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Nice Ad from Amazon


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That is lovely.  I wonder how we can express our appreciation (besides hitting go on my next order, haha!).

I would guess that sharing it on social media would be a good way to show appreciation without actually having to purchase something.

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If there are those who boycott Amazon because of it, I am probably personally able to make up any lost revenue. :D



I know there is a lot of craziness going on, but most of us don't want to join in the craziness at all. There are a lot of really nice people out there still.

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That was cute! I don't know who would boycott over old men, knee pads, and religious practices? It was benign and sappy and perfectly fine.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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Well a few people believe Lizardmen run the government and the holocaust never happened.


There are some sensible reasons for boycotting, especially related to business practices and policy. I kind of detest Amazon for a number of reasons, but this commercial just doesn't rank, or even bounce the needle.

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