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Workout clothes as regular clothes


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Um, yeah, the thing is... it isn't just butts. Sincere question, because I honestly have no clue. Do women not realize how much is being revealed in the FRONT, or do they just not mind it? I wear tunic-length tanks if I'm wearing tight workout bottoms, because while I realize cultural taboos against revealing the contours of your backside have disappeared, I still feel that there are some contours in the front that no one but my husband needs to see!


What exactly is being revealed in the front? Just as much as would be revealed in a bathing suit. But honestly, if someone wants to look at my crotch they are free to do so. However, I will call them out on it if they're being creepy about it. They can't see my privates so they aren't seeing what only my dh should see.

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Um, yeah, the thing is... it isn't just butts. Sincere question, because I honestly have no clue. Do women not realize how much is being revealed in the FRONT, or do they just not mind it? I wear tunic-length tanks if I'm wearing tight workout bottoms, because while I realize cultural taboos against revealing the contours of your backside have disappeared, I still feel that there are some contours in the front that no one but my husband needs to see!

I'm curious about what you are seeing. This is the kind of outline I see, and it seems just fine to me:




ETA: but now I come to think of it, I really don't know, because I don't look.

Edited by Laura Corin
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What exactly is being revealed in the front? Just as much as would be revealed in a bathing suit. But honestly, if someone wants to look at my crotch they are free to do so. However, I will call them out on it if they're being creepy about it. They can't see my privates so they aren't seeing what only my dh should see.



I'm curious about what you are seeing.  This is the kind of outline I see, and it seems just fine to me:





I don't notice people's crotches but I do think camel toe is a real fashion faux pas. (That link is just fine! :) )

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I don't notice people's crotches but I do think camel toe is a real fashion faux pas. (That link is just fine! :) )

I don't want to see camel toe either. And have only ever noticed it in women while doing partner work with them in some form of close quarters workout situation. In which, it seems reasonable to expect it to happen. With the constant moving around. Generally, if someone is walking around with it then their clothes are too small, which is different from people choosing to wear workout pants as everyday wear.


But I still don't notice when people have it because I don't look at people's clothing choices that closely.

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I just don't notice one way or the other, I think. Bi woman; nevertheless not interested in random female crotches. Amazing.

Yeah-I have never noticed this in person either. If I am actually noticing someone with that much attention I'm admiring their nice hair or interesting bag or something.

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Maybe this is why I'm bothered by it? The homeschool moms I spent 10 years of my life with all dressed nice. I don't think I ever saw workout attire at a HS function. But, in the new world I'm hanging out in, all the moms are doing it.

I wonder if this is a generation gap thing. The mums older than me dress really neatly. The mums my age dress in maybe jeans and a short - neat but not fancy. Those just four or five years younger mostly wear activewear or leggings.


I'm of two minds - I think it's kind of practical except that for me that kind of stuff generally looks really worn out and tired quickly whereas the nicer clothes seem to stay nice for longer.

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I don't notice people's crotches but I do think camel toe is a real fashion faux pas. (That link is just fine! :) )


This! Exactly! That link was fine, but a lot of times, out there in the real world rather than at a perfectly staged photo shoot, a lot of activewear (which has a seam right in the middle of the crotch, unlike most women's swimwear, and therefore does fit differently and, well, "clings" more) ends up camel toe. Trust me, I really don't go around looking at people's crotches. I promise. I noticed this problem on myself, when I'd check myself in the mirror before heading out the door to the gym-- and promptly go put on a tunic-length top instead of a waist-length one. But sometimes you can't help but notice on other people too, even if you do immediately wish you could un-see it.


This summer it apparently became a thing here for young women to wear hipkinis as if they are shorts in public places like restaurants and shopping malls. Cute sandals, nice summer top, and hipkinis. Cheeks hanging out in back, camel toe in front. I guess I'm hopelessly old fashioned, but I just kind of prefer clothing that doesn't show quite so much!

Edited by Greta
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I also think this might be related to the evolution of jeans. I mean jeans used to be a practical clothing aimed at working class to do jobs in. But they've kind of evolved into a fashion statement and at the same time become way less practical and durable. (Thinner stretch fabrics, skinny jeans low rise that fall down, stuff that has to be washed each wear to stay in shape). So as jeans have become going out and dressing up wear something else has to fill the gap of stay at home clothes.

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I really cannot understand why anyone cares about what someone else is wearing. As long as it is safe and hygienic, on what possible grounds would one have to care?!? Sheesh.

No kidding. My normal dress is jeans and t-shirt. I am clean...I shower daily and brush/straighten my hair. I don't wear makeup...ever. It doesn't stop me from teaching my child, or doing good things for others when I am out and about. I get just as much respect from my peers as most think that those who are nicely dressed should get. Why...because people see how I act and interact, not how I do or don't dress. I don't get how anyone should care. As long as things are covered and there's some modicum of self respect...I don't care what one chooses to put on.

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Let me horrify you further - not only do I drop my kids off in workout clothes, but I also go grocery shopping in workout clothes. After a workout. 


What can I say? The grocery store is next to the gym, and I don't care enough about how I look to make a separate trip. 

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Lots of folks have to wear scrubs to work, but that doesn't mean they are any more germ-y than typical clothes. Our vet hospital requires scrubs as the standard uniform for all support staff, including receptionists, etc. 



I think it's different for vet people. Most of the stuff we are exposed to isn't zoonotic. Human pediatric nurse has been sneezed on by people with the flu all day, and is now leaning in those dirty scrubs against the counter I'm about to touch. 


People who are exposed all day to a high level of contamination like that, much higher than the regular public, should change first. That used to be the standard, once upon a time. (my mom was a nurse, she would wear her uniform into work, but changed after before leaving the hospital)

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Yoga pants are the homeschool mom uniform in this area, so I wondered how this thread would go over on a homeschool board. 


I'll take yoga pants over denim jumpers any day.  :lol:


Yup. Yoga pants plus a tank top (not just a sports bra) or t-shirt depending on how hot it is. Daily. Right now I'm in maternity yoga pants and a tank. Not the super thin super lycra kind of yoga pant the softer more cotton type. I do think the super tight ones that are shiny are a bit less appropriate for everyday wear. But don't really care. 


I have sensory issues so was THRILLED this became a style. otherwise I was changing in and out of real clothes every time I left the house, and then wearing pajamas at home. 


Now I wear yoga pants and a shirt nearly 7 days a week. 


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I see two different forms of this.  Yoga pants (not super tight, most are boot cut shape, not skinny shape) with t-shirts or hoodies.  I think that's a great look.  If I had a decent booty I would wear them.  Unfortunately, I have no booty and yoga pants look awful on me.


Second form, tight spandex pants, capris or shorts, with sports-bra type tops.  Don't like that and think it is inappropriate for grocery shopping or whatever.  That is what I wear to work out, but I wear a tshirt or sweatpants over if I have to go somewhere on the way.


I totally agree with this. I've seen people at the grocery store with spandex shorts that are shorter than my underwear, plus a sports bra. Not really appropriate I don't think, but I also don't really care. I just assume they just came from the gym or something and forgot they needed to pick up milk. 


Also, I think the poor things must freeze when they walk down the refrigerated aisles. 


I do put on real pants/shorts for a dinner out or whatever. But errands? Yoga pants baby. 

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Hmm, I have 5 kids, run a house, etc., all in jeans and a cute top. I'll throw on an apron if I'm doing something messy. And, I promise, I'm not uncomfortable.

I'm very uncomfortable in jeans. They aggravate my sensory issues, same with all cotton/jeans shorts or capris. Yoga pants, yoga capris, and skirts with cute shirts are my go-to clothing. I love that active wear exists because I spent much of my pre active wear life in uncomfortable/irritating clothing. :-)

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Hmm, I have 5 kids, run a house, etc., all in jeans and a cute top. I'll throw on an apron if I'm doing something messy. And, I promise, I'm not uncomfortable.


Ugh, no way. I've always been overweight or obese, so nope. Too tight in the waist (or if loose enough, falling off an having to be hiked up all day), plus they don't bend as well as yoga pants. 

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I don't think it's so awful. I just don't get it.


My thought about it is that if the athleisure thing is about comfy stretchy clothes, there are comfy stretchy clothes out there that are cute and look like real clothes.


Plus much of athleisure is not cheap. I am on a thrift store/ Walmart budget.


I have yet to find these comfy/strechy clothes that look like real clothes. please, point them out!


And all my yoga pants come from Walmart  - even my maternity ones. They even carry petite sizes! I get the ones that are looser fit, and they are the comfiest things ever. Even more than my pajamas. 


I'm wondering..do you own any yoga pants? Have you worn them? I thought they were dumb till I put my first pair on. My life changed that day. 

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Um, yeah, the thing is...  it isn't just butts.  Sincere question, because I honestly have no clue.  Do women not realize how much is being revealed in the FRONT, or do they just not mind it?  I wear tunic-length tanks if I'm wearing tight workout bottoms, because while I realize cultural taboos against revealing the contours of your backside have disappeared, I still feel that there are some contours in the front that no one but my husband needs to see!

My yoga pants are nowhere near that tight. I promise. I check. 

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Well I just now started venturing into my yard in pajamas, and I try to make sure the neighbors can't see me, so... :P  It makes sense if someone is on the way to or from the gym.  Would I do that?  Probably not.  But then, I probably wouldn't even go to a gym, to avoid being seen in tight workout clothes (or paying fees)  :D  We put on casual clothes to leave the house about 98% of the time.  Sometimes we stay in grungy clothes, depending on our destination and if we have to get out of the car.


I tend to avert my eyes if I find myself reacting to people's appearance.  But I know the people who do have opinions about it are out there and do have opinions.  They are as entitled to their opinions as anyone is to put clothes on in the morning.

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I also think this might be related to the evolution of jeans. I mean jeans used to be a practical clothing aimed at working class to do jobs in. But they've kind of evolved into a fashion statement and at the same time become way less practical and durable. (Thinner stretch fabrics, skinny jeans low rise that fall down, stuff that has to be washed each wear to stay in shape). So as jeans have become going out and dressing up wear something else has to fill the gap of stay at home clothes.


YES!!!! I have ONE pair of jeans that is actually sort of functional. And skinny jeans???? Those things are ridiculous. As tight as my yoga pants but none of the give!

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I love fashion and dressing up, but for the grocery store or drop off? Heck no. If I'm at home I'm in leggings or sweats or something super comfy but cute (IMO) and usually a tank because sleeves or anything near my throats tends to bother me. I love getting dressed for outings though, I just don't consider drop offs outings. Unless I manage to workout and not sweat a lot (Pilates I'm looking at you) I generally only wear my workout gear for working out.


What other people wear rarely affects me, I'm pretty self-absorbed so I don't notice unless it's particularly hideous or cute. I will say that I think nice athlesiure clothes look better than bootcut or straight leg jeans with a men's style t-shirt and sneakers. Men's type t-shirts on women aren't my favorite.

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My yoga pants are nowhere near that tight. I promise. I check.

:) I believe you! Tights are definitely the bigger offender in that regard anyway, at least for me.


I'm curious about these comfy/stretchy clothes that look more like real clothes too. Sounds intriguing!

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:) I believe you! Tights are definitely the bigger offender in that regard anyway, at least for me.


I'm curious about these comfy/stretchy clothes that look more like real clothes too. Sounds intriguing!

Athleta sells lots of comfy/stretchy clothes that don't look like workout wear (but can totally be used that way, too), as well as items that do (and that still great outside the gym!).

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Athleta sells lots of comfy/stretchy clothes that don't look like workout wear (but can totally be used that way, too), as well as items that do (and that still great outside the gym!).

That's where I get my comfy, stretchy, high-waisted yoga pants with pockets in the back. Just wait for a sale on the sale items and they become very affordable. Yoga pants without everything showing. As soon as you put pockets in the back, it changes the look.

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I just assume they just came from the gym or something and forgot they needed to pick up milk.


Or they ran/walked/rode a bike there. There are runners I know of that will run to the store to pick up the thing they need as part of their workout.


OP - The thing of it is, you have no idea how/why anyone is doing or wearing any particular thing without being part of their life. What seems silly or inappropriate or lazy from the outsider's perspective can very well have another reason from the other's perspective. And even if it doesn't, why should it matter to you? It's clothing. We're talking about dropping off children at school. In the grand scheme of things, what other people are wearing is so inconsequential.

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Athleta sells lots of comfy/stretchy clothes that don't look like workout wear (but can totally be used that way, too), as well as items that do (and that still great outside the gym!).


That's where I get my comfy, stretchy, high-waisted yoga pants with pockets in the back. Just wait for a sale on the sale items and they become very affordable. Yoga pants without everything showing. As soon as you put pockets in the back, it changes the look.

Oh, yeah, lots of those are cute! Thanks!

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Hmm, I have 5 kids, run a house, etc., all in jeans and a cute top. I'll throw on an apron if I'm doing something messy. And, I promise, I'm not uncomfortable.


Would you like a badge or a chest to pin it on?


If only we could all be like YOU.  Would the world be fabulous?

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Your OP was rude as well as your subsequent comments.


I honestly don't know how you expect people to react.  We get it.  You like to look more "dressed" than workout gear.  It bugs you when other people don't have your standards.  You think everyone should dress like you do and don't think there's any valid reason for choosing differently.


yada, yada, yada.


Congratulations on being better dressed than all the other moms!  :D

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My day today (37 yr old Mom to teens), 5'0, 125 lbs: 


6:30 a.m.- Woke up to get older teen out the door for colorguard practice.


7:00 a.m.- 2 mile run in workout clothes


7:45 a.m.- Shower and change into CLEAN workout clothes


8:30 a.m.- pick up 10 yr old niece who is out of school for the day


9:00-11 a.m.- Housework, Homeschooling, College Classes


11:00 a.m.- Took said niece to park and walked around Pokemon hunting for THREE hours


2:00 p.m.- More housework


3:30 p.m.- walk niece to school to watch DD's afternoon colorguard practice


4:30 p.m.- drive niece back to her mom's


5:00 p.m.- picked up dinner


6:00 p.m.- walked son to school for bike riding lessons and chased him around the parking lot (running) for a solid hour


7:00 p.m.------need another shower



Almost my entire day consists of a workout. Why in the world wouldn't I wear appropriate clothing?


PS............my legs are screaming


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Pssst...there's actually not a medal or certificate of superiority awarded to people who don't wear athletic clothes in public settings.


I have a friend who never wears jeans or pants of any kind (not a religious thing, it's a style thing and a "it's really hard to find ANY pants for six feet tall size 16 ladies who are ALL legs" thing). She uses her second bedroom as a closet and has an extensive collection of vintage, handmade and even antique fashion and accessories. She looks flat out incredible every.single.day. She puts more care into pairing her eyeglasses and HANDKERCHIEFS to a single outfit than most of us put into a week's worth of our outfits. If she were invited to the White House or attended the Oscars she wouldn't need to go shopping or wonder what to wear while the mere mortals in our peer group like yours truly basically only dress up at her cocktail parties, lol. If I were going someplace way fancy, I'd probably get her to shop for the new outfit I would need.


And yet there's *still* not a medal coming to her. She's kindhearted and never judges people for wearing t-shirts and jeans even though no one has seen her in such an outfit since maybe 1996ish.


If you wanna be rude and judgey you rather need be prepared to take criticism as well as you can give it.

Edited by LucyStoner
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My mom has rheumatoid arthritis and swan neck deformity in her fingers.  I spent the better part of my youth buttoning pants for her.  Is she exempt from the judgement?  How about the poster whose daughter wore a back brace?  Does she get a pass?


Who gets to pick who should wear what for which activity?  Do I get to pick?  Ball gowns at the DMV!  Obvs, seersucker suits and pith helmets for car washing.  And kilts for the window washers!

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Hmm, I have 5 kids, run a house, etc., all in jeans and a cute top. I'll throw on an apron if I'm doing something messy. And, I promise, I'm not uncomfortable.



I have never been comfortable in jeans. I will wear them to leave the house sometimes etc. But, I don't know if it is some weird tactile thing or what, but I have always had a hard time with certain types of clothing. I am always super aware of how clothes feel on me. Certain types of clothes have actually induced anxiety in me. So when I say comfortable I mean physically and mentally. Some things just aren't worth a panic attack.


Plus, I don't have a huge wardrobe budget. I won't risk my nicer items by cleaning or doing messy stuff in them or even just sitting around (my cats like to sit on me and do that kneading thing which can mess up fabrics). I will not be productive in my nicer clothes, nor can I sit around in the evening in my nicer stuff. I'm not wearing holey or trashy stuff- just loose yoga pants, leggings with longer top, cotton pants etc. 


You will find me with my hair done and make-up on, but I will be in my "house" pants and t-shirt if I am home doing home based stuff. The same is true of dd and dh. I have dh's house pants and a t-shirt waiting for him for when he returns home if we are not going out. The one time that I didn't this past summer, he headed to the backyard to do some pool chemical maintenance and dropped a few crystals of chlorine on his expensive dress pants- :cursing:. He said it was just a quick little thing and then he was going to change. He won't make that mistake again. He had previously ruined a nice polo when he was soldering in it and dropped a glob on his shirt. 

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I wear workout clothes all the time.


I have a job, an internship, I'm a full time graduate student, and am constantly trying to get my 10K steps. My entire life is a power walk.


Two days a week I have to dress professionally, but the rest of the time I wear compression capris and an athletic top that does not even try to cover my ginormous butt, or anything else.


And I like it.

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I'm honestly more upset that someone is wearing scrubs out in public. Ew. Either they are taking germs from work out into the public world or they are taking school germs to work with them. Neither of those sound look a great choice.


I have to say, this always crosses my mind when I see people in scrubs out in public.
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Well, to answer your original question, yes. Yes it is "so hard to just throw on some pants." I don't have time to change clothes for the benefit of others. I've got homeschooled kids, a farm, and three jobs, one of which is full time. People are going to see me in the leggings (that I wear as pants) that I just milked the goats in, the workout capris that I just ran in, the breeches and tall boots I just rode or taught a lesson in, or whatever the hell comfy thing I felt like wearing because why? Because I am getting sh*t done and I'm dressed for it. End of story.

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