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stocking stuffers for adults


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What have you and your husband found in your stockings that are super cool??


so far for my husband I have only some BBQ rub and a propane level gauge.  Need more ideas.  thankfully our stockings aren't as big as our kids (which were made by Grandma)....


I also could use some ideas to put in my stocking...yes...I have to do all of the buying...my hubby doesnt' like to shop AT ALL...


for me, so far I have one of those silicone daisy lids (to put on bowls in the fridge), chocolate (If I have to buy it...I get yummy chocolate..:) ), a sandwich spreader and cork screw for the camper.


what are some other ideas??? (without being too expensive)

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Dang, girl, for yourself, get.whatever.you.want. :laugh:


I'd do makeup or expensive (but not too expensive) lotion, and little "problem solver" gifts. Actually, now that I'm teaching preschool, I'd prob get some little materials for my class! Do you have a hobby you could support with a few little things? (really good scissors, etc)


For hubby, I get mostly food--chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, a nice cheese (I know--weird to put cheese in a stocking, but...)--and then maybe some massage oil, a new wallet insert for his credit cards (you know how the plastic falls apart sometimes?), a nice razor (one year I did this--he didn't appreciate it because he's frugal that way!)...


We had a tradition of giving something funny and unusual, like the year he got canned octopus.



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We trade names in our family to decide who will do whose stocking so I often have the adults.


Some things I've put in my mom's:


pretty socks

inexpensive earrings or pendant (or homemade jewelry)


lip balms

pretty kitchen towels

small kitchen gadgets and wooden spoons and spatulas and so forth

trowels and garden tools

pretty garden ornament


Some things I've put in dh's:

tiny coffees


shaving lotion

electric toothbrush


winter hat

silly toys to things he likes (like TV shows and so forth)


Some things I've had in mine:


new scissors


pin cushion

kitchen gadgets



fold up bags

funny light up iPhone charger

cool pens and pencils


Also, we all like different sweets. It's fun to have the more upscale sort of sweets in the grown up stockings. I just put cheap candy in the kids' though.

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Sleeping mask

Medicinal bath salts (my sister gave me lavender/Epsom last year, probably from a place like Whole Foods, not sure. Love)



Book of stamps

Infinity scarf

Fav hair condition or shampoo

Hair gel or putty

Burts Bees or Chapstick

Hair ties/elastic bands for those with long hair

Minty gum

Shaving lotion



Chew bones for a pet







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Things I like: Starbucks gift cards, EOS chap stick/shave gel, bath salts, lip gloss/balm, warm socks, nice chocolate (Green & Black's milk or dark chocolate, Godiva truffles)


Things hubby likes: McD gift cards, Slim Jim beef sticks, Pez candy, Gold Toe socks, white undershirts.

We have different tastes. 😀

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I get to do all the stocking too.  If we waited on dh they would be empty.  I do them for my mom and stepdad too.  Here are some I remember.  Loving some of these other ideas



bags of nut & dried fruit

summer sausage

beef jerky

granola bars

Cokes - those round Christmas ones

squirt cheese in a can

jars of fruit


powder drink mixes - or those liquid squirt ones

ice cream toppings




crosswords &  word search books

book - to read


finger nail file

hand sanitizer




body spray

Little toys -- like those wooden toys where there is a ball on a string and try to catch it in the little wooden cup, the peg game like at Cracker Barrel, those magnetic ones where you put hair on the bald guy etc.





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Razor blades - I always cringe when I have to buy them at the grocery store, so if we each get a big pack in our stockings, they last awhile and it's a happy thing to open! 


I try to get some good quality chocolate for DH's stocking - preferably something I don't care for as much, so he can just enjoy. 


scratch off lottery tickets - extra fun if you win!




gift card to a coffee shop or restaurant


mini liquor bottle of something


guitar picks



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Love stockings!


Things that frequently make an appearance:


new toothbrush and toothpaste



crossword or sudoku books

new pens

razor blades


ice scraper for car

mini umbrella

small gift cards ($5 to Srarbucks or favorite lunch place)


specialty salts and/or pepper

small infused olive oils or vinaigrettes

money clips or coin purse

roll of quarters (good for college kid or parking)

roll of stamps

address stamper thing for envelopes

favorite candies

giant candy canes

make up/small lotions/Chapstick

gum or mints


collar stays for DH

inexpensive jewelry

hand earners

travel coffee or teas

mini jams/honey/syrup

pancake or quick bread mix

kitchen utensils (wooden spoons, spatulas, etc)

ear buds

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One thing that I always put in stockings that is fun and useful is magazines. Everyone gets something different, son gets a surf or other hobby type mag, hubby gets something sports or science related, older DDs get a trashy gossip mag or fashion mag, younger DD gets a tween appropriate or ballet/ dance mag. The useful part is that after opening stocking stuff, they are occupied for a short time with their mags while I pop cinnamon rolls into the oven and when they are done cooking we all gather in the living room to open presents. Those mags buy me about 45 mins!

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Because a limited budget can make stockings hard to add on, we've done variations by:

Eliminating gifts to extended family except for stocking gifts

Drawing names among our kids except for stocking gifts


We've done magazines as well, and they've been enjoyed because they are personalized to interests.

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Some things going into my 18 year old nephews stocking who will ship out to boot camp in January......


Ghirardellhi peppermint bark chocolate squares

A mug with packets of different flavored of hot chocolate

A wallet ninja

A Christian t-shirt

Mini Dr Who figures

Dr Who bookmark

$5 gift card to the Chinese take out place


And I need to figure out 5 more things :)

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Adult stockings here are candy only. Of course, we can buy ourselves candy any time of the year but there is something magical about getting an entire stocking full at one time. It's like permission to binge for the day. Then the next day we're back on our diets and portioning out the rest of the candy.

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I have five siblings who come over for Christmas. This year we're doing stockings for the first time in a long time. With them, me and my husband, there are seven of us. Each person is buying a stocking stuffer for each other person. They will wrap them and then we'll get together and trade and stuff stockings (I'll end up stuffing the stockings, I'm sure). I will be getting Starbucks gift cards for everyone. I also have to buy my husband's stocking stuffers and I might just be lazy and do Chick Fil A gift cards from him. This way I don't have to think of individual gifts for each person. I know my sister is doing more individualized gifts. She's buying Houston Texans rubber duckies for my brothers.

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So many great ideas!


Just stopping in to say I just scored a gadget for DH's stocking - a mobile device charger that fit into the credit card slot of a wallet.  $5.99 at Tanga.com (they have wallet ninjas for $9.99, too). I can't tell if it will charge his phone, but it says it will charge an iPad mini, so it should work.  :)  He's also getting a notepad for the shower, for those "showerpiphanies" that happen when in the shower - I think that's called "aquanotes" or something like that - it's sort of a joke, but might actually get used.


All of our other go-to items are already listed.



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Dh does my stocking. It usually has some good quality chocolate, things from Bath & Body Works, and a bottle of wine. I do his. It usually has a funny t-shirt, small liquor samplers, his favorite candy, and perhaps a dvd. For us, stockings are fun little surprises so we do not put things in there that are basic needs. I find World Market to be a great source for fun food and candy.

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Nail clippers

Chapstick/ lip gloss


Small trial sizes of shampoo or lotion etc

Nail file

an orange

little packets of peanuts

mini flashlight



vitamins (if person likes to take supplements)

change like quarters, dimes etc

dollar bills

small bottles of hand sanitizer

mini bottles of Tylenol

fishing lures

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I see nail clippers and a nail file already mentioned. ITA. I want clippers everywhere: in the car, in my purse, in my book bag, in my kid's debate box, violin case, etc. At 99 cents a pop, they're affordable and we can have them everywhere. For a nail file, try this glass one from Sally. Also from Sally's, a pumice stone


Razors were mentioned above too, but I hope to get Harry's for DH. 


Kids and adults alike get a chocolate orange, a plastic candy cane filled w/ Reese's Pieces or M & M's to stick out over the top (a friend taught me that), and a toothbrush. Ds needs combs. Got to add those to the list.


We go through earbuds here. *Heavy sigh* So, in the stockings they go (for adults too). 


Our dc like to put small gifts in our stockings, lol. It's a little power struggle every year, b/c I don't want them to see what I have put in their stockings, lol!



*Taking notes*







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