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I can't stand it. Everyone, please update your posts with

Lang Syne Boardie

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The number of 'likes' you are receiving, and from whom.


This is like sending and receiving messages from the bottom of a well. I can't accept other people's thoughts nor have any confidence in my own opinions sans applause.


It will take a lot of time for us to all bear witness to our own likes. We might have to stop educating and rearing children, and cooking will definitely be out of the question, but I think it's worth it.

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I don't know what happened. They disappeared the same time as the social groups, and the mods seemed not to have been the cause of the social group problem so I'm guessing there was no executive decision to take away the likes, either. My totally ignorant theory is that to fix some of it they have to disable all the goodies or something.


Except all these people don't like likes so maybe they're revisiting the issue as they fix stuff. I don't know. :/



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Sorry. I know I am in the minority, but I would love the likes to go away forever.


I just liked your post.  But you know that, if you clicked your notifications.


But actually I don't care one way or another about likes.  In a way I think it's kinda weird.  In a way I think it's a nice easy way to say "I agree" or "that was funny."


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The main reason I like likes has nothing to do with popularity contests. Here's my deep dark secret: There are about a hundred people on these forums whom I would probably never be friends with IRL and we're not best buds here, either, but they always "like" posts I make that are common sense and I always "like" theirs. I think of it as "diversity affirmation" when we all prove that it don't matter who you are, truth is truth. That's a good thing.


So there you go. I'm out of the closet about really, really, really liking people who have a lot of common sense even if sense is all we have in common.

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The number of 'likes' you are receiving, and from whom.



Wait, could I pretend to be getting lots of likes?


**This post has been liked by: Tibbie Dunbar, Night Elf, Corraleno, kitten18, Tanaqui, Serenade, ~Phoenix, and Lovingparent. Or maybe it wasn't.

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Alte Veste, why don't you like visible likes?

I think generally they are fine. I agree likes are convenient for saying thanks or just acknowledging a response, but that works invisibly just the same.


In a nutshell (I have typed and cut my more vitriolic soapbox thoughts from the end of this post five times now, LOL)...many times, particularly in controversial threads, people very obviously take sides, and I get this image of cliques in school, of people standing behind their representative instead of contributing/participating with their own thoughts. Mostly, it is no big deal to see people agree and take sides, but sometimes it seems very ugly and even cowardly to me. I respect that others disagree with this.


Also, it is painfully obvious who likes whom sometimes, when two or more people say virtually the same thing, but the posts are only liked if posted by a member of the liker's clique. Blech.

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Wait, could I pretend to be getting lots of likes?


**This post has been liked by: Tibbie Dunbar, Night Elf, Corraleno, kitten18, Tanaqui, Serenade, ~Phoenix, and Lovingparent. Or maybe it wasn't.

Fine. I will come clean here. SWB is my IRL BFF and she made the likes invisible because she wanted to like everything I wrote without anyone knowing!



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I did notice the change. I don't really have a preference. If someone really wants to let others know that they agree with a specific post, then all they have to do is quote it and make some kind of appropriate comment. The person quoted won't get a notification, though,unless there is some way to get this sent to you.

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Wait.... there are cliques here?  Geez!  I am so stinkin' oblivious sometimes.  I didn't notice the likes weren't showing up, either.  Way to be observant, DF!  LOL...


It took me a LONG time to notice that there were 'likes' and that they were visible to anyone.


As to cliques here, I think that if they existed, all that would be needed to eliminate most of them would be to make everyone's avatar exactly the same. I usually only notice the picture (or lack of) to identify anyone.


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I really don't see cliques as a problem here. For example I imagine if a post is made that is in support of a particular faith others of that faith may very well like that post. What harm is there in that? I don't post much and others can express their opinions and thoughts more eloquently than I. To be able to publicly acknowledge that I appreciate the time and effort they take in supporting causes that I agree with saves me time, and for our dear website providers space on some server in some cloud somewhere. Now I'm going to have to quote and post "I agree" a hundred times a day. Well At least I will get my post count higher.

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The number of 'likes' you are receiving, and from whom.


This is like sending and receiving messages from the bottom of a well. I can't accept other people's thoughts nor have any confidence in my own opinions sans applause.


It will take a lot of time for us to all bear witness to our own likes. We might have to stop educating and rearing children, and cooking will definitely be out of the question, but I think it's worth it.


I agree. (Just practicing)

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I really don't see cliques as a problem here. For example I imagine if a post is made that is in support of a particular faith others of that faith may very well like that post. What harm is there in that? I don't post much and others can express their opinions and thoughts more eloquently than I. To be able to publicly acknowledge that I appreciate the time and effort they take in supporting causes that I agree with saves me time, and for our dear website providers space on some server in some cloud somewhere. Now I'm going to have to quote and post "I agree" a hundred times a day. Well At least I will get my post count higher.

I think maybe I have been reading some uglier threads than you. I agree they can be nice. Even mostly nice, really. But I have also seen them be mean, petty, and just plain immature.


You don't need to quote to agree unless it is important to you that everyone else reading the thread knows you agree with a particular post, because the invisible like will still get to the likee.

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I really don't see cliques as a problem here. For example I imagine if a post is made that is in support of a particular faith others of that faith may very well like that post. What harm is there in that? I don't post much and others can express their opinions and thoughts more eloquently than I. To be able to publicly acknowledge that I appreciate the time and effort they take in supporting causes that I agree with saves me time, and for our dear website providers space on some server in some cloud somewhere. Now I'm going to have to quote and post "I agree" a hundred times a day. Well At least I will get my post count higher.


The bonus of doing lots of quoting is that you'll help make threads become "hot."


Then we can discuss the merit of threads being publicly labelled HOT. See, the fun never ends! :hurray:


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I think maybe I have been reading some uglier threads than you. I agree they can be nice. Even mostly nice, really. But I have also seen them be mean, petty, and just plain immature.


You don't need to quote to agree unless it is important to you that everyone else reading the thread knows you agree with a particular post, because the invisible like will still get to the likee.

:iagree:  Yes, they are mostly nice but overall they do not contribute to the culture of the board in a positive manner IMO, they just serve as another way to subdivide, clique together etc. 

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Wait.... there are cliques here?  Geez!  I am so stinkin' oblivious sometimes.  I didn't notice the likes weren't showing up, either.  Way to be observant, DF!  LOL...

I am pretty oblivious as well. I don't have the attention span to figure out who is always nice to who and which people are besties. Ain't nobody got time for that!


If I was arguing with someone on one thread I don't usually remember by the time the next contentious thread comes along.

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:iagree: Yes, they are mostly nice but overall they do not contribute to the culture of the board in a positive manner IMO, they just serve as another way to subdivide, clique together etc.

I disagree.


I think they save a lot of time and space, because it lets us support a position without having to post a separate "I agree" type of message.


I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't think it's a clique thing when the same people seem to like each other's posts. I know that there are many people here whose posts I have liked in one thread, even when we have strongly disagreed on other threads. And I'm sure it may look cliquish to some people when they see the same people liking each other's posts, but let's face it, some people tend to share many of the same views. I don't really think many people are liking posts with which they don't agree, just to show loyalty to a particular group or poster.


Obviously, I could be wrong, but I believe the vast majority of likes are genuine.



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Oh my God! I don't think I've ever gotten so many likes on a post before. Heh heh. No one knows if I'm lying or exaggerating or telling the truth! This is genius! Seriously, though. This is nuts! Wait, the whole invisibility thing means I won't get a STAR next to my post. Well, just imagine one, okay?!


BTW I get notified when someone quotes my post.

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I think the visible likes are useful in a thread where someone is asking for advice, and a very well written post giving good advice is written.  It saves people a lot of time by being able to just like the post, rather than posting a redundant or I agree post.   If there is a choice between two things and someone posts pick A and 15 people like that advice and someone picks B and 2 people like that post, it makes it easier for the advice seeker to synthesize the information.  And people who don't really have anything new to say, but heartily agree with a post will add a like, but not necessarily post or quote to put their opinion on the matter out there.  I am one of these people,  lazy I guess.  I find them really helpful when I need it I guess, and don't pay any attention to it if I don't.  


Making a short post long, PLEASE bring the visible likes back!

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