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I am never leaving the house again!

Mom in High Heels

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So, after today and my Walmart incident the other day, I've decided I'm never leaving the house again. I stopped by the vitamin store today to pick up a few things. I came out about 15 or so minutes later and a car was parked about 18" from mine on the passenger side. I mumbled a few unkind words as I very carefully backed out. I saw that the door was partially opened and thought a few more things while I turned my wheel sharply to keep the door from scraping my car. When I got out of the space, I hopped out of my car to make sure it wasn't scratched and saw that there was an old man on the ground by the door! I almost had a heart attack. I ran over to him (not too close, because you never know), to find out what was wrong, and he had slipped trying to get into his car and couldn't get himself up. An air force officer saw him and came running to help (you could not see the older man between the cars, I guess). The AF guy and a teenager got the man up, who then tried to leave, saying he was fine and just needed to get home. The AF guy told him that an ambulance was on the way (he's been on the phone with 911 while he was running over to help), so he needed to stay. We convinced the old guy to stay, and called his son to let him know what had happened. The paramedics said there was nothing broken, but wanted to check him out to make sure nothing else was wrong (the son was going to meet him at the hospital). The guy kept thanking me and shaking my hand, despite the fact that I actually didn't do anything, and asking me if *I* was okay. I was shaking like a leaf, because I knew if I hadn't turned my car hard, I would have run over him. Good grief. I've decided I'm going to become a hermit and order everything online. This place is weird and dangerous.

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Forget about things coming in threes.  :leaving:


You shut your mouth!!!!  I don't think my nerves could take any more!


I'm thinking you can order cases of kit-kat bars from Amazon.


So glad you hopped out of your car then!


Perhaps we should all buy stock in Mars?


oh my goodness!!!  I can't imagine.  Thank goodness he was okay.  I hope you can get some sleep tonight.


Oh, I'll sleep just fine!  I've used up my complete reserve of adrenaline, and I've now had a glass of wine.

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Have I suddenly become a magnet for bazaar events?  


Is there a camera crew following you making TV episodes?  I've often wondered how stars (like Monk) could run into "situations" wherever they went - even on seemingly trivial errands or trips...


Maybe you're making me a "believer."  ;)


ps  REALLY glad this one worked out well - the last one too...

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When a car is parked next to you and its door is partially opened making it difficult for you to exit your parking space, check around your car to see what is going on before you move your car.  Look around your vehicle to make sure there are no human or animal obstructions to your goal of leaving the parking lot.


Meanwhile, you are lucky you didn't hit the old man.  Not just because of him, but because you would have felt terrible about it, especially since mindfulness about your surroundings could have prevented an accident.


Before I drive out of a parking space, I look around my vehicle.  I also look into the vehicles parked next to me to make sure that someone isn't about to get out of his car, or that the person next to me isn't about to pull out at the same time I am.  I check to make sure that another car isn't about to pull in next to me as I am pulling out.


It only takes half a minute to do this.  99.9% of the time everything is okay.  The other .1% of the time, I have avoided a potential accident.  It doesn't matter whose fault that would be -- what matters is keeping me and other people safe.


I am really happy for you that this incident turned out well. 


Please don't feel unjustly accused.  I realize that a one-time incident does not mean that you are not cognizant of your surroundings.  I am not painting you as a villain here, and accidents and potential accidents can happen to us all, no matter how vigilant we are. This is more of a PSA and a some soapboxing because I have seen too many kids nearly get hit by cars in parking lots over the years, have watched too many near-accidents, and have a friend who recently got hit by a pick-up truck as it backed out of a parking space.


IOW, I am extra vigilant in parking lots, and I think it would behoove everyone to take that that few seconds to avert a potential accident.



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Parking lots absolutely drive me nuts.  My kids have listened to many tirades about how how hard they are  to navigate safely.  And now you've added to my repertoire!


Seriously, though, just stay home and re-watch all of Sherlock.  There's no need to ever leave your house unless BC himself shows up in your town.

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Parking lots absolutely drive me nuts.  My kids have listened to many tirades about how how hard they are  to navigate safely.  And now you've added to my repertoire!


Seriously, though, just stay home and re-watch all of Sherlock.  There's no need to ever leave your house unless BC himself shows up in your town.


You are a genius.  Why didn't I think of that?  Time to curl up with a cup of tea and Sherlock.

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Wow, how frightening! I'm so glad everything turned out okay! I actually took out the fence at Ds10's school several years ago when my flip flop got caught on the accelerator, and it was terrifying. There weren't any kids on the playground an no one got hurt, but it made me realize how very quickly things can go wrong, and to never, ever drive in flip flops or sandals.

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SInce the time I originally read this thread I went some where, swerved to avoid another car, and hit a yield sign.  No one hurt, but my car is banged up.  I'm joining Mom in High Heels on the couch with tea and Sherlock.  Well, joining in spirit, since I sort of don't ever want to drive again.


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SInce the time I originally read this thread I went some where, swerved to avoid another car, and hit a yield sign.  No one hurt, but my car is banged up.  I'm joining Mom in High Heels on the couch with tea and Sherlock.  Well, joining in spirit, since I sort of don't ever want to drive again.


Holy, crap!  Are you okay?  We'll have a virtual sit on the sofa with tea and watch Sherlock!

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SInce the time I originally read this thread I went some where, swerved to avoid another car, and hit a yield sign.  No one hurt, but my car is banged up.  I'm joining Mom in High Heels on the couch with tea and Sherlock.  Well, joining in spirit, since I sort of don't ever want to drive again.


Glad you're ok!  I hope this thread isn't contagious...


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Forget about things coming in threes.  :leaving:

:iagree:  A girl fainted in front of me at a restaurant.  Bam..  fell on the floor. 

Next, at we were at a church and a lady had fallen outside and was bleeding.

Last, at another church, a man has heart attack right in front of us. 


Thankfully, that was the end of the people falling and getting hurt.  I will tell you though, every.single.time.  I was an emotional wreak and had trouble not crying. 

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Mercury's retrograde until 2/28, so you only need to stay home watching Sherlock til then.  After that, you can go out and get as many Kit Kats as you want.  


Dh got out of the car this morning to scrape the back window, except the car was in drive.  Fortunately he was able to jump back in and stop it before it either ran over him, scraping the back window, or rolled down into the street.  Mercury retrogrades reputedly complicate communication, travel, best-laid plans....  



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Benedict sends his sympathies. 




Oh, Ben, I knew you would understand!  If you come to my house (because I'm not leaving) we can comfort each other.  


I think I might have joined him in the ambulance with a heart attack....


It was a near thing.  I knew I hadn't hurt him, but still, the possibility of it just about did me in!


I'm sorry, but I think I'm never going to read one of your threads again since it appears your bad luck is contagious.  


I'll miss you! 


No, don't leave me!  I need your support.


Mercury's retrograde until 2/28, so you only need to stay home watching Sherlock til then.  After that, you can go out and get as many Kit Kats as you want.  


Dh got out of the car this morning to scrape the back window, except the car was in drive.  Fortunately he was able to jump back in and stop it before it either ran over him, scraping the back window, or rolled down into the street.  Mercury retrogrades reputedly complicate communication, travel, best-laid plans....  




Damn you Mercury!  Go away!  I don't need your nonsense!

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:iagree:  A girl fainted in front of me at a restaurant.  Bam..  fell on the floor. 

Next, at one church and a lady had fallen outside and was bleeding.

Last, at another church, man has heart attack right in front of us. 


Thankfully, that was the end of the people falling and getting hurt.  I will tell you though, every.single.time.  I was an emotional wreak and had trouble not crying. 



That's overwhelming !  I'm glad things have calmed down. 

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