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What do you have to do that you totally don't feel like doing?


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My friend is on her way here to finish figuring out our co-op finances. I am tired and cranky and I don't feel like dealing with it. But we need to get it done. So she's coming. And now I hear a fight erupting in my living room and I don't want to hear it. :glare::glare::glare:

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Well, back during those wonderful spring Iowa flooding, my basement flooded. I got a good foot of water and it ruined a LOT of stuff.


I finally got all the mess cleared out and trashed, but now all the stuff that is left needs to be packed into plastic boxes (Rubbermaid?) and/or stored on plastic shelves. And I. just. DON'T. want to go down there.


So I will continue to procrastinate as long as possible.

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My friend is on her way here to finish figuring out our co-op finances. I am tired and cranky and I don't feel like dealing with it. But we need to get it done. So she's coming. And now I hear a fight erupting in my living room and I don't want to hear it. :glare::glare::glare:


Right now? I have to go take a shower, and I don't feel like it :glare: Ya know you're tired (worn out) when you just want to collapse into the bed -- I know it'll feel even better once I'm all clean :D


Wish I could just wiggle my nose and be done though!


Anj, I hope your meeting just goes smoothly and quickly!!

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Pretty much everything. I avoided all this week. Rarely cooked, finally washed laundry, but did nothing else around the house. This weekend I need to get groceries and plan food for next week. I have about 10 loads of laundry to fold. And the house needs major picking up since I have company coming next week for my birthday. And what *have* I done? Knitting, of course!:D

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A friend of mine sent me a book I told her I would read and it is still sitting in the bubble envelope on the table next to me. It's been there for about ten days.


I have to plan for our trip to Williamsburg next week.


I have to plan for school.


I am glued to the Ike coverage. I'm just being lazy.


Oh, and I need to go get on that elliptical. Ugh.

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Clean the shower curtain.

Wash my hair.

Put Isaac to bed.

Put the keys and the wallet down and STOP heading out to the grocery store to buy peanut M&Ms.


I only have two hundred more words on the article.

The sheets won't take long.

I already ate a bag of M&Ms this week.

So why are the keys still in my hands??


At least Isaac can brush his own teeth and tuck himself in . . .

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I have to call parents and set up appointments for them to come in and register their kids for our weekend religious school program. I have to set up a schedule, make sure attendance sheets are ready, and placement tests are ready as well. I don't wanna do it! I don't wanna do it! I don't wanna do it! I was supposed to start this a while ago ... *Queen of Procrastination* ... I have dubbed myself. I still don't wanna do it!


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I need to do dishes that have piled up for three days while my dd was sick and I was getting there--just got my "friend", or "curse" for the month, however you'd like to see it. Plus, after, I have to clean my kitchen, which is a wreck.


Instead, I am sitting here, at my comp. Not getting anything done. Not feeling AT ALL guilty! And my dishwasher is broken, and sticks, so I have to sit here through the whole thing so it doesn't burn up (yes, I have a dishwasher, so it isn't that bad, but my cat threw up in the sink where my dd always piles dishes, she apparently can't put anything in a dishwasher--um, not just because I didn't unload it).


I'm having pet probs here! But my cat is 18, so I forgive her anything... almost.

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I need to clean up my office -- but I need a bookcase, first, so we'll go with that one.


The worst "infraction" is that I need to put the suitcases away from our trip in JUNE! Every time I walk past them, I think of "Everybody Loves Raymond." :blushing:


But the only person I'm having a power struggle with is me.

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I need to clean up my office -- but I need a bookcase, first, so we'll go with that one.


The worst "infraction" is that I need to put the suitcases away from our trip in JUNE! Every time I walk past them, I think of "Everybody Loves Raymond." :blushing:


But the only person I'm having a power struggle with is me.


That's right, and you know what I always used to say:


Don't let the suitcase full of cheese become your big knife and fork!!!

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I feel like I should still be doing things for school, but it's 11 pm, so I guess I can stop. Beowulf, I should be reading that, I guess.


We finished school with out rescheduling anything this week, I graded everything as it came, and even after pouring all my brains out into TOG, I found dd needed help w/geometry and chemistry at about 4 pm today. Did that, with the help of chocolate.


House is clean, laundry's done, everything's set for next week (which took me hours early this evening). I'd like to know why things that take most people a short time take me f-o-r-e-v-e-r. You know those 'cook dinner in 30 minutes or less' recipes? They take me an hour or two. Guess I just stop to think about it too much, or move too slowly, or something.


Even though I accomplished all of the above, I know I need a menu plan. We're starving, because now with this heavy school schedule and all this time required out of me after school (and I'm the slow one here!), I haven't cooked since early this week.


But I do not want to think about menus and dinners right now. I don't want to think at all.

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Well, back during those wonderful spring Iowa flooding, my basement flooded. I got a good foot of water and it ruined a LOT of stuff.


I finally got all the mess cleared out and trashed, but now all the stuff that is left needs to be packed into plastic boxes (Rubbermaid?) and/or stored on plastic shelves. And I. just. DON'T. want to go down there.


So I will continue to procrastinate as long as possible.


Wow, good luck with that.


I just have to finish unpacking and moving in and organizing. I've been procrastinating the final organizing from the move, but enough's enough.


And Gustav brought a small leak that soaked a bit of carpet, but nothing like you had.

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Finish packing up my house..Paint..Finish mosaic's for close friends..bills.




But..I am thankful for the move (in some ways) Glad to have good friends to do special things for..glad for the money.


but darn it..I just want a Corona and a nap.:glare: Is that horrible of me?


lol...off to cut glass.

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I hate to clean really. The scrubbing or vacuuming is not so bad, its finding where to put all the junk and toys and etc. as I go that I hate. Picking up is my arch nemesis.


We have too much stuff or maybe too many people- 6 in a 1000 square foot house isn't working as well for me as it used to. :glare:

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I have to take dd back to gymnastics this morning for a four-hour practice (she was there last night for three hours), and I have to take ds with me, and we have to leave at 8:00 because it starts at 8:30, and they didn't get to sleep until 11:00 last night because dd had a birthday party after gymnastics and then we all needed to unwind and catch up with each other's days after we got home somewhere between 9:00 and 10:00. It is *not* going to be fun waking them up this morning.


I also really need to give the dog a bath because she really needs one. We are going out of town for the week and our very nice neighbor volunteered to care for the dog so that we wouldn't have to board her, and I don't want the dog to stink when the nice neighbor lady comes to care for the dog. We just got the dog this summer. I am *so* not a dog person and wish daily that we could just find a really nice family who would love to have a high-energy chocolate lab who chews up everything, but is very sweet. But, alas, ds loves her, so I don't think we'll be living out that fantasy.


And (mainly) because of the dog I really need to mop the kitchen floor.

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My friend is on her way here to finish figuring out our co-op finances. I am tired and cranky and I don't feel like dealing with it. But we need to get it done. So she's coming. And now I hear a fight erupting in my living room and I don't want to hear it. :glare::glare::glare:


I have to:

Finish last school year's reports and this year's planning

Clean my house top to bottom

Catch up younger dd in lessons


I'm behind on all because younger dd has been ill and my computer crashed, all at the same time. :glare:

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My son's choir is having their first parent meeting of the year this evening, and I really, really, really don't want to go. I'm not even sure why, except that it's a scheduling hassle. My son has ballet rehearsals this afternoon that overlap the beginning of the meeting, which means my I will have to leave directly from the ballet school to go to the meeting while my husband drives downtown (and he HATES to drive) on a weekend afternoon when he would otherwise be at home.


Plus, the meeting includes a potluck dinner. We're supposed to bring a dish to feed 30, and I just. don't. want. to. cook. And, given the fact that I will be at the ballet school for two hours before I head over to the meeting, I can't reasonably bring anything that has to be either hot or cold. I think I've finally decided to cop out and just bake something, but even that will require a trip to the market this morning because I'm out of at least one ingredient for everything I can think of to make.


I suspect part of my attitude may be a hold-over from last year, too. When I went to this meeting last year, I had just dropped my daughter off for her freshman year of college and was in the middle of a whole lot of stress. My son had to stay home with my husband (because this is a chlid-free event), and my husband was in an awful mood because of some stuff at work. So, my son was calling or texting me every half hour wanting to know when I was coming home, while the meeting dragged on for almost three hours.


Did I mention how I really, really, really don't want to go?


Oh yeah, and right now I have to go clean the cats' litter box, because it's icky.

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Go to the post office.

Vacuum. (I don't mind this, it's the picking up before-hand that I dread.)

Clean the bathrooms.

Deal with the laundry - lots of clean, very little folded. :glare:

Clean the bathrooms.

Organize the school stuff.

Go through some history books and get organized with spines. (Actually, I *want* to do this one, but the other stuff has to get done first.)

Organize the Little People (the Fisher Price kind, not the actual children, though it's tempting) into the Rubbermaid boxes I bought for them.


:willy_nilly: Guess I'd better hop to it!

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Laundry (I'm at the point where I have no underwear left. Now I *have* to do the laundry)


Clean the bathroom.


Organize the kitchen. I just bought a wire rack/shelf thing and I'm trying to get things organized and easy to find. The shelving unit was so hard to put together. "Takes 10 minutes with no tools!" is one of the biggest lies ever told!


Two hours and one rubber mallet, one screwdriver, and a pair of pliers, along with two additional people and it finally got put together!

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