kids.  At least you're not using as much paper.  Honestly, a festive celebration feels so much less festive to me when it's all paper.  I know sometimes it's unavoidable - I use small paper plates and napkins myself when I have cocktail parties - but for a nice sit down dinner, use the real stuff if you can.  

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Use the real plates and put them in the dishwasher. Just set it to air dry if your worried, but a once-twice yearly run through the dishwasher won't hurt dishwasher safe china. If you won't use them for Thanksgiving, then when IS a good time? Put a white pumpkin on the table as a matching fall centerpiece and call it good. I'd MUCH rather eat from real plates than have things match.


I don't even get paper plates if you have a dishwasher. Disposable pans I understand, but plates are easy and take up very little dishwasher space

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We are using Chinette because we no longer have a dining room (it is now a combo room, no table/chairs any more). So I am not messing with china or with most of the cleaning up afterward. This gives us the suitable casualness of the dinner, plus I don't have to worry about the family breaking or chipping my good china or putting it in the dishwasher. Plus we aren't having guests.

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We use china for regular old during the week meals, so I guess you know my answer. :)

I personally very much dislike eating from paper plates.

Also, one of the fun things about Thanksgiving is when everyone joins in to help with the dishes. I have good memories of time spent in the kitchen with my aunts (no uncles) and cousins.

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China it is. It's the first holiday we are hosting in our new home, and my China has lived in storage for the last six years since our old house was too small. I've been waiting a long time to have a beautifully set table for my whole family. I'll do more fall colors at the kids' table with the white plates.

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I love real plates, but would not look down on anyone that chooses to use disposable.  There are two factors I use to determine whether to use disposable.  First, would the food make disposable plates messy to use.  Second, what is the purpose of these beautiful plates if I don't ever use them.  Granted I may use them for intimate family functions so large family functions I'm totally willing to break out the easy clean up disposable platewear.  For me, matching isn't as important as actually using something I have.  If I don't use a special occasion item(s) at least once a year (for the exception of my funeral attire) I get rid of it.  I do not have china specifically for this reason.  I don't wish to have something just to collect dust.


To each their own though.  Disposable platewear is what it is.  If it's important to have easy cleanup then go for it, but if the china just sits there every year waiting for that special occasion that never happens, break it out and ask for cleanup help.  Enlist your DH or kids (or really anyone that would be receptive) to take care of clean up for you since your made (or orchestrated) the meal.

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If the host family we go to for Thanksgiving would use paper plates, I would be THRILLED!  In their house, the WOMEN do all the cooking and cleaning, and I hate it.  In my house, we all do the work.   So, if we could just toss, I would love it.

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