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I think this is hilarious so I'm sharing but if it's not...

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Oh well.


I posted today that we're going to put ds4 in preschool (go read the post if you're curious). Anyways, an Anonymous person says




You've just lost a blog reader. I don't believe it is a wise decision and it refects a double standard for your daughter and your son. I'd rather not read your posts anymore.



Lol :lol: Okay, so I'm supposed to care about someone unwilling to identify themselves who may stop reading our blog because of a life decision that affects our family only?? Not to mention my dd8 went to preschool.


This cracked me up, the absurdity of it- maybe those with the same sense of humor will laugh too. :D

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Oh well.


I posted today that we're going to put ds4 in preschool (go read the post if you're curious). Anyways, an Anonymous person says



You've just lost a blog reader. I don't believe it is a wise decision and it refects a double standard for your daughter and your son. I'd rather not read your posts anymore.



Lol :lol: Okay, so I'm supposed to care about someone unwilling to identify themselves who may stop reading our blog because of a life decision that affects our family only?? Not to mention my dd8 went to preschool.


This cracked me up, the absurdity of it- maybe those with the same sense of humor will laugh too. :D



:lol::lol::lol: Don't tell, my ds went to preschool too.

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:lol::lol::lol: Don't tell, my ds went to preschool too.


Mine did too. My dd and my youngest ds didn't.


Jessica, I think part of the "problem" may be that you've been very public in your curriculum choices, plans, school room doing and re-doing, etc. Many have followed your story of curriculum switches, etc. And after all that, you're putting your 4 yo in school.


Yes, it's a personal matter that only AFFECTS your family, but the entire process has been public.


I have no idea if that's on target or not; just trying to figure out WHY someone would feel the way this person does. I personally have no feelings on the issue whatsoever. It's your choice to make, and you've made it.

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I just read your blog post about it and all the comments. What a harsh response from a total stranger, no less! Really incredible. I hope you let it roll off. Everyone has to do what's best for their own family at any given time. I think for a 4 yo boy to be able to spend some time just with friends, crafts, and play time is a win-win.

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Huh. Well, as one of your "blog groupies" :lol: I have followed your blog about how you have gone back and forth about putting D in preschool and your reasons for/for not doing it. It's appeared to be a hard decision and one that I don't believe you or your husband to have taken lightly. I applaud you guys for doing what you believe to be best for your family. (I better go read your blog post from today now, huh?)


My pastor always uses this example: he says he gets a lot of negative emails from people and he really does take to heart people's complaints and suggestions. However, when people don't care to acknowledge themselves, he has a hard time taking them seriously.


Don't worry, there's a lot of us who still do look to you for inspiration. ;)

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I'm not upset at all, I do think it is hilarious. I'm not 100% on board with ds4 going to preschool but it might what is best for him right now so I'm willing to step out of my comfort zone to try it. Personally, I think he'll love it and I can use this year to get dd8 to transition to working a little more independently. We'll see, like the post says, I can take him out at any time.

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I'm not upset at all, I do think it is hilarious. I'm not 100% on board with ds4 going to preschool but it might what is best for him right now so I'm willing to step out of my comfort zone to try it. Personally, I think he'll love it and I can use this year to get dd8 to transition to working a little more independently. We'll see, like the post says, I can take him out at any time.



Jessica, I'm sorry you got such a dumb comment.


Thank goodness I'm not blogging anymore! I'd be in big trouble this week - The Littles are BOTH in preschool this year. 3AMs for Leo and 2AMs for Eleanor. Since we started hs'ing, we've still sent all our littles to nursery school and hs'd them for K and on.


Last year, when I blogged about Leo starting preschool, a good online "friend" reamed me out. Questioned my judgment and my mothering and my legitimacy as a homeschooler. I have to admit, it was hurtful.


You do what works for you! (They'll be by in a week or so to tear up your Really Really R E A L L Y A Homeschooler Card, though.;))

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Don't let it eat at you.


It's like this with a lot of groups (your not a true or good Christian, Republican, parent if you_____). There are some die hard homeschoolers who will adhere to the notion that if you are in a PS, co-op, online school, vote or take a tax credit from the state (where available), dual enroll, afterschool, take online classes, attend educational seminars outside of the home... Well, if you do any of that, you will never be a homeschooler in their eyes.


These same people will also say that school in a box is okay (as long as it is from a particular school with a particular philosophy) and are sometimes the same people they don't blink when they are asked to check in with their distance teacher or take a test through that particular school, or fill out multiple forms to prove they've been homeschooling.


These same people do not count unschoolers as homeschoolers.


Sometimes the logic just isn't all there...


Reaching now, for chocolate...

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*All* of my kids attended one year of preschool, twice a week for 3 hours. It was playtime more than anything. *I* taught them their numbers, *I* taught them to read. My eldest is in seventh grade and I'm still homeschooling. So, you're in good company, Jessica.


:iagree:This is what I'm doing with dd4 and I will do it with dd2 also. I don't really consider preschool "school." It's more just somewhere they can play hard, get dirty and messy with art projects, etc. and I don't have to clean it up. =D


Anonymous comments crack me up. If you're too embarrassed about what you're saying to declare yourself, why bother??

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Well, I don't really read any blogs on a daily basis (ok, maybe Ree), but I'm going to make it a point to read you daily now. Must make up for the one you've lost, right?


Give me a break. It's preschool. By the way, add me to the bad mommy list of those who sent their children to preschool (and public school). Not only did my oldest go to preschool, but then to public K and 1st. Now she's at home and - get this - I've sent her little sister to ps K. I know, I know... I'll never forgive myself.

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Oh well.


I posted today that we're going to put ds4 in preschool (go read the post if you're curious). Anyways, an Anonymous person says



I'll mail you a box of kleenex, Jessica. :D


You know, my big kids loved preschool. Adored preschool. They weren't full time, but they would have loved going every day. Both begged (in separate conversations) me not to home school kindergarten with their baby sister because of what a special time kindergarten was for them. And the now 4 y/o loves, *oh* how she loves kindergarten.


We still do Horizons Math and science and geography and reading and snuggling and giggling at home. It's just fun, and we fit it into the time that surrounds her happy days away from us.


We, like you, will figure this out a year at a time. And I know for certain that you are a concerned and conscientious mom and a bona fide grown-up who can make good decisions for your kids.


As for the drop in your blog traffic? Ah well. You can't please all of the people all of the time. :nopity:

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I was just at your blog and saw that comment...and had to comment! :lol: I think I'll go back and join your readership now.


Doing the best for each child is one of the great things about homeschooling...and it doesn't necessarily mean doing the same thing for each child! Families grow and change, children grow and change, moms grow and change...but you already know that!



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Don't let it eat at you.



Ds here all went to preschool. I always thought it gave them time to be alone with friends and not be "the little brother" all the time. Can be kind of a nice time for them.


I'm sure you've done lots of research on what's best. Try not to let it bug you too much. Maybe it's someone who wanted to follow your lead on things and was surprised or discouraged by this change in your plans. She'll get over it, as will you.


Hope the little guy absolutely loves it and you and your daughter get some nice time together.

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Oh, for pete's sake. If DD3 would go, I'd enroll her in a heartbeat. And what's more, if there was a similar 6-hour-a-week version for DD6, I'd enroll her too!!! DD6 went to camp over 3 days a week over the summer, and their relationship benefited immensely from a little time apart. Plus, DD3 is still in the stage where she can't stand for too much direct attention to be paid to her sister without involving her, but she doesn't want to be involved in schoolwork, so she makes life difficult.


Our local play-based preschool is the equivalent of a Mother's Day Out program. It's not exactly Harvard for Tots. Some people just need to lighten up.

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Sorry Jessica that someone was so judgemental on something that doesn't even affect them! But, you're not the first! I was subscribed to a ladies blog a few years ago that had her kids in public school. It wasn't a homeschooling blog but a recipe/how to save money one. And, yes, she did sell things. Anyways, she got an influx of nasty e-mail when some of her subscribers found out she didn't home school!


Anyways, look at the bright side. You actually have faithful blog readers! :)Well, minus that anonymous one!:lol:


Going to go and sign up as a "follower" right now . . . :) Oh. I already did that! :)

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Oh well.


I posted today that we're going to put ds4 in preschool


Great news, Jessica. My dd 4 is in preschool and we all are loving it! Its quiet here in the AM for the big kids to work on Algebra and Latin. Its a win-win :)


Your ds will have a ball -- and he won't be damaged for life. All my kids had the luxury of attending a really well-run, loving, clean, safe Christian preschool. No short-term OR long-term negative side affects. :)

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This cracked me up, the absurdity of it- maybe those with the same sense of humor will laugh too. :D


Oh, Jessica. I am so glad you have a great sense of humor about it.


Where do these lunatics come from? And do you really want them reading you blog in the first place? :D

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I don't think Jessica cares, but the anonymous poster seems to think she should.


Which is the part I don't get. Jessica would probably care if a friend or someone she respected questioned her decision but who cares what "anonymous" thinks?


And I'm not a blogger but do you lose points or something if people stop reading your blog?



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It cracks me up that someone would write that! As if you would take an anonymous post seriously enough, or any comments like that, to change your decision. WHATEVER.


Both my girls went to preschool. It was long before I considered homeschooling, but you know, I don't regret it a bit. They had a ball and I had a little break. Schmooey is most likely going to go, too. I don't think preschool is of the devil, for Pete's sake.

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... when people don't care to acknowledge themselves, he has a hard time taking them seriously.



:iagree: If you feel strongly enough about something to want to write to them and express yourself then you should be willing to sign your name to it. It means much more when you know who wrote it. If it is unsigned then I would toss the comment out and move on. In such a personal matter in the end all that matters is your family's thoughts on it.

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My daughter goes to a wonderful montessori preschool 3 mornings a week and she loves it and so do I!


The anonymous poster seems to think that just because you are supporter of homeschooling that you are AGAINST traditional schooling.


With school, it doesn't have to be You're With Us, Or You're Against Us kind of mentality. :confused:

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I've heard this before, on our old boards. When someone would put one or the other (or all) their children into school for whatever reason, no matter what great reasoning they provided (as if it were any of our business), there would always be someone who would just castigate them for it. Weird.


Anyway, good luck to you on your journey!

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Echoing the others regarding your decision to enroll him in preschool; I NEEDED my now 13 year old to go to mother's day out just to have some time for the tougher school subjects. He never did, there was no money for that, but it would have been so good for our family. We survived, but still.



ETA: I needed my now 13 year old to go to mother's day out when he was a toddler. Looking back at that, it seems like I might want to send my 13 year old to mother's day out.


Wait, do you think I COULD send my 13 year old to mother's day out? That sounds pretty good now that I think about it!

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