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Tired of debt...what are good places for us homeschool mommas to get a part time job in the evenings?


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I'm tired of debt and DH already works enough and I'm getting very motivated to be done with debt and move on for the future.  I need ideas of where to look that isn't fast food or retail.  I've thought about the public library.  I'd rather do something quiet and independent like that rather than a department store or another type of customer service job.  I'm open to ideas and even learning of any business ideas that could be started.  I wouldn't mind cleaning, but I'm not too excited about being by myself in a closed business at night.  :scared: I'm not interested in a MLM or things like that (YL, Plexus, etc.)  Thanks for any help!

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Do you have a hospital nearby? There are a lot of night jobs in hospitals and people are expected to work independently. At night, the majority of the jobs would be environmental services or related to patient care. Transport might be a good job (moving patients from one area of the hospital to another). The work would likely be constant, but you wouldn't be with any one person for more than a few minutes. Many people on our transport team are part time employees - either students or others like yourself. 

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Debt sucks. big hugs.

Have you and your DH done a detailed analysis of your finances to determine what you would need to actually reduce your debt and where to focus resources to make that happen?

Working in a library may mean lots of time at the front desk interacting with patrons, not necessarily working independently in a quiet area.  You might find libraries with after hours jobs, though.

The holidays are coming up. While you look for something more permanent you might look into holiday relief work at stores. I know you said no retail but you might could be a greeter. Or help with after-hours stocking.

Tutoring, as others have said, might work. You could see if there are any jobs available at local CCs or Universities. You could check with local TV or radio stations. They usually have after hours jobs. Local night clinics might also be an option.

Edited by OneStepAtATime
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I recently had the same conclusion and so I took a retail seasonal job because it was the fastest hire. I work 8pm-midnight. I have done seasonal stocking where I worked 4am-8am with minimal customer interaction. my goal is to get my business going in the new year, this is just to take immediate steps to get extra money in now as I make a better plan.

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I'm tired of debt and DH already works enough and I'm getting very motivated to be done with debt and move on for the future.  I need ideas of where to look that isn't fast food or retail.  I've thought about the public library.  I'd rather do something quiet and independent like that rather than a department store or another type of customer service job.  I'm open to ideas and even learning of any business ideas that could be started.  I wouldn't mind cleaning, but I'm not too excited about being by myself in a closed business at night.  :scared: I'm not interested in a MLM or things like that (YL, Plexus, etc.)  Thanks for any help!



I completely empathize about wanting to get out of debt. I took a job in our local library working afternoons/evenings about three years ago for the same reason. While the library itself is mostly quiet, it is a very customer service intensive job. That part of it doesn't really suit my personality at all.....I'd love to just work with the books when the library is closed. :laugh: We also have some of our more sketchy customers during the evening hours. I've had to call the police several times. (And we live in a nice suburban area). 


While I see dc still during the day, and this schedule allows me to continue to homeschool, being gone so much in the evenings has been hard on our marriage, and I miss having dinner together most evenings. I've also missed quite a few evening activities I would have liked to attend. I would so love to find something to do from home, but haven't been successful so far finding anything legitimate that would pay what I currently make. My working also hasn't helped our debt nearly as much as I'd hoped. My income just raised what we pay in taxes. I feel overwhelmed and constantly pressed for time between work and homeschool, so we eat out and buy convenience foods much more than we used to.

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We have several adult group homes in our town that look for people who can just stay the night.  They come after the residents are in bed, usually around 10pm, and leave around 7am just before they wake up.  So, you're usually there just to sleep, and be on hand in case a resident needs to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, or in case of emergency.  I actually have several friends who do this and it has worked out really well for them.  Most of the time they still get a good night's sleep, and they're home in the morning to be with kids when they wake up.


The group homes I'm referring to are for the mentally challenged or disabled who cannot live alone.


ETA:  My friends who do this usually do it for just 2 or 3 nights/week.

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My friend is a Secret Shopper.  She gets assignments (missions?) to go to particular businesses and pretend to be a regular customer.  She reports back and gets paid.  Actually, my son's roommate is also a secret shopper.  He just got a check for $3000, so they're gonna get a TV.   I believe you can choose what types of assignments you get, so you might be able to choose the time you perform your secret mission duties.


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Many places will be hiring evenings for the season. You might try Christmas shops, places like Michael's Crafts which are open until 9pm at night. This time of year they bring on extra workers. If you are good at it and they have an opening, they might keep you after inventory is done...most of these jobs last until they get their Christmas clearance done and re-organize the store.

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I'm tired of debt and DH already works enough and I'm getting very motivated to be done with debt and move on for the future.  I need ideas of where to look that isn't fast food or retail.  I've thought about the public library.  I'd rather do something quiet and independent like that rather than a department store or another type of customer service job.  I'm open to ideas and even learning of any business ideas that could be started.  I wouldn't mind cleaning, but I'm not too excited about being by myself in a closed business at night.  :scared: I'm not interested in a MLM or things like that (YL, Plexus, etc.)  Thanks for any help!


I "brain trained" (tutored) at Learning Rx.  The catch with tutoring is that you want to make sure it's a very busy place so that you don't drive for just one or two students.


I'd suggest thinking hard about what HOURS you want first and then go from there.  For example, tutoring was early in evening, around our supper time.  It was an awful time for our family.  I *do* clean two evenings a week.  The only caveat is the business must be closed, but it doesn't have to be in the middle of the night.  I like the flexibility - it has to be done on the weekend but that can be Friday night, Saturday after noon, or Sunday naptime or evening and it's entirely up to me.  I love it just because I can listen to music and podcasts  - especially the podcasts because it gears me up for a week of teaching, kwim?  


I go through a service though.  I do know that they also hire for "event" cleaning - sign up for one weekend and then not the next.  Or you can sign up for cleaning after construction.  Both of these are group cleans which can be a little frustrating - you don't end up with the most motivated crew, iykwim.

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Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.  I'm not really looking into what my skills are, but more what is easy to find, not too intimidating and that won't infringe on our life too much.  I like the seasonal warehouse idea.  I think there is a FedEx warehouse location nearby.  I saw someone post something recently on FB about an Amazon warehouse job nearby, too.  I had no idea there was one nearby.  I'll have to check into that.  I also like the mystery shopper idea.  Where do you look for those opportunities?  I also like the idea of stocking cards, magazines.  Where do you look for those types of jobs, too? 


I really think the cleaning business is going to be more along what we need to do because the whole family could actually do it or at least be there and it could turn into something that my older dc could eventually keep going and make money, too.  An entrepreneurial opportunity.  :)  Hubby has also thought about getting something part time at a huge company that's nearby that does shift work.  It could work out that he could come home from his regular job, have dinner/family time and then head out for a few hours of work later at night.  If it's just two or three days of the week, it could be doable.  I've even thought of Chik-fil-A for him.  He worked in food service at the management level for years in our early marriage until he graduated from college.  He's always wanted to own his own restaurant and would love to franchise a CFA in the distant future.  Who knows what could end up happening!  I do know, though, that we HAVE TO get out of this debt and I'm tired of being a slave to the lender!  Hubby works too hard and makes too good of money for us to be living like we are in poverty.  :'-/  Thanks for the ideas and please offer further information on how I can find out how to do the mystery shopping and card/magazine stocking jobs. 

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I am a merchandiser for TNG & set my own hours. Do a search for merchandiser on Craigslist & see what comes up. I stock books at Meijer & magazines 3 other stores. It's only about 10 hours a week, but that's what I want.


How much do you make, if you don't mind sharing?


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How much do you make, if you don't mind sharing?


I make $10/hour, not great, but it does help & it's super flexible, not my forever job, but works for us at this time. If you look up TNG.com you should be able to find a place to apply. Also look on craiglist for 'merchandising' or 'merchandiser' that's how I originally found the job. There are a lot of merchandising jobs out there if you know where to look.

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I once sat down to figure out my net earnings based on working 10 hours per week making $10 per hour.  That's $1 above minimum in my state that I mostly chose for the sake of simplicity.  The sorts of jobs I would likely be able to get based on my availability would probably pay close to minimum wage.  So after expenses, taxes, and insurance, it did not turn out to be very much money.  Basically it's an amount I'd only be happy with if I loved the job.  It wouldn't put a significant dent into our debt.


So my tactic is to continuously look for ways to cut expenses.  I check rates on insurances, shop carefully on groceries, go without smart phones and opt instead for prepaid, etc., look for activities for the kids that aren't too expensive and not too far to cut down on how much the gas costs, etc.  I've gotten pretty creative without really feeling like we are going without stuff. 


Your situation might be very different.  I just know for me, I'd feel very stressed with having to add on more than what I'm already doing.  If we were that hard up, I'd have to seriously consider putting my kids in school and work a lot more than very part time.  I couldn't do a good job at it otherwise. 



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I once sat down to figure out my net earnings based on working 10 hours per week making $10 per hour. That's $1 above minimum in my state that I mostly chose for the sake of simplicity. The sorts of jobs I would likely be able to get based on my availability would probably pay close to minimum wage. So after expenses, taxes, and insurance, it did not turn out to be very much money. Basically it's an amount I'd only be happy with if I loved the job. It wouldn't put a significant dent into our debt.


So my tactic is to continuously look for ways to cut expenses. I check rates on insurances, shop carefully on groceries, go without smart phones and opt instead for prepaid, etc., look for activities for the kids that aren't too expensive and not too far to cut down on how much the gas costs, etc. I've gotten pretty creative without really feeling like we are going without stuff.


Your situation might be very different. I just know for me, I'd feel very stressed with having to add on more than what I'm already doing. If we were that hard up, I'd have to seriously consider putting my kids in school and work a lot more than very part time. I couldn't do a good job at it otherwise.

This is exactly my experience. When I went back to work part time, I got a job that paid about $20/hour, that's about the minimum I'd work for and consider it more profitable than tightening the belt at home. Keep in mind that you being out can generate expenses of its own - clothing, child care, transportation. Make sure you will have a reasonable profit margin.


The fastest way to earn this much money without a very marketable skill already in place is to waitress at a restaurant that isn't the cheapest place in town to eat. A couple of shifts on busier nights or Sunday brunch could net enough cash to make the effort worth your time.


The only other thing I would consider is to go back to work full time for a short period, long enough to seriously knock down the debt and stockpile some for future needs (last kid's college, weddings, certain trips or home projects). My youngest is close to independent enough for this last option to become a serious contender in the next couple of years.

Edited by Seasider
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This is exactly my experience. When I went back to work part time, I got a job that paid about $20/hour, that's about the minimum I'd work for and consider it more profitable than tightening the belt at home. Keep in mind that you being out can generate expenses of it's own - clothing, child care, transportation. Make sure you will have a reasonable profit margin.




Yes and then the "other" expenses like getting take out because you are too tired or short on time on X day.  Or you think to yourself, hey I'm working hard, I deserve to spend a little extra on this thing I want (or I tell myself I need).  Most of us DO these sorts of things.  We might swear up and down that we won't, but a lot of us still do. 


I wouldn't clip coupons nor be as careful about grocery shopping because hell I wouldn't have the time and energy.


Plus there could be something about the amount of money my spouse makes that basically bumps us up enough to make the taxes higher enough to make that bit of extra money get eaten up.  Taxes are high where I am.  We pay more for our state taxes than our federal!

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Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.  I'm not really looking into what my skills are, but more what is easy to find, not too intimidating and that won't infringe on our life too much.  I like the seasonal warehouse idea.  I think there is a FedEx warehouse location nearby.  I saw someone post something recently on FB about an Amazon warehouse job nearby, too.  I had no idea there was one nearby.  I'll have to check into that.  I also like the mystery shopper idea.  Where do you look for those opportunities?  I also like the idea of stocking cards, magazines.  Where do you look for those types of jobs, too? 


I really think the cleaning business is going to be more along what we need to do because the whole family could actually do it or at least be there and it could turn into something that my older dc could eventually keep going and make money, too.  An entrepreneurial opportunity.  :)  Hubby has also thought about getting something part time at a huge company that's nearby that does shift work.  It could work out that he could come home from his regular job, have dinner/family time and then head out for a few hours of work later at night.  If it's just two or three days of the week, it could be doable.  I've even thought of Chik-fil-A for him.  He worked in food service at the management level for years in our early marriage until he graduated from college.  He's always wanted to own his own restaurant and would love to franchise a CFA in the distant future.  Who knows what could end up happening!  I do know, though, that we HAVE TO get out of this debt and I'm tired of being a slave to the lender!  Hubby works too hard and makes too good of money for us to be living like we are in poverty.  :'-/  Thanks for the ideas and please offer further information on how I can find out how to do the mystery shopping and card/magazine stocking jobs. 


The stocking jobs are sometimes posted on craigslist.  I have a friend that stocks a vending machine at our local Sam's Club.  


Our local TJ Maxx is hiring right now for the 5 am - 10 am shift.  I've considered that one because I could come home after and homeschool then.  


Depending on the ages of your children & how many, I would probably never hire a family to come clean for me.  That would be way too many people in my house.  I'd want one or two people maximum that would be able to come in, do what they need to do, and get out of my house.  

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I agree you might get away with one late teen girl but no-one is going to want a whole family in their house and businesses won't allow it. Gardening might be OK though or fence building/painting but the kids would have to be or look in their terns.

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My goal is to bring in an extra $300/month. This isn't a lot for some people, but I've already got expenses at the minimum that they can be. Our kids are not in extras, we rarely eat out, I watch & shop sales, that extra money does help. Everyone needs to do what they see best, but even dh agrees that it helps. Plus there are opportunities for extra work, so sometimes it's closer to 5-600/month. Our min wage here is $7.25, there are other merchandising co that do pay more. Like I said, this is short term, I've got 3 years until everyone is graduated.

Edited by Prairie~Phlox
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Net benefit probably depends on one's expenses and tax bracket. I only get to keep about 2/3 of what I earn after my business expenses. I work as an independent contractor, so those expenses are deductible. Then I have to pay taxes. But, we do end up with some $ in pocket when all is said and done. My work doesn't require me to leave the house.  


Note, that even if the net is zero. It still allows you to build up a work history and references. I initially started working when DH took a temporary pay cut due to a medical issue. A year later, we can face another pending complication with the confidence that I can do something to supplement our income if and when need. I also have a year of references and work examples to show prospects. We all have to start somewhere. I am definitely making more per hour now than I did a year ago. 

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I work for an agency that provides support and care for people with developmental disabilities such autism, cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, etc. Because the clients are typically at a center during the day the hours need at home are typically evenings, overnights and weekends. I go to their houses (usually 2-3 clients matched up to be roommates and share a home) and help with many of the same things I do at home: driving the ladies to and from their evening activities, helping make dinner, start laundry, menu plan and grocery shop, make sure the house is kept up, that everyone gets baths or showers with assistance as needed, lunches packed for the next day and so forth in addition to passing medication, sometimes dealing with some challenging behaviors, communicating with the rest of the support team, etc. 

The evening/weekend hours are perfect for a parent with children at home, and there's usually the opportunity to rest a little on the overnight shifts. It's not glamorous, but it's good, honest work, the schedule works for my needs, especially for me as a homeschooling mother. 

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I've even thought of Chik-fil-A for him.  He worked in food service at the management level for years in our early marriage until he graduated from college.  He's always wanted to own his own restaurant and would love to franchise a CFA in the distant future.  


CFA is a really hard franchise to get. If he is seriously thinking about it, he needs to start working in a CFA as soon as possible. They have stringent standards with regards to the kind of experience they want their franchisees to have and you must be willing to relocate to wherever they want you to work. There is a lot of screening that goes into the process.

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If you live near an affluent area, see if there is an upscale pizza place nearby. My son made $80 a night delivering pizzas just about every Friday and Saturday night. He would work 5 - 10. Weekdays were less profitable but still average $40. 


Can you tutor in math? Math tutors can make nice money; it takes a while to build a client base. But upper level maths charge $40 an hour minimum. This might be a business worth looking into. 

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Overwhelmed and thankful for the turn of events that took place this weekend.  My parents have offered to pay off our debt!  We are through the roof!  They couldn't bear having me to have to go to work with everything else that is important (homeschooling 4 kiddos being the main one!) and they also have never wanted to "wait until they are dead" to give inheritance when they can give now and be blessed by seeing us blessed!  It was a very large amount and it was choking us and DH was constantly stressed; we both were stressed!  The reality of what it was going to take to pay if off was daunting to say the least.  Thank you for your help and suggestions. 

Edited by Dianne-TX
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Overwhelmed and thankful for the turn of events that took place this weekend. My parents have offered to pay off our debt! We are through the roof! They couldn't bear having me to have to go to work with everything else that is important (homeschooling 4 kiddos being the main one!) and they also have never wanted to "wait until they are dead" to give inheritance when they can give now and be blessed by seeing us blessed! It was a very large amount and it was choking us and DH was constantly stressed; we both were stressed! The reality of what it was going to take to pay if off was daunting to say the least. Thank you for your help and suggestions.


That is fantastic! What a wonderful blessing!🙂

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Wow! Glad you found a solution. For those who come to this thread to get their own ideas, may I just offer that I am working for a dog boarding company. I spend the night in the manager's suite, from 7pm to 630am. It is only 8 dollars an hour, but comes to about 70 after taxes. Three nights a week, and I make more per month than I do as a preschool teacher.

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Wow! Glad you found a solution. For those who come to this thread to get their own ideas, may I just offer that I am working for a dog boarding company. I spend the night in the manager's suite, from 7pm to 630am. It is only 8 dollars an hour, but comes to about 70 after taxes. Three nights a week, and I make more per month than I do as a preschool teacher.

What do you do overnight?

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Wow! Glad you found a solution. For those who come to this thread to get their own ideas, may I just offer that I am working for a dog boarding company. I spend the night in the manager's suite, from 7pm to 630am. It is only 8 dollars an hour, but comes to about 70 after taxes. Three nights a week, and I make more per month than I do as a preschool teacher.


Yes, I think this is a great thread for ideas on how to make money for homeschool mommas and even our teens or DH's who need an extra job or are in-between jobs and need ideas. 


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That is awesome!


For anyone still looking for ideas, I will agree with a previous poster about serving.  During times that we have needed extra income, I bartend.  I have also waitressed.  Both have been very lucrative for me.  I always average more than $20/hour (often much more) and the schedule can be quite flexible which helps fit it into our family's schedule.  It is not right for everyone.  The late hours, being on your feet, and dealing with the usual customer issues can be hard for many.  I have had to cut people off, kick people out of bars, and lug kegs around.  But if you can swing it, it can be a good gig.  The hours go fast, I find it a bit fun, and I don't mind the extra exercise.  

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I'm tired of debt and DH already works enough and I'm getting very motivated to be done with debt and move on for the future.  I need ideas of where to look that isn't fast food or retail.  I've thought about the public library.  I'd rather do something quiet and independent like that rather than a department store or another type of customer service job.  I'm open to ideas and even learning of any business ideas that could be started.  I wouldn't mind cleaning, but I'm not too excited about being by myself in a closed business at night.  :scared: I'm not interested in a MLM or things like that (YL, Plexus, etc.)  Thanks for any help!


The retail sector would give you the most flexibility in scheduling.  The pay isn't great at the entry level, and turn-over is very high, but because of that, there are usually abundant opportunities to move up if you choose to go that route and can show a decent commitment to the company.  So, it could be something that is part-time and evenings for you now, but could be a second career once your children are finished with their schooling.  Just thinking of both the short term and longer term here....

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Overwhelmed and thankful for the turn of events that took place this weekend.  My parents have offered to pay off our debt!  We are through the roof!  They couldn't bear having me to have to go to work with everything else that is important (homeschooling 4 kiddos being the main one!) and they also have never wanted to "wait until they are dead" to give inheritance when they can give now and be blessed by seeing us blessed!  It was a very large amount and it was choking us and DH was constantly stressed; we both were stressed!  The reality of what it was going to take to pay if off was daunting to say the least.  Thank you for your help and suggestions. 


What an incredible blessing! 

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