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What to do for acne?


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We tried several things before we came upon this.  My 15 year old still gets the occasional pimple but doesn't have huge break outs any more.  He had several months last year where it was one break out after another. 



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The dairy point is a good one.  Boy has not eliminated dairy, but I've discouraged him from using milk regularly and I think that has helped.  He does have cheese on a regular basis.  He was consuming milk when he had his worse breakouts.

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We tried several things before we came upon this.  My 15 year old still gets the occasional pimple but doesn't have huge break outs any more.  He had several months last year where it was one break out after another. 




We tried this and it has made a difference. It's not quite a 'wash'.  According to the directions, you wash your face, then apply the product and let it sit for a few mins, then rinse off.  You can follow with a moisturizer.


There was an almost immediate improvement in my son's skin. It's not perfectly clear, he doesn't do that regular a job washing his face, lol. And he is a dancer, and I've noticed a lot of the teenage dancers seem to have worse skin than usual. I think it's from spending hours dripping sweat in an overheated dance studio. But he does his best to wash his face once a day and it has improved quite a lot.


He also uses cetaphil anti-bacterial soap to wash. Again, hours spend being very sweaty means stinky skin and lots of bacteria.


For all that it breaks out, my son has delicate skin that tends to be dry, and this hasn't caused any problems. I was surprised by that. I expected it be too strong or cause flaking. Before we got this, his face was just a mess. I was considering taking him to a dermatologist, and maybe I still should, tbh, but he just doesn't have the time.

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Reduce the amount of sugar intake and increase water intake and the amount of green vegetables consumed. Greens stabilize blood acidity while sugar make blood more acidic which in turn causes breakouts, especially in teens. You could even add green solution for a while for an extra boost.


Topically, wash face morning and before bed. We love tea tree oil acne products for applying directly to blemishes.

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We tried several things before we came upon this. My 15 year old still gets the occasional pimple but doesn't have huge break outs any more. He had several months last year where it was one break out after another.



Yes. Acne is an infection (causes are varied) and topical antibiotics often work.


I highly recommend this as well. Nobody should have to live with their face covered in a rash.


Cut dairy and chocolate of it floats your boat but Benzoyl Peroxide worked for me.


Neosporin pain free spray is also effective in helping heal scars.

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We tried this and it has made a difference. It's not quite a 'wash'. According to the directions, you wash your face, then apply the product and let it sit for a few mins, then rinse off. You can follow with a moisturizer.


There was an almost immediate improvement in my son's skin. It's not perfectly clear, he doesn't do that regular a job washing his face, lol. And he is a dancer, and I've noticed a lot of the teenage dancers seem to have worse skin than usual. I think it's from spending hours dripping sweat in an overheated dance studio. But he does his best to wash his face once a day and it has improved quite a lot.


He also uses cetaphil anti-bacterial soap to wash. Again, hours spend being very sweaty means stinky skin and lots of bacteria.


For all that it breaks out, my son has delicate skin that tends to be dry, and this hasn't caused any problems. I was surprised by that. I expected it be too strong or cause flaking. Before we got this, his face was just a mess. I was considering taking him to a dermatologist, and maybe I still should, tbh, but he just doesn't have the time.

Does he use the cetaphil first, or on different days?

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Does he use the cetaphil first, or on different days?


Not this poster, but we use that product too.  My son is using the alba acnedote line as cleanser first, and then the humane acne product.  He used that first alone though and that wasn't really cutting it.  I think lots of decent cleansers would work well before the benzoil peroxide product. 




For the first few months, I really stayed on him to use it well 2X a day.  Now I think he's using it half heartedly once a day, but things are still maintaining well.


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We tried this and it has made a difference. It's not quite a 'wash'.  According to the directions, you wash your face, then apply the product and let it sit for a few mins, then rinse off.  You can follow with a moisturizer.


There was an almost immediate improvement in my son's skin. It's not perfectly clear, he doesn't do that regular a job washing his face, lol. And he is a dancer, and I've noticed a lot of the teenage dancers seem to have worse skin than usual. I think it's from spending hours dripping sweat in an overheated dance studio. But he does his best to wash his face once a day and it has improved quite a lot.


He also uses cetaphil anti-bacterial soap to wash. Again, hours spend being very sweaty means stinky skin and lots of bacteria.


For all that it breaks out, my son has delicate skin that tends to be dry, and this hasn't caused any problems. I was surprised by that. I expected it be too strong or cause flaking. Before we got this, his face was just a mess. I was considering taking him to a dermatologist, and maybe I still should, tbh, but he just doesn't have the time.

Our doctor stressed washing face 3 times a day which my ds does not usually have time for and the mornings are rushed so I often use the mildest Stridex in the green jar with aloe vera to wipe down his face and chest and back. Alternatively, I use grapefruit wipes. These really help to get the grease off his face and for a quick washing.


We also use 2.5% benzoyl peroxide I found on Amazon in 8 oz tube and mix it 50/50 with adapalene gel with is by presription but is generic. This is equivalent to Epiduo which is pretty effective. We use that at night and tretinoin creme during the day also prescription. It did takes about 8 weeks to clear preety much but you have to keep on top of it and it is normal for it to get worse before it gets better during the first month or two.


Alternatively, I did see a web site the uses 2.5% benzoyl peroxide witha specific routine and method to apply. I think there are threads that mention it here. I also find salicyclic acid helpful for spot treatments.

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So I guess I am saying if you can afford it getting a prescription or two is worth it. We found that just benzoyl peroxide alone was not effective for ds but every kid is different.


I wanted to add that you can find the mildest Stridex in the green jar on amazon in 3 packs. It is pretty hard to find. I also found the 2.5% benzoyl peroxide much less drying and irritating than 10%. The mild Stridex is also less irritating. 

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The dairy point is a good one.  Boy has not eliminated dairy, but I've discouraged him from using milk regularly and I think that has helped.  He does have cheese on a regular basis.  He was consuming milk when he had his worse breakouts.


A friend's dh's nickname had been "Red" since high school, because his face was red from acne. She decided to clean up their diet, which included eliminating dairy. To their great surprise, his skin cleared up completely, such that people who had known him since high school didn't recognize him.


I think it's important to try *everything*--special cleansers, prescriptions if necessary, and diet. Dairy is great for baby cows, but it causes a boatload of problems for humans.

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Paula's Choice acne products and eliminating dairy has helped my daughter tremendously.


I was going to recommend Paula's Choice, too.  My two sisters gave it really high reviews to me and I had just ordered it because I was having some skin problems. Then I became pregnant and my skin cleared up on it's own.  So I didn't really get to see what it would do for me, but my sisters said it really worked.

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Thanks for the suggestions. She doesn't get much dairy anyway. Sugar is always something we could be cutting back on. I'll grab the stuff from Amazon for sure though. She can stand the smell of apple cider vinegar, there's no way I can convince her to put that on her face. (This is my picky, rather sensitive child. If the seams are wrong on her clothes she won't wear them, if something is a bit off with her food, she won't eat it.)


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I'll go in a different direction.


Benzoyl peroxide didn't work for my DD.  We're getting better results from acids.


DD has been using this set. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019NNB1NY?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00


She is also using http://www.skinobsession.com/product-p/as01.htm  Acne stop 2-3 times a week.


I've also done a couple peels on her. http://www.skinobsession.com/Alpha-Beta-Chemical-peel-p/ab030.htm

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We use a spot treatment with 10% benzoyl peroxide 2X per day and zit are reduced with in a couple days.  You have to be careful with it though, only put it on the spot if you get it on regular skin it tends to dry it out and make it rough.


There's also this idea that for oily skin you need oil to wash it away.  So basically you use a particular type of oil (I think avocado works) warm it up a bit and rub into face('wash it") .  Then use gentle soap to wash away all the oils.  I've been doing it occasionally for about a month and have about 1/2 the amount of spots as I used to.

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I'll just say that I've tried the OTC stuff, an OTC "kit", etc, and for my girls, it was fine. For my son, it was NOT sufficient. And, a single trip to the dermatologist (one co-pay) and a few deductibles at the pharmacy (including one pricey one), and my kid's face is no longer a scary mine field. 


I wish I'd done it sooner.


I kept thinking that if he'd just wash twice a day and change his sheets more often, he'd be fine. But, really, his skin was a different animal. RX topical medications have made a world of difference.


For my easier to manage girls, a simple face wash (Neutrogena grape fruit wash is our fave), a Clearasil benzoyl peroxide ointment, and basic good habits (twice washing every day) worked great. 


So, anyway, with kid #3, I'll definitely jump to the dermatologist sooner if the basics don't solve the problems. 

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I'll just say that I've tried the OTC stuff, an OTC "kit", etc, and for my girls, it was fine. For my son, it was NOT sufficient. And, a single trip to the dermatologist (one co-pay) and a few deductibles at the pharmacy (including one pricey one), and my kid's face is no longer a scary mine field. 


I wish I'd done it sooner.


I kept thinking that if he'd just wash twice a day and change his sheets more often, he'd be fine. But, really, his skin was a different animal. RX topical medications have made a world of difference.


For my easier to manage girls, a simple face wash (Neutrogena grape fruit wash is our fave), a Clearasil benzoyl peroxide ointment, and basic good habits (twice washing every day) worked great. 


So, anyway, with kid #3, I'll definitely jump to the dermatologist sooner if the basics don't solve the problems. 


This sounds like my son.  He is still not able to manage his acne completely, but nothing OTC has worked for us. 


His is a tough case and not typical, I'm told.  But I wouldn't wait too long if OTC stuff does not work. 


ETA: Change pillowcase nightly.  Yeah, it adds to the laundry.  But it can help a little.


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Shower every day. A good face wash twice a day (or once with one good wash in the shower). I'm shocked at how quickly my kids skin clears up with basic hygiene. It's not that they're gross, but one late night in and a skipped shower, or a skipped morning face scrub and it's a week to clear it up.

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Bragg's apple cider vinegar mixed with water. 1/2 & 1/2 ratio mixed in a bottle and then put on breakout with a cotton ball. It MUST be Bragg's brand because it's unfiltered etc... I promise this works and is a great natural toner for the skin! Pure glycerin soap (the clear bar).

We've used this too and it's worked well.

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Does he use the cetaphil first, or on different days?


The cetaphil anti-bacterial is a bar soap. He only uses it in the shower, and I suspect that means he doesn't use the Humane wash.  I doubt he's going to do multiple steps. Maybe I should talk to him and let him know he can do that, lol. Knowing him, it didn't occur to him.


If he is just washing his face without being in the shower, he uses a Cereve liquid soap, which is a low ph cleanser. Then he uses the Humane stuff, let's it sit for a good 3 mins and rinses it off. He is only willing to do that once a day, if that.


I have a hard time getting him to do multiple steps or use more than one thing. He just doesn't listen or follow through. That is one reason I have hesitated to take him to a dermatologist. He did ask a very lovely girl to a dance, so maybe I should talk to him again, lol.


Right now his skin is looking pretty good, I can see a few bumps, but they are not developing into pimples. His skin is not red and inflamed looking, which is a huge improvement. He's never had blackheads and his pores are naturally invisible. He has my skin, but I never had acne.  He says when it gets warm and more humid it will flare up again. That is what tells me it is all about keeping his skin clean. I tell him that, but there is only so much I can do.


His schedule is tight. He's got school from 9am-3:35, then ballet from 4-7pm at the earliest, then homework and instrument practice until ??. Some days things like showers and washing his face don't get done in favour of sleep, and I understand why. But he pays for it with breakouts. 

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Does he use the cetaphil first, or on different days?


The cetaphil anti-bacterial is a bar soap. He only uses it in the shower, and I suspect that means he doesn't use the Humane wash.  I doubt he's going to do multiple steps. Maybe I should talk to him and let him know he can do that, lol. Knowing him, it didn't occur to him.


If he is just washing his face without being in the shower, he uses a Cereve liquid soap, which is a low ph cleanser. Then he uses the Humane stuff, let's it sit for a good 3 mins and rinses it off. He is only willing to do that once a day, if that.


I have a hard time getting him to do multiple steps or use more than one thing. He just doesn't listen or follow through. That is one reason I have hesitated to take him to a dermatologist. He did ask a very lovely girl to a dance, so maybe I should talk to him again, lol.


Right now his skin is looking pretty good, I can see a few bumps, but they are not developing into pimples. His skin is not red and inflamed looking, which is a huge improvement. He's never had blackheads and his pores are naturally invisible. He has my skin, but I never had acne.  He says when it gets warm and more humid it will flare up again. That is what tells me it is all about keeping his skin clean. I tell him that, but there is only so much I can do.


His schedule is tight. He's got school from 9am-3:35, then ballet from 4-7pm at the earliest, then homework and instrument practice until ??. Some days things like showers and washing his face don't get done in favour of sleep, and I understand why. But he pays for it with breakouts. 

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As an adult, I use an oil cleanser at night and it works wonderfully. In the winter I wash my face in the shower every other day with an apricot scrub - in the summer I use my regular soap (not a typical soap - all these products I buy locally from the maker. The soap is not a harsh one).

I think if/when my kids start having acne issues I'll start with those things, because they are natural and low cost.

Of course, teenage skin can be a whole other thing, so we shall see. As a teen I used neutrogena; cetaphil as a young adult. I never had bad acne but my skin in general looks better now than ever, so if I can keep the harsh chemicals off their faces I'll definitely try that first.

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Shower every day. A good face wash twice a day (or once with one good wash in the shower). I'm shocked at how quickly my kids skin clears up with basic hygiene. It's not that they're gross, but one late night in and a skipped shower, or a skipped morning face scrub and it's a week to clear it up.

This is true for our ds in addition to combo prescription and OTC stuff I mentioned upthread.


Also, I forgot to mention that my kid has trouble with the fine details when it comes to wiping entire face down except for around eyes and applying medicine so we almost always apply it for him with better results.


I forgot to add we keep his hair on the short side especially the bangs to keep hair off his face which also helps.

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The cetaphil anti-bacterial is a bar soap. He only uses it in the shower, and I suspect that means he doesn't use the Humane wash. I doubt he's going to do multiple steps. Maybe I should talk to him and let him know he can do that, lol. Knowing him, it didn't occur to him.


If he is just washing his face without being in the shower, he uses a Cereve liquid soap, which is a low ph cleanser. Then he uses the Humane stuff, let's it sit for a good 3 mins and rinses it off. He is only willing to do that once a day, if that.


I have a hard time getting him to do multiple steps or use more than one thing. He just doesn't listen or follow through. That is one reason I have hesitated to take him to a dermatologist. He did ask a very lovely girl to a dance, so maybe I should talk to him again, lol.


Right now his skin is looking pretty good, I can see a few bumps, but they are not developing into pimples. His skin is not red and inflamed looking, which is a huge improvement. He's never had blackheads and his pores are naturally invisible. He has my skin, but I never had acne. He says when it gets warm and more humid it will flare up again. That is what tells me it is all about keeping his skin clean. I tell him that, but there is only so much I can do.


His schedule is tight. He's got school from 9am-3:35, then ballet from 4-7pm at the earliest, then homework and instrument practice until ??. Some days things like showers and washing his face don't get done in favour of sleep, and I understand why. But he pays for it with breakouts.

Thank you! My ds wouldn't think about more than one step either!
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When my teens actually wash their faces twice a day with tea tree oil facial soap they have lovely skin.  They like to believe that being in the pool works the same as washing their faces.  I also try to make sure they take their zinc supplement.  Changing the sheets with more frequency also helps. 

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When my teens actually wash their faces twice a day with tea tree oil facial soap they have lovely skin. They like to believe that being in the pool works the same as washing their faces. I also try to make sure they take their zinc supplement. Changing the sheets with more frequency also helps.

Do they take the zinc at night? Does it upset their stomach?

I bought some zinc for dd but I forget to have her take it at night.

If I put it on the school table she could remember to take it in the morning but I was afraid it would upset her stomach.

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Paula's Choice helps my son, but only when he remembers/is willing to use it. Does anyone want to share their secrets to getting a young teen to *care* about his skin?

My dd very much cares about what her skin looks like. That doesn't necessarily translate into good skin care habits.

The thing the works best for us is to have her do all her skin care (and teeth brushing) in my bathroom. I'm usually there at night to remind her what steps to do and she can ask me if she has any questions.

In the morning when she comes to the school table, I tell her to go wash her face (she usually hasn't).

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When my teens actually wash their faces twice a day with tea tree oil facial soap they have lovely skin.  They like to believe that being in the pool works the same as washing their faces.  I also try to make sure they take their zinc supplement.  Changing the sheets with more frequency also helps. 


Just an aside... one year my son went to a week-long summer camp at which he swam in a pool daily.  When he came home, his skin was beautiful.  All clear. I doubt he did much else to wash his face during that week. 


It was amazing.  I told his dermatologist and asked if there was an equivalent to having him bathe in clorox every day.  There wasn't.   (I didn't have him bathe in clorox.) 


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My dd very much cares about what her skin looks like. That doesn't necessarily translate into good skin care habits.

The thing the works best for us is to have her do all her skin care (and teeth brushing) in my bathroom. I'm usually there at night to remind her what steps to do and she can ask me if she has any questions.

In the morning when she comes to the school table, I tell her to go wash her face (she usually hasn't).

This is kind of what we do. I'm hoping to get him to actually want to take care of it himself and be independent. I think it's kinda weird to hover over him while he washes his face. Lol.

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Do they take the zinc at night? Does it upset their stomach?

I bought some zinc for dd but I forget to have her take it at night.

If I put it on the school table she could remember to take it in the morning but I was afraid it would upset her stomach.

They take it whenever they remember. Which can be anytime of day. I put it out in the morning and if I notice it hasn't been taken by the afternoon I remind them. And remind them. And remind them. It has not upset their stomachs. They also take fish oil.

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Just an aside... one year my son went to a week-long summer camp at which he swam in a pool daily.  When he came home, his skin was beautiful.  All clear. I doubt he did much else to wash his face during that week. 


It was amazing.  I told his dermatologist and asked if there was an equivalent to having him bathe in clorox every day.  There wasn't.   (I didn't have him bathe in clorox.) 



when my kids were recovering from chicken pox they had a swim in a swimming pool (they were no longer sick, btw) the healing of their skin was dramatic. If I hadn't seen it myself I would not have believed it.


My son spends a lot of time in a pool, but it isn't a chlorinated pool...uses something gentler to skin?..and when he does go in chlorine he is itchy and flaky and very unhappy. But I bet it would also help his skin.


That is part of why when he started getting acne I looked into antibacterial products, I remembered the pool and how it helped him when he was 7.


a bleach bath has been found to be helpful for eczema, but it has to be done correctly. Maybe I should have my son give it a try






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His schedule is tight. He's got school from 9am-3:35, then ballet from 4-7pm at the earliest, then homework and instrument practice until ??. Some days things like showers and washing his face don't get done in favour of sleep, and I understand why. But he pays for it with breakouts. 


A quick face wash doesn't take long, so he should try to make it part of an unvarying routine. Pick a trigger time - right before a daily meal or snack is good motivation, and he should be washing his hands before eating anyway, amirite?


I'd probably have it be in the morning, because most people wake up and have to pee, and then you sure better wash your hands, and if you're washing your hands it's just a few seconds more to wash your face. Have a stack of washcloths right there, and a pump dispenser for whatever kind of soap. Frequency is more important than extreme thoroughness. 


Ideally, he would at least rinse off the sweat and grime more times throughout the day, so make it a big stack of washcloths and he can rinse even if he doesn't wash. 


Beyond that, buy a ton of wipes and have them everywhere. In his backpack, in his dance bag, in his room, in the car, at the table where he does homework. I personally would use just plain hypoallergenic wipes, not medicated, so that he can wipe his face as often as he wants. 


Getting back to the OP, I'm another one who recommends not waiting too long to get to a dermatologist. Try something OTC, sure, but if it doesn't work quickly or the breakouts are persistent or more than mild, make the call. You can waste a lot of time and money trying one OTC product after another. Our dermatologist likes Epiduo for the medicine, Cetaphil for cleansing, and Cerava for moisturing. 

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He is actually a rather obsessive hand washer, no worries on that front at all, but I cannot micromanage a 16 year old. I tell him to wash his face when he gets home from class or between classes, if he doesn't, he sees the results on his own face. That seems to be changing his habits, albeit slowly. It seems to have taken him a while to believe me that it would make a difference. But I can't make him do it, and I haven't hovered around the bathroom to see what he does in there since he was four, lol. I don't intend to start again.


We have wipes for during ballet shows and he needs to get makeup off quickly. But, they universally make him break out more or cause terrible irritation. I've tried makeup removal wipes, face cleaning wipes, baby wipes, hypo-allergenic, anti-acne, etc etc...at best, they give him red chapped cheeks, and for the most part it was worse. So, he won't even go near them now.


He'll figure it out or he won't. But he knows I won't take him to the dermatologist unless he is dealing with it regularly. The very first thing a doctor will ask is what his routine is. If it is 'I wash my face when I remember' they are going to tell him to do it several times a day for 3 months and then come back if it is still breaking out.  I told him that, and he started washing his face more often...not perfectly but much, much better and, lo and behold, it improved by quite a lot. 

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