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How many days a week do you cook dinner?

How many nights a week do you cook dinner?  

  1. 1. How many nights a week do you cook dinner?

    • Every.single.night
    • A few times a week
    • What is this "cooking" of which you speak?

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I am actually lucky. We own a restaurant so whenever I want to take it easy and not cook, I can either have Dh bring something home from the restaurant or I can drop by and get it. I usualy do this when DH is working the evening shift that way i don't feel guilty, kinda like I dupped him out of a home cooked meal. When I have a baby though, we eat from the restaurant practicaly every night.

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I cook 3 nights a week (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays)


My hubby cooks 3 nights a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays -- because I have to run out the door to take two of our kids to Tae Kwon Do afterwards


And we eat out on Sunday night (pizza, tacos, burgers,etc....sometimes we go to a sit-down restaurant, but not too often...maybe once every few months, and usually because it's someone's birthday)

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We eat home-cooked meals an average of 5-6 nights a week. Some nights we reheat leftovers, but most nights, I cook. That's not to say that it's gourmet fare every night -- we eat spaghetti and salad, tacos and rice, Thai curry and cucumbers, etc. I'm not a woman who will make a main meal and four side dishes! ;-)


About once a week, on average, dh and I go out, or the whole family goes out.



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I cook four nights a week if I'm planning well - three meals I make to last for two nights, and the fourth is something quick like pasta or homemade pizza (yay for TJ's whole wheat pizza dough!).


I don't always plan perfectly, but that's what I aim for. This way the nights we get home from lessons around 5 or 6 I don't have to worry about prepping a whole meal, but we're also not stuck with takeout or frozen entrees.

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I absolutely love, love, love to cook! How come I never do it then?!?


Maybe it's because this is our house every afternoon about 4:00 -

:boxing_smiley::willy_nilly: :banghead:


The kids came. The budget went and my afternoon sanity right along with it. I'm lucky to throw a piece of chicken on the grill as ds is whining - "Me Hundy Mommy!" and dd is lying on the floor screaming until I carry her to her room to continue her tantrum. Every.day. :D


I normally can come up with someting about 5 days a week. Weekends roll around, mom's ready for a break and we normally will splurge on something that mom doesn't have to prepare. That's life - at least while we have 2 small kids!


Meal planning for a whole month. Wow. Wouldn't want to go on that shopping trip! Kudos to ya!

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Define "cook".

Does it require pots, pans, etc?

Can it be poured into a cereal bowl? Munched out of a to-go container? How many food groups must it represent? :lol:

I'm a pretty good good, if I do say so myself. We just opt not to have a traditional dinner very often as it interrupts practice times. Eggs and oj for one child; pb&j for another...and Cheerios for me :) jk

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I cook dinner pretty well every evening, we eat out maybe 2 times a month. My dh loves fast food burgers (blech) so he gets his fix at least once a week, but it's usually at a lunch when he's out anyway. When I worked I did once a month cooking and it was awesome. I still try to keep to at least a weekly menu, summer is the exception because I have a large garden and we eat what is ready.

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So therefore I cook. We used to have a leftover night, but more often than not we've already eaten the leftovers for lunches and midnight snacks. My grilling man usually takes over for dinner most sundays - his only day home. It's his excuse to sit on the deck 'watching the grill' with his eyes closed. ;)

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The specific number of nights per week varies with the season. For example, right now my son has outside classes/activities that have us out past a reasonable dinner time two nights per week. There are two other days when we can reasonably eat dinner together with his dad after we get home IF I'm organized enough to prep something in advance. I'd say that happens about 50-75% of the time.


So, I probably "cook" an average of five nights per week. As someone else said, though, it's not always anything inspired or complicated.

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Twice a week I cook lunch for 14-18 people or so, so those nights I dont cook- its either leftovers from lunch, or do-it-yourself.

Dh goes out for lunch 2 days a week too, and is not hungry those evenings, usually, so its less incentive to cook a decent meal.

We fuddle through, without our various tastes and preferences. I love to cook and do cook decent meals often, but everyone is quite capable of makign themselves something so I am not a slave to it, either.

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I checked every night because it's more than just a few. I cook usually 6 nights a week. I don't cook at all on Sundays. It's my "work" day, so I need some rest from something! We are part-time staff at church as CE Pastors. I'm our Sunday School Director, then I teach the 4-6 year olds during worship. We eat cereal and stuff for breakfast, eat out lunch, and snack the rest of the day.


Dh does grill sometimes, but I do the stuff inside. Dd helps with supper some as well.

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I cook every night, or, actually, we do. My dd9 loves to cook (thank God!) and can cook, with me in the kitchen, some rather complex things (in a big pan--no frying or anything) like stew or chili or something. And she is amazing! She is so grown up, it really impresses me!


She also loves to make salads to surprise me on days I'm not feeling well, or my sugar is high-she is amazing! So I guess I don't really cook EVERY night, do I? :)

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I usually cook every night, except maybe three times per month. We order something maybe once a month, we go to a church potluck once a month, and we go to someone else's house maybe once a month. I try to do leftovers once a week, but that's not always possible.

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I voted every single night. And I do cook every single night when hubby is home. HOWEVER, I sham cook when he is not home. I make grilled cheese and tomato soup, spaghetti, frozen chicken tenders and such.


Since he got home the other day they are SO much more appreciative of my cooking. :lol:

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My kids and I are gluten-free, so I cook almost every night. Not every one of those nights is a three-course extravaganza, of course...but some are. Last week, my son and I made a four-course Japanese dinner from scratch. By comparison, tonight was just roasted chicken, spinach, and mashed potatoes (I'm under deadline and didn't have time for anything special). And tomorrow will be leftovers because I'm pulling an all-niter tonight and will probably collapse by dinnertime tomorrow.


DH likes to cook occasionally, so I do get a break. He made turkey chili yesterday -- yum! But we don't do restaurants too often, both because of the gluten issue and because it's so crazily expensive for food I can prepare better at home.

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