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Will I miss this?

Desert Strawberry

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It's 5 am. Luna is up for the day. We cosleep, which gives me more sleep, but she still nurses every 1-2 hours around the clock. And she sometimes needs to wake up in the night for a solid food feeding as well. She's a low-weight-gain baby, so I really can't afford not to indulge her. But Taurus was a big fatty and he did the same thing. I just can't see not feeding a hungry baby. 

I love the baby stage, especially newborns. I'm not a big sleeper, and I'm super flexible. 4 out of five of my babies were good sleepers and that other one wasn't terrible, either. 

I've been doing this for almost 13 years. I am TIRED. It must be my age, but I am just so tired. I want to cry from fatigue about 80 percent of the time. I'm a little sobby right now. 


I do love these quiet mornings. I would certainly not wish this away. I am so fortunate to have her. She is overall a great, easy, cheerful baby.


But I'm tired.


We always hear, "You're going to miss this." 

Am I really going to miss this? Am I going to wake up at 7am and think, "Ah darn. No one woke me 7 times last night. Bummer."?

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You will probably miss some of the fuzzy highlights of what it's like to be doing nighttime baby care all cuddled up in bed -- but you won't miss the effort it costs you or the sheer repitition and massive volume of it. You'll get rose-coloured glasses like the rest of us.


(Hang in there.)

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I am betting on not missing it! I was up at 5:30 am with my almost 6 mo old. I just finished getting him back to sleep as he was overly tired, and I want to sob myself as I was desperate to take a nap with him. My dd5 has boundless, loud energy from the moment her eyes open and she is uh, overly exuberant this morning.


Alex had to be bottle-fed from 3 weeks on, and slept really well. This tubby boy wants to nurse all.night.long. I have never been a big sleeper, and chronic pain has me awake more often than not, especially since I am not taking pain meds so that I can nurse....but my age is catching up with me and I am exhausted:)


You have had a long road with little Luna! I think you will miss her baby smiles and coos, but love sleeping as well:)

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No one misses being woken up 7 times a night. lol. Don't worry about savouring those :P


Actually, I AM finding I am missing the 5am feedings right now though.... BUT all three of mine have been amazing sleepers so far, those 5am feedings only lasted around 3 months. If I was 5am feeding for a year, it might be a different story lol. 

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Nope.  I have some good memories of snuggling with babies through the night because I coslept and nursed through the night too, but there is not one single part of me that actually wants to return to it. Not even a little bit.  You can have some good memories of something without wanting to actually do it again.

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Who says that while you're in the throes of sleep deprivation?  Seriously and sorry, but that's just stupid.  Sure it's a joy watching a newborn grow and cuddling them, but there are plenty of downsides to pregnancy and post partum.  There's a reason PPD is so prevalent.

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I really loved my babies.  I loved carrying them around in slings and I loved sitting down in the evening with a sleeping baby in my arms.  I loved talking to them and reading to them and bathing them.  I was not in a hurry to move on to the next stage.  But, my youngest just turned 10.  I can honestly say that, while I loved the baby stage, I do not miss it.  I do not yearn to go back.  

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I don't at all.


I love waking up thinking "I slept all night long. Ahhh."


The cool thing about parenting is that of course they do outgrow the sweet snuggly baby phase, but then they do some pretty cool, cute stuff at other phases too.


I think some moms of 1 or 2 kids might  miss these phases more than moms of many or of moms who have kids spread out more. \


You should see me on the nights sthat someone has a bad dream or gets sick or something. I don't know what to do with being woken up in the middle of the night anymore. "Wha....???? Go to bed. We're all sleeping."



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I have fond memories of my babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, on up. I do not miss those stages, though.


DH is out of town and this morning - I set my alarm, got up, dressed, brushed teeth, then nudged my kids' feet to tell them I was leaving and went for a gorgeous early morning walk with a friend. I get to be a person again! Bliss!

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My fatty guy just started sleeping through the night about a month ago, after being up 2-5 times a night (I know we discussed this previously). He is now sleeping in big brother's room. No, I don't miss it. At all.


The downside of him sleeping so well is that now I'm feeling all itchy for another baby and it seems doable again because I'm not a zombie! That's no good, since I'm supposed to be waiting multiple years to give my body a break. But with rest everything seems much more doable.

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You will not miss the lack of sleep, but you will miss the baby snuggles. At least I do.


My grandkids (3 month old and two year old) were visiting for the whole month of September. Yes, lucky me! I had so much fun with the two year old especially. I could not get enough of her cuteness and her curiousity and her wonder at all the things in the world, but it made me remember how exhausting having little ones is. I was so sad to see them go home. But I will have to honestly say, I do NOT know if I could keep that up now full time. And that comes from someone who runs very long distances for fun.

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Loved my babies but DD didn't sleep well at all...and still doesn't at 15, poor kid.  At least now she can soothe herself back to sleep.  Things were so bad that first year that I quite literally forgot my own name, or who I was, or where I was, or who DD belonged to...twice.  


But even if she had slept well, while I miss the cuddles, I don't think I would want to go back and do any sort of consistent long term sleep deprivation again.  In fact, there isn't enough money in the world for me to go back to the infant years now.  I don't have the stamina, the energy or the knees.  :)

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I'm a huge devotee of sleep. Even while I miss the squishy newborn my youngest used to be, I'll never miss sleep deprivation. :) It's great that you're enjoying what part of it you can, but I think you'll enjoy sleeping in. When my first two outgrew the baby stuff and I could sleep in on Saturdays and they could get themselves up and fed and dressed and start their day without me, I very much enjoyed it. When I unexpectedly got pregnant with my third, that was one of my first thoughts. "But I love to sleep!"

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