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Anyone want to start Couch-to-5k with me next week?


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Anyone else want to spend their summer getting in shape? It's always motivating to have company!  :party:

I may just do this if I can have accountability too. ;)


My cul-de-sac is 1/4 mile round, so I have a track/sidewalk just out my door which is totally awesome. And, I'm planning to take lots and lots of  ibuprofen to be able keep going/get past the initial pain. Perhaps a good 20 min or so stretching the days between runs will help too. I have a few good stretching DVDs. I drink too much coffee and not enough water, so I'll probably have to change that to keep going as well. Hopefully, the exercise just naturally makes me thirsty/want to drink more hydrating liquids. I'm hoping DH will join in; that will be a huge encouragement and motivator. Kids are all stoked, but I'm not sure what their goals should be. A 3 mile run seems a bit much for a 6 year old. :) Anyways, ...


Who's in?!




My nifty Excel plan that I put up in the dining room:



Week 1:  20:00/:60 jog/:90 walk,   20:00/:60 jog/:90 walk,    20:00/:60 jog/:90 walk   (Jun 8-12)  



Week 2:  20:00/:90 jog/2 min. walk,   20:00/:90 jog/2 min. walk,    20:00/:90 jog/2 min. walk   (Jun 18-19)



Week 3:  18:00/1.36 mi.,   18:00/1.36 mi.,   18:00/1.36 mi. (Jun 22-26)              



Week 4:  21:30/2 mi.,   21:30/2 mi.,   21:30/2 mi. (Jun 29-Jul 3)              



Week 5:  21:00/2mi.,   21:00/2mi.,   20:00/2 mi. (Jul 6-10)        



Week 6:  24:00/2.25 mi.,   23:00/2.25 mi.,   22:00/2.25mi. (Jul 19-17)    



Week 7:  25:00/2.5 mi.,   25:00/2.5 mi.,   25:00/2.5 mi. (Jul 20-24)    



Week 8:  28:00/2.75 mi.,   28:00/2.75 mi.,   28:00/2.75 mi. (Jul 27-31)    



Week 9:  30:00/3 mi.,   30:00/3 mi.,   30:00/3 mi. (Aug 3-7)  



*each time includes 5-minute warmup walk      


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I am on week 2 but having to restart do to a severe allergy reaction.


I run on a treadmill :)


That's great you've started! Sorry about that set back. Bummer. That's a great idea to use a treadmill! If you don't mind, what's your current physical condition? For the past decade I haven't done any reg. exercise except walking-slowly and not long distances. Mostly I facilitate my kids getting vigorous exercise. Ha! So, my muscles are super going to hate me in the beginning/duration doing this. As long as I keep taking ibuprofen, I'll be fine, I'm telling myself! I'm excited to get some strength and tone and shape to my legs and just get all those good exercise hormones flowing.

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I'm a couch to 5K drop out, but I'll give it a shot.  Starting Monday?


Gulp.That's the plan. Crossing fingers we can do this!  I've heard about for many years, but it finally seems to be really workable right now. Kids are older, so not pregnant or nursing is a biggie. I really don't think I could have stayed with it before. 

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I'm in! I actually started this last week, but I've been going pretty slow because I've been making DD go with me. I figured it can't hurt for her to be able to run a 5k, right? And I don't feel comfortable going out for a run and leaving her alone in the house.

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That's great you've started! Sorry about that set back. Bummer. That's a great idea to use a treadmill! If you don't mind, what's your current physical condition? For the past decade I haven't done any reg. exercise except walking-slowly and not long distances. Mostly I facilitate my kids getting vigorous exercise. Ha! So, my muscles are super going to hate me in the beginning/duration doing this. As long as I keep taking ibuprofen, I'll be fine, I'm telling myself! I'm excited to get some strength and tone and shape to my legs and just get all those good exercise hormones flowing.

Every November I would start working out. Every spring I could not breathe, get frustrated and stop. This year I know why and am monitoring my health and working with my allergist to make sure I stay healthy. I had to stop all of March and most of April while I fought a sinus infection. It has been slow since but I am managing ok.

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Just a note, don't feel discouraged if you can't hold to your schedule. I'm a C5K dropout. I couldn't get past week 3 and got so discouraged I stopped even trying. DH tried to tell me that I needed to listen to my body and that I didn't really need to hold to someone else's schedule, but I felt like a failure if I couldn't do it the way everybody else was doing it.

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Just a note, don't feel discouraged if you can't hold to your schedule. I'm a C5K dropout. I couldn't get past week 3 and got so discouraged I stopped even trying. DH tried to tell me that I needed to listen to my body and that I didn't really need to hold to someone else's schedule, but I felt like a failure if I couldn't do it the way everybody else was doing it.


Yes to this!


I am not a dropout, just a remedial student. :D Depending on your beginning fitness level, you may have to repeat weeks (maybe more than once) but don't let that stop you! Just keep pushing until you can get to the next level!!


When I started, I could not make it a full lap around the track. Now I regularly run two miles and am working on a third. I've taken over 15 minutes off my 5K time. Just don't give up!


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I'll join!



I'm in! I actually started this last week, but I've been going pretty slow because I've been making DD go with me. I figured it can't hurt for her to be able to run a 5k, right? And I don't feel comfortable going out for a run and leaving her alone in the house.



I would love to join in! Maybe I'll drag my daughter into it with me.  



I'm in!



I'm not starting from the couch but I'm in for running accountability.



I am restarting running after some time off so I'll jump in!



I'll do it!


:party:  :party:


This is going to be so much more fun with you all going for it too.

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Just a note, don't feel discouraged if you can't hold to your schedule. I'm a C5K dropout. I couldn't get past week 3 and got so discouraged I stopped even trying. DH tried to tell me that I needed to listen to my body and that I didn't really need to hold to someone else's schedule, but I felt like a failure if I couldn't do it the way everybody else was doing it.



Yes to this!


I am not a dropout, just a remedial student. :D Depending on your beginning fitness level, you may have to repeat weeks (maybe more than once) but don't let that stop you! Just keep pushing until you can get to the next level!!


When I started, I could not make it a full lap around the track. Now I regularly run two miles and am working on a third. I've taken over 15 minutes off my 5K time. Just don't give up!



Really great truths Night Elf and Peachy Doodle. Moving a mile a day is still really great (so good for you) and better than doing nothing and way more exercise than most. 3 miles does sound like a looong jog to me, but I'll be happy if I can do a light jog at the end and am not pressuring myself to actually be running. I think I'll give my self the goal of getting to 3 miles by the end of summer, so if I have to repeat a few weeks, I won't feel bad. I may find that 3 miles isn't realistic for me and 2 is more reasonable. There's only one way to find out though. 

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Any tips on how to stretch properly? The muscles right above my knees are sore, and right above my ankles too. I'll try this with you all. My one son loves to run, and I just started a couple days ago to try. This sounds perfect since I alternate jogging and walking anyway. As of two days ago, I was a perfect couch potato :)

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I'm interested in starting but I'm afraid I sprained my ankle last night, I fell while rock climbing.  Actually, crossing my fingers that I don't have a fracture.

I will start as soon as I'm better.



Just a note, don't feel discouraged if you can't hold to your schedule. I'm a C5K dropout. I couldn't get past week 3 and got so discouraged I stopped even trying. DH tried to tell me that I needed to listen to my body and that I didn't really need to hold to someone else's schedule, but I felt like a failure if I couldn't do it the way everybody else was doing it.

I agree.  I really like Jeff Galloway's books/article on walking/running.

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Any tips on how to stretch properly? The muscles right above my knees are sore, and right above my ankles too. I'll try this with you all. My one son loves to run, and I just started a couple days ago to try. This sounds perfect since I alternate jogging and walking anyway. As of two days ago, I was a perfect couch potato :)


LOL!  I resemble that remark. :)


I have a couple DVDs I use that are really good. Sorry, I'm not much help other than linking you.





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I'm a dropout too :-( Maybe I'll try again with walking....last time I was doing well and SO proud of myself but I injured my hip doing it and could NOT continue :-( It is apparently a common injury for inexperienced/out of shape runners.

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I'm a dropout too :-( Maybe I'll try again with walking....last time I was doing well and SO proud of myself but I injured my hip doing it and could NOT continue :-( It is apparently a common injury for inexperienced/out of shape runners.

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I'm interested in starting but I'm afraid I sprained my ankle last night, I fell while rock climbing.  Actually, crossing my fingers that I don't have a fracture.

I will start as soon as I'm better.



I agree.  I really like Jeff Galloway's books/article on walking/running.


Aw, what a rotten way to start the summer. I really hope you don't have a fracture!  I'm amazed that you were rock climbing though. That takes a lot of upper body strength of which I do not have. DH likes to rock climb though.


I'll have to look him up. I'm not familiar with him and his views/philosophies. 

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I'm a dropout too :-( Maybe I'll try again with walking....last time I was doing well and SO proud of myself but I injured my hip doing it and could NOT continue :-( It is apparently a common injury for inexperienced/out of shape runners.



I'm a dropout too :-( Maybe I'll try again with walking....last time I was doing well and SO proud of myself but I injured my hip doing it and could NOT continue :-( It is apparently a common injury for inexperienced/out of shape runners.


Oh no! Bummer. I didn't know that was a common injury. I'll have to Google and find out what I can do to hopefully prevent it. :/


ETA. Haha! I now realize your was a double post. I thought 2 WTMers had suffered hip injuries!

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Okay . . . (deep breath) . . . I'm in.


I'm a little scared, but I'm in!


I'm in! I just picked up jogging shorts today bc I had determined to start on Monday. I am definitely at the couch end and may have to repeat the 1st week a few times, but I used to love running-it was a great way to clear my mind and relieve stress.


New shorts are fun!! Great to hear and be encouraged about some of the benefits too.

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Also, when I first started C5K, I used a podcast that had music and someone narrating when it was time to run and walk. It made the time go by faster and I wasn't having to check my watch. I found another one that looks cool, but I don't know how to download it. But I thought I'd link it here just in case anyone is interested. Carli's Couch to 5K

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I'm in. I started C25K in January and made it to week 5, but then due to pneumonia, DH and DS health issues, being busy, etc. haven't been exercising regularly. I think I have done weeks 3 & 4 about 3 times each since February because it has been a day or two on, followed by a week or two off.


But this summer, I have time blocked out in the mornings while the kids are at swim team so I'm really going to try to get through the whole program this time.

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I haven't even started yet, and I'm already coming up with questions and concerns! :)


1. I think a 9 week training schedule is actually pretty ambitious. And since other people have mentioned having problems and dropping it, I am giving myself permission in advance to repeat weeks rather than progress to the next if I feel that I need to. I don't mind taking more than 9 weeks to do this. Heck, I don't care if it takes me the rest of the year. I'll still be in a better place at the end of the year than if I don't do it at all, right?


2. Those of you who did have problems and dropped out, do you remember what week you were in when you ran into trouble? Because if there's a pattern, that might be helpful to know in advance. For example, if lots of people got discouraged during week 6, I might repeat week 5 a few times.


3. I am a sloooow jogger. I mean, pathetically slow. Embarrassingly slow. So when the training schedule says "jog 5 minutes or 1/2 a mile" -- well, yeah, I'd love to be able to cover 1/2 a mile in 5 minutes, but I know that I can't! (Which means, unfortunately, that I won't be able to use those nifty apps or music downloads, I'll have to use my GPS) I just wanted to put that out there in case there is anyone else who runs at the pace of a turtle stampeding through peanut butter. Come hang out with me at the back of the pack. I'll bring the wine. (For after the run, of course. :D )


Oh, on a more serious note, though, for anyone who is a slow runner, or anyone who feels like "I'm not a runner" (both apply to me!) the book The Courage to Start by John Bingham is really encouraging.

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I wish I could! I started it last year and got up to week six, I think it was. I really enjoyed it, but apparently I have a prolapsed bladder, and the running was making it rapidly worse. The doctor basically told me if I kept running like I was I would end up having to carry my bladder around in a bag.  :glare:

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I just did the first day today. I finished couch to 5K before my third, but then stopped running during that pregnancy and haven't managed to pick up a regular exercise habit since.  :o But, I'm determined to do a zombie 5K this fall! They haven't posted fall races on my park district website yet, but I can't wait to sign up, because that's probably the best form of accountability for me. I have allergies, too. I do do some running outside, but I use my treadmill a lot, and I feel justified in indulging in crappy tv (gonna work on the first season of Girls) while I run

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I've had the free app on my Ipod for years.  I've never even started but I'll give it a go.  We belong to the Y and dh has been bugging me to go more often so maybe this will help.  I find walking on the treadmill soooooo boring, maybe this will add some interest.


I definitely plan to take it slow and repeat weeks since I'm greatly out of shape, overweight, have long standing knee problems, and plantar fasciitis.  I will do time not distance especially to start off.

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I'm in :) I have restarted twice lately. I find if I skip a week or two, I need to restart or I get stuck. I successfully finished c25k a couple years ago, lost 25+ pounds and was feeling great. I have gained that weight back and miss loving jogging. I did like it after the initial couple weeks.


My favorite apps are c25k by zen labs. I also keep my distance and speed tracked by runkeeper. I listen to google music while I jog. I will be changing to a free app soon though. Probably spotify or milk.

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I haven't even started yet, and I'm already coming up with questions and concerns! :)


1. I think a 9 week training schedule is actually pretty ambitious. And since other people have mentioned having problems and dropping it, I am giving myself permission in advance to repeat weeks rather than progress to the next if I feel that I need to. I don't mind taking more than 9 weeks to do this. Heck, I don't care if it takes me the rest of the year. I'll still be in a better place at the end of the year than if I don't do it at all, right?


2. Those of you who did have problems and dropped out, do you remember what week you were in when you ran into trouble? Because if there's a pattern, that might be helpful to know in advance. For example, if lots of people got discouraged during week 6, I might repeat week 5 a few times.


3. I am a sloooow jogger. I mean, pathetically slow. Embarrassingly slow. So when the training schedule says "jog 5 minutes or 1/2 a mile" -- well, yeah, I'd love to be able to cover 1/2 a mile in 5 minutes, but I know that I can't! (Which means, unfortunately, that I won't be able to use those nifty apps or music downloads, I'll have to use my GPS) I just wanted to put that out there in case there is anyone else who runs at the pace of a turtle stampeding through peanut butter. Come hang out with me at the back of the pack. I'll bring the wine. (For after the run, of course. :D )


Oh, on a more serious note, though, for anyone who is a slow runner, or anyone who feels like "I'm not a runner" (both apply to me!) the book The Courage to Start by John Bingham is really encouraging.

I agree that it is an ambitious plan. I've successfully used C25K twice (before and after a pregnancy). Both times, I hit a wall at week 3 and week 5. I chose to repeat the previous week, then do the trouble week twice also. So, my an ended up being Week 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. No shame in that! The second time I did C25K, I actually skipped weeks 8 and 9 because I was ready for the full distance after doing my long routine up to week 7.


I am a very slow runner (about a 14 minute mile now, 15-16 minutes back then) so when I do C25K, I run for time, not distance. I absolutely could not have successfully completed C25K for distance back then...it took me 48 minutes to run my first 5K and the training programs only plan for about 30 minutes as the longest runs. Instead, I complete the program for time, then continue to slowly increase my time until I'm running as long as I want to be running. I prefer to run for 60 minutes now, which is about 4 miles, and I throw in longer runs of 1.5 hours (6 miles) weekly or so, but it took me many additional months of training to get to that distance.


If I try to run faster, I get hurt. Because I absolutely love to run, I have no interest in increasing my speed at the risk of injury.


Embrace your pace and have fun!!

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I agree that it is an ambitious plan. I've successfully used C25K twice (before and after a pregnancy). Both times, I hit a wall at week 3 and week 5. I chose to repeat the previous week, then do the trouble week twice also. So, my an ended up being Week 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. No shame in that! The second time I did C25K, I actually skipped weeks 8 and 9 because I was ready for the full distance after doing my long routine up to week 7.


I am a very slow runner (about a 14 minute mile now, 15-16 minutes back then) so when I do C25K, I run for time, not distance. I absolutely could not have successfully completed C25K for distance back then...it took me 48 minutes to run my first 5K and the training programs only plan for about 30 minutes as the longest runs. Instead, I complete the program for time, then continue to slowly increase my time until I'm running as long as I want to be running. I prefer to run for 60 minutes now, which is about 4 miles, and I throw in longer runs of 1.5 hours (6 miles) weekly or so, but it took me many additional months of training to get to that distance.


If I try to run faster, I get hurt. Because I absolutely love to run, I have no interest in increasing my speed at the risk of injury.


Embrace your pace and have fun!!

Thank you so much for posting this. This is such a huge help! Very encouraging.


It never really occurred to me to do it for time instead of distance. I will look at the training schedule again and give that some serious thought. That's probably a really good idea.


Thank you again!


ETA: It's especially encouraging to hear from another not-so-speedy runner. :) The last time I calculated my speed, I ran a 16-minute mile. That was a long time ago, and I'm afraid it might be even worse now! I'm so encouraged to hear that you've gotten your time down to 14. That's great! And it gives me hope. :grouphug:

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