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Malaysia Airlines flight missing


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North or South?


Vietnam is not split up. (ETA: oops I thought you mean north or south as in political boundaries)


The Malaysia main newspaper has no update yet :(




"China's CCTV said 160 Chinese nationals were onboard the flight, according to microblogging website Weibo.

Chinese state TV also reported there had not been any reports received yet about any aircraft crashed in Chinese waters.
State news agency Xinhua reported radar contact with the flight was lost while it was in Vietnamese airspace."
No update on MAS website either.
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It may have been over water????


An official at the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) said the plane had failed to check in as scheduled at 1721 GMT (12.21 p.m. ET) while it was flying over the sea between Malaysia and Ho Chi Minh city.

"It's code didn't appear in our system," Bui Van Vo, the CAAV's flight control department manager, told Reuters by telephone.

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You would think that they would have wanted to either land somewhere or crash somewhere important and there would be some reports.


That is my the explosion makes more sense to me (although that could also be part of a terrorist attack type situation.)





Hijacking and turned off transponder? I wonder if anyone important was on board.


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Hijacking and turned off transponder? I wonder if anyone important was on board.


Considering that a Boeing 777 crashed in SFO last summer, I would assume technical problems before anything else (ETA: as in terrorism and what not).


The MY defence minister has requested people not to speculate.

"KUALA LUMPUR: Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein in his tweet urged members of the public to not speculate news on the “missing†Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 flight." (New Straits Times)


Below is the nationalities breakdown of the passengers and crew from New Straits Times (Malaysia's newspaper).


"KUALA LUMPUR: MAS flight MH370 was carrying a total number of 239 passengers and crew – comprising 227 passengers (including 2 infants), 12 crew members. The passengers were of 14 different nationalities - citizens from:


1.    China – 152 plus 1 infant

2.    Malaysia - 38

3.    Indonesia - 12

4.    Australia - 7

5.    France - 3

6.    United States of America – 3 pax plus 1 infant

7.    New Zealand - 2

8.    Ukraine - 2

9.    Canada - 2

10.  Russia - 1

11.  Italy - 1

12.  Taiwan - 1

13.  Netherlands - 1

14.  Austria - 1"



Link to incomplete list of missing passengers



The news page for MH370 on Malaysia's newspaper. Multinational Search and Rescue teams have already been deployed.


Edited by Arcadia in CA
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But that was pilot error.



Considering that a Boeing 777 crashed in SFO last summer, I would assume technical problems before anything else.


The MY defence minister has requested people not to speculate.

"KUALA LUMPUR: Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein in his tweet urged members of the public to not speculate news on the “missing†Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 flight." (New Straits Times)


Below is the nationalities breakdown of the passengers and crew from New Straits Times (Malaysia's newspaper).


"KUALA LUMPUR: MAS flight MH370 was carrying a total number of 239 passengers and crew – comprising 227 passengers (including 2 infants), 12 crew members. The passengers were of 14 different nationalities - citizens from:


1.    China – 152 plus 1 infant

2.    Malaysia - 38

3.    Indonesia - 12

4.    Australia - 7

5.    France - 3

6.    United States of America – 3 pax plus 1 infant

7.    New Zealand - 2

8.    Ukraine - 2

9.    Canada - 2

10.  Russia - 1

11.  Italy - 1

12.  Taiwan - 1

13.  Netherlands - 1

14.  Austria - 1"


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I read theories on news sites that it could have been a possible sudden explosion because there were a lot of backup systems in the 777 that could have been activated in any other situation. Apparently, the only time when the crew cannot activate all the rescue signals or the power backups is when they did not have even few seconds to respond.

This is such a horrible tragedy. My heart goes out to all those families.

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No news from Search and Rescue yet. Hubby is on business trip in China and no one is in the mood to work waiting for updates. It is now 4pm Beijing time there.
I don't feel like sleeping either, used to take Malaysian Airlines regularly to Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Flew Singapore to Beijing too. Just feeling sad.

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Thought I would wake up to some news.  They still have no idea.  


Sudden explosion makes the most sense to me.  Even the plane that went down in the Pacific had distress calls going out up until they went in to the ocean.


Can't imagine what their loved ones are going through not knowing yet what has happened.

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Two of the passports were used by someone else. The Italian and Austrian had their passports stolen some time ago, weren't on the planes and someone else used them.  I got this from Drudge and here is the link-- http://news.yahoo.com/stolen-european-passports-missing-plane-150519884.html;_ylt=AwrBEiJtMxtTYW8AUjTQtDMD  .   It is an AP story.

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Recent news suggests that the lack of a debris field might point to the fact that an explosion did not occur (I.e., a bomb). The Vietnamese military has spotted two oil slicks, and as I said, no debris field around those oil slicks. An Air Force officer indicated in the news a few minutes ago that the oil slick and no debris field point to possibly crashing into the South China Sea.....which does not mean that the aircraft was not forced down in a terrorist act. (I do not know how to do smilies on my ipad but I am heartbroken about all this).


Malaysia Airlines has an excellent safety record according what I have heard last night and this morning and the Boeing 777 has a good safety record. The crew was, from what I have learned, extremely experienced.


This hits so close to home because of the affection our family has for Heather and her family when they visited and we got to know each other.......actually, it was like we had always known each other. It was fascinating to hear them speak of Malaysia and how they dispelled all of our incorrect ideas about that part of the world. Additionally, because of heather and Co., ds13 is doing his Adopt a Country semester long project on Malaysia. He and I have learned so much about this beautiful country in the past couple of months......history, geography. As we listen to the news, we know where every location is.


Prayers for everyone affected by this terrible event.

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My friends have been notified by the consulate. Their oldest son was moving to Beijing with his work and was on that flight.


Brings the reality of the tragedy very close to home.


I'm so sorry. I remember when a large plane went into a mountain outside of Juneau in the 70s, everyone knew someone on the plane or someone who knew someone. It's so hard.

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My friends have been notified by the consulate. Their oldest son was moving to Beijing with his work and was on that flight.


Brings the reality of the tragedy very close to home.


:crying: So sad...

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My heart goes out to the families of those on this flight.  However, I'm very disturbed by all the images of grieving families in airports that are plastered all over.  Surrounding a crying relative with dozens of cameras is just wrong.  Is there no shame left in the media?

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My heart goes out to the families of those on this flight. However, I'm very disturbed by all the images of grieving families in airports that are plastered all over. Surrounding a crying relative with dozens of cameras is just wrong. Is there no shame left in the media?

No, there is not.

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My heart goes out to the families of those on this flight. However, I'm very disturbed by all the images of grieving families in airports that are plastered all over. Surrounding a crying relative with dozens of cameras is just wrong. Is there no shame left in the media?

I was thinking the same yesterday last night when they posted a guy and a lady. People surrounding them look like they are watching a show.

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I read that the airlines is in financial trouble and had major cutbacks.

I read that too. Been in aircraft industry means the maintenance might be delayed. Or they use after market part / reverse engineered parts to save money.. Even through they look exactly the same.. Or sound like the same on paper.. Big no no...

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I was thinking the same yesterday last night when they posted a guy and a lady. People surrounding them look like they are watching a show.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but in the u.s. the cameras are no longer allowed to be in the area with the families. This was decided after the PanAm flight was blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland.


When the news of that tragedy was just breaking, the New York Networks were showing live footage of families arriving at Kennedy Airport and receiving this horrible news. That same night, it was announced that those moments would no longer be taped.......understandably so.


And, I do understand that decisions made here years ago do not apply to other countries.


It is awful to see those people in so much pain.

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Please correct me if I am wrong, but in the u.s. the cameras are no longer allowed to be in the area with the families. This was decided after the PanAm flight was blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland.


When the news of that tragedy was just breaking, the New York Networks were showing live footage of families arriving at Kennedy Airport and receiving this horrible news. That same night, it was announced that those moments would no longer be taped.......understandably so.


And, I do understand that decisions made here years ago do not apply to other countries.


It is awful to see those people in so much pain.

I agree with you. They should give the family the basic respect .


I have no idea what is the policy in Malaysia or China. In either case, I do not believe they think like US. ( I am a Chinese.. From Taiwan. )

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I agree with you. They should give the family the basic respect .


I have no idea what is the policy in Malaysia or China. In either case, I do not believe they think like US. ( I am a Chinese.. From Taiwan. )

I have no idea either.........we don't have tv in our home now, but I can recall the Lockerbie images as if it was yesterday. Hopefully there will be a voice of reason and respect and the families will be given privacy. It is so sad.

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