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Crying during symphony?


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I cry at over a lot of things.  My kids mock me for crying while reading to them.   But I can cry over music, movies, even commercials.  Pregnant or not.


Books are the worst for me.  My kids don't mock me exactly, but they think it's kinda crazy when I get like that.  Which is often.  LOL


Sometimes it's so bad I can't read a certain section out loud and have to ask them to do it. 

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Books are the worst for me.  My kids don't mock me exactly, but they think it's kinda crazy when I get like that.  Which is often.  LOL


Sometimes it's so bad I can't read a certain section out loud and have to ask them to do it. 


I have done this.  Rascal was a killer for me.   Parts of To Kill A Mockingbird as well.


They don't mock me in a mean way.  They just think it's so weird.

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Yeah, I cry for all of it. I'm a total sucker for books, movies, commercials, previews, inspiring moments in music (like the symphony & opera), applause, etc.... It's a good thing my kids learned to read well at a young age because I couldn't handle various read-alouds w/out tearing up & they would just look at me so strangely. ("The Christmas Miracle of Jonathon Toomey", I'm looking at you! :toetap05: )


Ironically, my best friend is not the type to cry at movies. So, sometimes, when we go to movies, I'll be bawling & she's not crying at all!!! :tongue_smilie: :lol:  (For example, Terms of Endearment, The Help, Still Life.) I seriously need to just start carrying an entire tissue box with me to some movies.


I often try to avoid some things that make me cry because crying gives me a headache. And, I have to be really careful what books I take in public to read as I don't want to start bawling while waiting for extracurricular practices or when I'm sitting at the coffee shop.

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Books are the worst for me.  My kids don't mock me exactly, but they think it's kinda crazy when I get like that.  Which is often.  LOL


Sometimes it's so bad I can't read a certain section out loud and have to ask them to do it. 


We have this one book, "I Love You Like Crazycakes," which is a super awesome book about international adoption for little ones.  Problem is, I have never been able to read the page about the birth mom without crying.  Ugh.  (Now my kids have outgrown the book.)


I did find a Scholastic DVD with that book on it.  I have to look away at the part that makes me cry.  But at least my kids have now heard it in a normal voice.  LOL.

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I'm a crier, too. A lot of music makes me cry, and I still cry every time I hear Ode to Joy, even if I'm just watching a flash mob video on youtube. Movies are bad — I once took a friend's 4 year old to see ET and as I was crying my eyes out at the end, she looked at me like I was a lunatic and said "it's just a movie you know, it's not real." :tongue_smilie:  


But books are the worst. I've never made it through Charlotte's Web without blubbering. Both of my kids loved Horton Hatches an Egg; I must have read that book aloud 100 times and I cry every. single. time. when the egg hatches and the baby flies to Horton. I can totally picture my kids 20 years from now smirking as they hand the book to their own kids, saying "ask Grandma to read this one..."  :lol:

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You're not alone. My kids were singing and playing 'ring around the rosey' outside the other day, all four of the big ones, and I started bawling in the kitchen. It brought me so much joy to see them all playing together, adorably, with no fighting or whining. They do that a lot, but this particular moment just did me in.


And if my kids are performing? Forget it, I'm toast.


I cry when I hear Queen's song "My Best Friend" because I imagine my daughters performing it together.  They really are best friends (for now anyway).  I'm such a sap.

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I turned 30 and started crying at certain commercials, movies, and sometimes even tv shows. Music does nothing except for the violin. With the violin, it has always made me bawl. My mother said she never heard a toddler weep like I did when I heard a violin play. It is so sad and so so beautiful. 

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Before I had kids, I never cried at books/music/movies.  After that first pregnancy, though, it's like my eyes fill with tears at the slightest emotion.  There's a song on a kids' CD we have called "Little Baby," about baby Moses - it says absolutely nothing about the reason why Moses needed protecting or anything like that, but every.single.time that song plays, my eyes fill with tears.  There are books and movies that get me every time, too.


But crying at music always makes me think of

(warning: Star Trek content).  It's all so verrrrrrrry illogical!
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Before I had kids, I never cried at books/music/movies.  After that first pregnancy, though, it's like my eyes fill with tears at the slightest emotion.  There's a song on a kids' CD we have called "Little Baby," about baby Moses - it says absolutely nothing about the reason why Moses needed protecting or anything like that, but every.single.time that song plays, my eyes fill with tears.  There are books and movies that get me every time, too.


But crying at music always makes me think of

(warning: Star Trek content).  It's all so verrrrrrrry illogical!

Love it!

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Oh my gosh, me too!  I can cry at any type of performance.  I (kind of) play the violin, and beautiful violin or string orchestra music can really get me too!


Pachelbel Canon in D?  Don't even!  :nopity: :crying: :crying: :crying:



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I cry at over a lot of things.  My kids mock me for crying while reading to them.   But I can cry over music, movies, even commercials.  Pregnant or not.


Same here. While I haven't cried at the ballet or symphony I have over other things. Dd and I just watched Frozen (again!) and I still teared up at the end when Anna saves her sister. :blush:

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I cry over everything, including flash mobs on youtube.  I bawled like a baby over the (spoiler) sad love scene in the last Hobbit movie, even though it bothered me that they added it!  It's a little embarrassing, but I guess I'd rather that than a hard insensitivity. 


Oh, man, pregnancy?  A puppy in a commercial was all it would take.

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At symphonies- when/if the audience goes mad with applause makes me cry every time. I don't understand it. Today watching a you tube video of a 16 second ko by Rhonda Rousey made me cry- I kept thinking how sad the other woman was at losing so quickly. Read alouds?!? I cannot count how many children's books have made me sob. I'm a little relieved to read of so many others- because otherwise I'm pretty stoic and non- girly.

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I can absolutely weep in a movie, or emotional music or other performance. I bawled thru parts of the movie War Horse! When he ran thru the barbed wires! WAAAAAHHHHH!


I cried my eyes out when Dobby died. That Bellatrix!


Recently, The Book Thief. And I was watching it in French! But...OMG! "RUDY, Rudy, nein!" I dissolved.

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The second time I saw the opera Norma, I would have followed Pollione into the pyre after Norma. The first time, the singer wasn't as good and I was rather glad it was over. I enjoyed it but I was like, dude just jumped into a fire for no darn reason. With a more vocally accomplished Norma however, the decision to leap into the flames made absolute sense. Like it was a no brainer. I didn't cry but my eyes may have been moist...

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Speaking of pregnant crying: My kids have never done Santa. We've never gone to sit on his lap. It's just isn't our thing. This year there was a Santa at our Christmas tree farm. So DD 10 wants to go see him, nobody else really does. So we all stand in line so she can see him. She goes up there. They have a little tete a tete. Then he asks her what she wants for Christmas. She tells him "a healthy baby". The whole line has a big "aaawww" and I lose it. (On a side note, he asked if there was anything else she wanted, and she said a snake. You'd better believe she got a snake for Christmas.)

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I do not play music, but music definitely moves me and is very powerful to me.  Imagine my shock that my two children are very musically talented and are chosen for special performances in our city.  When they are on stage, I'm a puddle.  I have to record it just so I can see it later fully.  DD's next concert is in March... I already cry over it. LOL


Anymore emotion sneaks up on me when, in one moment I'm feeling great, and the next Let it Grow from the Lorax comes on and I can't hold back the tears??  


We recently went to a symphony where the woodwind section played Let It Go (Frozen), quietly at first, then up to a crescendo and the end was explosive.  Crowd went crazy, I had chills head to toe and was sobbing.  DH leans over and says, "Was it good for you?"  :mellow:   


Commercials, movies, books, etc...not such a big deal for me right now.  Music = ugly cry for some reason.

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