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What's on your bucket list?


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We're on a long road trip now and I hought I'd pass the time by writing a bucket list. I must be terribly borng because so far the only thing I have is to see an owl in the wild (like in Owl Moon). Oh, and to take a trapeze class.


Anyone care to share their lists? Clearly I need inspiration. Thanks.

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Mine would pretty much all revolve around travel.


I still need to get to Alaska as it's the only one of the 50 states we haven't been to.  


Ideally I'd like to visit every country, but in reality, some are more appealing than others:


China, esp Terra Cotta warriors




various islands like Bonaire



I'd love to see a Whale Shark up close and personal while diving and various well known reefs.


But I can't really think of anything non-travel related in general.

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Oh, you could come to our house to see owls in the wild.  We have several who live around us.  Spend one night at our campsite and you'd likely knock that one off. Last year we also came upon two different varieties in a tree when we were walking our fence line.  It was really neat.

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All I have left is death, itself. Everything else, done.


Are you serious?  That would drive me crazy... but I suppose with travel junkies, there's always somewhere else to go and discover.  If one didn't have that addiction, there'd be a bit less in the bucket.

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Are you serious? That would drive me crazy... but I suppose with travel junkies, there's always somewhere else to go and discover. If one didn't have that addiction, there'd be a bit less in the bucket.

Yep, there was not much in the bucket left by the time I realized I was supposed to have one.

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Mine revolve mostly around travel  A few of them are kind of morbid too. 
1. I want see the caves and prehistoric cave paintings in Dordogne France.
2. Become fluent in French and two other languages. 
3. Visit Pompeii and Herculaneum 
4. Go on a Jack the Ripper Tour 
5. Visit the Catacombs in Paris 
6. See Vlad the Impaler's Poenari Castle even though it is mostly ruins.

7. I would love to do a complete castle tour of Europe.

8. I would really like to touch Stonehenge during sunrise to see if it's magic, even though I know it has tight security.
9. And I will throw in time travel because although I know it is impossible, I hold out hope that someone will figure it out ;) (only back though, I have no desire to see the future).

10. Get enough money to be able to accomplish my bucket list ;)


I am sure there are a lot more those are my main ones at the moment. 


ETA: I don't know why my font is so different. It is bugging me :(

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Yep, there was not much in the bucket left by the time I realized I was supposed to have one.


Thinking back even to my youth, my bucket list items were places I wanted to go and things I wanted to see (Pearl Harbor is one I distinctly recall - been there as of 2006 - would go again).  I never had plans for any specific job or to get married or whatever.  I did know I wanted kids, but other than that, I can't think of any item I felt I must have or class I wanted to take or similar.  It's always been travel.


I suspect with an unlimited bank account I'd always have more places I'd want to visit as I don't always need the "famous" or popular.


Then too, with an unlimited bank account I'd be making rounds to various places to see what "good"  I could secretly do with some of those $$ for individuals, charities, or communities.  I wouldn't want that part to be "known" though - and it would still involve travel for personal investigating.


It's all interesting to think about and the timing was great to have it come up on a day when I'm home by myself mostly relaxing.

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I think when you are in the throws of raising kids, it is hard to have a bucket list.  I have never really made one.   However, I had been all the way around the world by the age of 21, so there are only few places I still have not visited.  My list would be that my kids would be able to see the places I have seen.  


I have also done almost all the schooling on my list.  I had one more degree to pursue but at this time, I think I will be letting that go for a variety of reasons, one of which is that people in that field were recently let go in droves around this area.


My bucket list right now consists of selling this house and moving, getting my boys through college, and getting back to the work environment I love and enjoy.  I would love for that to be back in CA, but again, I have to let some of the bucket list go and that is another one I have just had to realize won't happen.


Maybe I think more in terms of goals than bucket lists.



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Learn to play guitar

Read about a zillion books

See my kids truly successfully reading not just at grade level but even beyond grade level (dyslexia really bites sometimes)

Travel to about a zillion places

Tackle Trig and Calculus successfully

Find a way to convince large groups of people to fix their cats so that millions of unwanted cats don't have to be put down every single year

Restore my parents old home

Spend a weekend watching several old movies with my brother while eating lots of leftovers and not worrying about anything going on outside our house like we did one weekend as kids (Key Largo, Forbidden Planet, etc.)

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So, I one of those people who wants to see and do everything there is to do- except go to space- just never had the desire to do that one...


So, I'm looking at everyone else's list, and adding that stuff to mine, lol!!


- The new item on the list is to get a sailboat and sail to the Bahamas and Caribbean- thanks to that thread about living on a boat :)


- get back into my excellent-Army-days shape


- run the Disney marathon


- see the Aurora Borealis


- boat ride on the Amazon, and stay for a while in one of those rainforest resorts


- Carnival in Rio de Janeiro


- Bora Bora


- scenic train ride across Canada


- Machu Pichu and the Orient Express train there


- Iceland


There's more.... really, I want to see and do everything that I possibly can while I'm here :)

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Me too!!!! I think people who want to go where there is no air to breathe are nuts!!



And this is weird- (outer) space makes me feel claustrophobic.... Like, watching movies that take place in space, or thinking about being out there... It makes me feel claustrophobic.


Yep. I just imagine floating out into endless nothingness and can't breathe. Just visualizing it almost gives me an anxiety attack.  


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I'd go to the moon if it were still an option and I could get in line...  I'd go visit the Space Station too, but the moon would be my first choice.  Mars would likely take too much time from other travel, but I'd consider it.


Since we scuba dive, I'm not opposed to going places where one needs special equipment to breathe.  The scenery and diversity are amazing.  The Manta Ray night dive in HI where a manta actually ran his "wing" over my head touching it was a super special moment, but there are others... and my bucket list would include many more dives as well as above-water options.

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My items are mostly travel-related with the exception of


--learning to play piano well enough to accompany singing

--speaking another language with a decent amount of fluency (language tbd lol)

--successfully ridding myself of a fear of deep water so that we can try cruising to interesting places


So travel:


--Alaska next summer (like creekland, it will be my 50th state to visit)

--Australia: Great Barrier Reef, the outback, the place on the west coast with the funky hillock-like bacterial mounds (will return and edit this once I can goggle)

--New Zealand: hiking, national parks

--staying a few nights in a $$$$$$$ overwater bungalow somewhere in the South Pacific with dh :)

--Easter Island

--Taj Mahal

--Angkor Wat

--all of Egypt, including floating on the Nile

--African Safari, the type where you stay in schmancy tents and take multiple jeep rides

--a month-long self-catering holiday in England, Scotland, and Wales

--a couple months of train travel throughout Europe, ahhhhhhh

--Pompeii, the Sistine Chapel


--seeing penguins in their native environment

--Victoria Falls


--Machu Picu

--Iceland for the geology

--fjord cruise either South America or Norway


and so on :D Now I'll go back to read everyone's lists!

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I'm rather boring. I have no real desire to travel. I'd love to see these places, but I loathe flying to the point that the desire to see these places that require air travel is rather dull, lol.


I want to see my children have children, or live their dreams otherwise.




I want to live long enough to help my husband get through the inevitable passing of his own father. Although they live far from each other, their bond is strong, they talk almost daily, and it will completely devastate my husband when his father dies (it will devastate all of us, but I really worry about how my husband is going to handle it).

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I want to do all the things! Like a few people most of mine include travel, but we're fortunate that we'll be knocking a couple awesome ones out in the next couple years.


Thailand/Cambodia (just for Angkor wat) (November this year)

Korea (also November)

Tahiti/Bora Bora (next March or April) the real goal is to stay in one of those thatched roofed cabins over the water

Ireland (in 2 years, probably with England, unless dh gets orders to Europe which we just found out is a possibility)

China esp Shanghai


All of Europe

Panama Canal (I lived there as a kid but would really like to go back)

Go on a cruise

Bungee jump


Skydiving (maybe, I go back and forth on that one)


I don't have a long list per se, I just like going and doing, I'm an introvert though so I require lots of downtime too.

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I'd go to the moon if it were still an option and I could get in line...  I'd go visit the Space Station too, but the moon would be my first choice.  Mars would likely take too much time from other travel, but I'd consider it.


Since we scuba dive, I'm not opposed to going places where one needs special equipment to breathe.  The scenery and diversity are amazing.  The Manta Ray night dive in HI where a manta actually ran his "wing" over my head touching it was a super special moment, but there are others... and my bucket list would include many more dives as well as above-water options.

Are yoiu tempted to stay at school with boys 3 and take marine bio with him? 


I'm tempted. I applied to 6 LAC's with top flight music departments and 6 uni's with top marine bio departments because that was my other passion. I went right to the deadline choosing since my California school offered as much in scholarships as the music school I ended up choosing.


I've been teaching a 4H marine bio class for 4th through 6th graders this year and having the time of my life! 


But, I've never been diving.

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Learn to play drums - kit plus hand drums like the djembe

Learn to speak fluent Swahili

Get a degree

Get a job that I adore and that is of some lasting value to the world (or trip and fall face-face - first into a pile of money so said job could be wholly volunteer :) )

Go to a professional soccer match

Travel to Kenya, Madagascar, pretty much as much of Africa as possible, Italy, Greece, Hawaii, Ireland, Iceland, Brazil etc.

Create an animal rescue and rehabilitation sanctuary


Move to the country and become a part-time hermit :)

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Most of mine involve travel too. So many places, I can't really pick a favorite. 


  • publish a novel 
  • finish my bachelor's
  • go to Japan with ds and use my Japanese language skills well enough to not make a fool of myself
  • spend time in the UK doing some genealogy work. There are a couple of castle ruins in the mix, and supposedly a cottage still stands from the 1500s, one that my ancestors owned. Last time I checked the owners allowed visitors, I think it's still a private residence.
  •  own a Jeep Wrangler
  • take ds to Colorado to ride a train and see the mountains
  • travel around the country either by RV or camping out of a mini-van or SUV or Jeep. 
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Are yoiu tempted to stay at school with boys 3 and take marine bio with him? 


I'm tempted. I applied to 6 LAC's with top flight music departments and 6 uni's with top marine bio departments because that was my other passion. I went right to the deadline choosing since my California school offered as much in scholarships as the music school I ended up choosing.


I've been teaching a 4H marine bio class for 4th through 6th graders this year and having the time of my life! 


But, I've never been diving.


I don't know that I want ALL the academics anymore, but I wouldn't mind auditing and going along on ALL the field trips.  Of course, I'd also love to sit in on his college's January class that Elie Wiesel (author of Night) teaches, so I'd really have to decide between an awesome field trip or an awesome class!


I'm a little bummed today that hubby and youngest are out diving now and I'm still at home due to issues left over from the brain tumor thing, but at least they are just diving at the quarry (rather a boring dive comparatively).  I'm left to surf the web (not all THAT bad, but...sigh).  My issues BETTER be over and done with by the time we spend our month in the Bahamas this winter!  (Checking another place off my bucket list in the process...)

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We're on a long road trip now and I hought I'd pass the time by writing a bucket list. I must be terribly borng because so far the only thing I have is to see an owl in the wild (like in Owl Moon). Oh, and to take a trapeze class.


Anyone care to share their lists? Clearly I need inspiration. Thanks.


Or nurse a baby owl, like "Owls in the Family."  I love the trapeze idea in theory, though whenever I get a little silly at the park with the dc and swing on a monkey bar, I realize very quickly that my arms and shoulders would never be able to sustain the forces of my swinging body! That's for much, much younger and lighter people!!


I want to get a sea kayak and paddle around the rivers and lakes here, then take it on our vacations to the Jersey Shore and paddle in a beautiful, calm bay.



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My bucket list is very long, mainly comprised of holidays to take, crafts to try, books to read, food to try and self actualising. It's enough to keep me occupied for several lifetimes, if money allowed. :p


I definitely prefer a bucket list that is never completed to one that is.  When I have extra time and/or $$, I want to be able to reach into that bucket and check off a new gem and I want many, many choices to choose from.


ps  It worked out well that I didn't go diving today... they saw a snake... I can live without that experience.  I want to see fish and other normal marine organisms of various sorts.  I detest snakes.  They are #1 on my list of natural things I could live without.


BUT the possibility of seeing a snake on hikes or diving won't prevent me from going in the future.  I prefer to remain optimistic, and we do have some cool pics of rattlers and a Lyre snake we saw, but seeing more is not something in my bucket as "wishful thinking."  I'll take the owls or whale sharks or even great whites (from a safe cage) instead.  

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DH and I like bucket lists. DH isn't allowed to do most of his until the kids are older (sky dive, climb a mountain). I think my items are less dangerous.


* Learn to scuba dive

* Go to Australia and New Zealand

* Relearn how to sail

* Go on a multi-day sailing trip (Caribbean or Hawaii)


DH and I both want to take the kids on a Galápagos Islands trip.

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Great question and great answers!


Mine are:

Visit Vatican City

Make some other pilgrimage (don't know where)

Knit and/or crochet a blanket

Become better read, mostly philosophy and politics

Become a regular 5K runner


Must add more! I'm sue DH will flesh it out a bit. ;)

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I definitely prefer a bucket list that is never completed to one that is. When I have extra time and/or $$, I want to be able to reach into that bucket and check off a new gem and I want many, many choices to choose from.


ps It worked out well that I didn't go diving today... they saw a snake... I can live without that experience. I want to see fish and other normal marine organisms of various sorts. I detest snakes. They are #1 on my list of natural things I could live without.


BUT the possibility of seeing a snake on hikes or diving won't prevent me from going in the future. I prefer to remain optimistic, and we do have some cool pics of rattlers and a Lyre snake we saw, but seeing more is not something in my bucket as "wishful thinking." I'll take the owls or whale sharks or even great whites (from a safe cage) instead.

I'm with you!!! Snakes nned to stay away from my bucket list. They will not stop me from fulfilling a dream, however I am also not against carrying a flame thrower and machete to end them!

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I want to go to all the places.


Also, I want to have a second career that's something different from the last one.  I should probably get on that within the next couple of years.


Ideally, my second career would be travel... then writing about it.  I don't particularly want to be a TV travel host with all the cameras and sound bites and second takes, but going somewhere anonymously, experiencing it, then sometime later writing about it - and doing THAT for a living would be fun.  However, it's not too likely with all the free info one can find on the web, so it's mainly in my dreams.


I'm with you!!! Snakes nned to stay away from my bucket list. They will not stop me from fulfilling a dream, however I am also not against carrying a flame thrower and machete to end them!


Not me!  I have hubby carry the machete, hoe, shotgun, or weapon of his choice to dispose of the creatures - but only on our property.  I have ethical issues doing it when I invade their property via hikes or whatever, so we merely watch them there - except once - when one dared invade oldest's bunk at a campsite.  That was more instinct on hubby's side than thought to be honest.

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I'm still sad that I missed going to Venice when I did the European trip with my parents. I realized a few years ago that the city will probably sink before I get there, though. So, I don't feel good about putting it on my bucket list.


I would dearly love to go to New Orleans and spend a couple of weeks exploring all of the history.


I'm looking forward to seeing my son graduate from college.


Someday, I would like to publish a novel. (I'll have to write one first, of course.)

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I want to cross the country in a plane on July 4th so I can see fireworks from the sky.


I want to take my daughter to visit China, the country of her birth.


Travel. I'll go anywhere really. I'm easy that way.

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Road trip across America in an RV (no bed-buggy hotels for me.)

A perfect Christmas morning with tinsel and piles of presents and a special breakfast and everyone wearing new jammies they opened the night before.

To become a librarian

Better posture

For my living area, attic, basement, shed, and overgrown yard to all be completely decluttered and clean at the same time. (Living area and attic just got done.)

To write a book and get it published

To be strong and lean so that as I age I'm not incapacitated from being too weak

To keep my picky eaters alive long enough for them to take over their meal preparation entirely on their own. Picky eaters--ugh. (I'm one myself, so I do understand, but it's a pain for there to be 3 picky eaters in one house. Four if you count the cat.)

Visit Europe

Take one bus trip a year to NYC

Watch a movie at the drive in theater that's about 45 minutes from my house

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Well, I checked one item off this June - 12 day trip to Israel.


The rest

• redo high school The Well Trained Mind Way, including a writing course such as Classical Writing.

• attend St John's College

• see the Northern Lights

• see an active volcano

• visit Israel several more times, each with a different focus (modern Israeli history, Roman history / ruins, churches, Biblical history, archaeology, the list goes on!)

• more travel

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Raise happy and healthy young men

Grow old with my husband

Join the mile high club

Publish a novel

Take cooking and wine classes at the CIA

Get my private pilot's license



Cinque Terre, Italy

Easter Island

Greek Islands

Turtle Island, Fiji

Galapagos, Ecuador




Safari in the Serengeti

Machu Pichu, Peru


Argentina/Brazil -- Iguazu Falls

Panama Canal


Niagara Falls

Have a garden, a vineyard, some chickens and horses

Run a no-kill animal shelter

Read a bazillion books, mostly fiction

Learn Latin and Hebrew

Complete an Ironman triathlon


Re going to space, I would do it in a heartbeat


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Every time I read this thread I think of multiple people I could join up with on their lists...


And it makes me want to pack a backpack, grab the credit card (what we always use on trips, then pay off later), and hop in the car - with the first destination probably being the airport.


We do get to go to the airport tomorrow, but it's to pick up middle son who's returning from the Ivory Coast. How I longed to go with him!

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I told dh I would just need 30 minutes notice before leaving on a trip---that's enough time to get the passports out of the safe, transfer my credit card/license/insurance card into my travel bag, throw clothes and toiletries in a bag (and my kindle), and call my sister to let her know where we're going.


I was serious :D


If he didn't have alerts set up for the credit card, I would totally surprise him with a trip.


We crossed a major item off dh's list with our trip to China last month. He's been wanting to travel there for thirty years! The Great Wall was on my list; the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Great Wall were on dd's list.

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So, most things on my bucket list, I actually think I might get to do, eventually... But there is one item I'm pretty sure won't happen...


On the travel channel, I saw a show about this cruise ship that's a retirement village. You pay a couple million and you get to live on the cruise ship that then goes all over the world. One week you live the French Riviera, the next week you live in Greece.


It sounds WONDERFUL!!! But I just don't see it happening.... It's still on my list though, in case I ever win the lottery.... In case I ever start playing the lottery...

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My big bucket list:


1. Climb Kili

2. Hike the AT

3. Hike the Colorado Trail

4. Visit Peru

5. Visit Alaska


DH and I have been making Summer Bucket Lists for a few years.  These include little goals or challenges that we want to meet.


This Summer's list included:

1. Have a real martini

2. Hike over 100 miles

3. Visit three local state parks

4. Try something new


We have almost completed them all.

1. I had a Chocolate martini from a new, local martini bar; DH had the James Bond.

2. We have hiked 97.7 miles so far.  Not bad since I had a stress fracture in my left foot and couldn't do much for a couple of weeks.

3. Three state parks visited - we found some lovely parks north of where we live. 

4. Rode the alpine slide at a local ski resort.  This was really fun and was a first step in overcoming my fear of ski lifts.


Have fun making your list.

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So, most things on my bucket list, I actually think I might get to do, eventually... But there is one item I'm pretty sure won't happen...


On the travel channel, I saw a show about this cruise ship that's a retirement village. You pay a couple million and you get to live on the cruise ship that then goes all over the world. One week you live the French Riviera, the next week you live in Greece.


It sounds WONDERFUL!!! But I just don't see it happening.... It's still on my list though, in case I ever win the lottery.... In case I ever start playing the lottery...

Was this the ship?



I saw it docked at a small European port, and I could tell it was't a regular cruise ship so I looked it up. What a fascinating concept :)

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Was this the ship?



I saw it docked at a small European port, and I could tell it was't a regular cruise ship so I looked it up. What a fascinating concept :)

Yes! I think that's it!! It doesn't mention being for people in retirement- so maybe I was imagining that part... But it looks so cool!!!

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Yes! I think that's it!! It doesn't mention being for people in retirement- so maybe I was imagining that part... But it looks so cool!!!


The article also doesn't mention the cost.  I suspect it's a wee bit more than our mortgage, and in retirement, we're expecting the mortgage to be paid off, so expenses are less.  I'm thinking our bank account and living on - or retiring to - this ship might not mesh well together unfortunately.


It otherwise sounds awesome though...

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