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Dog vs. Neighbor - WWYD


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Hi all,


I was weeding my flowerbed tonight and my neighbor came over.  He was polite, but visibly quite upset.  He said our dog howled all day and that he could hear it in his basement and that it was very annoying.  He was exaggerating a bit since we were home all day except for morning and evening church, but our dog is a Beagle/Basset with a VERY annoying howling bark.  I apologized but he kept repeating how annoyed he was and how we had to do "something."


It was very hot today and he's 14 years old, we don't have AC.  So I'm wondering if he was hot.  Or maybe going a little senile.  Or any other of a dozen reasons.  We've decided that we're going to make him up an area in the basement where it's much cooler, he'll have his food and water and an old, large futon.  There are also no open windows where noise can get out if he decides to let loose again.  When we go away we'll put him down there.


I found a funny card at the store that has a dog on it that looks just like him.  I wrote an apology, described what we're planning on doing and gave him my DH's cell phone number so he can get a hold of us if anything ever happens again.  I'm going over there to give it to them tomorrow.


Does this sound like a reasonable course of action?  Not over the top but not a blow off either?  They've been good neighbors and I want to keep the peace.

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You're being more than reasonable.


If this was a one-time thing and hadn't happened in the past, I'd say your neighbor was the one who was being a little unreasonable. I can understand him telling you there was a problem, but it sounds like he kept harping on it even after you apologized.


Obviously, if it had happened every time you left the house for the past several days or weeks, I could understand why he might have made a big deal out of it, but it doesn't sound like that was the case.

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You're being more than reasonable.


If this was a one-time thing and hadn't happened in the past, I'd say your neighbor was the one who was being a little unreasonable. I can understand him telling you there was a problem, but it sounds like he kept harping on it even after you apologized.


Obviously, if it had happened every time you left the house for the past several days or weeks, I could understand why he might have made a big deal out of it, but it doesn't sound like that was the case.


That's the thing.  I asked him a few times if this is the first time this has happened and he just kept going on about how annoying it was and how he could hear it "all the way" in his basement and how we had to do "something."  I never got an answer from him.  I got pretty annoyed myself and had try pretty hard to keep from getting snarky about my poor old dog.  


This behavior is very unusual for our neighbor, he's never acted like this before.  I'm assuming he just had a really bad day with the heat and our dog's howling.  


I've been swinging from feeling very bad that we annoyed him so badly to angry defensiveness that he's so upset at our elderly pup.

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Wow.  Would you be my neighbor please??  I have a neighbor that keeps their dog outside 24/7, 365 days a year.  Guess how often the dog barks.   :glare:  And guess who gets woken up multiple times a night because of it.   :cursing:   I called the dog warden, who wasn't helpful at all.  I called the police and obviously they weren't helpful either.  I did try calling the neighbor first and got an ear-full on how her dog does NOT bark all night long.   :confused1:   I then started calling them when the dog was actually barking, in the middle of the night.  Eventually they blew an air horn into the phone whenever I called.  I gave up and now just live with the fact that I'll just go to bed every night wondering if I'll actually get to sleep the night through or not.

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Does this sound like a reasonable course of action?  Not over the top but not a blow off either?  They've been good neighbors and I want to keep the peace.


Yes, it sounds very reasonable. I hope they appreciate that you are making truly big changes in an effort to smooth things over, and I hope that your dd (um, dear doggie) makes an easy adjustment.


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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I think you are being a wonderful neighbor and hopefully this will resolve any issues before they actually become a problem between you and your neighbor.  Poor doggie maybe was a bit hot and he is not a spring chicken anymore.  I hope the basement will be a good solution.  Does he do o.k. in the basement?  Big hugs to you both.

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I think you are being a wonderful neighbor and hopefully this will resolve any issues before they actually become a problem between you and your neighbor.  Poor doggie maybe was a bit hot and he is not a spring chicken anymore.  I hope the basement will be a good solution.  Does he do o.k. in the basement?  Big hugs to you both.


He really does seem to like it down there.  We have a big old futon and he's not allowed on the upstairs furniture, so whenever we're down there he sneaks up on it like he's getting away with something.  There's a big sliding door so he'll be able so see outside and the cat can get down there through her cat door so he won't always be alone.  He sleeps all day anyway, so I don't think he'll mind being down there for the few hours we're ever gone.  

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I agree that you're being very reasonable and pleasant. Just listening to your neighbor's concerns and not responding with some version of "too bad" is neighborly. Sounds like you're really making an effort to remedy the situation (and as the neighbor of an adorable but mouthy beagle, I thank you!).




So I'm wondering if he was hot.  Or maybe going a little senile.  Or any other of a dozen reasons.  We've decided that we're going to make him up an area in the basement where it's much cooler, he'll have his food and water and an old, large futon.  


Somebody make me feel better and tell me I wasn't the only one who initially thought this was referring to the neighbor.

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He really does seem to like it down there.  We have a big old futon and he's not allowed on the upstairs furniture, so whenever we're down there he sneaks up on it like he's getting away with something.  There's a big sliding door so he'll be able so see outside and the cat can get down there through her cat door so he won't always be alone.  He sleeps all day anyway, so I don't think he'll mind being down there for the few hours we're ever gone.  


Then it sounds like a very viable solution.  Honestly, I commend you on your efforts.  I hope the neighbor appreciates what you are doing on his behalf.

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Wow.  Would you be my neighbor please??  I have a neighbor that keeps their dog outside 24/7, 365 days a year.  Guess how often the dog barks.   :glare:  And guess who gets woken up multiple times a night because of it.   :cursing:   I called the dog warden, who wasn't helpful at all.  I called the police and obviously they weren't helpful either.  I did try calling the neighbor first and got an ear-full on how her dog does NOT bark all night long.   :confused1:   I then started calling them when the dog was actually barking, in the middle of the night.  Eventually they blew an air horn into the phone whenever I called.  I gave up and now just live with the fact that I'll just go to bed every night wondering if I'll actually get to sleep the night through or not.


I shouldn't laugh, but the air-horn thing is kind of funny.  The rest of it sucks, though.

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Hi all,


I was weeding my flowerbed tonight and my neighbor came over.  He was polite, but visibly quite upset.  He said our dog howled all day and that he could hear it in his basement and that it was very annoying.  He was exaggerating a bit since we were home all day except for morning and evening church, but our dog is a Beagle/Basset with a VERY annoying howling bark.  I apologized but he kept repeating how annoyed he was and how we had to do "something."


It was very hot today and he's 14 years old, we don't have AC.  So I'm wondering if he was hot.  Or maybe going a little senile.  Or any other of a dozen reasons.  We've decided that we're going to make him up an area in the basement where it's much cooler, he'll have his food and water and an old, large futon.  There are also no open windows where noise can get out if he decides to let loose again.  When we go away we'll put him down there.


I found a funny card at the store that has a dog on it that looks just like him.  I wrote an apology, described what we're planning on doing and gave him my DH's cell phone number so he can get a hold of us if anything ever happens again.  I'm going over there to give it to them tomorrow.


Does this sound like a reasonable course of action?  Not over the top but not a blow off either?  They've been good neighbors and I want to keep the peace.

I thought you meant that your neighbor is 14 years old.  I hate to admit, I spent some time trying to figure out how a 14 year old could be both hot and senile.  I must be tired!  I think you are a great neighbor.  I think I need to go to bed.....

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Honestly, it sounds like your neighbor has issues that causing the dog to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I doubt that he would have been that annoyed by your dog if other things were not wrong. That said, it does not make the barking less annoying, and I am glad your are being kind to both the dog and the neighbor. 

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I think you are *too* reasonable.


But oh well.


Your dumb neighbor didn't want to admit

it's the only time it's ever happened.


I think a dog howling in its own house has

every right to do so. The neighbor

was probably listening

for your dog when he was in the basement

of his house.


I think you're super awesome for going out of

your way to make an annoying guy happy.


Ummmm  I wouldn't jump to such conclusions.


We can hear a neighbor's dog bark any place in our house.  In our case, it's not usually an ongoing thing, though occasionally it goes on and on.  We can hear it quite clearly.  (We can also hear music from their house sometimes which is more of a problem.)  Maybe OP's neighbor is being unreasonable; maybe not.   I can't imagine though why anyone would assume he's sitting in his basement listening for the dog to bark. 


OP, I think you are doing a great thing.  I too hope your dog is OK.  We have a dog who barks at squirrels (doesn't bark much inside the house) and I can't stand the noise, so I can imagine it's even worse for neighbors. 

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A bowling a beagle is really difficult on the nerves and super loud. Your neighbor was probably nervous about confrontation, and that may be why he kept repeating himself.


I think your solution is a good one. Just acknowledging that something needed to be done was a good neighbor thing to do. If your dog likes the basement. Then I would do that. You may not

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I think your solution is wonderful, and I agree that your neighbor was repeating himself due to anxiety over confronting you.



I have a neighbor with a beagle that howls, brays, barks (sounds like a seal), and makes more noise than you can imagine when his family is away.  They are window open kind of people and the dog will be heard non stop when they leave; I would love it, if they would close the windows or let him stay in the basement when they leave. 


In all honesty, the dog sounds like it's dying or in extreme distress and it's very unnerving to listen to.

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Hi all,


I was weeding my flowerbed tonight and my neighbor came over. He was polite, but visibly quite upset. He said our dog howled all day and that he could hear it in his basement and that it was very annoying. He was exaggerating a bit since we were home all day except for morning and evening church, but our dog is a Beagle/Basset with a VERY annoying howling bark. I apologized but he kept repeating how annoyed he was and how we had to do "something."


It was very hot today and he's 14 years old, we don't have AC. So I'm wondering if he was hot. Or maybe going a little senile. Or any other of a dozen reasons. We've decided that we're going to make him up an area in the basement where it's much cooler, he'll have his food and water and an old, large futon. There are also no open windows where noise can get out if he decides to let loose again. When we go away we'll put him down there.


I found a funny card at the store that has a dog on it that looks just like him. I wrote an apology, described what we're planning on doing and gave him my DH's cell phone number so he can get a hold of us if anything ever happens again. I'm going over there to give it to them tomorrow.


Does this sound like a reasonable course of action? Not over the top but not a blow off either? They've been good neighbors and I want to keep the peace.

Sounds like you were very considerate. Could you also turn on a noisy box fan both to give the dog some stirring air and to muffle the noise ?

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I think you are *too* reasonable.


But oh well.


Your dumb neighbor didn't want to admit

it's the only time it's ever happened.


I think a dog howling in its own house has

every right to do so. The neighbor

was probably listening

for your dog when he was in the basement

of his house.


I think you're super awesome for going out of

your way to make an annoying guy happy.

I couldn't disagree more.    A neighbor shouldn't have to listen to a dog howling all day, it's rude and something needs to be done about.   The neighbor did the polite thing by coming and talking to the dog owner directly, and hoping she would fix it. 


 OP it seems like you are being reasonable and trying to fix this, and your neighbor is trying to be reasonable with you too.         

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I think it's great that your neighbor addressed it in such a direct manner, rather than playing passive-agressive games or calling the police. What you are doing with the note and the cell phone number is a great idea. 


I am too.  I do not take social cues well and if someone has a problem with me, I need to be told straight out or I'm oblivious.  So I am thankful that he came to me, what I'm hoping, was the first time this happened.


Though I do have my nose a bit out of joint today.  We were gone to evening church from 5:45 to 8:30.  My folks dropped by the house about 7:15 to see our new porch and Mom says Scout howled the whole time they were there, wanting to be let out with them.  So if he started howling when they got there and continued till we got home, that's only 1.25 hours, not "the whole day" like he claimed.  I'm still going to drop the card off and take the preventative measures we planned, but I feel like he's really blowing it all out of proportion.  *sigh*

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Could you please be my neighbor? We  have had a problem with a dog that comes and barks exactly at our fence all day starting as early as 6 and ending around midnight and it's been so awful. I wish they were as considerate as you are. You are being very nice and a fantastic neighbor. 

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You are a wonderful neighbour.  We've spent the last 9 months listening to "Mr Howly" for several hours every day.  I've actually had to pay rent on a small office space away from home because many of the children I work with find the noise distressing.  I've talked to the neighbours, called dog control (who will do something about it if it's ongoing, but apparently their system can only deal with barking, not howling).  The other neighbours have small children whose naps are disturbed by this dog.  It's making us all crazy!  It's also quite distressing because he sounds so sad.  So, um, yeah... you're a nice neghbour, and I hope it works.

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I am too.  I do not take social cues well and if someone has a problem with me, I need to be told straight out or I'm oblivious.  So I am thankful that he came to me, what I'm hoping, was the first time this happened.


Though I do have my nose a bit out of joint today.  We were gone to evening church from 5:45 to 8:30.  My folks dropped by the house about 7:15 to see our new porch and Mom says Scout howled the whole time they were there, wanting to be let out with them.  So if he started howling when they got there and continued till we got home, that's only 1.25 hours, not "the whole day" like he claimed.  I'm still going to drop the card off and take the preventative measures we planned, but I feel like he's really blowing it all out of proportion.  *sigh*


I think you're responding very reasonably and responsibly.


I wouldn't "pick" though at his use of the phrase "all day." It doesn't have to be literal. It could just mean a really long time. Imo, 1.25 hours of straight howling that I couldn't get away from would definitely affect my day-plus you said it could have happened in the morning, too. When I hit perimenopause, I could no longer filter noise into the background, so any noise competes directly for my attention with whatever else I'm doing. It's awful. If he's got something like that going on, it could affect him more than it would your average joe.



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I think you are *too* reasonable.


But oh well.


Your dumb neighbor didn't want to admit

it's the only time it's ever happened.


I think a dog howling in its own house has

every right to do so. The neighbor

was probably listening

for your dog when he was in the basement

of his house.


I think you're super awesome for going out of

your way to make an annoying guy happy.

Seriously!  I am guessing you have never lived next to a lonely hound dog.  They can howl, and howl and howl until you can't even hear a normal conversation in your own home!  We used to have a neighbor who would put his German Shepherd and Hound Dog out side, and then Rot next door would get the two started barking.  The two big dogs would bark over and over, but eventually stop.  The hound kept going.....long after everyone had stopped. And then when you thought finally, he ran out of energy, nope....he would start in again.

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