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the "princess" thread made me think about nicknames...

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How many of you have nicknames for your children that others think are terrible?


Our oldest, very dramatic dd (14) has been known as Senorita Psychopath & Emo Barbie on occasion. These nicknames make her (and us) laugh during her temper tantrums and she gets over it quickly. One of the ladies at our church was horrified & gave me a lecture about bad parenting.


If anyone at any time says "I don't like that name" it can not be used again. Usually nicknames that refer to personal appearance are off limits too, but I have been known to be surprised by the eyeliner my dd cames out of the bathroom wearing and I end up telling "Elvira" or "Cleopatra" to try again.


Anyone else? Or am I alone in my bad parenting?


Just wondering


Amber in SJ

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People hate my kids' nicknames in general, oldest DS has always been a Boo or Booski. But what really gets people, is DD, because I call her Meenie. It's a spinoff of her name. And belive me, she can get really mean!


I call #3 Ham as a play on his name, but recently Chief fits him better when he screams and turns red because he's displeased with the service. It's not a very PC name though. I'm sure others won't like that one too.

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We use various nicknames all the time, especially while our kids are pre-verbal.


My mother was a militant, anti-nickname activist, bless her heart. I just can't get worked up about it.


Ds10 does not like nicknames, so he doesn't have one.


The girls are often "Bail" and "Porgs" after lots of morphing from Haleigh and Morgan. (Haleigh-Baley and Morgy-Porgy) They don't have a problem with it, but I find myself feeling kind of funny when I use them in public.


And then there's the Conman.

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Eldest is frequently called 'oblivious'...he has his moments ya know ;) and to really roll off the tongue...Leviticus Oblivious :D He just rolls his eyes.


All the other kids nicknames are in my sig, those are what are commonly used.


Yo and Nugget are major morphs from their names. (your mind is reeling now isn't it? LOL)


And they are all "freaks" :p or "dude".


But we don't do any shortened versions of their names ie Joe from Joseph, Bill/Will from William...none of that, though a couple could have such.

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Yes, we do nicknames but not to the extreme that others might take. We have a Bina-bug and a doodle-bug and the other kids have nicknames that are just their proper names shortened. Although Doodle bug has also been goose. I forgot about that one!


My sis takes it to a new level though - She calls her daughter at least 5 different nicknames - most of which make my skin crawl. "princess" happens to be one, cappy, lella and yet another : "J" :ack2:

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How many of you have nicknames for your children that others think are terrible?


Our oldest, very dramatic dd (14) has been known as Senorita Psychopath & Emo Barbie on occasion. These nicknames make her (and us) laugh during her temper tantrums and she gets over it quickly. One of the ladies at our church was horrified & gave me a lecture about bad parenting.


If anyone at any time says "I don't like that name" it can not be used again. Usually nicknames that refer to personal appearance are off limits too, but I have been known to be surprised by the eyeliner my dd cames out of the bathroom wearing and I end up telling "Elvira" or "Cleopatra" to try again.


Anyone else? Or am I alone in my bad parenting?


Just wondering


Amber in SJ


I'm so glad my son doesn't read this board -- :lol:


My daughter was "Buggie" 'cause she was a Love Bug.


Okay --


Our first nickname for him was "Boo" / "Boo-Boo." Now, I must explain, that while he *was* a surprise, we have never considered him to be a "mistake" or anything like that -- he was a *pleasant* surprise. The nickname came from "Boo-Boo Bear" because he was always so sweet and steady -- like Boo-Boo. Then we have "Sugar Bear" and "Sugar Booger" -- which was not my invention!


The guys on his football team called him "Tree" -- I think they were reaching for *something* :lol:


Lately, his friends have been calling him "Lurch" -- which he actually really likes. Go figure. :lol:

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I think humor can be effective parenting as long as it is not demeaning. I find that it helps keep the tone light while having the intended result of getting the point across. It is usually followed by a playful eyeroll on the part of my children:) So, no, not bad parenting. BTW, I am the queen of not wanting to hurt people's feelings, including my children. I have found myself doing this with other people's kids in my care and they just don't know what make of me. When I get the quizzical look, I know I need to backpedal.

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My oldest is crash b/c shes ashley & clumsy. My youngest boy is bug or catfish. My youngest girl answers to bot or turbo.


All FOUR children answer to nerd or psycho. yeah I know bad parenting BUT.. ironic thing is they always know which one I am addressing at the time. ?!?! (& even though I don't think I need to say it, they know I'm joking.)



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Well lets put it this way, DS1 is Monkey Butt and DD1 is Blinkie due to an eye tic (she earned her nickname before we knew it was a tic and it stuck) My family think they are just terrible nicknames, DS2 is boo bear and they approve of that one. DD2 is princess poopoo which they think is cute since she is not even a year old yet

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A homeschool mom commented once about dd and my nicknames for eachother. She was surprised about me allowing my dd to call me "lady". But then I let her know it was in response to us calling dd "baby girl" for years and it had gotten shortened to just 'girl'. Around that time 'girl' started jokingly calling me 'hey, ladie'. It really was a legit nickname and had nothing to do with being disrespectful.


I had never thought of it as disrespectful because I knew why she called me that. It is funny how the world looks so different to other people. It makes me wonder how much better we would all get along, if we lived more open lives.

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Our oldest, very dramatic dd (14) has been known as Senorita Psychopath & Emo Barbie on occasion. These nicknames make her (and us) laugh during her temper tantrums and she gets over it quickly.



I had to laugh at these! We don't have any nicknames based on behavior here, but a friend's little girl was quite a handful as a preschooler. They called her "Histrionica."

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Isabella has the most in our house - Pinkerton, Pinky, Belasarius, Bell-wella, Belsie-Pie, Belsie-welsie, Isabella-Vanilla, Bella-Boo, Boo-Pie, The Boo, Isaboo, Belly button, Bellicose Belle, Pecos Belle, The Kraken


Our other daughter called herself Market for Margaret when she was little. Now she is Markie, Markie-Farklestein, Markie-doodlebug. sometimes I call her Snarky Markie when she is, you know, snarky! :rolleyes: She has been signing things Greta lately. I think this is a sign she is growing up and trying to put some distance between herself and Markadoo!



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How many of you have nicknames for your children that others think are terrible?


The worst one we use routinely is "rodents" as a collective name for both kids when it's time to go somewhere. "To the car, rodents!" or "Roooooooodents? Where arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre youuu?" etc. I've gotten some looks from others around when the kids actually answer to being called rodents.


Pie is The Pie because when she was a newborn, dh would determine her flavor based on how she woke up. Sweet and cooing = chocolate pie, banana cream pie; crying = key lime pie, rhubarb pie, etc. It was one of the few things I smiled about in the throes of postpartum depression! :001_smile: She has been The Pie for almost 10 years now.


Moose is Moose because he was a big baby with a great big head. There are meese all over his room. He is nearly 3 years younger than Pie but he outweighs her by about 8 lbs and wears a size or two bigger than hers.

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Oldest son is Bub, oldest daughter is Thug, because she bosses the triplets. Triplet girl is Pinky cause she loves pink and the boys are so identical that I often call them "hey, you boy".


We have referred to the trips as "this one, that one and the other one" and people think it's awful that I refer to them as the triplets, like I'm robbing them of their identity. I guarantee you they know who they are.

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Both my kids have nicknames that have stuck from early infancy (several actually). We actually use nicknames more than real names - sometimes people will look at us funny!


My ds is "goobs" - I hate it, but I'M the worst offender - it just sticks to him! When he was an infant he had a watery, sticky eye - kwim? And when people asked about it I'd just say, "he just has a goobery eye". So we started calling him goober. A few people thought that was horrible (as did I but I couldn't help it!). His eye cleared up after a couple months, but the nickname lives on!

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I have a bad habit of calling my boys "poopsie." :D My Jeremy, I call him Jeremy-pooh. He hasn't hit the age where it embarasses him. My oldest gives me the death stare if I call him "poopsie" in front of his friends. Other than that we don't really do nicknames.


Funny nickname story:

My dad called my sister "squeaker" when she was little because she had a very high, squeaky voice. To this day she is still "squeaker." When she went to school she used to write her name Laurie Ann Squeaker Laffey.:lol:

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My dd has had the nickname Sissy(shortened from sister) since she was a baby.

My oldest two are only 18 months apart so big brother wasn't very old when his sister was born.

Dd gets called Sissy by almost everyone in the family~I don't think she minds it.. Sometimes I hear her talking to her baby brother and she will say something about sissy :D


My Ds13 for some reason gets called George a lot~don't know why since it's not his name :lol:


I call the baby Pumpkin :D

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We've called DD, "Forg" since the day she was born. When I woke up after delivery, there she was on my DH's chest with tears streaming down his cheeks and her leggs all "frogged" out under her. Sometimes Daddy calles her, "Froggie" when he's being particularly endearing.


She did go through a colic stage where I breidfly called her, "Osama bin Baby." I HATE colic.


My son has never really had a nickname. He has an old family name (he's a IV) that just seems to suit him. And I was so fragile about him because he's on the autism spectrum when he was a year or so and realizing we had something different going on, that no one really teased him and gave him one.



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but only in private.


My eldest son was/is pretty crabby at certain times of the day, sometimes ALL day, and we call him Bandersnatch and say that he's "frumious" (this is from Jabberwocky). His other nicknames are Ky (a family nickname for Carl, which he uses as his "real" name), on occasion Bug (for Lovebug), Fred, or Clyde (the latter two when he says something that, upon reflection, is just downright stoopid).


My younger son was always, and still is, pretty laid back. He's Borogove, and said to be "mimsy" (also from Jabberwocky). Otherwise, he gets the same nicknames as his elder brother (i.e., Bug, Fred, or Clyde) with the exception of when he gets a haircut. Then, he's "Spike" for the way his hair stands on end because of all his cowlicks. Recently, he wanted everyone to call him "Wes" for some unknown reason. We failed to oblige, and he gave it up.

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My dad always called my brother "Walter". That's not his name. It was after Walter Mitty that indearing man in the old movies who never paid attention and ended up in the crazy adventures.

It stuck. Permanently. And now I find myself calling Huck Walter sometimes. I kind of like it.


My mother called me Louise--after the snake in A Wrinkle in Time.


I have no idea why. I didn't mind!

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Well, my older son Kyle has really coarse hair that we have to keep really short because if it starts to grow it doesn't grow down it grows out and he looks like a chia pet. So we call him Chia Kyle.


My younger son is adopted from Korea and my younger brother (who is a doofus) nicknamed him "the little eggroll" when we first got him...which is stupid since I am pretty sure that eggrolls did not originate in Korea but you can't tell my brother that. OTOH, making fun of you is my brother's way of showing he cares. It's kind of messed up.

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dd is Boo (from Monsters Inc) or megalomaniac (a play on her name and also at times very fitting), Baby Girl, megmo

ds8 has kinda "outgrown" all his nicknames. I do tend to call him FamilyMan, b/c he's the one that made us a family instead of a couple - this he doesn't object to. Sometimes, when I tuck him in, I still call him "my boy, my boy, my pride & joy". MIL got me out of the habit of referring to him as "my boy" in public

ds6 is The Man, b/c "man" kinda rhymes with his first name. Mostly I tell him to bring his brick over here, referring to his head, cuz he has a hard head, which he calls "my brick" so funny to hear him say "I fell and bonked my brick". Sometimes Brickhead or Brickle boy.

When I'm tired I say, "go get that other kid that looks like you but is not you" or "sibling roundup" 'cuz I can't think of names and don't want to go through all of them before I get to the right one like my grama always does!

when they're not around, I refer to them as 2 Monsters & a princess. As in "I have...."

BTW I loved reading everyone else's nicknames!

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Oldest is usually bugglett, or buggies. We always called her chels-bugg when she was little and that translated into bugglett, which has translated into buggies. Of course, now she's 19 so she's not loving it, but she will answer!


#2dd is Alex or Al, which is basically just a shortened name. My sister, who is a lunatic in her own right, calls everyone a name with poo on the front, so she calls her poo al, which has been shortened, at times, to just poo. She doesn't seem to mind though.


#3dd is Em or schmims


#4ds is zackie-butt or zack-attack or z-boy, or just z sometimes


My favorite is my nephew (who was born my junior year - I took him to show and tell for my marriage and family class). His name is Rusty. We used to call him pusty, then it turned to pus-ball and then my kids started calling him the pus-ball that busted. Gross I know, but there's nothing like hollering, "pus-ball," to him in front of a new girlfriend, especially now that he's 24!

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My older daughter is often called Ka-Laire (a play on her name), Girly Girl, and Blondie (because I'm still in shock that I have a child with blond hair). She refers to herself as K-K to her little sister.


My son is Pitter Pat, but he prefers to say he's a Transformer.


My younger daughter is either Tricky or Alli-Cat. She'll probably never know her real name because it's never said.

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Well lets put it this way, DS1 is Monkey Butt and DD1 is Blinkie due to an eye tic (she earned her nickname before we knew it was a tic and it stuck) My family think they are just terrible nicknames, DS2 is boo bear and they approve of that one. DD2 is princess poopoo which they think is cute since she is not even a year old yet


We have a Money Butt as well. She used to think that it was because of her big ears. :bigear: If fact, it is due to the way she would wrap her legs around us when we were holding her.

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