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JFSinIL Update


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I haven't been on the boards in a long while my sons graduated but I am a real life friend of JFSinIL for about 18 years.  Her son posted the other day and I am bringing y'all an update......


The latest update on Jody (JFSinIL) as of last night, She will be in ICU through at lease Monday and they think perhaps longer. Tentatively on Monday she will have surgery to repair her broken Tibia just below the knee. Surgery will only happen if her internal injuries are healed enough to give her the strength to endure the work that needs to be done on her leg. 

The hospital used a lift to get Jody sitting up in a chair for several hours yesterday. She looks stronger but is have hallucinations due amount and strength of the pain meds. So far they are sweet while I was there she thought there was a baby being christened in her room and she was excited about it. I suppose if you have to have such a reaction to meds that is a good one. So wish and pray that if this side effect continues it will remain sweet.

Her husband is suppose to come home today but he will be in a hospital bed that is now set up in their living room and he will have in home nursing staff to help him. I will not go out there today as her husband and kids will be there I will go back out Saturday.
It is about an 1.5 hour drive to the hospital she was airlifted to. Today am doing some phone errands, etc for JFS and posting this update

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Thank you for the update, Rebecca. It sounds like Jody has a long road ahead of her, and her injuries must be very serious if she will be in the ICU until Monday. :(


I hope and pray that she will make a complete recovery, and also that the pain medications will keep working for her.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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