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People you thought were dead, but who are, in fact, alive:

Angie in VA

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I mean no disrespect by such a silly thread, but when I saw Erin Brockovich years ago, I was both surprised and delighted to see Albert Finney in it! I thought he was long dead! He's 78 and still alive. Not sure why I thought he was so much older?



A few years ago a friend saw Fiddler on the Roof starring, wait for it...Topol! In Texas at some on-the-road production. What? "Tevye" is still around? Wonderful! They made him look older for the movie, so I guess I thought he was older. He's 78 now.



Today, for some odd reason, I looked up Henry Kissinger and saw that he's still alive. He's 91 now. Wow. Just WOW!



Anyone you were (gladly) surprised to learn is still alive? Please tell me I'm not alone!




who has too much free time on her hands today, but baseball will take care of that starting tomorrow!



Edited for typos and edited the subject line for clarification for at least one board member, lol. ;)

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I actually didn't think he was dead.  I thought he was still working and was surprised to hear his voice just as it had always been on XM radio.......guess it was an OLD recording!





Until today, Casey Kasem.


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Years ago my sister, bil, dh, and I were sitting around talking about country music.  It came up in the conversation that dh thought Tammy Wynette was dead. The rest of us insisted she wasn't, but dh refused to believe us.  We called the local country station for confirmation of her status and they confirmed that she was very much alive.  We've teased him about that a lot over the past 20 yrs, especially when she actually did pass away.  


We don't trust his opinion on who is and isn't living.  But at least now we don't have to call the radio station, we just ask Siri!



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Nancy Reagan



I had to look this one up because I didn't believe it!


It's particularly odd because I would have said she died when I was in high school and I watched part of the funeral on TV because I was home sick.  Now I'm thinking that was Rose Kennedy but I'm not so sure.  Maybe I'm just imagining that also.

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A bit over a year ago all the tabloid and celebrity magainzes had covers saying "Goodbye Valerie Harper/Rhoda".  I didn't read the articles, just the headlines, so I assumed she'd already died (turns out she'd been given a couple of months to live tops).  So I was bit surprised when she showed up 6 months or so later on Dancing with the Stars.  (not something I would have expected someone dead to do).  Just saw her do an interview the other morning, and she's looking great.  Guess they jumped the gun quite a bit!

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I can get lost in this site!   And I often get caught be surprise when people die and I just assumed they were already dead.  


Whoa.  Suzanne Pleshette is dead.  I didn't expect that.


ETA:  Good news.  The entire cast of Full House is still alive.


I'm wasting too much time today!

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I had to look this one up because I didn't believe it!


It's particularly odd because I would have said she died when I was in high school and I watched part of the funeral on TV because I was home sick.  Now I'm thinking that was Rose Kennedy but I'm not so sure.  Maybe I'm just imagining that also.


If it was the mid 1990's it was Rose Kennedy. I was really surprised they had that funeral televised since she was just the mother of a President and not the wife.

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Kinda off topic but I remember the first report I ever had to write for school. I had to find a author and write about him. I remember getting a few books of his out of the library and getting really frustrated because I could not find his date of death. I was bewildered when my teacher said he did not have a date of death because he was still alive and writing books. I thought all books had been written a long time ago and the authors were long since dead.

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Today, for some odd reason, I looked up Henry Kissinger and saw that he's still alive. He's 91 now. Wow. Just WOW!



I would have sworn Kissinger was dead.  In fact, I looked it up myself to be sure after reading your post!  My mom met him through her job, and I am absolutely positive she and I discussed him a few years ago when he died.  :lol: :lol:  


(Now I'm wondering why on earth he would have come up in our conversation.)


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I would have sworn Kissinger was dead. In fact, I looked it up myself to be sure after reading your post! My mom met him through her job, and I am absolutely positive she and I discussed him a few years ago when he died. :lol: :lol:


(Now I'm wondering why on earth he would have come up in our conversation.)


Probably it started when you told her he died... ;)


Troublemaker. :D

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If it was the mid 1990's it was Rose Kennedy. I was really surprised they had that funeral televised since she was just the mother of a President and not the wife.


Those of us who understand why "just the mother of a president" had a televised funeral immediately out ourselves as being in a certain age bracket. ;)


As for the original question, I can't think of anyone in particular but it's happened fairly often that I'll hear of a celebrity's death and realize I didn't know the person was still alive.

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For years I thought Bill Nye was dead. When his PBS show went off the air here, someone somewhere said he had died of cancer. I was very surprised a few years later to see him very much alive. DS #1 got to meet him at his college.


And he was on Dancing with the Stars with Valerie Harper!  Except he didn't have cancer (or any other terminal illness) and he's almost 20 years younger than she is, and she still danced (and looked) better!  I can't believe he's only in his 50's - he looks way older.  He's only a few years older than dh.  Heavens, I'm glad dh is aging better than that!


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Those of us who understand why "just the mother of a president" had a televised funeral immediately out ourselves as being in a certain age bracket. ;)


As for the original question, I can't think of anyone in particular but it's happened fairly often that I'll hear of a celebrity's death and realize I didn't know the person was still alive.


Did they televise the funerals of other President's mothers? I can understand if and when they televise the funeral of Barbara Bush because is she is a President's wife and a mother of a President.

If I remember correctly Rose Kennedy died in the mid 90's when I was a teenager, maybe they had stuff in the 80's when I was a kid that I don't remember. It just always struck me as odd that they televised her funeral.

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Did they televise the funerals of other President's mothers? I can understand if and when they televise the funeral of Barbara Bush because is she is a President's wife and a mother of a President.

If I remember correctly Rose Kennedy died in the mid 90's when I was a teenager, maybe they had stuff in the 80's when I was a kid that I don't remember. It just always struck me as odd that they televised her funeral.


It's because the Kennedys were a well known and powerful family before JFK became president. It was more about the fact that she was the matriarch of a famous/powerful family than that she was the mother of a president. And it was about Camelot. Even though Camelot (the American version) wasn't actually real. It's hard to explain to those who didn't live through the American Camelot years.


My stepson, who is probably the same as as many of you, and maybe older than some of you, didn't understand why it was a big deal when JFK, Jr. (known to people of my generation always as John-John) died. Not that he didn't think it was sad, but he didn't get why it warranted the coverage it received.


Sorry for the derailment. I'll go back now to wearing frumpy clothes and yelling at kids to get off my lawn. ;)

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Mickey Rooney. I know he is officially dead now.. but I thought he died long ago. I was surprised when I saw the announcement.


Wow..seriously...Jerry Lewis is still alive? maybe it was because I watched him in black and white when I was a kid which made him seem older..I thought he was long gone.

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And he was on Dancing with the Stars with Valerie Harper!  Except he didn't have cancer (or any other terminal illness) and he's almost 20 years younger than she is, and she still danced (and looked) better!  I can't believe he's only in his 50's - he looks way older.  He's only a few years older than dh.  Heavens, I'm glad dh is aging better than that!


No Way, really?   :huh:

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I can get lost in this site! And I often get caught be surprise when people die and I just assumed they were already dead.

Thank you for this! The fact that this site exists proves I am not alone. Well, that and all the great responses. I thought Nancy Regan was dead too! I would look it up, but I must go spend a ton of time at this site. See you later!

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Yeah, I was sure Henry Kissinger was dead about 6 years ago and argued with my brother about it. I still am certain it was announced that he had died. Conspiracy theorist that I am. lol

I've had people tell me they thought I was dead.

They televised the funeral of Ted Kennedy.

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Mickey Rooney. I know he is officially dead now.. but I thought he died long ago. I was surprised when I saw the announcement.




Oh yeah. He's one of the ones I didn't know was alive. Dh and I were both surprised when he died because we both thought he was already dead.

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I remember being in school when our principal came on the intercom to tell us President Kennedy had been shot and he told all students to run home to be with their parents.  The nation was in shock.  So I understand televising Rose K's funeral and I understand why we sent our navy out searching for John-John.  England had it right when they called him the Prince of America. 

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Am I the only one who keeps reading the title of this thread as, "People thought you were dead, but you aren't"?


My first thought was, Now THAT is a weird problem!!

Want me to change it? My op is full of typos I need to correct anyway. (On my tablet and just misspelled "correct"!)


I will change it once I am on my desk top 'puter.


No way is Doris Day still alive!

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We have a running Abe Vigoda joke in our family, although he's sort of well known for being not-dead. You can even go to a website that gives you his dead/alive status.

We play that game too.  He looked ancient on Barney Miller when I was a kid.


Oy, the Six Million Dollar Man is 75 now.  I was so in love with Lee Majors when I was a kid.

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Kinda off topic but I remember the first report I ever had to write for school. I had to find a author and write about him. I remember getting a few books of his out of the library and getting really frustrated because I could not find his date of death. I was bewildered when my teacher said he did not have a date of death because he was still alive and writing books. I thought all books had been written a long time ago and the authors were long since dead.


This just happened to DD and I!   She had to write a report on Beverly Cleary, and she was an "old lady" when I read her books 25 years ago, so I naturally assumed she was dead.   We had a heck of time finding a year of death....because she's 98 and still going!!!!!


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This just happened to DD and I!   She had to write a report on Beverly Cleary, and she was an "old lady" when I read her books 25 years ago, so I naturally assumed she was dead.   We had a heck of time finding a year of death....because she's 98 and still going!!!!!



Yes, that's another one that I was surprised was still alive. Dd was on a kick of reading her books, and we looked up her biography. We found a fan mail address through her publisher, and Dd sent her a letter back in December, but have not heard back. That's kind of expected though, given her age. I just hope she received it and realizes that her books are very well loved even today. 

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