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How often do you shower or bathe?


I shower or bathe on average  

  1. 1. I shower or bathe on average

    • Everyday
    • Every other day
    • Three times a week
    • Two times a week
    • One time a week
    • Less than once a week

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I bathe about once every other day, sometimes every third day. I only wash my hair once a week so that the natural oils don't get stripped out of it. I chose to go this route because I have very dry skin and showering especially can make your skin even more dry. It was recommended by my dermatologist.

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I bathe about once every other day, sometimes every third day. I only wash my hair once a week so that the naturals don't get stripped out of it. I chose to go this route because I have very dry skin and showering especially can make your skin even more dry. It was recommended by my dermatologist.


This is pretty much my schedule too, except I wash my hair everytime I shower. I also suffer from dry skin.

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You forgot "other!" :lol:


My answer is "when I need to." In the summer, that's usually at least once a day, but in the winter if I'm staying home, not going anywhere, etc., etc., probably every other day or even every third day, if I'm not doing anything "sweaty" or "stinky."

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I bathe about once every other day, sometimes every third day. I only wash my hair once a week so that the naturals don't get stripped out of it. I chose to go this route because I have very dry skin and showering especially can make your skin even more dry. It was recommended by my dermatologist.


It works for us oily girls, too. Washing oily hair and skin every day strips that oil, yes, but then it also tells those glands to hurry up and make more! When I stopped hitting the shower first thing every morning, my oily skin improved immensely. I also found that I didn't need to wash my hair as often when I stopped coating it with hairspray -- I'm only guessing that's because everything that was floating around in the air was sticking to it. :lol:

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Ok, I'll fess up...


I shower generally twice a week. My hair gets washed once or twice a week. Now if I've done anything to get that nasty, sweat a lot, been to the track (sweat AND dust) then I'll shower again. But, on average, twice a week.


I like my hair more with this routine :D And I don't have any skin issues either.


I promise I don't stink. (although now is probably not a good time to tell you I don't wear deodorant either huh? LOL oops) I'm not gross or anything. ;)

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I bathe about once every other day, sometimes every third day. I only wash my hair once a week so that the naturals don't get stripped out of it. I chose to go this route because I have very dry skin and showering especially can make your skin even more dry. It was recommended by my dermatologist.



I have dry skin as well. Have you tried shea butter? I buy pure unrefined shea butter buy the pound. It makes my skin feel so soft and not the temp greasy fealing.


I shower ever day now. I used to work out 5 days a week (martial arts).

At that time I would shower 2-3 times a day. Morning, BEFORE martial arts, then after. Gosh it was so nasty smelling people in a 2 hr heavy work out.


If I miss a day (because the kids happen to get up before me) I feel dirty.

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Ok, I'll fess up...


I shower generally twice a week. My hair gets washed once or twice a week. Now if I've done anything to get that nasty, sweat a lot, been to the track (sweat AND dust) then I'll shower again. But, on average, twice a week.


I like my hair more with this routine :D And I don't have any skin issues either.


I promise I don't stink. (although now is probably not a good time to tell you I don't wear deodorant either huh? LOL oops) I'm not gross or anything. ;)



Okay, so how does that work? Do you wash under your arms at least each day? I don't know how it's possible not to smell if you don't bathe often *and* don't use deodorant. Hmm. Do tell!

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It works for us oily girls, too. Washing oily hair and skin every day strips that oil, yes, but then it also tells those glands to hurry up and make more! When I stopped hitting the shower first thing every morning, my oily skin improved immensely. I also found that I didn't need to wash my hair as often when I stopped coating it with hairspray -- I'm only guessing that's because everything that was floating around in the air was sticking to it. :lol:

Yep to the hairspray thing! I keep trying to convince my mom of my method (she has oily skin) but she just won't believe me!:D

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I said every day, but actually, unless I'm going somewhere or having company over, I don't shower on Saturdays - too much to do.


A previous poster said they don't shower every day nor do they wear deodorant. Maybe they're blessed in a way that I am - I find I don't have to wear deodorant every day. I just don't perspire often - unless I'm in a really tense situation, so I usually only apply deodorant on the days I go to the office.

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Everyday....and sometime twice a day if I've done something to feel gritty & grimy. I wash my hair everyday, it just looks oily and gross if I don't wash it.


yep, me too. Very oily girl. I have to wash my hair. I often soak a bit at night before bed. I wash face and other parts if I got dirty, but mostly just a soak. I shower in the morning.

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I bathe about once every other day, sometimes every third day. I only wash my hair once a week so that the naturals don't get stripped out of it. I chose to go this route because I have very dry skin and showering especially can make your skin even more dry. It was recommended by my dermatologist.


I wash my hair more often...I run my hands through it and I have to wash out the grime from that. Other than that this is typical of me. Of course, cicumstances such as illness change it... sometimes for the better, sometimes worse. When my RA is bad I shower twice a day for the stiffness. That's not really bathing though, for polling purposes.

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So being new here I am going to be VERY brave and fess up to being, as of now, one of the only two that picked once a week. Unless something really icky happens then once a week for me is it. I really don't like showers and have always felt this wierd angst that I am simply wasting precious time and resources.


I do not wear deoderant either and, usually, don NOT stink.


One disclaimer that I would like to make is that we have traveled overseas several times with the most recent being in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Vietnam, and Malaysia) for 6 monthes. As a result of these wonderful experiences, I have developed this intense curiosity about cultural norms and why "we" do the things we do compared to others who do things very, very differently. There were many places we visited that there simply was not enough water to appropriatley bath without depleting an entire village's weekly water supply; or there were places that the water was simply too toxic. Some cultures in our vast world would think it is a very strange thing to bath once a day or ONLY bath once a day. It really is all realative as so many things are.


What an interesting question to ask.

Now who wants to come to dinner? HA, HA!!

We really are clean people.



Anyway, I said al

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I used to have to shower every day and wash my hair every day. Then I went to Germany for a month with my 5 yo son. The only shower was in the basement, and I have bad memories of bathing in my grandparent's spooky farmhouse basement, plus I had no one to watch my son while I showered so I had to take him to the basement with me and try to supervise him while showering. This broke the "shower daily" habit. I washed my hair in the sink in our bathroom and sponge bathed the rest of the month.


That was 1995, and I estimate that I have saved over 1000 hours and nearly 50,000 gallons of water over the last 13 years. Makes you think, doesn't it? :D


BTW, I shower 2x a week on average.

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I chose every other day because my skin does better if I don't shower every day. I tend to get dry skin, especially on my legs. You can get the most important parts clean without taking a full bath. I usually shower schedule is Sunday morning, Monday evening, Wednesday morning, and Friday morning.

My kids have similar skin problems, so they don't get a full bath every day either. Dh needs to skip some days for his skin, but he won't even consider it.

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I used to shower every day, as my hair was so oily that I washed it every day. But now, using baking soda and vinegar, I have gotten to the point where I wash it every 4 days or so. If I don't need to wash my hair, I don't feel as gross, so I'm not dying for a shower as much. So now I shower about every other day. I should shower every day, as I am one of those people who doesn't feel fully woken up unless I shower. That would probably make me more effective...

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Ok, I'll fess up...


I shower generally twice a week. My hair gets washed once or twice a week. Now if I've done anything to get that nasty, sweat a lot, been to the track (sweat AND dust) then I'll shower again. But, on average, twice a week.


I like my hair more with this routine :D And I don't have any skin issues either.


I promise I don't stink. (although now is probably not a good time to tell you I don't wear deodorant either huh? LOL oops) I'm not gross or anything. ;)


I started shampooing less 'cuz we were just that broke for a while. I bathe every night, but now I wash my hair only twice a week, and it's in SUCH better condition for it. I don't use styling products, though.

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I take a hot bath every single night. This is part of what keeps me sane.


When I'm sick, I bathe more often. Probably its comforting. I've been sick enough to bathe six times in one day.


I only wash my hair once or twice a week. It behaves better when its got a few days on it.



I used to do exactly this, but I got too busy--or rather, I got WELL enough that I could physically do more, and I got caught up on everything I should have been doing all along. :-) So now, I'm lucky to get a bath twice a week. Darn it.

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When I was working, it was daily. Now that I'm home, I've shifted to every other day. Dh and the kids do the same. Part of it's the high cost of water/sewage which has more than doubled since having kids (used to be every other month!) and then the fact that we all like to get up at the same time, and can't all shower the same time. I have to shower in the morning, or my hair's the pits. We don't stink either.


Reading this thread, I'm thinking of all the water we all use, just for showering... :confused:

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When I was working, it was daily. Now that I'm home, I've shifted to every other day. Dh and the kids do the same. Part of it's the high cost of water/sewage which has more than doubled since having kids (used to be every other month!) and then the fact that we all like to get up at the same time, and can't all shower the same time. I have to shower in the morning, or my hair's the pits. We don't stink either.


Reading this thread, I'm thinking of all the water we all use, just for showering... :confused:


We're on a well. I got curious and seriously calculated how much the average household on a well spends per year on the electricity to run the well (at our elec. rates, of course). (Most other costs are pretty fixed--like pump maintenance and septic pumping.) Turned out it was just $50!

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Twice a day, every day.


I have to shower every morning to wake up, get my muscles unkinked, and get my hair to cooperate.


I shower again at night because I cannot stand to go to bed feeling at all gritty or sticky.


I am a fat, perimenopausal woman, from easily-overheated Irish stock, and I live in the hot, humid Southeastern region of the US. I NEED MY SHOWERS!:tongue_smilie:

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I voted 3x a week but actually it would be closer to twice a week.

I only use water on my body, no soap.

Like others my hair is much better with less washing and I'm quite oily but it has stopped my body overproducing oil.


In summer when it's hot I ssometimes shower twice a day, I like to shower right before bed and not dry off...keeps me cool :)

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