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Poised at the beginning of a New Year...

Liz CA

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Mostly just tired.


I spent most of the afternoon rounding up, organizing and boxing the Christmas decorations. My house is still a disaster. The storage bins are stacked in my living room waiting for my son to be available to help put them in the garage. But my husband offered to pay our son to help him clean out and organize the garage, and they are waiting for me to "consult" with them on one section. So, I know that, although I'm exhausted from the work I've already done and more than ready to call it a night once I get dinner on the table, my son won't be ready to move the boxes to the garage until I get involved out there, too.


I keep telling myself that after this next thing, whatever that thing is, life will calm down and I'll be able to catch my breath and catch up on stuff around the house and get serious about eating better and so on, but that moment never really seems to arrive. I don't expect 2015 to be any different.



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Apprehensive and tired. Lots of events on the horizon that will be good or bad and I have little control over which way they go. This will be our last semester homeschooling and I'm sad about that amongst other things. I've narrowed the focus of my life to a few vital areas to help alleviate the feeling of being overwhelmed, but I still feel that most of the time. 

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Normally I'm excited about mixing things up and making changes, and this year I had grand plans to spend New Year's Day doing a little bit of what I want my 2015 to include--some exercise, healthy food, fun with the kiddos, connecting with friends, writing, etc.  But instead I got the flu, and have spent the first 4 days of the year achy and feverish in bed! 


Something I saw online is to spend the month of January formulating intentions and commitments for the New Year, then do a little ceremony of some sort on Imbolc, at the beginning of February.  That appeals to me, given the slow start I'm having this year….





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Apprehensive and tired. This year DS is scheduled to graduate from high school, get a job and go away to college. That mean's I won't be a "homeschool mom" anymore. I'm ready to stop homeschooling, but I'm not sure what the next phase of my life will look like. â€‹It will be a year of unrest for me, honestly. 

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Tired. The past week, the remainder of Christmas vacation, was to be spent rounding up the ends of last year, setting goals and resting. But, everyone got sick from the in-laws and it's been a bear to recover and feel rested. Fortunately, school is planned and we're ready to go for January, but I'm not near in the condition I'd hoped to be physically or house organization-wise.

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Not excited, but definitely hopeful. I'm hoping for some peace and stability and a fresh start, after what was unquestionably the worst year of my life. The kids and I are starting over, 1000 miles away from the home we'd lived in for a decade, trying to get back some sense of routine and feeling of safety after all the chaos and disruption and uncertainty of last year. It was a low-key Christmas, but we're all looking forward to what 2015 will bring. (I'd say "it can't possibly be worse than 2014," but I don't want to jinx myself!)

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I feel a bit apprehensive, and guilty for feeling so. I should really just be overjoyed and grateful. And I am, but the apprehension is really distracting. 


We're in the process of finding out what the extent of our daughter's medical needs might be. The possibilities run such a wide gamut. More than that, the world will not stop so I can focus on these things. I find that exceedingly frustrating and it makes me short tempered and resentful. Thinking of the next 6 months of school, I see my future mess-ups (snappiness, self-centeredness) and don't even want to start school. 


Sorry for the intense post, don't worry, we also get to go to Florida for almost a month in just a few weeks and I have a very supportive family.

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Not excited, but definitely hopeful. I'm hoping for some peace and stability and a fresh start, after what was unquestionably the worst year of my life. The kids and I are starting over 1000 miles away from the home we'd lived in for a decade, trying to get back some sense of routine and and feeling of safety after all the chaos and disruption and uncertainty of last year. It was a low-key Christmas, but we're all looking forward to what 2015 will bring. (I'd say "it can't possibly be worse than 2014," but I don't want to jinx myself!)


At least for me, the New Year is often a signal for a new start. Sometimes just in small things, but still hopefully better than before.

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Apprehensive and tired. This year DS is scheduled to graduate from high school, get a job and go away to college. That mean's I won't be a "homeschool mom" anymore. I'm ready to stop homeschooling, but I'm not sure what the next phase of my life will look like. â€‹It will be a year of unrest for me, honestly. 


(((hugs))) TechWife.  "A Year of Unrest" is a really good way to put it.


  In looking ahead to my year, this ^^^ is probably how I would describe what I see coming.  My youngest told me last week she wants to graduate early.  It's do-able, but that means my life as a homeschool mom will be over sooner than I anticipated. 


My fil's health is going downhill fast and dh is trying to figure out how to spend time with him [they live in a very rural area on the other side of the country from us]. 


My brother and I are coming to the realization [though my parents are strictly in denial] that they really can't continue to live in the house they've owned since 1967.  Even if they put their feet down and refuse to consider other options, my Dad's Parkinson's means they'll have to at least redo the bathroom....or ADMIT that at some point he will need help in the bathroom.  De Nile isn't just a place in Egypt....it's alive and well in California.


Things are going on in my church that are bothering me.  Not to the point where I say, "I must leave!', but to the point where I'm starting to question if this is where I should be in 5 years [if we're still living here]


One of our beloved cats has inoperable cancer and the vet says it's a matter of weeks.  Our beagle is 15.5, so I suspect this will also be her last year. 


It's just LIFE, you know?  But it all seems to be slamming me in the head this week saying, "You're getting older......things are changing and going away......"


It's also that it's stupid January and I get SO depressed in the Winter months.  Catch up with me in March.  I'll probably be in much better spirits then.

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Hmmm, I'm not really sure what the word is for how I feel.  I spent much of the Christmas break like I did our summer vacation, reading about how to homeschool.  Overwhelmed may be too strong a word.  Uncertain might be right.  I'm just trying to do this thing right, and I hope that I am.  The "am I doing enough" question keeps swirling around my brain.  I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be for today, but it would have been nice to have an actual break to just relax. 

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I'm looking forward to the New Year.  


We've had last fall to get used to empty nesting and are latching onto the "good" associated with it - meaning a schedule that is more free (with less laundry, cooking, & all things school - except my job).  We've got a couple of nice travels planned (essential for a travel junkie) and are seriously considering making a few travel buckets for that bucket list.  One would be day events (local hikes, shows, or similar).  One would be for 2 - 3 days (not necessarily weekends as things can be more crowded then).  And one could be for longer trips (1 week+).  When we have money and time it would be super fun to actually just reach in and grab one.


I definitely still miss my family years.  If I could save time in a bottle we'd never leave 2006 (my boys were 14, 12, and 10).  However, we can't do that, so I allow myself the nostalgic memory times (often) and look for the positive for the future.


There are some "iffy" things.  Both sets of parents are getting older and have issues of sorts, but we have more time for visits now, so that's helpful.  Health issues pester, but I'm getting more able to ignore those most of the time, and there's hope that the major ones are "over."  (Even if they aren't, it's not worth sitting around and missing the rest of life being concerned about them.)  And, of course, we're still paying our share of college tuitions so a significant part of our income is sent right back out in more than the usual ways.  Money won't truly free up for some years to come.  This means our buckets will never get empty!   :lol:


But overall for the year?  Excited.

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Fairly apprehensive about it all. Dd is going to Japan to study, starting in March. Fed Ex hasn't managed to deliver her paperwork to the university there, so I'm figuring if Fed Ex can't navigate Japan, how will dd? Her school here is not being very helpful with details about how all this is going to work. 


In the fall,Ds will be starting at a military college. The school just started a FROG week for students beginning now. It's like a shortened version of boot camp. And they're posting pictures on Facebook. Every one of the recruits looks terrified. Wait! My baby is going to be in that group in August!  


Oldest dd is struggling with finances. Her dh is working a retail job after being downsized at his last. I'm struggling with him continuing to want to pursue ministry when in fact churches are downsizing and he hasn't had a full time church offer in almost a year. They have four children but live 850 miles from me, so I can't help much. 


On the flip side, dh and I are doing very well. Lots of time to hang out together, working out together, and anxiously counting down the days until the weather turns nice and we can take some day trips.  But right now it's 6 below zero so I know that's a long way off...

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