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What is your obsession?

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After receiving such a warm welcome (and positive rep- I should have joined sooner) I thought I'd put a bit of myself out here, and hope some other people would join in as well.


I am an unabashed author stalker. Not in a scary way, there are no protection orders at this time, but I will cross state lines to see my favorite authors do a reading.


Perhaps I should call myself an enthusiast. I legitimize this by saying I'm a writer (my critique group says I have a great voice, which is similar to your mom telling you that you're pretty), but I'd do it even without the author aspirations.


And my tenacity has netted me a necklace made for me *personally* by Chuck Palahniuk. Okay, my friends couldn't get that worked up about it either, but my husband questioned what in the world I was writing to "that man".


So, that is my secret. Authors are my movie stars.


Do you have a secret obsession? Please don't leave me hanging out here...

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And my tenacity has netted me a necklace made for me *personally* by Chuck Palahniuk. Okay, my friends couldn't get that worked up about it either, but my husband questioned what in the world I was writing to "that man".



That's pretty cool. I would be excited by that! I guess I have the tri obsession, bks, movies, and music. I surround myself with all three.

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But hey, I sent my kid to school this year (gasp!) and I never was a classical homeschooler to begin with . . . guess I don't have much to lose by my stellar intellectual reputation . . .








here goes . . .








Yes, the cheesy TV series from the 80s. But only the first three seasons; I pretend the fourth season didn't exist. I have the DVDs (I use them to bribe myself to spend time on the treadmill). I read fanfiction. I may write a fanfic someday, I have several plot ideas.


Pathetic, and yet I can not find a reason not to enjoy my little hobby.


In my defense, there are all sorts of very deep and profound reasons for my attraction to Airwolf, including a brief period in my self-created adoptive child scenario which involved my biological father being a POW (because, surely, otherwise, he would have come looking for me, you see).


But mostly, I just really liked the helicopter.


Yeah, it was all about the helicopter. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


I'm going to sit here for a minute before I hit submit reply . . .

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(taking a big breath) --paper :001_tt1: (followed by words & information). I know, "geek alert" but I love paper...that's why this time of year is so *sweet*. I can get 500 sheets of wide-ruled for 50 cents or less!!! I'm a writer, too (see siggy) & love the sound and flow of words...even recently bought the book, The Sound of Paper by Julia Cameron, solely for the title of the book (& loved the cover design secondly, and thirdly, needed some inspiration for not getting blocked). I totally get the author as celebrity thing. I have an "artist date" to go see some local poets read their works at an indie bookstore this Thursday. The downside of loving paper? It's everywhere: little scrappies here with pithy notes, newspaper clippings there. Don't get me started on libraries (where all three of my obsessions come together) :w00t:

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That song is great! I would show it to my husband but I'm afraid it would hit too close to home. For our 10th anniversary we went to Portland, Or... so I could see Powell's City of Books.


I'm loving the responses: news anchors, paper, horses...Airwolf!


Thanks, Jenny, for thinking my necklace is cool. It really is the ugliest thing, unsuitable for public viewing, but sometimes I'll wear it around and the house and just feel special. :D

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This is going to sound unoriginal but I love books. Especially old ones that were probably somebody's gateway to a different world. I have Alfred Lord Tennyson's Poetical Works and it dates back to 1898 from when it was published, and in my own timeline 1989 when I found it in a Maine attic bookstore. I have read this book in pieces since I was 12! I still have a post-it note from when I was 14 in the front with poem titles on it.


Daydream p.97

M.Morning 281

Oi péovres 787 *Absolute favorite

Sonnet 787

Nothing Will Die 3

The Deserted House 15

Sonnet X of Juvenilia p26

The Flower 264


Oi peovres


All thoughts, all creeds, all dreams are true,

All vision wild and strange;

Man is the measure of all truth

Unto himself. All truth is change.

All men do walk in sleep, and all

Have faith in that they dream:

For all things are as they seem to all,

And all things flow like a stream.


There is no rest, no calm, no pause,

Nor good nor ill, nor light nor shade,

Nor essence nor eternal laws:

For nothing is, but all is made.


But if I dream that all these are,

They are to me for that I dream;

For all things are as they seem to all,

And all things flow like a stream.




When I realized we could use old books in our learning experience, just having an online free text is not enough for me. If I can afford it and find a decent priced copy that is in good condition- I will buy the book. The weight in my hands, the smell of the pages, the intimacy of sharing a world with the author- you cannot get that reading off a screen or a laser printed copy of a page.


Books have always a constant friend to me, always loyal and patient. I can scour Goodwill after Goodwill in search of a particular title on the same day or even through a longer period of time, and can spot a quality (living) book just by reading the synopsis (or review) on Amazon.

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My two biggest obsessions are....


BOOKS (I just had my own homeschool book sale and sold over 700 books...just my books...gosh, that is embarassing..but they were taking over our house and I need room so I can get MORE books! :lol:)




DESIGNER PURSES (I love designer purses, have an extensive Coach collection, some Burberry and my latest acquisition...a black patent leather Cole Haan bag...it makes me feel so girly! I will buy cheap clothes and shoes but I gotta have my nice purses!)

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This is going to sound unoriginal but I love books. Especially old ones that were probably somebody's gateway to a different world. I have Alfred Lord Tennyson's Poetical Works and it dates back to 1898 from when it was published, and in my own timeline 1989 when I found it in a Maine attic bookstore. I have read this book in pieces since I was 12! I still have a post-it note from when I was 14 in the front with poem titles on it.


When I realized we could use old books in our learning experience, just having an online free text is not enough for me. If I can afford it and find a decent priced copy that is in good condition- I will buy the book. The weight in my hands, the smell of the pages, the intimacy of sharing a world with the author-


Books have always a constant friend to me, always loyal and patient.


Jessica~ You & I could become fast friends. Excellent description of the Maine bookstore. I'm lovingly jealous of that find! You're exactly spot on about a book (the words, the feel, the smell)...ohhh, I must dash to a bookstore this instant! What a score on Tennyson's book. Maybe talking about our obsessions isn't a good thing afterall. I've got dinner to make! I actually get heart palpitations in a bookstore seeing all the creative thought and knowledge contained on paper!!

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My current obsession is eating all the chocolate and candy that we brought back from Belgium. Apparently my subconscious (that does not look right, but spell check says it is) has decided all that sugar must be consumed tout de suite. I can't walk past the pantry without sneaking some. :D My clothing is beginning to object, however. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, no one else said it, so I feel a bit strange, but my obsession is... my dd! I adore her, and, I think, more than just a normal mommy adore--not in a bad way, but from hearing moms talk about their kids here, I feel different than what they say. Because I honestly don't get tired of being with her--and I'm a single mom with NO help, homeschooling, with her having had a horrible, verbally and emotionally abusive dad, so she doesn't often go anywhere, especially in the last year (because of special circumstances) without me. And when she does I miss her (some). Although I've gotten to where I'm OK if she goes somewhere else for a while ;). But I truly love being with her, talking to her, doing things with her--as long as it isn't school!


School is another matter. Most of it is good. Some of it, not so good. When she starts whining, not so good.


But I would consider her my true obsession. Because when I am not with her, I think of her. I wonder what she is doing. If I have any extra money (which is not often) I spend it on her. Anything nice I do, is for her. Really, everything is for her. And that is how I think it should be :).

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I am an unabashed author stalker. Not in a scary way, there are no protection orders at this time, but I will cross state lines to see my favorite authors do a reading.


I legitimize this by saying I'm a writer (my critique group says I have a great voice, which is similar to your mom telling you that you're pretty)






My current obsession is my running time. I am working on cutting my mile down by 30 seconds. Doesn't sound like much I know, but when you are training for a marathon, its a big deal.


My marathon experience has been chronicled here and the fact that it was a disappointing finish is no secret. I plan on running it in '09 (too late for '08) and I want to finish well.:001_smile:

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My current obsession is my running time. I am working on cutting my mile down by 30 seconds. Doesn't sound like much I know, but when you are training for a marathon, its a big deal.


My marathon experience has been chronicled here and the fact that it was a disappointing finish is no secret. I plan on running it in '09 (too late for '08) and I want to finish well.:001_smile:


Elaine, I am in desperate need of your guidance. I tried the whole Couch to 5k thing, but the couch was so much more appealing.


Good luck on your training!

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My current obsession is finishing the two books I am in the middle of writing. I am almost halfway done with a rough draft of the first and have the second mostly written and outlined.


I even skipped a trip to the beach to spend a day alone working on it.


Perhaps one day you will stalk me. :D

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My current obsession is finishing the two books I am in the middle of writing. I am almost halfway done with a rough draft of the first and have the second mostly written and outlined.


I even skipped a trip to the beach to spend a day alone working on it.


Perhaps one day you will stalk me. :D


I will definitely be one of your fans, Paula!

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Gardening...I love gardening - the design, the selection process, the act of physically planting. I don't even mind weeding after the fact, so long as I am enjoying the fruit of my labor while doing it :D.


There are so many other more important things that need my attention right now, that I have not been able to do any real gardening on our new property - unpacking (thank God this is almost done), school planning (have to be done with this by the end of the month), general house upkeep, then there are the fence repairs, the chicken coop repairs, work on the pig barn, and MOWING. I figure I should be good to go on the gardening by spring! I actually bought a hydrangea one day, just so I could plant SOMETHING.



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My current obsession is finishing the two books I am in the middle of writing. I am almost halfway done with a rough draft of the first and have the second mostly written and outlined.


I even skipped a trip to the beach to spend a day alone working on it.


Perhaps one day you will stalk me. :D


I would have to get past my envy first...


I would be more than happy to stalk you! Erm, that just doesn't sound right, does it?


Good luck on reaching the finish line- I am in awe of every writer that works to a completed draft!

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Obsessions? Besides compulsive lesson planning and spice cabinets? Hmmmm.....I would have to say book lists. I have 5 different book lists going right now, and I'm almost finished with my 888 book list. I read a ton and I am very motivated by lists, and so that is one of my obsessions.

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I've laid awake many a night planning our purchase of this house. It's been on the market for more than a year and I. want. it. A lot. While at the same time I'm feelin' pretty peaceful about the fact that God might have something different for us. SO far it's still out there waiting for me.


Before that (well, before deciding we'd live in an already-built house in town instead of building) my obsession was designing the house we were going to build right down to the cement floors and bookshelf lined hallway and u-shaped floor plan.

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That Girl, a book recommendation for you: since you have your own writing group, I bet you'd get a kick out of Jincy Willett's The Writing Class.


While I have not actually crossed the state line to stalk an individual author (yet), I have gone out of state to attend writing conferences and have met writers there, as well as at many events across the state.


Outside all things literary, my obsessions are Dwight Yoakam (gone out of state for him many times and have met some incredible people because of him) and the 70s western Alias Smith and Jones. Via Alias Smith and Jones fandom I met a published writer who turned out to be Dwight Yoakam's second cousin. She's been to my house. I love when my obsessions intertwine like that.


I've written fanfic as well and published literary fiction and poetry and journalism. Genre's not important, in my opinion, just the quality.

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Forensics. Yup. I'll admit it. I'm a sick puppy. I will read anything related to crime detection. I watch CSI. All of them. Over. And Over. And Over. I've even considered going back to school but I really don't have the time, money or energy. And it would be a waste of money, because I would probably never work. I am a mommy! I love to read about serial killers and how they tracked them.


My dream would be to go to school, and do a quarter at the Body Farm and some study at Quantico. I am a sicko :D

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I love Law and Order. I watch the DVDs while I clean the bedroom or fold laundry. It's why my bedroom is almost always clean.


I'm a beginng gardener and having so much fun plotting my well, plots. And planning and researching heirloom plants... and canning, oh I love the canning!


We're a Webkinz family too. I just love those little guys, on the computer when the kids are in bed and lined up in the living room going to prties and school with the kids.


I belong to two book clubs in "real life" because I love, love, love to read.


I'm a foodie too. I actually have friend come and stay just to exeprience where I love to eat and to try my home canned stuff. I'm going to our Epicurean Classic next month and I dream about the classes.


And lastly, our little zoo. We have hermit crabs, a parrot, four cats, three fish, and a dog. We're adding rabbits next spring and over the winter, either a tortoise or a saltwater aquarium.



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I love boxes of all kinds- large and utilitarian, small-to-medium sized and decorative, made of wood or paper, painted, lacquered, plain. I also love bowls. Ceramic or wooden or glass. I just like anything that can be used to hide or store something else.


I don't indulge my passions very often, and I am not overly sentimental so I will sometimes replace a container with a new one, but I am not a fan of clutter- so mostly I just enjoy what I have.


I like to look at my boxes and bowls; just staring at them brings me contentment.


And, I like books too, but again, I only keep the best ones for my shelves because I don't have tons of shelving/storage, and I do not like clutter.

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Local news anchors. I saw one at a gas station and practically giggled I was so excited. A news anchor? I know...


One of the major news anchors in Houston goes to our church. It's funny to hear him talk in class because he's not using his "news anchor voice". When he makes announcements in services, he does.


Are you jealous? :D

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Those of you who are bargain shoppers will understand me. And my husband has learned a whole new set of words over the last few years...


CVS, ECBs, CRTs, Walgreens, Register Rewards, Catalinas, Red Plum, Smart Source, P&G, Taylortown, Internet Printables, Double Edition, Early Edition, overage, doubles, triples, bricks coupons, coupon binders, baseball card holders, collating, stapling, clipping, beeping, expireds, I could go on and on.


Saving money on groceries and household items is an obsession. Although...if I had all the money in the world, I think I'd find a new hobby. I'd still try to be frugal, mind you, but I'd ease up a bit. I get a physiological high from snagging a great deal.

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(and Orlando Bloom).


:lol: Oh yeah! :D



My obsession right now is decluttering - trying to really and truly simplify. We've made so much progress but I still feel like I have far to go. It's spurred on mostly by necessity - 7 homeschooling people in a poorly laid out 1200 sq ft house.


I used to have a serious curriculum obsession, but I think my simplyfying needs are winning out.

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