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Wow...things look different around here!

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Hi, guys! I'm back for a bit. :)


Updates on me: As you know, I've stopped selling MWS. It needs to be updated, and while I might do it someday, I don't have time to do it right now. I'm currently teaching English and marine biology at a co-op nearby. While it's been fun for my children to be there, we've found that it's not really meeting their needs. Last week my 10th grader came to us and asked to go to the public high school. After considering his request, and knowing how bored he is with his co-op classes, we agreed. He starts on Monday. The school was pleased with his transcript and work samples and has put him in several honors classes. He's thrilled, and we are thrilled for him.


In addition, in the fall I'm planning to put the three younger boys in the school as well (they'll be in 6th, 7th, and 9th grades). They want to go, and I'm ready to let them. I feel like I've given them a solid educational foundation, and of course I'll stay involved in their schooling. I'm happy about it, and am enjoying my last few months of homeschooling. The twins are very happy at college. Life is good. :)



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I sounds like life and great and that is wonderful to hear. I miss you around here, but I can understand the reason. Thank you very much for suggesting Science Explorer for middle grades. My son and I just finished the last book, and we completely enjoyed them. You have been a real blessing to the boards. Best wishes for your and your childrens future endeavors. Keep in touch here when you can.

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Hi, guys! I'm back for a bit. :)


Updates on me: As you know, I've stopped selling MWS. It needs to be updated, and while I might do it someday, I don't have time to do it right now. I'm currently teaching English and marine biology at a co-op nearby. While it's been fun for my children to be there, we've found that it's not really meeting their needs. Last week my 10th grader came to us and asked to go to the public high school. After considering his request, and knowing how bored he is with his co-op classes, we agreed. He starts on Monday. The school was pleased with his transcript and work samples and has put him in several honors classes. He's thrilled, and we are thrilled for him.


In addition, in the fall I'm planning to put the three younger boys in the school as well (they'll be in 6th, 7th, and 9th grades). They want to go, and I'm ready to let them. I feel like I've given them a solid educational foundation, and of course I'll stay involved in their schooling. I'm happy about it, and am enjoying my last few months of homeschooling. The twins are very happy at college. Life is good. :)







I was just-just-just thinking about you (note the happy dog imitation in my subject line :p) and wondering if you were ever going to venture back to the board again. Great to see you!


I'm glad to know that life is good. Sounds like you've got a lot going on (big surprise), and that the kids are growing up and out beautifully. I have been pondering public school for our oldest in recent days, so your post is particularly timely for me.


Please pop in as often as you can...whether you're homeschooling or not. Your posts are always helpful.




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We may be doing the same thing with our middle daughter next year. Our oldest doesn't seem interested in the h.s., so she'll start taking classes at the cc, most likely. But, our middle daughter is interested in h.s. We're not sure what to do yet with the youngest.


My husband was diagnosed with an enlarged heart in the fall; he had a defibrillator implanted and is now doing quite well. However, he felt it would be wise (and I agree) for me to get my master's degree and become "employable", just in case. So, I don't think I can manage homeschooling and graduate school. Our lives will most likely be changing, too! Just wish we had better options here!


Glad to have you back!

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Hi, guys! I'm back for a bit. :)


Updates on me: As you know, I've stopped selling MWS. It needs to be updated, and while I might do it someday, I don't have time to do it right now. I'm currently teaching English and marine biology at a co-op nearby. While it's been fun for my children to be there, we've found that it's not really meeting their needs. Last week my 10th grader came to us and asked to go to the public high school. After considering his request, and knowing how bored he is with his co-op classes, we agreed. He starts on Monday. The school was pleased with his transcript and work samples and has put him in several honors classes. He's thrilled, and we are thrilled for him.


In addition, in the fall I'm planning to put the three younger boys in the school as well (they'll be in 6th, 7th, and 9th grades). They want to go, and I'm ready to let them. I feel like I've given them a solid educational foundation, and of course I'll stay involved in their schooling. I'm happy about it, and am enjoying my last few months of homeschooling. The twins are very happy at college. Life is good. :)




I hope your transition continues to go smoothly :D.

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I will just echo the others and tell you that it's really nice to see you here.

You've been sorely missed.

I am shocked at the changes in your life, but it sounds like they'll be good changes for your family. It must be kind of weird, watching a season of your life come to an end, eh?


Be well, and please do visit sometimes. You know, there are plenty of people here who don't homeschool anymore!


loveshower.gif greenstars.gif dancegirl2.gif

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Hello, Ria!!!! Since you've been gone, *our* dishwasher was hooked up in my new kitchen! :-D The kitchen itself is not yet fully functional as I've got to get the rest of the poly finish on them but, for now, all appliances are operational and we're working from a lame duck position, limping along otherwise. Our current endeavors include emptying the old house to prep it for the market by early spring (painting, refinishing hardwoods, exchanging carpet, etc). Of course, we're doing all this ourselves. :-} After the sign is in the yard, we'll resume renovating and unpacking boxes at the new house.


All in all, we've definitely shifted legs which is a good feeling. We press on.....


Again, it's good to hear from you!



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