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The Venting Thread: 2016 Edition


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2016 has been the worst, so far. Bowie died, my kid got dropped by his long term best friend and we're getting kicked out of our rental ( owners want to renovate, we're not bad tenants!)


Spent yesterday house hunting. Way to go feeling like a second class citizen. Only one house out of the seven we saw had a landlord who actually made sure the house was clean and in good repair for the same amount of rent. 


This morning I can say categorically that I despise 2016. 


:grouphug:  I hope you get a great place to live... and the rest of 2016 is better for you.  :grouphug:

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One of life's little annoyances...


I get very frustrated when I e-mail a company's customer service department with a question or complaint only to receive a reply that not only does not address the issue but instead answers questions I didn't ask. It happens over and over again with different companies. I don't get it. Is the problem a language issue with an outsourced c/s department? Are the canned responses generated by computer based on key words with no real person involved? Are people too lazy to read carefully? I'd love to know what the deal is. It wastes my time having to go back and forth to get an answer and leaves such a poor impression of the company's competence. I guess I could call, but often I don't have time to sit on "hold." Plus, I like to have responses in writing in case there is a problem. Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to give a very low rating on the follow-up survey the company sent.

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Y'all make my gross at from yesterday seem pretty-petty, but I'm going to throw it out there.


A sweet family sits in front of us most days with three little cuties.  The older boy 7ish, likes to lay down and proceed to mine out his nose with all he's got and then eat it with finger licking gusto.  


I had to leave.  Would it be socially acceptable of me to give the kid a tissue?  His mom is right there and no one could miss it.  

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My blood pressure won't go down, so she thinks it is an issue with my kidneys. In October, I was in er and they took a cat scan of my kidneys and found calcification. This past week, she had me get a renal ultrasound because she thinks I might need stents put in. Bad genes, so tired of bad genes. :(

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My dog died.


:grouphug:  I'm sorry.  It's tough to lose those we love.


My blood pressure won't go down, so she thinks it is an issue with my kidneys. In October, I was in er and they took a cat scan of my kidneys and found calcification. This past week, she had me get a renal ultrasound because she thinks I might need stents put in. Bad genes, so tired of bad genes. :(


:grouphug: to you too.  I hope it goes well for you.

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I *hate* figuring out macronutrient calculations for dh's food.  I hate spreadsheets filled with columns of numbers and formulas.  I hate that no matter how many times I double check, there's always a mistake somewhere.  I hate it that it is presented as "when you have time, I'd like ___" as though I have tons of free time and no plan for how I'd like to spend it.  And the best thing - all the work will be for nothing in a few weeks when a different diet is decided on as the key to weight loss.  Sigh....  not life-altering, compared to some of the things you all are dealing with.  Sorry.

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I *hate* figuring out macronutrient calculations for dh's food.  I hate spreadsheets filled with columns of numbers and formulas.  I hate that no matter how many times I double check, there's always a mistake somewhere.  I hate it that it is presented as "when you have time, I'd like ___" as though I have tons of free time and no plan for how I'd like to spend it.  And the best thing - all the work will be for nothing in a few weeks when a different diet is decided on as the key to weight loss.  Sigh....  not life-altering, compared to some of the things you all are dealing with.  Sorry.


Is it your DH who switches the diets? If so, can you suggest/insist that he handle the calculations?

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I'm sick.


Our lambs aren't gettign enough milk from momma, so we have to bottle feed them. Every 5 hours. Including the middle of the night.


My kids are sick. (sniff. sniff. sniff)


MY dh is sick and has been home since last Thursday evening. Schools just not the same when dad is home. Nor is anything else about our routine.


We've been cooped up in the house pretty much nonstop for about 2 weeks due to illness and snow.


We're all crabby, not feeling well and stir crazy.


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Is it your DH who switches the diets? If so, can you suggest/insist that he handle the calculations?


I wish!  He keeps trying to find the magic ratio that will work for him.  Since I do the cooking, I do the calculations, because only I know how much of this and that go into the recipes (that's his reasoning).  And I'm ROFL at the thought of "insisting" anything to him...that is not really an option.  Suggestions don't go over well, either.  I love dh, but there are some areas that just aren't ideal/healthy between us.


I soooo love this thread, though!  It's nice to be able to complain and have people commiserate.  :)

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I'm sick.


Our lambs aren't gettign enough milk from momma, so we have to bottle feed them. Every 5 hours. Including the middle of the night.


My kids are sick. (sniff. sniff. sniff)


MY dh is sick and has been home since last Thursday evening. Schools just not the same when dad is home. Nor is anything else about our routine.


We've been cooped up in the house pretty much nonstop for about 2 weeks due to illness and snow.


We're all crabby, not feeling well and stir crazy.



Long, drawn-out illnesses are the pits!  Hope you all recover soon!

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My dad remains under psychiatric supervision through the court because the cancer has damaged his brain enough that he is still a danger to himself and my mom. Therefore, the restraining order which states that she can not be with him unless there is another adult present remains enforced. She is mad at me because I had to end living at their house. Things were getting so far behind here, and trying to homeschool down there just didn't work because my dad is very demanding, nosy, and verbally abusive which is not good for my sons nor conducive to getting anything done. Dh and I were after 27 years of a totally solid marriage, best friends actually, starting to have some marital strife, and I felt like emotionally I was going to implode. So I left. I give them two nights a week from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and that is it. It is up to them to line up others to supervise them together, or they have to remain apart. We made up the guest room for her so some nights she sleeps here, some nights she doesn't. During the day, they either have friends over to help or a CNA, or they are no together which probably is pretty bad for my dad given that he is in his last year of life, but it can't be helped. Some days my brother telecommutes and since he has a private office at his house, he allows them to be together at his place and dad naps most of the day on the couch. His only child still living at home attends a public high school and is in dance four days per week so she is not around much for her grandfather's bad behavior so it works okay.


So, for 2016, I am officially the bad daughter. My sister, a permanent resident of France and newly married, is no longer speaking to me because she thinks I'm evil for not living with my parents any longer. My mother is maintaining a calm, some what impersonal demeanor with me because she feels that I should be doing more for them, and my dad is just nuts, truly insane so it varies from being lovey dovey one minute to hating me and screaming at me the next.


But, on a bright note, my first grandchild has arrived safely and despite being five weeks early, is healthy and gaining. He is a pure delight, pure blessing. On top of that ds, the senior, has several college acceptances and good options so he is very excited about fall 2016, the sophomore is doing well in spite of all of the crazy and is caught up on his school work, and dh and I are back on track as a married couple. Therefore, I am going to vent when I need to, but otherwise try really, really hard to focus on the good things.


It is sad though because frankly, I have to admit that I can't wait for my dad to die. Sigh...not nice, I know. But the reality is that his continued living is only bringing misery on everyone else, and I believe he is suffering horribly and wishing it were all over too. They haven't said "six months" yet so getting hospice involved has not been an option to this point. I think that once he is on hospice, my sister and my mom will be a lot more able to accept the inevitable.

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If it helps at all, Faith, I think you're normal and doing the right thing.  I'm glad you have some positives in your life to help balance out the negatives, but it sure would be nice to have others be more understanding regarding the negatives.   :grouphug:


Vent away.  It can help!  I wish we lived closer together IRL so we could get together somewhere.


I'd be venting too, except my stuff is SSDD and not really anyone doing anything.  It's just life.

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My dad remains under psychiatric supervision through the court because the cancer has damaged his brain enough that he is still a danger to himself and my mom. Therefore, the restraining order which states that she can not be with him unless there is another adult present remains enforced. She is mad at me because I had to end living at their house. Things were getting so far behind here, and trying to homeschool down there just didn't work because my dad is very demanding, nosy, and verbally abusive which is not good for my sons nor conducive to getting anything done. Dh and I were after 27 years of a totally solid marriage, best friends actually, starting to have some marital strife, and I felt like emotionally I was going to implode. So I left. I give them two nights a week from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and that is it. It is up to them to line up others to supervise them together, or they have to remain apart. We made up the guest room for her so some nights she sleeps here, some nights she doesn't. During the day, they either have friends over to help or a CNA, or they are no together which probably is pretty bad for my dad given that he is in his last year of life, but it can't be helped. Some days my brother telecommutes and since he has a private office at his house, he allows them to be together at his place and dad naps most of the day on the couch. His only child still living at home attends a public high school and is in dance four days per week so she is not around much for her grandfather's bad behavior so it works okay.


So, for 2016, I am officially the bad daughter. My sister, a permanent resident of France and newly married, is no longer speaking to me because she thinks I'm evil for not living with my parents any longer. My mother is maintaining a calm, some what impersonal demeanor with me because she feels that I should be doing more for them, and my dad is just nuts, truly insane so it varies from being lovey dovey one minute to hating me and screaming at me the next.


But, on a bright note, my first grandchild has arrived safely and despite being five weeks early, is healthy and gaining. He is a pure delight, pure blessing. On top of that ds, the senior, has several college acceptances and good options so he is very excited about fall 2016, the sophomore is doing well in spite of all of the crazy and is caught up on his school work, and dh and I are back on track as a married couple. Therefore, I am going to vent when I need to, but otherwise try really, really hard to focus on the good things.


It is sad though because frankly, I have to admit that I can't wait for my dad to die. Sigh...not nice, I know. But the reality is that his continued living is only bringing misery on everyone else, and I believe he is suffering horribly and wishing it were all over too. They haven't said "six months" yet so getting hospice involved has not been an option to this point. I think that once he is on hospice, my sister and my mom will be a lot more able to accept the inevitable.


You can only be spread so thin. I'm sorry for what you and your family are enduring. Hope that sweet grandbaby brings you many smiles in spite of everything.

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Very minor rant:


For the past week, we've noticed a small bubble/crack (quarter sized) forming on the popcorn ceiling in our kitchen. Great, I thought. Another spot to patch.


Early this morning, I saw the crack was wider, as though the quarter-sized spot were going to just fall off.

Oh well, I thought. At least I won't have it scrape it.


I spend a couple if hours icing my knee after physical therapy, and then come back to the kitchen to make dinner. What I see is the stuff of horror movies. Dozens and dozens if tiny black bugs are pouring from the crack. Like...what.in.the.world?!


I grab a canister of bug spray and spray the heck out of the ceiling.

Then all the dead bugs rain down.


BTW, the "bubble" of popcorn ceiling wasn't actually ceiling. It was a dead momma bug somehow ceiling-colored or just under the popcorn. All the baby bugs poured forth from her.



(In my mind, I said that in a Jimmy Fallon voice...)

Edited by alisoncooks
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Very minor rant:


For the past week, we've noticed a small bubble/crack (quarter sized) forming on the popcorn ceiling in our kitchen. Great, I thought. Another spot to patch.


Early this morning, I saw the crack was wider, as though the quarter-sized spot were going to just fall off.

Oh well, I thought. At least I won't have it scrape it.


I spend a couple if hours icing my knee after physical therapy, and then come back to the kitchen to make dinner. What I see is the stuff of horror movies. Dozens and dozens if tiny black bugs are pouring from the crack. Like...what.in.the.world?!


I grab a canister of bug spray and spray the heck out of the ceiling.

Then all the dead bugs rain down.


BTW, the "bubble" of popcorn ceiling wasn't actually ceiling. It was a dead momma bug somehow ceiling-colored or just under the popcorn. All the baby bugs poured forth from her.



(In my mind, I said that in a Jimmy Fallon voice...)

Oh my! That is not a minor vent! That is awful!

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Very minor rant:


For the past week, we've noticed a small bubble/crack (quarter sized) forming on the popcorn ceiling in our kitchen. Great, I thought. Another spot to patch.


Early this morning, I saw the crack was wider, as though the quarter-sized spot were going to just fall off.

Oh well, I thought. At least I won't have it scrape it.


I spend a couple if hours icing my knee after physical therapy, and then come back to the kitchen to make dinner. What I see is the stuff of horror movies. Dozens and dozens if tiny black bugs are pouring from the crack. Like...what.in.the.world?!


I grab a canister of bug spray and spray the heck out of the ceiling.

Then all the dead bugs rain down.


BTW, the "bubble" of popcorn ceiling wasn't actually ceiling. It was a dead momma bug somehow ceiling-colored or just under the popcorn. All the baby bugs poured forth from her.



(In my mind, I said that in a Jimmy Fallon voice...)

Oh my gosh. This happened to someone I know, except it was wasps. Hundreds of them flying down out of the dining room ceiling.


I'm so sorry. I'm not sure I'd be able to sleep for weeks.

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If you ask me to do xyz...let me!!!


Don't pester me and don't do abc instead because you are panicked about me doing xyz...you know, that thing *you* asked me to do?!?


Seriously, if I'm anxious about something getting done I *don't* pawn it off on someone else!!


Oh, and all my work on xyz is for nothing...it was replaced by abc. Grr!




Edited by happi duck
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Ok, my grandmother warned me about many "getting older" things back when I was a wee lass.  She didn't have to be right!  And she didn't get anywhere near detailed enough.


As a warning to others... there may come a time when you're staring at the faucet handles really wondering which one is hot... and then still guess incorrectly!   :glare:


Ditto that with which light switch is for which light.   :mad:


At least the positive thing about it (for now) is that once you get things wrong, your brain properly remembers them afterward, but it also reminds you that you should have known all along.   :banghead:


I haven't mixed up kid or pet names yet... though that's what she warned me about, so...  :eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


There are no real resources for "skinny" people with a "fat" disease. Seriously?!?! Oh, Dr. Google can tell me it happens. She can tell me they're twice as likely to die. But she still wants to tell me they should lose weight. (Sure, there's other stuff too, but still primarily focused on reducing calories.)



I hear this. My BMI is 20.5, I run, I eat a ton of lean meats and plants and almost no processed food. I take supplements. And without medication I have morbid hypertension. My body pisses me off.

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I wish! He keeps trying to find the magic ratio that will work for him. Since I do the cooking, I do the calculations, because only I know how much of this and that go into the recipes (that's his reasoning). And I'm ROFL at the thought of "insisting" anything to him...that is not really an option. Suggestions don't go over well, either. I love dh, but there are some areas that just aren't ideal/healthy between us.


I soooo love this thread, though! It's nice to be able to complain and have people commiserate. :)

I mean this kindly, I do. And I don't know your situation, But my mom and dad have always had this dynamic and let's just say I learned a lot of unhealthy things about relationships, boundaries, male/female power dynamic, and marriage by growing up as a product of this type of environment. I was alternately angry and passive until my 30s. Now my dad and I aren't speaking because his need to bully is so strong he had begun to take it out on my teen daughters. No one has ever checked him. Far from defusing him, my mom's bending over backwards to please him enabled and entrenched and normalized his behavior. Please consider finding a way to say no and mean it.

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I mean this kindly, I do. And I don't know your situation, But my mom and dad have always had this dynamic and let's just say I learned a lot of unhealthy things about relationships, boundaries, male/female power dynamic, and marriage by growing up as a product of this type of environment. I was alternately angry and passive until my 30s. Now my dad and I aren't speaking because his need to bully is so strong he had begun to take it out on my teen daughters. No one has ever checked him. Far from defusing him, my mom's bending over backwards to please him enabled and entrenched and normalized his behavior. Please consider finding a way to say no and mean it.

Thank you for sharing this. I am trying to be less of a "pleaser," if that makes any sense. It's so hard to change my thinking patterns, but I agree that it needs to happen.

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  • 2 months later...

FaithManor - congrats on the grandbaby!




I am so sorry, guys.  I'm only replying to try to contact school17777.  Her messaging won't work.  I tried to find a thread that wasn't too old so that I wouldn't revitalize a zombie thread.


But, school1777...have you see the meetup thread?  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/606010-meet-in-person-in-south-central-pa-update/


I don't know how else to get ahold of you other than this way, and I didn't want you to miss out if you wanted to join us.  We're meeting on Tues July 19th from noon to three.  Everyone who has ever come to a meetup in the past has either seen the thread already, or I sent them a message.  But I couldn't send you one.


SOOO SORRY for posting on this thread like this, but wouldn't School17777 have felt pretty bad if we all met without her??  And didn't try to get in touch with her?

Edited by Garga
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I am so sorry, guys.  I'm only replying to try to contact school17777.  Her messaging won't work.  I tried to find a thread that wasn't too old so that I wouldn't revitalize a zombie thread.


But, school1777...have you see the meetup thread?  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/606010-meet-in-person-in-south-central-pa-update/


I don't know how else to get ahold of you other than this way, and I didn't want you to miss out if you wanted to join us.  We're meeting on Tues July 19th from noon to three.  Everyone who has ever come to a meetup in the past has either seen the thread already, or I sent them a message.  But I couldn't send you one.


SOOO SORRY for posting on this thread like this, but wouldn't School17777 have felt pretty bad if we all met without her??  And didn't try to get in touch with her?


I'm about to actually have to work at my job (what's with that???), but afterward I'll dig into my e-mail archives to see if I still have her address when talking about the kitten that had been dropped off on our farm.  No promises, but maybe.  Or maybe she'll see this first.  ;)

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Vent: being excited that the official venting thread is back and then finding out it really isn't.

;) ;) ;)


Sure it is.  Just accidentally skip a couple of posts.  We do that in every other thread when something gets on a rabbit trail, right?


I can add a vent.  My brain just came to the realization that all this cwap I've put up with medically the past couple of years has done almost nothing for improving my life and a bit has gotten worse because of it.  It's not exactly the greatest feeling I've ever had.   :cursing:


There are a couple of pros... they fixed carpal tunnel and I've lost weight plus it's great never getting hungry, but the cons... ugh!


Massive amounts of radiation should not be agreed to lightly.


There is a possibility that it stopped my tumor from growing, so that could be a plus, but there's also the possibility that it didn't - meaning it was all for nothing - worse than nothing since now I'm dealing with side effects that are quite possibly never going to go away.  They may even continue to worsen.


Tons of fun with all that realization.   :banghead:


Of course, it inspired me to plan another trip, so I guess it's not all bad (sigh).  The trip would have been better without constant side effects though.

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I am so sorry, guys. I'm only replying to try to contact school17777. Her messaging won't work. I tried to find a thread that wasn't too old so that I wouldn't revitalize a zombie thread.


But, school1777...have you see the meetup thread? http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/606010-meet-in-person-in-south-central-pa-update/


I don't know how else to get ahold of you other than this way, and I didn't want you to miss out if you wanted to join us. We're meeting on Tues July 19th from noon to three. Everyone who has ever come to a meetup in the past has either seen the thread already, or I sent them a message. But I couldn't send you one.


SOOO SORRY for posting on this thread like this, but wouldn't School17777 have felt pretty bad if we all met without her?? And didn't try to get in touch with her?

Just now seeing this! It didn't show up in the New Content and I didn't notice the notification until now.


I will put it on the calendar. I have another meeting that day that I will make either in the morning, or in the evening. If it ends up in the morning, I will probably be late.


This made my day! I feel so special to be remembered!

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So, my oldest.  Not incredibly motivated.


He turned 15 on May 1 and is eligible to get his learners permit.  I finally got him to sit down and study for his permit test this past week.  He got up early this morning and diligently worked and passed 3 practice exams.  I promised him unlimited game time the rest of the weekend if he passed.


I go to register him to take the drivers exam online and am greeted with the following message:


"We regret to inform you that the state DMV website will be down for maintenance from Friday, May 6 through midnight, Sunday, May 8.  No one will be able to take their driving permit tests until Monday, May 9."



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Specifically drove by McD's while out, just to pick up a coffee.  The plan was to come home and spend the next hour or two watching old episodes of Downton Abbey while drinking my coffee.  As I was getting out of the car, I spilled the entire (medium) cup all over my front seat.  All of it.  Spent the next hour our two cleaning my car.  

Lazy afternoon Fail.

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Someone close to me is ALWAYS late for EVERYTHING except for things that are of prime importance to them.  Over 6 months ago, we were gifted with free tickets to a wonderful event about 2 hours away from us.  We've been to this location several times.  SOMEHOW, we managed to arrive when the event was 3/4 over and close person wondered why I was livid.   :cursing:   Free tickets were wasted.  Close person tried to make it up by purchasing un-affordable(sp?)  tickets for the next event.  I was so angry and could not get over this constantly reoccurring problem that I did not attend the next event - equally bad behaviour on my part, I know.  The perpetual lateness issue has been addressed repeatedly.  I'm SO frustrated.  :mad:  Needless to say, the atmosphere is very frosty here right now.   :banghead: 

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(Hugs) to everyone who has something to vent about!


I'm having a rough day. I have resorted to telling myself over and over "one foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other..."


Stuff I was looking forward to fell apart and now I just need to get through it.


The fact that I was excited made the "fall" that much further.


Thanks for "listening".

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This quote appeared in the comment section of a friend's Facebook post on anti-intellectualism and lack of scientific knowledge in today's society. During the discussion under the original post, friend made a comment about finding the homeschoolers he knows to be the highest achievers. Then someone else commented this... " I know many home-schooled kids who are excelling academically and a few who have entered the workforce. Anecdotally, the home-schooled kids in the workforce are struggling more than the their age cohorts who went through a more structured school environment."


Really, what a comment to make when someone complains about lack of scientific knowledge. I wonder exactly how many homeschoolers this person actually knows in the workforce. I know quite a few homeschoolers and they perform just as well or in most cases better than their "age cohorts." 

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My recent vents: 


I am sick (but getting better. Back to work tomorrow!)


My house has been on the market for 6 weeks and only 1 showing. Come on, people! I can't sell it if you won't come see it!


I know someone who's been telling some HUGE whopper lies. All things that are verifiable. And the stories change by who she's talking to. Several of us are starting to become concerned about her mental health but she is NOT someone who'd be receptive to a conversation about it. She mentioned several months ago that she stopped taking her anti-anxiety meds, but I have no idea if that was with a doctor's approval or what the meds actually are. No idea what to really do about it. 

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Two vents so far this week- The activity/club says a certain age for a reason. I don't care how gifted/smart/wonderful your 4 year old is, the answer is no. This is for a tween/teen activity for ages 10-15.


To the parents of the child who does nothing but tantrum because we are not doing things his way. Please just take the child out of the activity. The arguing and tantruming is really got to stop. It is not cute. This is something that we pay for and the instructor has given several warnings and such. The instructor did give everyone else a credit but Honestly, I think it is time for them to be asked to leave but I don't own the business.

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Thought we were done with that car crash (from May 2014) but turns out my adult on-set asthma may really be part of my lower right lung being swollen around what looks very much like a small bit of the crumble glass that was flying around in the car as we spun out of control....two bronchoscopies have not been able to remove it (whatever it actually is)  and now I am seeing a thoracic surgeon next week about her getting more invasive - and I might have to have the entire lower lobe removed.  ^^#*@%%(!!!!


If it is indeed from the accident, it has been in there long enough to turn black and make the tissue around it swell up. No wonder I wheeze!   At any rate, pulmonary doc is pretty sure it is not plastic, as it is irregular in shape and very hard.  And if glass, it would not have shown up on the x-rays and ct scans I was hit with after the accident, probably.


Anyway, once it is out, I have told everyone I want my Crackerjack prize!


Hopefully this will be the last "remnant" from the accident and you will breathe much easier when it's removed.

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I hate that the only way to protect a child is by providing irrefutable proof that the child has been harmed. Why can't we save the child from the abuse in the first place??


Nothing in the law requires "irrefutable" proof. Even the criminal standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" isn't the same as "irrefutable".


As to why? Because there are people who will make false accusations, or a child may be hurt and it can be pinned on the wrong person, and if the accused person is a parent of the child, the false accusation and taking the child from them is itself a great harm.

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