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It's been a little tense around here, so I'll share some fun news--update with pics!


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I'm getting a puppy tomorrow!  And the kids do not know.  We are going to give them a box with puppy supplies tomorrow morning and then head out to pick him (or her) up from the breeder.  Little Bit is an Australian shepherd, but we don't know which one we're being assigned or if we'll have a few to pick from.  We have a rescue springer/border collie mix that is the best dog I've ever had, but the kids are dying for the puppy experience.  Two of them are going to be out of the house soon (high school senior and sophomore) so it is pretty much now or never.  Puppy breath!  Puppy belly!  I swear, my husband and I are more excited than the kids could possibly be.  


So, be nice to me, or I won't let you pet my puppy.   :coolgleamA:


ETA:  Pics are below!  He's a cutie, and his name is Hank, after Hank Aaron.

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Awe, have fun with the puppy! And don't let him chew things that aren't his, no matter how adorable he is :lol:


And not only do we need pictures of the newbie, but I demand a group photo of all the canines!

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I'm getting a puppy tomorrow!  And the kids do not know.  We are going to give them a box with puppy supplies tomorrow morning and then head out to pick him (or her) up from the breeder.  Little Bit is an Australian shepherd, but we don't know which one we're being assigned or if we'll have a few to pick from.  We have a rescue springer/border collie mix that is the best dog I've ever had, but the kids are dying for the puppy experience.  Two of them are going to be out of the house soon (high school senior and sophomore) so it is pretty much now or never.  Puppy breath!  Puppy belly!  I swear, my husband and I are more excited than the kids could possibly be.  


So, be nice to me, or I won't let you pet my puppy.   :coolgleamA:


Since you posted this you are no required to share photos.


Enjoy the day!

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Okay, let's see if this works:


This is Hank on his way home.


And this is Hank eating his first meal at home.  Note the bits of food all over the floor.  


He has been much adored all day long and has been a perfect angel.  He has asked out to go potty twice!  We're all besotted with him, and our older dog is tolerating him.  She spent the first hour trying to herd him like he was her sheep.


If my links don't work, I'll try again.  




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Oh, my goodness! Hank is a cutie! I don't think you'll get anything done for several days now!


How did the kids react when you told them you were going to pick him up?

Oh my goodness, it was so much fun! I videotaped them, and even my 17 yo was jumping up and down. My 11 yo, who gets naming rights, disappears from the video because he ran over to hug me. We were worried that the kids would not be as excited as we were. Not a problem!

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He is so cute! And I love the name! Friends of mine had a Golden Retriever named Hank. He was the sweetest dog ever. I kept him at my house several times while my friends were out of town. We went on runs together and I just loved him. He passed away this summer at only 5 years old from renal failure. So that name is very special to me.


You are going to have so much fun with him!

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