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What are you reading aloud with your children?

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We're reading my old childhood favorite, The Little Broomstick. It's about a girl who's sent off to stay with an aging aunt on a country estate in England. She meets a little black cat, finds a magical flower, gets carried off accidentally on a witch's broom, and ends up solving a mystery.


I spent an entire summer during my childhood searching every flower reference book in every library I had access to trying to find that flower *sigh* I LOVE this book, and couldn't wait until DD6 was old enough to read it!

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My boys are old (almost 12 & 17) but we still read aloud. Every summer for ages I have read aloud Swallows and Amazons. This year we decided to move on to the next book in the series, finally (thank you Laura no-longer-in-China!) and we're very much enjoying it. Swallowdale is the title. That's our fun reading. It's a little late to be reading it, since it's starting to feel like fall and it's a summertime book.


I really love books that depict a strong community of children, like these Ransome books. We also read a book called Whirligig House every winter. We love that same thing, the strong sibling "culture" like the Railway Children that someone mentioned above.


For history I'm reading aloud Rosemary Sutcliff's The Lantern Bearers. I've read it before, but that scene where he has to chose between Rome and his motherland gets me.

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I am going to try to read through all of Pyle's middle ages books this year. We just finished Otto of the Silver Hand. I read through a lot of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books last year and my boys liked them, though wouldn't have read them on their own. They are 7 and 11.


I'm working on a US history book with my oldest now and we are reading it to each other.

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We're reading D'Aulaire's Greek Myths. We love the illustrations.


We're using this for our weekly literature studies this semester. It is interesting to me, as I didn't really have much exposure to Greek mythology (except a brief unit in eighth grade lit. class) and it helps me to understand the literary references to greek gods and the use of some of the names of Greek gods and goddesses in our culture. Dd really isn't into it, but she doesn't have much choice, since it is one of our weekly subjects!

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Lets see, we started the year off with In Search of the Source, a missionary bio from Sonlight, now we are reading The Vile Village in the Series of Unfortunate Events series. Those are great reads, btw :o). I keep trying to start A Tale of 2 Cities, but we keep getting bogged down and bail out. Sigh. Its not like we can't handle the hard stuff. We've read lots of classics, like Great Expectations, Once and Future King etc... not sure what exactly it is about Tale of 2 Cities. Oh well. After Lemony Snicket, we're due for a good juicy classic.

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Just (this morning) finished The Road to Oz and started The Emerald City of Oz (I think) with the girls. Also reading SOTW1 and The Story Book of Science.


Reading Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun and Born in the Year of Courage with the boys. Reading Animal Farm with the 14yo.

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We just finished the unabridged version of Around the World in Eighty Days and loved it.


At the recommendation of people here, we started the Betsy-Tacy series. Dd loves it. I had to nix it though, as a read aloud. It was very cute, but I like our read alouds to be a little more challenging. So dd is reading that series on her own now. I just made that decision 2 days ago when we finished the first book. Tomorrow we'll be starting The Mysterious Benedict Society. I read that last year and enjoyed it. I think my dd will like it too.

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Our history read aloud is Brian Alderson's retelling of The Arabian Nights, and have one chapter to go in our night-time read aloud, Howl's Moving Castle. We're greatly enjoying both.


I don't have a single book right now with my younger child, though we are reading many of the Jenny and the Cat Club books by Esther Averill.

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