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Do you go to bed a lot later than the rest of your family?

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I am sitting here in a very quiet house.

My kids are sleeping.

My husband is now sleeping.

I should do likewise, but I'll probably be up for another half hour anyway.


I often go to bed two or three hours later than my husband. I will be putting an end to that next week because school is starting. But it's so hard because I am a night owl.


I know that this question doesn't matter for some of you because you're in a different time zone and it's not late at night there.

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I am sitting here in a very quiet house.

My kids are sleeping.

My husband is now sleeping.

I should do likewise, but I'll probably be up for another half hour anyway.


I often go to bed two or three hours later than my husband. I will be putting an end to that next week because school is starting. But it's so hard because I am a night owl.


I know that this question doesn't matter for some of you because you're in a different time zone and it's not late at night there.



Honestly... I'm the first to bed here... am I a wimp or what??? :D

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Most of the time I'm the last one to bed, but not always. Sometimes dh is up later than me. Tonight he crashed very early on the couch (not officially in bed). Of course, right now I'm 3 hours off schedule and am trying to get back to local time--works better to do it gradually.


I almost never like the idea of going to bed just to go to sleep, but am always very happy to be there once I am. There's illogic for you!!!!!

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I am sitting here in a very quiet house.

My kids are sleeping.

My husband is now sleeping.

I should do likewise, but I'll probably be up for another half hour anyway.


I often go to bed two or three hours later than my husband. I will be putting an end to that next week because school is starting. But it's so hard because I am a night owl.


I know that this question doesn't matter for some of you because you're in a different time zone and it's not late at night there.



I've always been a night owl. My guys worry about me when I finally wear myself out and crash at 9:00 p.m. I can stay up all night -- and love it. It's so nice and quiet and I can actually put *two* thoughts together! I'm "up" in the daytime, but it's a waste of time. My brain doesn't kick in 'til the sun goes down. :D

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I am usually up until midnight or later, the rest of the fam is in bed around 10. I like it when the house is quiet, I can watch what I want on TV or be online without interruptions, and no one is calling or knocking on the door.

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Big time insomniac, I like having an hr. after the kids go to bed to wind down.


But, then I would love to fall asleep and not wake up til 9. Instead its up every couple hrs.


Maybe I should become a nite time nanny and put my up time to good use.



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Yes, except when my youngest cannot go to sleep. Tonight, he stayed up sorting buttons by color with me, and then I allowed him to read several books. We both slept in very late! I got up at 10:00 am (I stayed up until 2:30 purging books), and he got up shortly after I did.


Normally (95 % of the time) I'm the last to go to bed. I cannot go to bed if the little ones are still awake, and my husband is the last to go to bed before me.


You know what? I can actually count on my two hands the number of times I went to bed before my husband -- maybe even one hand! :)

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I love it when the rest of my family is asleep, its quiet, and I get the house to myself. I am mostly the last to go to bed. My 4yo is an early riser, and I am still struggling to teach her to play quietly when she wakes!

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I love to stay up when everyone else is asleep, but my dh really likes it when we go to bed at the same time. So, I go to bed with him and then I usually read in bed for awhile, which usually makes me go to sleep. Every once in a while, I stay up later than he does and I really love it!! I'm a night owl, but I usually get up early so that I can have time alone (dh goes to work early-at 5:50).

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I've always been a night owl. My guys worry about me when I finally wear myself out and crash at 9:00 p.m. I can stay up all night -- and love it. It's so nice and quiet and I can actually put *two* thoughts together! I'm "up" in the daytime, but it's a waste of time. My brain doesn't kick in 'til the sun goes down. :D


oh! me too!!


yeah, it's those stay up all night and then the next day spurts that will try my stamina ;)


so here I am at one in the morning, Texas time :D


Thankfully, dh has been getting the kids up early for schoolwork and letting me sleep in till about 9am. That helps. I'll have to reward him...

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Certified night owl here. I spent a full year trying to be an early bird - it was ugly and not at all productive for me. I love when everyone (tonight it's dh, my four sons, and two extra 8-yr-olds) are dead asleep. I can pick things up and they stay picked up. I can think without someone having to tell me something RIGHT now.


We've started up with school and I've been trying to get into bed by 1 am. I did it every night this week and every night this week I've had horrendous nightmares. Related, I don't know. But being wide-awake from a nightmare at 6 am and not being able to get back to sleep? No thanks.


Everyone's different. I admire the folks that can get up before the crack of dawn and have a productive day. I"m not one of them. In fact, I'd have to stay up all night to wake at the crack of dawn. ::::waving to the morning people::::

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I'm often up later than my family. :( I am a night owl who wishes she were a morning lark! I had some success with getting up quite early in June - I need to try my method again. (It was something I found online.)


Anyway - I'd better go to bed! :)

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I'm always up later than everyone. lol Kids are in their rooms by 8-9pm. They can play quietly or read, but lights-out by 10. DH & I have a few quiet hours together - then he hits the hay around 10.


I nearly always stay up until 3-4 am. And wake up around 8:30. And take a nap about once a month. lol


My oldest daughter didn't sleep very much. Literally 15 minutes here - 10 minutes there... She was on medication that just kept her "upped" all the time. I was already a night owl, but being on her psychotic schedule really got me out of any sort of normal-human sleep pattern.


I tell dh I must be part vampire. lol I loathe mornings. I've tried the "go to bed early, and wake up before everyone else" thing. I actually got MORE sleep, but stayed CRANKY. :glare: I just really, really prefer nighttime. lol (I even try to do my grocery shopping after midnight! lol)

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I'm always up later than everyone. ...

I nearly always stay up until 3-4 am. And wake up around 8:30.


This is me, too. It's about 4:30am here now. I'm at the table, doing lesson plans, lol. :)


I do appreciate naps, though. :D


I get to sleep in once a week, usually, and sometimes I'll steal a nap when the baby naps if I'm super-tired. That's the best time for us to do school, though, so I only do that if I have to because we can get so much done while the baby's asleep, hehe. (He's 1: climbing, grabbing, climbing, disappearing, climbing, opening everything, climbing, etc.)


I've been a night owl as long as I can remember. It used to drive my mother nuts, lol. It's not that I'm not tired - I just can't sleep well at night. Even when I do fall asleep at 9pm, I'm up at 1am.


Now if tomorrow were my day to sleep in (it's not, drat!) and I went to bed in an hour or so, I could sleep until probably 2 or 3 pm - if I wasn't interrupted.:tongue_smilie:

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I am actually a morning person -- but I find that I stay up way later than I should (and wake up way earlier than I should, given the late bedtime), primarily because it's the only way I ever get any peace and quiet!


That's me! And with night owl children, if I want any quiet I am up until at least 12 or 1. Then little man is up at 6:00am like clockwork. Yuck!

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I am sitting here in a very quiet house.

My kids are sleeping.

My husband is now sleeping.

I should do likewise, but I'll probably be up for another half hour anyway.



I don't stay up too late Sunday to Friday, because I'm very conscious of not getting too tired to drive safely, but Saturday night I often stay up late (and DH drives if necessary on Sunday).



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I have gone down to the kitchen for a drink at 4:00 am and ran into children who were doing the same. For the most part everyone confines themselves to their rooms after about midnight but there is no guarantee that any of them are asleep. It is our family's quite time to do their own thing.

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Different here. My dh and I have always gone to bed together. We've been together 15 years and with very few exceptions, we retire at the same time. We use that time to discuss the day without kids and reconnect with each other (not always in the way you're thinking, ladies! :o))

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