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Son is missing UPDATE HE'S HOME!


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I'm sure he's fine. But he was supposed to walk home from the school after the PSAT, and it was finished by 11:45, and it's now 1:10. He should have been home a while ago. And i've driven a loop from my house to the school multiple times, and not seen him. He's no where between here and there. I know he finished testing because I called the school and asked, and they said testing finished up between 11:30 and 11:45. So where is he???


I'm sure he's probably safe, and doesn't realize I'm freaking out. But I'm freaking out!!!


He doesn't have a phone on him, as his is broken. I offered him mine but he didn't want it, as he couldn't have it during the testing anyway. I told him to call me from the office if he wanted a ride. And that i'd probably drive over there and try to spot him wlaking home so he didn't have to walk the whole way in the heat. (Florida, so it's still hot). 


I'm going to kill him once I know he's okay. 

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No update yet. About to go look for him again. 


I had thought he couldn't possibly be hanging out with friends because they would have to go to class. But maybe it was lunch period, and I could see him hanging out maybe during that, even though technically he's not supposed to be there as he's not a student there anymore. I don't know how many friends he has, but he did attend there part of last year. 


Hoping that is all it is. UGH!


Oh,and I just gave him an additional assignment today, out of spite (partially). Don't make mama mad when she's lesson planning!

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No update yet. About to go look for him again.


I had thought he couldn't possibly be hanging out with friends because they would have to go to class. But maybe it was lunch period, and I could see him hanging out maybe during that, even though technically he's not supposed to be there as he's not a student there anymore. I don't know how many friends he has, but he did attend there part of last year.


Hoping that is all it is. UGH!


Oh,and I just gave him an additional assignment today, out of spite (partially). Don't make mama mad when she's lesson planning!

If his friends go to the school, are you sure they have class. Our public high school gives the PSAT and then does an early release. Everyone in grades 9-11 takes the test and goes home. Grade 12 gets the day off.


I hope it was an early release day and he's playing video games in a friend's basement not realizing he's worrying his mother.

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Found him! He was walking home. He says they got out later than the lady at the school told me (maybe he did, maybe he didn't). And then he stopped at a vending machine on campus to get something to eat. 



However, when he realized I'd been looking for him for an hour he called me crazy and said he can take care of himself. 


I am now eating the sub I bought for him, cause he can buy his own damn subs if he feels that way. Brat!


Also, for explanation, we live in the city with the highest pedestrian death rate in the country. 

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Katie, there are multiple reports of the PSAT running long this year, because of the new questions asked before the test actually begins. Dd finished more than an hour late.


Glad he's home!  ^This is true.  They always say to pick up the homeschoolers at 12:30 (our district tests the homeschoolers at the central office rather than at a school) and in the past they've always been done by 12.  This year they got out just before 1.

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Okay, good to know that part is probably true. 


He is glad I care about him when it means he gets a sub. He's not glad I care about him when it means I worry about him. Sorry kid, can't have it both ways. 


I explained to him that when someone says they were worried the response should be, "Oh, I'm sorry you were worried." Not "What's wrong with you."


But he's still being a snot. And I'm not much better. 


Oh, and I had to wake the littles up before dawn for the first time in their lives, and then fed them donuts so they are tired and insane. Not helping. 

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Last year my DD's quiz bowl coach asked her at school one day if she could be a last-minute sub for a teammate who went home sick. She agreed to go but neglected to tell me about the change in plans! After the initial panic when I was unable to locate her in person or contact her by phone after school that day, I figured out where she probably was and confirmed it with another team parent. DD called me back as soon as she turned her phone on (they weren't allowed to have them on at all during the meet). She hadn't forgotten to tell me—it simply didn't occur to her that I would wonder where she was after school that day. We had a discussion after they got back and haven't had that problem since.


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DD got out almost an hour late as well.  The school did call though.


Yes, if I'd expected one time based on what they said this morning, I wouldn't have been as worried. But I called at 12:45 and was told they'd been out since 11:45. It seems weird that they would say that if they weren't out, but it may be that some classrooms were done before others. My son says they sent all the late people to his classroom and so they teacher, who was new, had ot figure out who to call for more test booklets, calculators, pencils, etc. 


But hearing, "Oh, they finished an hour ago" seemed pretty reliable. 

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Yes, if I'd expected one time based on what they said this morning, I wouldn't have been as worried. But I called at 12:45 and was told they'd been out since 11:45. It seems weird that they would say that if they weren't out, but it may be that some classrooms were done before others. My son says they sent all the late people to his classroom and so they teacher, who was new, had ot figure out who to call for more test booklets, calculators, pencils, etc. 


But hearing, "Oh, they finished an hour ago" seemed pretty reliable. 

I hope you apologized to him once you found out that he was telling the truth.  

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I hope you apologized to him once you found out that he was telling the truth.  


I never accused him of not telling the truth. i had no way to know either way, so left that alone. He's just not always the most trustworthy, so in the back of my head I was wondering. 

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Just agreeing with the others. My daughter did the PSAT here in Turkey yesterday and they ran through the end of their lunch break, much longer than anticipated. She said all the pre test stuff took ages, especially entering non standard English nanes (with umlauts etc). Glad your guy is safe and sound!

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